Library topsy_hmAlloc_prg

Require Import ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import eqtype.
Require Import bipl.
Require Import expr_b_dp.
Require Import topsy_hm.
Require Import ZArith.

Import seplog_Z_m.assert_m.expr_m.
Import seplog_Z_m.

Local Open Scope seplog_expr_scope.
Local Open Scope seplog_cmd_scope.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Definition ENTRYSIZE (x tmp : var.v) :=
  tmp <-* x -.> next ;
  tmp <- var_e tmp \- var_e x \- cst_e 2;
  If (nat_e 0 \> var_e tmp) Then
    tmp <- nat_e 0

Definition findFree (size : nat) (entry fnd sz stts : var.v) :=
  entry <- var_e hmStart;
  stts <-* (entry -.> status);
  fnd <- cst_e 0;
  while.while (var_e entry \!= null \&& var_e fnd \!= cst_e 1) (
    stts <-* (entry -.> status);
    ENTRYSIZE entry sz;
    If (var_e stts \= Free \&& var_e sz \>= nat_e size) Then
      (fnd <- cst_e 1)
      (entry <-* (entry -.> next))).

original version
Definition compact' (cptr nptr brk tmp cstts nstts : var.v) :=
  while.while (var_e cptr \!= null) (
    nptr <-* (cptr -.> next) ;
    brk <- nat_e 1 ;
    cstts <-* (cptr -.> status) ;
    while.while (var_e cstts \= Free \&& var_e nptr \!= null \&& var_e brk \= nat_e 1) (
       nstts <-* (nptr -.> status) ;
       If (var_e nstts \!= Free) Then (
          brk <- nat_e 0
       ) Else (
         tmp <-* nptr -.> next;
         cptr -.> next *<- var_e tmp ;

         nptr <- (var_e tmp)
    ) ;
    cptr <-* (cptr -.> next)

optimized version
Definition compact (cptr nptr stts : var.v) :=
  while.while (var_e cptr \!= null) (
    stts <-* (cptr -.> status) ;
    (If (var_e stts \= Free) Then (
      nptr <-* (cptr -.> next) ;
      stts <-* (nptr -.> status) ;
      while.while (var_e stts \= Free) (
        stts <-* (nptr -.> next);
        (cptr -.> next) *<- var_e stts ;
        nptr <- var_e stts ;
        stts <-* (nptr -.> status)))
      skip) ;
      cptr <-* (cptr -.> next)).

Definition LEFTOVER : nat := 8%nat.

entry contains the address of a free entry, size is the size we want to allocate
Definition split (entry : var.v) (size : nat) (cptr sz : var.v) :=
  ENTRYSIZE entry sz;
  (If (var_e sz \>= (nat_e size \+ nat_e LEFTOVER \+ nat_e 2)) Then (
    cptr <- var_e entry \+ nat_e 2 \+ nat_e size ;
    sz <-* (entry -.> next) ;
    (cptr -.> next) *<- var_e sz ;
    (cptr -.> status) *<- Free ;
    (entry -.> next) *<- var_e cptr)
  (entry -.> status) *<- Allocated.

Definition HM_ALLOCFAILED := cst_e 0.
Definition HM_ALLOCOK := cst_e 1.

alignment calculus ignored (not relevant to verification)
Definition hmAlloc (result : var.v) (size : nat) (entry cptr fnd stts nptr sz : var.v) :=
  result <- null;
  findFree size entry fnd sz stts;
  (If (var_e entry \= null) Then (
    cptr <- var_e hmStart;
    compact cptr nptr stts;
    findFree size entry fnd sz stts
  ) Else
  If (var_e entry \= null) Then (
    result <- HM_ALLOCFAILED
  ) Else (
    split entry size cptr sz;
    result <- var_e entry \+ nat_e 2