Library sgoto
Require Import Wf_nat Lia.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
Require Import seq_ext goto.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
Require Import seq_ext goto.
Declare Scope sgoto_scope.
Module SGoto (while_semop_deter_m : while.WHILE_SEMOP_DETER).
Module Import goto_deter_m := Goto_Deter while_semop_deter_m.
Import goto_m.
Import while_semop_deter_m.
Inductive scode : Type :=
| sO : scode
| sC : label -> cmd0 -> scode
| sB : label -> branch -> scode
| sS : scode -> scode -> scode.
Notation "c '[+]' d" := (sS c d) (at level 69, right associativity) : sgoto_scope.
Local Open Scope sgoto_scope.
Fixpoint sdom sc :=
match sc with
| sO => nil | sC l _ => l :: nil | sB l _ => l :: nil
| sc1 [+] sc2 => sdom sc1 ++ sdom sc2
Lemma sdom_dec : forall sc, { sdom sc = nil } + { sdom sc <> nil }.
- by left.
- move=> *; by right.
- move=> *; by right.
- move=> s [Hs | Hs] s0 [Hs0 | Hs0] /=.
- rewrite Hs Hs0 /=; by left.
- by rewrite Hs /=; right; auto.
- by rewrite Hs0 /= cats0; right.
- right=> X; by destruct (sdom s).
Lemma lbl_sdom_dec : forall sc l, { List.In l (sdom sc) } + { ~ List.In l (sdom sc) }.
- by auto.
- move=> /= l _ l0; case (label_dec l l0).
+ by auto.
+ move=> X; right; contradict X; by case: X.
- move=> /= l _ l0; case (label_dec l l0).
+ by auto.
+ move=> X; right; contradict X; by case: X.
- move=> s IH s0 IH' l; case: (IH l); case: (IH' l)=> l_s0 l_s.
+ by left; apply List.in_or_app; auto.
+ by left; apply List.in_or_app; auto.
+ by left; apply List.in_or_app; auto.
+ right; contradict l_s0.
rewrite /= in l_s0; apply List.in_app_or in l_s0; by case: l_s0.
Lemma not_in_sdom_sS m c d : ~ List.In m (sdom (c [+] d)) -> ~ List.In m (sdom d).
Proof. move=> /= H; contradict H. apply List.in_or_app; by right. Qed.
Lemma not_in_sdom_sS' m c d : ~ List.In m (sdom (c [+] d)) -> ~ List.In m (sdom c).
Proof. move=> /= H; contradict H. apply List.in_or_app; by left. Qed.
Structured code is wellformed when instructions all have different labels:
Inductive wellformed : scode -> Prop :=
| wf_sO : wellformed sO
| wf_sC : forall x y, wellformed (sC x y)
| wf_sB : forall x y, wellformed (sB x y)
| wf_sS : forall sc1 sc2, disj (sdom sc1) (sdom sc2) ->
wellformed sc1 -> wellformed sc2 -> wellformed (sc1 [+] sc2).
Lemma wellformed_inv_L sc1 sc2 : wellformed (sc1 [+] sc2) -> wellformed sc1.
Proof. by inversion 1. Qed.
Lemma wellformed_inv_R sc1 sc2 : wellformed (sc1 [+] sc2) -> wellformed sc2.
Proof. by inversion 1. Qed.
Lemma wellformed_In_L sc0 sc1 l : wellformed (sc0 [+] sc1) ->
List.In l (sdom sc0) -> ~ List.In l (sdom sc1).
Proof. move=> H H'; inversion H; subst; by apply (proj1 (H2 l)). Qed.
Lemma wellformed_In_R sc0 sc1 l : wellformed (sc0 [+] sc1) ->
List.In l (sdom sc1) -> ~ List.In l (sdom sc0).
Proof. move=> H H'; inversion H; subst; move: (proj1 (H2 l)); tauto. Qed.
Lemma wellformed_neu sc : wellformed sc -> wellformed (sc [+] sO).
Proof. move=> H. apply wf_sS => //; by [apply disj_nil_R | constructor]. Qed.
Lemma wellformed_ass sc0 sc1 sc2 :
wellformed ((sc0 [+] sc1) [+] sc2) -> wellformed (sc0 [+] sc1 [+] sc2).
inversion_clear 1.
rewrite /= in H0.
inversion_clear H1.
apply wf_sS => //.
- case/disj_app_inv : H0 => H5 H6.
apply disj_sym => /=.
apply disj_app; split; by apply disj_sym.
- apply wf_sS => //.
by case/disj_app_inv : H0.
Lemma wellformed_ass' sc0 sc1 sc2 :
wellformed (sc0 [+] sc1 [+] sc2) -> wellformed ((sc0 [+] sc1) [+] sc2).
inversion_clear 1.
inversion_clear H2.
rewrite /= in H0; move/disj_sym : H0.
case/disj_app_inv => sc1_sc0 sc2_sc0.
apply wf_sS => //=.
- apply disj_app; split => //; by apply disj_sym.
- apply wf_sS => //; by apply disj_sym.
The forgetful function forgets the structure of the code, effectively turning a piece
of SGoto code into a piece of Goto code:
Fixpoint U sc :=
match sc with
| sO => nil | sC l c => (l, C c) :: nil | sB l b => (l, B b) :: nil
| sc1 [+] sc2 => U sc1 ++ U sc2
Lemma sdom_dom : forall sc, sdom sc = unzip1 (U sc).
Proof. elim=> //= s -> s0 ->; by rewrite /unzip1 map_cat. Qed.
Lemma In_U_In_sdom sc l i : List.In (l, i) (U sc) -> List.In l (sdom sc).
Proof. move=> H. rewrite sdom_dom; by apply/List.in_map_iff; exists (l, i). Qed.
Lemma U_ass sc0 sc1 sc2 : U ((sc0 [+] sc1) [+] sc2) = U (sc0 [+] sc1 [+] sc2).
Proof. move=> /=. by rewrite -catA. Qed.
Lemma wellformed_wellformed_goto sc : wellformed sc -> wellformed_goto (U sc).
elim => //.
- move=> x y l i i' [] [] ? ? [] [] ? ?; by subst.
- move=> x y l i i' [] [] ? ? [] [] ? ?; by subst.
- move=> p q Hinter Hwf_p Hwf_goto_p Hwf_q Hwf_goto_q l i i' /=.
case/(List.in_app_or _ _ _) => i_p.
+ case/(List.in_app_or _ _ _) => i'_p.
* by apply Hwf_goto_p with l.
* exfalso.
apply: (proj1 (Hinter l)); by [apply In_U_In_sdom with i | apply In_U_In_sdom with i'].
+ case/(List.in_app_or _ _ _) => i'_p.
* exfalso.
apply: (proj1 (Hinter l)); by [apply In_U_In_sdom with i' | apply In_U_In_sdom with i].
* by apply Hwf_goto_q with l.
We can now define the semantics of SGoto. The inductive type below corresponds to Figure 2
(Natural semantics rules of SGoto) in
[Saabas&Uustalu2007]. Note that there is an
additional constructor for error propagation.
printing >-
Reserved Notation "s >- p ---> t" (at level 70, no associativity).
Local Open Scope goto_scope.
Inductive exec_sgoto : scode -> lstate -> lstate -> Prop :=
| exec_sgoto_none : forall c, None >- c ---> None
| exec_sgoto_cmd0 : forall l c s s', c ||- Some (l, s) ---> s' -> Some (l, s) >- sC l c ---> s'
| exec_sgoto_jmp : forall l s l', l <> l' -> Some (l, s) >- sB l (jmp l') ---> Some (l', s)
| exec_sgoto_cjmp_true : forall l s b l',
eval_b b s -> l <> l' -> Some (l, s) >- sB l (cjmp b l') ---> Some (l', s)
| exec_sgoto_cjmp_false : forall l s b l',
~~ eval_b b s -> Some (l, s) >- sB l (cjmp b l') ---> Some (S l, s)
| exec_sgoto_seq0 : forall sc1 sc2 l s s' s'', List.In l (sdom sc1) -> Some (l, s) >- sc1 ---> s' ->
s' >- sc1 [+] sc2 ---> s'' -> Some (l, s) >- sc1 [+] sc2 ---> s''
| exec_sgoto_seq1 : forall sc1 sc2 l s s' s'', List.In l (sdom sc2) -> Some (l, s) >- sc2 ---> s' ->
s' >- sc1 [+] sc2 ---> s'' -> Some (l, s) >- sc1 [+] sc2 ---> s''
| exec_sgoto_refl : forall sc l s, ~ List.In l (sdom sc) -> Some (l, s) >- sc ---> Some (l, s)
where "s >- p ---> t" := (exec_sgoto p s t) : sgoto_scope.
Lemma exec_sgoto_nil : forall c s, sdom c = nil -> s >- c ---> s.
move=> c [[l s]|] H.
- apply exec_sgoto_refl => //; by rewrite H.
- by apply exec_sgoto_none.
Local Open Scope while_cmd_scope.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_cmd' : forall c st st', st >- c ---> st' ->
forall i l s l' s' l0, c = sC l0 i -> st = Some (l, s) -> st' = Some (l', s') ->
l = l0 -> l' = S l /\ Some s -- i ---> Some s'.
induction 1; intros => //.
- case: H0 => ? ?; case: H1 => ? ?; subst.
inversion H; subst => //.
split; [reflexivity | by apply while.exec_cmd0].
- case: H1 => ? ?; case: H2 => ? ?; subst.
rewrite /= in H; tauto.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_cmd c l s l' s' :
Some (l, s) >- sC l c ---> Some (l', s') ->
l' = S l /\ Some s -- c ---> Some s'.
Proof. move=> H. by eapply exec_sgoto_inv_cmd'; eauto. Qed.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_cjmp_true l s t l' s' :
Some (l, s) >- sB l (cjmp t l') ---> s' ->
eval_b t s -> s' = Some (l', s) /\ l' <> l.
move=> H H'; inversion H; subst.
- split; [reflexivity | by auto].
- by rewrite H' in H5.
- rewrite /= in H4; tauto.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_cjmp_false l s t l' s' :
Some (l, s) >- sB l (cjmp t l') ---> s' ->
~~ eval_b t s -> s' = Some (S l, s).
move=> H H'.
inversion H; subst => //.
by rewrite H5 in H'.
rewrite /= in H4; tauto.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_jmp st l l' s' :
Some (l, st) >- sB l (jmp l') ---> s' -> s' = Some (l', st) /\ l <> l'.
Proof. inversion 1; subst => //; rewrite /= in H4; tauto. Qed.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_seq0' sc st st'' : st >- sc ---> st'' ->
forall l s, st = Some (l, s) -> forall sc0 sc1, sc = sc0 [+] sc1 ->
List.In l (sdom sc0) -> ~ List.In l (sdom sc1) ->
exists st', Some (l, s) >- sc0 ---> st' /\ st' >- sc ---> st''.
move=> H l s Hst sc0 sc1 Hsc HIn HIn'.
inversion H; intros; subst => //.
- case: H3 => ? ?; case: H4 => ? ?; subst; by exists s'.
- case: H3 => ? ?; case: H4 => ? ?; subst; tauto.
- case: H2 => X Y; subst.
apply H0 => /=; apply List.in_or_app; by left.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_seq0 sc0 sc1 l s s'' :
Some (l, s) >- sc0 [+] sc1 ---> s'' -> List.In l (sdom sc0) -> ~ List.In l (sdom sc1) ->
exists s', Some (l, s) >- sc0 ---> s' /\ s' >- sc0 [+] sc1 ---> s''.
Proof. move=> H HIn HIn'; by eapply (exec_sgoto_inv_seq0' _ _ _ H). Qed.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_seq1' sc st st'' : st >- sc ---> st'' ->
forall l s, st = Some (l, s) -> forall sc0 sc1, sc = sc0 [+] sc1 ->
List.In l (sdom sc1) -> ~ List.In l (sdom sc0) ->
exists st', Some (l, s) >- sc1 ---> st' /\ st' >- sc ---> st''.
move=> H l s Hst sc0 sc1 Hsc HIn HIn'.
inversion H; intros; subst => //.
- case: H4 => ? ?; case: H3 => ? ?; subst; tauto.
- case: H3 => ? ?; case: H4 => ? ?; subst; by exists s'.
- case: H2 => X Y; subst.
apply H0 => /=; apply List.in_or_app; by right.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_seq1 sc0 sc1 l s s'' :
Some (l, s) >- sc0 [+] sc1 ---> s'' -> List.In l (sdom sc1) -> ~ List.In l (sdom sc0) ->
exists s', Some (l, s) >- sc1 ---> s' /\ s' >- sc0 [+] sc1 ---> s''.
Proof. move=> H HIn HIn'; by eapply (exec_sgoto_inv_seq1' _ _ _ H). Qed.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_refl' sc st st' : st >- sc ---> st' ->
forall l s, st = Some (l, s) -> ~ List.In l (sdom sc) -> st = st'.
move=> H l ST H0 H1; inversion H; subst => //.
- case: H4 => X Y; subst; rewrite /= in H1; tauto.
- case: H4 => X Y; subst; rewrite /= in H1; tauto.
- case: H5 => X Y; subst; rewrite /= in H1; tauto.
- case: H4 => X Y; subst; rewrite /= in H1; tauto.
- case: H6 => X Y; subst.
apply H1 => /=; apply List.in_or_app; by left.
- case: H6 => X Y; subst.
apply H1 => /=; apply List.in_or_app; by right.
Lemma exec_sgoto_inv_refl sc l s s' :
Some (l, s) >- sc ---> s' -> ~ List.In l (sdom sc) -> Some (l, s) = s'.
Proof. move=> H H'; by apply exec_sgoto_inv_refl' with sc l s. Qed.
Lemma 4 (Determinacy) in [Saabas&Uustalu2007]:
Lemma determinacy : forall c, wellformed c -> forall s s', s >- c ---> s' ->
forall s'', s >- c ---> s'' -> s' = s''.
induction 2; intros; subst.
- by inversion H0.
- inversion H1 => //; subst.
+ by apply (exec0_label_deter _ _ _ H0 _ H6).
+ rewrite /= in H6; tauto.
- apply exec_sgoto_inv_jmp in H1.
by case: H1.
- apply exec_sgoto_inv_cjmp_true in H2; last by done.
by case: H2.
- by apply exec_sgoto_inv_cjmp_false in H1.
- have X : s' >- sc1 [+] sc2 ---> s''0.
have : ~ List.In l (sdom sc2) by apply wellformed_In_L with sc1.
case/(exec_sgoto_inv_seq0 _ _ _ _ _ H1 H0) => st' [X1 X2].
move: (IHexec_sgoto1 (wellformed_inv_L _ _ H) _ X1) => X ; by subst.
by apply IHexec_sgoto2.
- have : s' >- sc1 [+] sc2 ---> s''0.
have : ~ List.In l (sdom sc1) by apply wellformed_In_R with sc2.
case/(exec_sgoto_inv_seq1 _ _ _ _ _ H1 H0) => st' [X1 X2].
move: (IHexec_sgoto1 (wellformed_inv_R _ _ H) _ X1) => X; by subst.
by apply IHexec_sgoto2.
- by apply exec_sgoto_inv_refl with sc.
Intermediate lemma:
Lemma postlabels_cmd c l s l' s' : Some (l, s) >- sC l c ---> Some (l', s') -> l <> l'.
inversion 1 => //; subst.
- by inversion H4.
- rewrite /= in H2; tauto.
Lemma 5 (Postlabels) in [Saabas&Uustalu2007]:
Lemma postlabels c s l' s' : s >- c ---> Some (l', s') -> ~ List.In l' (sdom c).
move Hs' : (Some (l', s')) => st'.
move=> H; move: H l' s' Hs'.
induction 1; intros => //.
- subst.
apply cmd0_labels in H.
rewrite /=; tauto.
- case: Hs' => X Y /=; subst; tauto.
- case: Hs' => X Y /=; subst; tauto.
- case: Hs' => X Y /=; subst; lia.
- subst.
destruct s' as [[l'_ s'] |].
move: (IHexec_sgoto1 _ _ (refl_equal _)).
by move: (IHexec_sgoto2 _ _ (refl_equal _)).
- by inversion H1.
- subst.
destruct s' as [[l'_ s'] |].
move: (IHexec_sgoto1 _ _ (refl_equal _)).
by move: (IHexec_sgoto2 _ _ (refl_equal _)).
- by inversion H1.
- case: Hs' => ? ?; by subst.
Theorem 6 (Preservation of evaluations as stuck reduction sequences) in
Lemma preservation sc s s' : s >- sc ---> s' -> U sc ||- s --->* s'.
elim => //; clear sc s s'.
- move=> c; by apply redseqs_refl.
- move=> p c st [[l' s']|] Hc.
+ eapply redseqs_trans; first by apply redseqs_refl.
eapply exec_goto_cmd0; eauto; rewrite /=; by left.
+ eapply redseqs_trans; first by eapply redseqs_refl.
eapply exec_goto_cmd0_err; eauto; rewrite /=; by left.
- move=> p st p' Hpp'.
eapply redseqs_trans; first by apply redseqs_refl.
eapply exec_goto_branch; eauto.
* rewrite /=; left; reflexivity.
* by constructor.
- move=> p s b p' Hb Hpp'.
eapply redseqs_trans; first by apply redseqs_refl.
eapply exec_goto_branch; eauto.
* rewrite /=; left; reflexivity.
* by constructor.
- move=> p s b p' Hb.
eapply redseqs_trans; first by apply redseqs_refl.
eapply exec_goto_branch; eauto.
* rewrite /=; left; reflexivity.
* constructor; by apply/negP.
- move=> sc1 sc2 p st [ [l' s'] | ] s'' HIn1 Hsc1 IHsc1 H IHsc2.
+ apply redseqs_transitivity with (Some (l',s')) => //=.
apply redseqs_extension_right; by eapply IHsc1; eauto.
+ apply redseqs_transitivity with None; last by done.
apply redseqs_extension_right; by eapply IHsc1; eauto.
- move=> sc1 sc2 p st [[l' s']|] s'' HIn1 Hsc1 IHsc1 H IHsc2.
+ apply redseqs_transitivity with (Some (l',s')); last by done.
apply redseqs_extension_left; by eapply IHsc1; eauto.
+ apply redseqs_transitivity with None; last by done.
apply redseqs_extension_left; by eapply IHsc1; eauto.
- move=> *; by apply redseqs_refl.
Lemma redseq_trans_inv c n st st' : wellformed_goto c ->
redseq c n st st' -> forall l s l' s' sc1 sc2,
st = Some (l, s) -> st' = Some (l', s') -> c = U sc1 ++ U sc2 ->
List.In l (sdom sc1) -> ~ List.In l' (sdom (sc1 [+] sc2)) ->
(exists k, exists lk, exists sk, 0 < k <= n /\ ~ List.In lk (sdom sc1) /\
redseq (U sc1) k st (Some (lk, sk)) /\ redseq c (n - k) (Some (lk, sk)) st').
move=> Hwf; induction 1.
- move=> l st l' st' sc1 sc2 H H0 H1 H2 H3.
destruct s as [[l_ s]|]; last by done.
case: H => X Y; subst l_ st. case: H0 => X Y; subst l' st'.
have : List.In l (sdom (sc1 [+] sc2)). by rewrite /=; apply List.in_or_app; auto.
- move=> l st l' st' sc1 sc2 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5.
destruct s' as [[l_ st_]|].
+ case: (lbl_sdom_dec sc1 l_) => l__sc1.
+ case: (IHredseq _ _ _ _ _ _ (refl_equal _) H2 H3 l__sc1 H5) => k [lk [stk [k_n [H11 [H7 H9]]]]].
exists (S k), lk, stk; split; first by rewrite /=; case/andP : k_n => _.
split; first by done.
split; last by done.
apply more_red with (Some (l_, st_)) => //.
rewrite H1.
apply exec_goto_contraction_right with (c2 := U sc2).
* by rewrite -H3.
* by rewrite -H3 -H1.
* by rewrite -sdom_dom.
+ exists 1, l_, st_; split => //.
split; first by done.
* apply more_red with (Some (l_, st_)).
- rewrite H1.
apply exec_goto_contraction_right with (c2 := U sc2).
+ by rewrite -H3.
+ by rewrite -H3 -H1.
+ by rewrite -sdom_dom.
- by apply zero_red.
* by rewrite /= subSS subn0.
+ inversion H0; subst => //.
inversion H6; by subst.
Lemma redseq_trans_inv2 c n st st' : wellformed_goto c ->
redseq c n st st' -> forall l s l' s' sc1 sc2,
st = Some (l, s) -> st' = Some (l', s') -> c = U sc1 ++ U sc2 ->
List.In l (sdom sc2) -> ~ List.In l' (sdom (sc1 [+] sc2)) ->
(exists k, exists lk, exists sk, 0 < k <= n /\ ~ List.In lk (sdom sc2) /\
redseq (U sc2) k st (Some (lk, sk)) /\ redseq c (n - k) (Some (lk, sk)) st').
move=> Hwf; induction 1.
- move=> l st l' st' sc1 sc2 H H0 H1 H2 H3.
destruct s as [[l0 s]|]; last by done.
case: H => X Y; subst l0 st. case: H0 => X Y; subst l' st'.
have : List.In l (sdom (sc1 [+] sc2)). by rewrite /=; apply List.in_or_app; auto.
- move=> l st l' st' sc1 sc2 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5.
destruct s' as [[l_ st_]|].
+ elim: (lbl_sdom_dec sc2 l_) => l__sc2.
+ case: (IHredseq _ _ _ _ _ _ (refl_equal _) H2 H3 l__sc2 H5) => k [lk [stk [k_n [H11 [H7 H9]]]]].
exists (S k), lk, stk; split; first by rewrite /=; case/andP : k_n => _.
split; first by done.
split; last by done.
apply more_red with (Some (l_,st_)) => //.
rewrite H1.
apply exec_goto_contraction_left with (c1 := U sc1).
* by rewrite -H3.
* by rewrite -H3 -H1.
* by rewrite -sdom_dom.
+ exists 1, l_, st_; split => //.
split; first by done.
* apply more_red with (Some (l_, st_)).
- rewrite H1.
apply exec_goto_contraction_left with (c1 := U sc1).
+ by rewrite -H3.
+ by rewrite -H3 -H1.
+ by rewrite -sdom_dom.
- by apply zero_red.
* by rewrite /= subSS subn0.
+ inversion H0; subst => //.
inversion H6; by subst.
Lemma redseq_sC_inv_none k c st st' : redseq c k st st' ->
forall l s i, st = Some (l, s) -> st' = None ->
c = (l, C i) :: nil -> i ||- st ---> st'.
induction 1.
- move=> l s0 i Hs Hs' Hc; by subst.
- move=> l s0 i Hs Hs'' Hc; subst.
inversion H; subst.
+ case: H4 => //; case => X; subst.
inversion H0; subst.
inversion H1; subst.
* case: H4 => //; case=> X Y; subst.
by apply cmd0_labels in H6.
* case: H4 => //; case => X Y; subst.
by apply cmd0_labels in H6.
* by case: H4.
+ case: H4 => //; case=> X; by subst.
+ by case: H4.
Theorem 7 (Reflection of stuck reduction sequences as evaluations) in
[Saabas&Uustalu2007]. Nested induction whose inner induction
is noetherian.
Lemma reflection_of_stuck_redseq : forall sc k l s l' s',
wellformed_goto (U sc) -> redseq (U sc) k (Some (l, s)) (Some (l', s')) ->
~ List.In l' (sdom sc) -> Some (l, s) >- sc ---> Some (l', s').
induction sc.
- move=> k l s l' s' Hwf /= H _.
case/redseq_nil : H => <- <-; by apply exec_sgoto_refl.
- move=> k l0 s l' s' Hwf H Hl'.
have {}Hl' : l <> l' by rewrite /= in Hl'; tauto.
case: (label_dec l l0) => l_l0.
+ subst.
by apply exec_sgoto_cmd0, (redseq_sC_inv _ _ _ _ H l0 s l' s' c).
move: (redseq_sC_refl _ _ _ _ H l0 s l' s' l c erefl erefl erefl l_l0).
case=> ? ?; subst.
apply exec_sgoto_refl => /=; tauto.
- move=> k l0 s l' s' Hwf H Hl'.
have {}Hl' : l <> l' by rewrite /= in Hl'; tauto.
destruct b.
+ case (label_dec l l0) => l_l0.
* subst l0.
case (label_dec l l1) => l_l1.
- subst l1.
move: (redseq_self_jump k l s l' s' Hl'); tauto.
- inversion H; subst.
+ tauto.
+ inversion H0; subst.
* by case: H5.
* by case: H5.
* rewrite /= in H5.
case: H5 => //; case=> ?; subst.
inversion H7; subst.
case: (redseq_out_of_domain_jump _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l_l1 H1) => l1_l' st_st'; subst.
by constructor.
* case: (redseq_out_of_domain_jump _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l_l0 H) => l0_l' st_st'; subst.
apply exec_sgoto_refl => /=; tauto.
+ case (label_dec l l0) => l_l0.
* subst l0.
- case/boolP : (eval_b e s) => e_s.
+ case (label_dec l l1) => l_l1.
* subst l1.
move: (redseq_self_cjmp k e _ s _ s' Hl' e_s); tauto.
* inversion H; subst => //.
inversion H; subst.
inversion H3; subst.
- by case: H7.
- by case: H7.
- rewrite /= in H7; case: H7 => //; case=> ?; subst.
inversion H9; subst => //.
case: (redseq_out_of_domain_cjmp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l_l1 H4) => l1_l' Hst'; subst.
by constructor.
+ inversion H; subst => //.
inversion H0; subst.
* by case: H5.
* by case: H5.
* rewrite /= in H5; case: H5 => //; case=> Hj; subst.
inversion H7; subst => //.
- by move/negP : e_s.
- case: (redseq_out_of_domain_cjmp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (n_Sn l) H1) => l_l' Hst'; subst.
by constructor; auto.
* case: (redseq_out_of_domain_cjmp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l_l0 H) => l0_l' st_st'; subst.
apply exec_sgoto_refl => /=; tauto.
- move=> k.
apply lt_wf_ind with (P := fun k => forall l s l' s',
wellformed_goto (U (sc1 [+] sc2)) ->
redseq (U (sc1 [+] sc2)) k (Some (l, s)) (Some (l', s')) ->
~ List.In l' (sdom (sc1 [+] sc2)) ->
Some (l, s) >- sc1 [+] sc2 ---> Some (l', s')).
move=> n IH l s l' s' Hwf H HIn.
have [Hl|[Hl|Hl]] : List.In l (sdom sc1) \/ List.In l (sdom sc2) \/ ~ List.In l (sdom (sc1 [+] sc2)).
case: (lbl_sdom_dec (sc1 [+] sc2) l) => /=.
move/(List.in_app_or _ _ _); tauto.
by auto.
+ have [j [lj [sj [/andP [Hj j_n] [lj_sc1 [H1 H2]]]]]] :
exists k lk sk, 0 < k <= n /\ ~ List.In lk (sdom sc1) /\
redseq (U sc1) k (Some (l, s)) (Some (lk, sk)) /\
redseq (U (sc1 [+] sc2)) (n - k) (Some (lk, sk)) (Some (l', s')).
eapply (redseq_trans_inv _ _ _ _ Hwf H); eauto.
by rewrite /=; auto.
apply exec_sgoto_seq0 with (Some (lj, sj)) => //.
* eapply IHsc1; eauto.
move: (wellformed_goto_app _ Hwf (U sc1) (U sc2)) => /=; tauto.
* eapply IH; eauto.
apply/ltP; by rewrite -ltnS -subSn // -{2}(subn0 n.+1) ltn_sub2l.
+ have [j [lj [sj [/andP [Hj j_n] [lj_sc2 [H1 H2]]]]]] :
exists k lk sk, 0 < k <= n /\ ~ List.In lk (sdom sc2) /\
redseq (U sc2) k (Some (l, s)) (Some (lk, sk)) /\
redseq (U (sc1 [+] sc2)) (n - k) (Some (lk, sk)) (Some (l', s')).
eapply (redseq_trans_inv2 _ _ _ _ Hwf H); eauto.
by rewrite /=; auto.
apply exec_sgoto_seq1 with (Some (lj, sj)) => //.
* eapply IHsc2; eauto.
move: (wellformed_goto_app _ Hwf (U sc1) (U sc2)) => /=; tauto.
* eapply IH; eauto.
apply/ltP; by rewrite -ltnS -subSn // -{2}(subn0 n.+1) ltn_sub2l.
+ move: (redseq_inv_refl' _ _ _ _ H _ _ (refl_equal _)) => X.
rewrite X; last by rewrite -sdom_dom.
by apply exec_sgoto_refl.
Definition sem_equ sc0 sc1 := forall s s', Some s >- sc0 ---> Some s' <-> Some s >- sc1 ---> Some s'.
Notation "c '~=' d" := (sem_equ c d) (at level 70, right associativity) : sgoto_scope.
Theorem 8 (Neutrality wrt phrase structure) in [Saabas&Uustalu2007]:
Lemma neutrality sc0 sc1 : wellformed sc0 -> U sc0 = U sc1 ->
forall s s', Some s >- sc0 ---> Some s' -> Some s >- sc1 ---> Some s'.
move=> Hwf Hsc [l s] [l' s'] H.
move: (preservation _ _ _ H) => H'.
rewrite Hsc in H'.
move: (postlabels _ _ _ _ H) => H''.
case: (red_seqs_red_seq _ _ _ H') => n H'''.
eapply reflection_of_stuck_redseq; eauto.
- rewrite -Hsc; by apply wellformed_wellformed_goto.
- contradict H''.
by rewrite 2!sdom_dom ?Hsc in H'' *.
Corollary 9 (Partial commutative monoidal structure) in [Saabas&Uustalu2007].
Lemma sem_equ_ass sc0 sc1 sc2 : wellformed ((sc0 [+] sc1) [+] sc2) ->
(sc0 [+] sc1) [+] sc2 ~= sc0 [+] (sc1 [+] sc2).
move=> Hwf s s'; split => H.
- apply neutrality with ((sc0 [+] sc1) [+] sc2) => //.
by apply U_ass.
- apply neutrality with (sc0 [+] sc1 [+] sc2) => //.
+ by apply wellformed_ass.
+ by rewrite U_ass.
Lemma sem_equ_neu sc : wellformed sc -> sc [+] sO ~= sc.
move=> H [l s] [l' s']; split => H'.
- apply neutrality with (sc [+] sO) => //.
+ by apply wellformed_neu.
+ by rewrite /= cats0.
- case: (lbl_sdom_dec sc l) => X.
+ eapply exec_sgoto_seq0; eauto.
apply exec_sgoto_refl.
move: (postlabels _ _ _ _ H') => Y /=.
by rewrite cats0.
+ apply exec_sgoto_inv_refl in H' => //.
case : H'=> ? ?; subst.
apply exec_sgoto_refl.
by rewrite /= cats0.
Lemma sem_equ_com' sc sc' sc0 sc1 : sc = sc0 [+] sc1 ->
sc' = sc1 [+] sc0 -> forall s s', s >- sc ---> s' -> s >- sc' ---> s'.
move=> Hsc Hsc' s s' H; move: sc' sc0 sc1 Hsc Hsc'.
elim: H => [ * |//|//|//|//|
s1 s2 l s0 s'0 s'' ls1 H1 IH1 H2 IH2 sc' sc0 sc1|
s1 s2 l s0 s'0 s'' ls1 H1 IH1 H2 IH2 sc' sc0 sc1|
sc0 l s0 ls0 sc' sc1 sc2].
- by constructor.
- move=> [] <- <- ->; by eapply exec_sgoto_seq1; eauto.
- move=> [] <- <- ->; by eapply exec_sgoto_seq0; eauto.
- move=> ?; subst sc0 => ->.
apply exec_sgoto_refl.
rewrite /= in ls0 *.
contradict ls0.
apply List.in_or_app; move: (List.in_app_or _ _ _ ls0); tauto.
Interestingly, commutativity does not require well-formedness:
Lemma sem_equ_com sc0 sc1 : sc0 [+] sc1 ~= sc1 [+] sc0.
Proof. move=> s s'; split => H; by eapply sem_equ_com'; eauto. Qed.
End SGoto.