Library rfc5246
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
From mathcomp Require Import prime.
Require Import Max.
Require Import ssrZ ZArith_ext String_ext seq_ext.
Require Import machine_int.
Import MachineInt.
Require Import multi_int.
Declare Scope rfc5246_scope.
Declare Scope select_scope.
Local Open Scope machine_int_scope.
Local Open Scope zarith_ext_scope.
From mathcomp Require Import prime.
Require Import Max.
Require Import ssrZ ZArith_ext String_ext seq_ext.
Require Import machine_int.
Import MachineInt.
Require Import multi_int.
Declare Scope rfc5246_scope.
Declare Scope select_scope.
Local Open Scope machine_int_scope.
Local Open Scope zarith_ext_scope.
Definition Zmax_seq_opt (l : seq Z) (n : option Z) :=
match n with
| Some m => Z.max m (Zmax_seq l)
| None => Z.max (Zmax_seq l) 1
Notation "Zmax( l , n )" := (Zmax_seq_opt l n) : rfc5246_scope.
Local Open Scope rfc5246_scope.
Module MachineIntByte_m.
Definition bytes2Z l : Z := bSum_c 8 l.
Definition bytes2nat l : nat := '| bSum_c 8 l |.
Definition nibble := int 4.
Definition hex2ot (l : string) : option (int 8) :=
match l with
| String h (String h' EmptyString) =>
match oZ_of_hex h, oZ_of_hex h' with
| Some a, Some b => Some (`( a )c_ 4 `|| `( b )c_ 4)
| _, _ => None
| String h EmptyString => match oZ_of_hex h with Some a => Some (zext 4 (`( a )c_ 4)) | _ => None end
| EmptyString => Some (`( 0 )c_ 8)
| _ => None
Lemma hex2ot_all : forall l, hex2ot l == None ->
(~~ all (fun x : Ascii.ascii => oZ_of_hex x != None) (string2asciis l))
|| (String.length l > 2)%nat.
elim=> // h [] //.
move=> _ /=.
by destruct (oZ_of_hex h).
move=> h' [] //; last first.
move=> *; apply/orP; by right.
rewrite /=.
destruct (oZ_of_hex h) => //.
by destruct (oZ_of_hex h').
Program Definition hex2t (l : string)
(H : (all (fun x => oZ_of_hex x != None) (string2asciis l)) && (String.length l <= 2)%nat) : int 8 :=
match hex2ot l with
| Some z => z
| None => False_rect _ _
Next Obligation.
move: H.
rewrite negb_and leqNgt negbK.
apply hex2ot_all.
by apply/eqP.
End MachineIntByte_m.
Notation "'\0x' l" := (MachineIntByte_m.hex2t l Logic.eq_refl) (at level 9) : rfc5246_scope.
Module RFC5246.
Definition byte : Type := int 8.
Module S41.
Definition bytes2Z (l : seq byte) := MachineIntByte_m.bytes2Z l.
Definition bytes2nat (l : seq byte) := MachineIntByte_m.bytes2nat l.
End S41.
Notation "'nat<=i8'" := (S41.bytes2nat) (at level 9).
A type for vectors, enumerateds, and constructed types
(variants will be represented by Coq records).
- The type carries the min/max number of bytes required for
- Divisibility is type-checked for fixed-size vectors.
- Bounds inclusion is type-checked for variable-size vectors.
- Enumerated and variable-size vectors carry the number
Inductive tls_typ : Z -> Z -> Type :=
| opaque : tls_typ 1 1
| arr : forall n, tls_typ n n -> forall m, 0 <=? m ->
m mod n == 0 ->
tls_typ m m
| varr : forall n m (t : tls_typ n m) (k : nat) a b, a <=? b ->
k != O -> b <? 2^^(k * 8) -> 2^^((k - 1) * 8) <=? b -> m <=? Z<=nat k + b ->
tls_typ (Z<=nat k + a) (Z<=nat k + b)
| enum : forall k l n, uniq l ->
Zmax(l, n) <? 2^^(k * 8) -> 2^^((k - 1) * 8) <=? Zmax(l, n) ->
tls_typ (Z<=nat k) (Z<=nat k)
| pair : forall {n1 m1 n2 m2},
string * tls_typ n1 m1 -> tls_typ n2 m2 ->
tls_typ (n1 + n2) (m1 + m2)
| typ_nil : tls_typ 0 0.
Section tls_typ_ind_nested.
Variables (P : forall a b, tls_typ a b -> Prop) .
Hypotheses (H0 : P 0 0 typ_nil) (H1 : P 1 1 opaque)
(H2 : forall n (t : tls_typ n n), P n n t ->
forall m (i : 0 <=? m) (i0 : m mod n == 0), P m m (arr n t m i i0))
(H3 : forall n m (t : tls_typ n m), P n m t -> forall (k : nat) a b
(ab : a <=? b) (i : k != O) (i0 : b <? 2 ^^ (k * 8))
(i1 : 2 ^^ ((k - 1) * 8) <=? b) (i3 : m <=? Z_of_nat k + b),
P (Z_of_nat k + a) (Z_of_nat k + b) (varr n m t k _ _ ab i i0 i1 i3))
(H4 : forall (k : nat) (l : seq Z) n (i : uniq l)
(i0 : Zmax(l, n) <? 2 ^^ (k * 8))
(i1 : 2 ^^ ((k - 1) * 8) <=? Zmax(l, n)),
P (Z_of_nat k) (Z_of_nat k) (enum k l n i i0 i1)).
Section gen.
Variable (Q : forall a b, string * tls_typ a b -> Prop).
(PQ : forall a b t, P a b t -> forall s, Q a b (s, t))
(H : forall n1 m1 n2 m2 (p : string * tls_typ n1 m1) (t : tls_typ n2 m2),
Q n1 m1 p -> P n2 m2 t -> P (n1 + n2) (m1 + m2) (pair p t)).
Fixpoint tls_typ_nested_ind' a b t : P a b t :=
match t as x return P _ _ x with
| opaque => H1
| arr n t' m i i0 => H2 n t' (tls_typ_nested_ind' _ _ t') m i i0
| varr n m t' k _ _ ab Hk i1 i2 i3 => H3 n m t' (tls_typ_nested_ind' _ _ t') k _ _ ab Hk i1 i2 i3
| enum k l n i i0 i1 => H4 k l n i i0 i1
| pair n1 m1 n2 m2 p t' => H n1 m1 n2 m2 p t'
match p as x return Q n1 m1 x with
| (p1, p2) => PQ _ _ _ (tls_typ_nested_ind' _ _ p2) p1
(tls_typ_nested_ind' _ _ t')
| typ_nil => H0
End gen.
Section spe.
Hypothesis H :
(forall a b c d s t1 t2, P a b t1 -> P c d t2 -> P _ _ (pair (s, t1) t2)).
Lemma tls_typ_nested_ind : forall a b (t : tls_typ a b) , P _ _ t.
apply tls_typ_nested_ind' with (fun a b p => forall x, x = snd p -> P _ _ x) => //.
- move=> a b t HP s x Hx; by subst x.
- move=> n1 m1 n2 m2 [p1 p2] t Hp2 Ht.
apply H => //.
by apply Hp2.
End spe.
End tls_typ_ind_nested.
Notation "'struct{' a ; .. ; b '}'" := (pair a .. (pair b typ_nil) ..) (at level 10, no associativity,
format "'[v' 'struct{' a ; .. ; b '}' ']'").
Notation "'struct{}'" := typ_nil.
Fixpoint tls_typ_find_struct_tag {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) (tag : string) : bool :=
match t with
| pair _ _ _ _ tag' t' => if tag == fst tag' then false else tls_typ_find_struct_tag t' tag
| _ => true
Fixpoint tls_typ_well_formed {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) : bool :=
match t with
| opaque => true
| arr _ t _ _ _ => tls_typ_well_formed t
| varr _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => tls_typ_well_formed t
| enum _ _ _ _ _ _ => true
| pair _ _ _ _ (tg, rem) tr => tls_typ_well_formed rem && negb (tls_typ_find_struct_tag tr tg) &&
match tr with
| pair _ _ _ _ _ _ => tls_typ_well_formed tr
| typ_nil => true
| _ => false
| typ_nil => true
Definition lst_enum {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) : seq Z :=
if t is enum _ l _ _ _ _ then l else nil.
Fixpoint tls_max {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) : Z :=
match t with
| opaque => m
| arr _ _ _ _ _ => m
| varr _ _ _ k _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 => m - Z_of_nat k
| enum _ _ _ _ _ _ => m
| pair _ _ _ _ (_, t1) t2 => tls_max t1 + tls_max t2
| typ_nil => m
Fixpoint tls_min {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) : Z :=
match t with
| opaque => n
| arr _ _ _ _ _ => n
| varr _ _ _ k _ _ H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 => n - Z_of_nat k
| enum _ _ _ _ _ _ => n
| pair _ _ _ _ (_, t1) t2 => tls_min t1 + tls_min t2
| typ_nil => n
Fixpoint depth {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) :=
match t with
| opaque => O
| arr _ t _ _ _ => S (depth t)
| varr _ _ t' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => S (depth t')
| enum m _ _ _ _ _ => O
| pair _ _ _ _ (_, t1) t2 => S (max (depth t1) (depth t2))
| typ_nil => O
Section tls_typ_decoding.
A function to decide whether (the beginning of) a list of bytes is the implementation of a tls_typ.
Fixpoint decode' k {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) (l : seq byte)
: bool * seq byte :=
match k with
| O =>
match t with
| opaque => if (1 <= size l)%nat then
(true, behead l)
(false, l)
| arr n _ m _ _ => if m <=? Z_of_nat (size l) then
(true, drop '|m| l)
(false, l)
| varr n m t' x k a b _ _ _ _ => (false, l)
| enum m l' _ _ _ _ => if (m <= size l)%nat && ((S41.bytes2Z (take m l)) \in l') then
(true, drop m l)
(false, l)
| pair n1 m1 n2 m2 (tg, t1) t2 => (false, l)
| typ_nil => (true, l)
| S k' =>
match t with
| opaque => if (1 <= size l)%nat then
(true, behead l)
(false, l)
| arr n _ m _ _ => if m <=? Z<=nat (size l) then
(true, drop '|m| l)
(false, l)
| varr n m t' k a b _ _ _ _ _ =>
if (k <= size l)%nat then
let len := S41.bytes2nat (take k l) in
if (len <= size (drop k l))%nat then
let (ret, l') := foldl
(fun a _ => match a with | (acc, buf) =>
match buf with
| nil => a
| _ => if acc then
let (acc', buf') := decode' k' t' buf in (acc' && acc, buf')
(acc, buf)
(true, take len (drop k l))
(nseq len tt)
if ret then
(true, l' ++ drop len (drop k l))
(false, l)
(false, l)
(false, l)
| enum m l' _ _ _ _ => if (m <= size l)%nat && ((S41.bytes2Z (take m l)) \in l') then
(true, drop m l)
(false, l)
| pair n1 m1 n2 m2 (tg, t1) t2 =>
let: (a, l') := decode' k' t1 l in
let: (a', l'') := decode' k' t2 l' in
(a && a', l'')
| typ_nil => (true, l)
End tls_typ_decoding.
Lemma decode'_upper : forall a b (t : tls_typ a b) n l, (depth t <= n)%nat ->
decode' (depth t) t l = decode' n t l.
move=> a b; elim/tls_typ_nested_ind => // {a b}.
- by case.
- by case.
- by move=> n t IH a H1 _ [] //.
- move=> n m t IH l' a b H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 n0 l /= Hn0.
destruct n0 as [|n0]; [done | move=> /=].
move Hfold1 : (foldl _ _ _) => fold1.
move Hfold2 : (foldl _ _ _) => fold2.
suff : fold1 = fold2 by move=> ->.
rewrite -{}Hfold1 -{}Hfold2.
apply foldl_ext => x [a0 a1] Hx.
move Hdec1 : (decode' _ _ _) => dec1.
move Hdec2 : (decode' _ _ _) => dec2.
suff : dec1 = dec2 by move=> ->.
rewrite -{}Hdec1 -{}Hdec2.
by apply IH.
- by move=> m l n Hnodup H1 H2 [].
- move=> n1 m1 n2 m2 tag t1 t2 IH1 IH2 n l /= Hmax.
destruct n as [|n]; first by done.
rewrite -IH1 /=; last by apply/leP; apply le_max_l.
rewrite -IH1 /=; last first.
move: Hmax. rewrite ltnS. move/leP. move/max_lub_l. by move/leP.
move Hdec1 : (decode' _ _ _) => [dec11 dec12].
rewrite -IH2 //; last first.
move: Hmax. rewrite ltnS. move/leP. move/max_lub_r. by move/leP.
rewrite -IH2 //.
by apply/leP; apply le_max_r.
Lemma fold_decode'_false : forall a b (t : tls_typ a b) lst l,
(fun (a : bool * seq byte) (_ : unit) =>
let (acc, buf) := a in
if acc then
let (acc', buf') := decode' (depth t) t buf in
(acc' && acc, buf')
(acc, buf))
(false, l)
lst = (false, l).
Proof. move=> a b t; by elim. Qed.
Definition decode {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) := decode' (depth t) t.
: bool * seq byte :=
match k with
| O =>
match t with
| opaque => if (1 <= size l)%nat then
(true, behead l)
(false, l)
| arr n _ m _ _ => if m <=? Z_of_nat (size l) then
(true, drop '|m| l)
(false, l)
| varr n m t' x k a b _ _ _ _ => (false, l)
| enum m l' _ _ _ _ => if (m <= size l)%nat && ((S41.bytes2Z (take m l)) \in l') then
(true, drop m l)
(false, l)
| pair n1 m1 n2 m2 (tg, t1) t2 => (false, l)
| typ_nil => (true, l)
| S k' =>
match t with
| opaque => if (1 <= size l)%nat then
(true, behead l)
(false, l)
| arr n _ m _ _ => if m <=? Z<=nat (size l) then
(true, drop '|m| l)
(false, l)
| varr n m t' k a b _ _ _ _ _ =>
if (k <= size l)%nat then
let len := S41.bytes2nat (take k l) in
if (len <= size (drop k l))%nat then
let (ret, l') := foldl
(fun a _ => match a with | (acc, buf) =>
match buf with
| nil => a
| _ => if acc then
let (acc', buf') := decode' k' t' buf in (acc' && acc, buf')
(acc, buf)
(true, take len (drop k l))
(nseq len tt)
if ret then
(true, l' ++ drop len (drop k l))
(false, l)
(false, l)
(false, l)
| enum m l' _ _ _ _ => if (m <= size l)%nat && ((S41.bytes2Z (take m l)) \in l') then
(true, drop m l)
(false, l)
| pair n1 m1 n2 m2 (tg, t1) t2 =>
let: (a, l') := decode' k' t1 l in
let: (a', l'') := decode' k' t2 l' in
(a && a', l'')
| typ_nil => (true, l)
End tls_typ_decoding.
Lemma decode'_upper : forall a b (t : tls_typ a b) n l, (depth t <= n)%nat ->
decode' (depth t) t l = decode' n t l.
move=> a b; elim/tls_typ_nested_ind => // {a b}.
- by case.
- by case.
- by move=> n t IH a H1 _ [] //.
- move=> n m t IH l' a b H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 n0 l /= Hn0.
destruct n0 as [|n0]; [done | move=> /=].
move Hfold1 : (foldl _ _ _) => fold1.
move Hfold2 : (foldl _ _ _) => fold2.
suff : fold1 = fold2 by move=> ->.
rewrite -{}Hfold1 -{}Hfold2.
apply foldl_ext => x [a0 a1] Hx.
move Hdec1 : (decode' _ _ _) => dec1.
move Hdec2 : (decode' _ _ _) => dec2.
suff : dec1 = dec2 by move=> ->.
rewrite -{}Hdec1 -{}Hdec2.
by apply IH.
- by move=> m l n Hnodup H1 H2 [].
- move=> n1 m1 n2 m2 tag t1 t2 IH1 IH2 n l /= Hmax.
destruct n as [|n]; first by done.
rewrite -IH1 /=; last by apply/leP; apply le_max_l.
rewrite -IH1 /=; last first.
move: Hmax. rewrite ltnS. move/leP. move/max_lub_l. by move/leP.
move Hdec1 : (decode' _ _ _) => [dec11 dec12].
rewrite -IH2 //; last first.
move: Hmax. rewrite ltnS. move/leP. move/max_lub_r. by move/leP.
rewrite -IH2 //.
by apply/leP; apply le_max_r.
Lemma fold_decode'_false : forall a b (t : tls_typ a b) lst l,
(fun (a : bool * seq byte) (_ : unit) =>
let (acc, buf) := a in
if acc then
let (acc', buf') := decode' (depth t) t buf in
(acc' && acc, buf')
(acc, buf))
(false, l)
lst = (false, l).
Proof. move=> a b t; by elim. Qed.
Definition decode {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) := decode' (depth t) t.
A predicate to decide whether a list of bytes is the implementation of a tls_typ.
Definition decodep {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) (l : seq byte) :=
let (a, l'):= decode t l in a && (size l' == O).
Lemma decode_app : forall n m (t : tls_typ n m) a a' b,
decode t a = (true, a') -> decode t (a ++ b) = (true, a' ++ b).
move=> n m; elim/tls_typ_nested_ind => {n m}.
- move => a a' b H.
rewrite /decode /= in H *.
by inversion H.
- move=> a a' b.
rewrite /decode /=.
case: ifP.
+ move=> Ha [] ?; subst a'.
rewrite size_cat addn_gt0 Ha /=.
by destruct a.
+ by destruct a.
- move=> n t IH m m0 m_n a a' b.
rewrite /decode /=.
case: ifP => // m_a [] ?; subst a'.
rewrite size_cat inj_plus.
have -> : m <=? Z_of_nat (size a) + Z_of_nat (size b).
move/leZP in m_a.
rewrite addZC.
apply leZ_addl; [exact: Zle_0_nat | by []].
rewrite drop_cat.
case: ifP => // H.
have : '|m| = size a.
move/leZP in m_a.
move/negbT in H.
rewrite -leqNgt in H.
have {}m_a : ('|m| <= '|Z_of_nat (size a)|)%nat.
apply Zabs_nat_le.
split => //.
by move/leZP in m0.
rewrite // in m_a.
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq H m_a.
move=> ->; by rewrite subnn drop0 drop_size.
- move=> n m t IH l' n' m' H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 a a' b.
rewrite /decode /=.
case: ifP => // l'_a.
case: ifP => // Hheader.
move Hfold1 : (foldl _ _ _) => [ret1 buf1].
move Hfold2 : (foldl _ _ _) => [ret2 buf2].
case: ifP => // Hret1 [] ?; subst a'.
have Z : (l' <= size (a ++ b))%nat.
rewrite size_cat -(addn0 l'); by apply leq_add.
rewrite Z.
have X : take l' a = take l' (a ++ b).
by rewrite takel_cat.
rewrite -X in Hfold2.
have Y : (drop l' a) ++ b = drop l' (a ++ b).
rewrite drop_cat.
case: ifP => //.
rewrite -leqNgt => H.
have {}H : size a = l' by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq H l'_a.
by rewrite -H drop_size subnn drop0.
rewrite -X -Y size_cat -(addn0 (S41.bytes2nat (take l' a))) leq_add //.
rewrite Hret1 in Hfold1.
rewrite -Y takel_cat // in Hfold2.
case: ifP => Hret2.
+ rewrite Hret2 Hfold1 in Hfold2.
case: Hfold2 => ?; subst buf2.
congr (_, _).
rewrite drop_cat.
case: ifP => // H.
by rewrite catA.
move/negbT in H.
rewrite -leqNgt addn0 in H.
have {}H : size (drop l' a) = nat<=i8 (take l' a) by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq Hheader H.
by rewrite -H addn0 subnn drop0 drop_size cats0.
+ subst ret2.
by rewrite Hfold1 in Hfold2.
- move=> m l n Hnodup H1 H2 a a' b.
rewrite /decode /=.
case: ifP => //.
case/andP => m_a Hinb [] ?; subst a'.
rewrite size_cat -{1}(addn0 m) leq_add //= takel_cat //.
rewrite Hinb.
rewrite drop_cat.
case: ifP => //.
rewrite -leqNgt => H.
have {}H : m = size a by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq m_a H.
by rewrite -H subnn drop0 H drop_size.
- move=> n1 m1 n2 m2 tag t1 t2 IH1 IH2 a a' b.
rewrite /decode /= -decode'_upper; last by apply/leP; apply le_max_l.
move Hdec1 : (decode' _ _ _) => [dec11 dec12].
rewrite -decode'_upper; last by apply/leP; apply le_max_r.
move Hdec2 : (decode' _ _ _) => [dec21 dec22].
case=> decx1 Ha'.
subst dec22.
destruct dec11; last by done.
destruct dec21; last by done.
rewrite {decx1} -decode'_upper; last by apply/leP; apply le_max_l.
move/(IH1 _ _ b) : Hdec1.
rewrite /decode => ->.
rewrite -decode'_upper; last by apply/leP; apply le_max_r.
move/(IH2 _ _ b) : Hdec2.
by rewrite /decode => ->.
let (a, l'):= decode t l in a && (size l' == O).
Lemma decode_app : forall n m (t : tls_typ n m) a a' b,
decode t a = (true, a') -> decode t (a ++ b) = (true, a' ++ b).
move=> n m; elim/tls_typ_nested_ind => {n m}.
- move => a a' b H.
rewrite /decode /= in H *.
by inversion H.
- move=> a a' b.
rewrite /decode /=.
case: ifP.
+ move=> Ha [] ?; subst a'.
rewrite size_cat addn_gt0 Ha /=.
by destruct a.
+ by destruct a.
- move=> n t IH m m0 m_n a a' b.
rewrite /decode /=.
case: ifP => // m_a [] ?; subst a'.
rewrite size_cat inj_plus.
have -> : m <=? Z_of_nat (size a) + Z_of_nat (size b).
move/leZP in m_a.
rewrite addZC.
apply leZ_addl; [exact: Zle_0_nat | by []].
rewrite drop_cat.
case: ifP => // H.
have : '|m| = size a.
move/leZP in m_a.
move/negbT in H.
rewrite -leqNgt in H.
have {}m_a : ('|m| <= '|Z_of_nat (size a)|)%nat.
apply Zabs_nat_le.
split => //.
by move/leZP in m0.
rewrite // in m_a.
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq H m_a.
move=> ->; by rewrite subnn drop0 drop_size.
- move=> n m t IH l' n' m' H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 a a' b.
rewrite /decode /=.
case: ifP => // l'_a.
case: ifP => // Hheader.
move Hfold1 : (foldl _ _ _) => [ret1 buf1].
move Hfold2 : (foldl _ _ _) => [ret2 buf2].
case: ifP => // Hret1 [] ?; subst a'.
have Z : (l' <= size (a ++ b))%nat.
rewrite size_cat -(addn0 l'); by apply leq_add.
rewrite Z.
have X : take l' a = take l' (a ++ b).
by rewrite takel_cat.
rewrite -X in Hfold2.
have Y : (drop l' a) ++ b = drop l' (a ++ b).
rewrite drop_cat.
case: ifP => //.
rewrite -leqNgt => H.
have {}H : size a = l' by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq H l'_a.
by rewrite -H drop_size subnn drop0.
rewrite -X -Y size_cat -(addn0 (S41.bytes2nat (take l' a))) leq_add //.
rewrite Hret1 in Hfold1.
rewrite -Y takel_cat // in Hfold2.
case: ifP => Hret2.
+ rewrite Hret2 Hfold1 in Hfold2.
case: Hfold2 => ?; subst buf2.
congr (_, _).
rewrite drop_cat.
case: ifP => // H.
by rewrite catA.
move/negbT in H.
rewrite -leqNgt addn0 in H.
have {}H : size (drop l' a) = nat<=i8 (take l' a) by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq Hheader H.
by rewrite -H addn0 subnn drop0 drop_size cats0.
+ subst ret2.
by rewrite Hfold1 in Hfold2.
- move=> m l n Hnodup H1 H2 a a' b.
rewrite /decode /=.
case: ifP => //.
case/andP => m_a Hinb [] ?; subst a'.
rewrite size_cat -{1}(addn0 m) leq_add //= takel_cat //.
rewrite Hinb.
rewrite drop_cat.
case: ifP => //.
rewrite -leqNgt => H.
have {}H : m = size a by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq m_a H.
by rewrite -H subnn drop0 H drop_size.
- move=> n1 m1 n2 m2 tag t1 t2 IH1 IH2 a a' b.
rewrite /decode /= -decode'_upper; last by apply/leP; apply le_max_l.
move Hdec1 : (decode' _ _ _) => [dec11 dec12].
rewrite -decode'_upper; last by apply/leP; apply le_max_r.
move Hdec2 : (decode' _ _ _) => [dec21 dec22].
case=> decx1 Ha'.
subst dec22.
destruct dec11; last by done.
destruct dec21; last by done.
rewrite {decx1} -decode'_upper; last by apply/leP; apply le_max_l.
move/(IH1 _ _ b) : Hdec1.
rewrite /decode => ->.
rewrite -decode'_upper; last by apply/leP; apply le_max_r.
move/(IH2 _ _ b) : Hdec2.
by rewrite /decode => ->.
Extract the fixed-size part of a tls_type.
Fixpoint fixed_sz {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) : Z :=
match t with
| opaque => 1
| arr _ _ m _ _ => m
| varr _ _ _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => Z_of_nat x
| enum m _ _ _ _ _ => Z_of_nat m
| pair _ _ _ _ t1 t2 => fixed_sz (snd t1) + fixed_sz t2
| str_nil => 0
match t with
| opaque => 1
| arr _ _ m _ _ => m
| varr _ _ _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => Z_of_nat x
| enum m _ _ _ _ _ => Z_of_nat m
| pair _ _ _ _ t1 t2 => fixed_sz (snd t1) + fixed_sz t2
| str_nil => 0
Notations for tls_type
Notation "T \[ n \]" := (arr _ T n Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl) (at level 50) : rfc5246_scope.
Notation "T \[[ n \]]" := (arr _ T (Z.abs n) (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ (normZ_ge0 _))
(proj1 (Zeq_is_eq_bool _ _) (Zmod_1_r (Z.abs n)))) (at level 50) : rfc5246_scope.
Notation "T `< a \.. b `> n " :=
(varr _ _ T n a b Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl) (at level 50) : rfc5246_scope.
Notation "\enum n \{ lst \}" :=
(enum n (map (@u2Zc 8) lst) None Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl) (at level 50) : rfc5246_scope.
Notation "\enum n \{ lst \} m" :=
(enum n (map (@u2Zc 8) lst) (Some m) Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl) (at level 50).
Notation "T \[[ n \]]" := (arr _ T (Z.abs n) (Zle_imp_le_bool _ _ (normZ_ge0 _))
(proj1 (Zeq_is_eq_bool _ _) (Zmod_1_r (Z.abs n)))) (at level 50) : rfc5246_scope.
Notation "T `< a \.. b `> n " :=
(varr _ _ T n a b Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl) (at level 50) : rfc5246_scope.
Notation "\enum n \{ lst \}" :=
(enum n (map (@u2Zc 8) lst) None Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl) (at level 50) : rfc5246_scope.
Notation "\enum n \{ lst \} m" :=
(enum n (map (@u2Zc 8) lst) (Some m) Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl Logic.eq_refl) (at level 50).
Module S44.
Definition uint8 := opaque.
Definition uint16 := uint8 \[ 2 \].
Definition uint24 := uint8 \[ 3 \].
Definition uint32 := uint8 \[ 4 \].
Definition uint64 := uint8 \[ 8 \].
End S44.
Module S43.
Definition Datum := opaque \[ 3 \].
Definition Data := Datum \[ 9 \].
Definition Data' := opaque \[ 8 \].
Definition Data'' n := opaque \[[ n \]].
Definition mandatory := opaque `< 300 \.. 400 `> 2.
Import S44.
Definition longer := uint16 `< 0 \.. 800 `> 2.
End S43.
Definition Datum := opaque \[ 3 \].
Definition Data := Datum \[ 9 \].
Definition Data' := opaque \[ 8 \].
Definition Data'' n := opaque \[[ n \]].
Definition mandatory := opaque `< 300 \.. 400 `> 2.
Import S44.
Definition longer := uint16 `< 0 \.. 800 `> 2.
End S43.
Module S45.
Definition red := `( 3 )c_8. Definition blue := `( 5 )c_8. Definition white := `( 7 )c_8.
Definition Color := \enum 1 \{ red :: blue :: white :: nil \}.
Definition sweet := `( 1 )c_8 . Definition sour := `( 2 )c_8. Definition bitter := `( 4 )c_8.
Definition Taste := \enum 2 \{ sweet :: sour :: bitter ::nil \} 32000.
End S45.
Notation "'\{' i ; .. ; j '\}'":= (cons i .. (cons j nil) ..) (at level 70,
format "'[v' '\{' '//' i ';' '//' .. ';' '//' j '//' '\}' ']'", i at level 71, j at level 71) : select_scope.
Definition pack {n m} (T : tls_typ n m) : {n : Z & { m : Z & tls_typ n m } }
:= existT (fun x => {m : Z & tls_typ x m}) n (existT _ m T).
Definition unpack (H : {n : Z & { m : Z & tls_typ n m } } ) :
tls_typ (projT1 H) (projT1 (projT2 H)) := projT2 (projT2 H).
Module select_m.
Fixpoint sel {A :eqType} (l : seq (A * {n : Z & { m : Z & tls_typ n m } })) (z : A) :=
match l with
| (hi, ho) :: tl => if hi == z then ho else sel tl z
| _ => pack typ_nil
Definition sel_test {A : eqType} (lst : seq A) (l : seq (A * {n : Z & {m : Z & tls_typ n m} }))
(_ : all (fun x => fst x == snd x) (zip lst (unzip1 l)))
(z : A) :=
match lst with
| nil => pack typ_nil
| h :: t => if all (fun x => fst x == snd x) (zip lst (unzip1 l)) then
sel l z
pack typ_nil
Definition sel_enum (z : seq byte) {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) (Henum : decodep t z)
(l : seq (Z * {n' : Z & {m' : Z & tls_typ n' m'} }))
(H : all (fun x => fst x == snd x) (zip (lst_enum t) (unzip1 l)))
(H' : size l == size (lst_enum t)) :=
sel_test (lst_enum t) l H (S41.bytes2Z z).
End select_m.
Notations for "select"
Notation "'selectb(' b '\)' lst" := (select_m.sel_test (false :: true :: nil) lst (refl_equal _) b) (at level 70,
format "'[' 'selectb(' b '\)' lst ']' '//'") : select_scope.
Notation "'select(' z '\:' t '\:' H '\)' lst" := (select_m.sel_enum z t H lst (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _)) (at level 70,
format "'[' 'select(' z '\:' t '\:' H '\)' lst ']' '//'") : select_scope.
Record packet (p : seq byte -> bool) : Type := {
body :> seq byte ;
decodable : p body }.
Arguments body [p].
Definition var_sz {n m} {t : tls_typ n m} (p : packet (decodep t)) :=
(size p - '|(fixed_sz t)|)%nat.
Module dselect_m.
Fixpoint sel {A :eqType} (l : seq (A * (seq byte -> bool))) (z : A) :=
match l with
| (hi, ho) :: tl => if hi == z then ho else sel tl z
| _ => fun _ => false
Definition sel_test {A : eqType} (lst : seq A) (l : seq (A * (seq byte -> bool)))
(_ : all (fun x => fst x == snd x) (zip lst (unzip1 l)))
(z : A) :=
match lst with
| nil => fun _ => false
| h :: t => if all (fun x => fst x == snd x) (zip lst (unzip1 l)) then
sel l z
fun _ => false
Definition sel_enum (z : seq byte) {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) (Henum : decodep t z)
(l : seq (Z * (seq byte -> bool)))
(H : all (fun x => fst x == snd x) (zip (lst_enum t) (unzip1 l))) :=
sel_test (lst_enum t) l H (S41.bytes2Z z).
End dselect_m.
Notation "'dselectb(' b '\)' lst" := (dselect_m.sel_test (false :: true :: nil) lst (refl_equal _) b) (at level 70,
format "'[' 'dselectb(' b '\)' lst ']' '//'") : select_scope.
Notation "'dselect(' z '\:' t '\:' H '\)' lst" := (dselect_m.sel_enum z t H lst (refl_equal _)) (at level 70,
format "'[' 'dselect(' z '\:' t '\:' H '\)' lst ']' '//'") : select_scope.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Module S461.
Definition apple : byte := `( 0 )c_8. Definition orange := `( 1 )c_8. Definition banana := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition VariantTag := \enum 1 \{ apple :: orange :: banana :: nil \}.
Definition variable_string_type := opaque `< 0 \.. 10 `> 1.
Definition fixed_string_type := opaque \[ 10 \].
Import S44.
Definition V1 :=
struct{ ("number", uint16) ;
("string", variable_string_type) }.
Definition V2 :=
struct{ ("number", uint32) ;
("string", fixed_string_type) }.
format "'[' 'selectb(' b '\)' lst ']' '//'") : select_scope.
Notation "'select(' z '\:' t '\:' H '\)' lst" := (select_m.sel_enum z t H lst (refl_equal _) (refl_equal _)) (at level 70,
format "'[' 'select(' z '\:' t '\:' H '\)' lst ']' '//'") : select_scope.
Record packet (p : seq byte -> bool) : Type := {
body :> seq byte ;
decodable : p body }.
Arguments body [p].
Definition var_sz {n m} {t : tls_typ n m} (p : packet (decodep t)) :=
(size p - '|(fixed_sz t)|)%nat.
Module dselect_m.
Fixpoint sel {A :eqType} (l : seq (A * (seq byte -> bool))) (z : A) :=
match l with
| (hi, ho) :: tl => if hi == z then ho else sel tl z
| _ => fun _ => false
Definition sel_test {A : eqType} (lst : seq A) (l : seq (A * (seq byte -> bool)))
(_ : all (fun x => fst x == snd x) (zip lst (unzip1 l)))
(z : A) :=
match lst with
| nil => fun _ => false
| h :: t => if all (fun x => fst x == snd x) (zip lst (unzip1 l)) then
sel l z
fun _ => false
Definition sel_enum (z : seq byte) {n m} (t : tls_typ n m) (Henum : decodep t z)
(l : seq (Z * (seq byte -> bool)))
(H : all (fun x => fst x == snd x) (zip (lst_enum t) (unzip1 l))) :=
sel_test (lst_enum t) l H (S41.bytes2Z z).
End dselect_m.
Notation "'dselectb(' b '\)' lst" := (dselect_m.sel_test (false :: true :: nil) lst (refl_equal _) b) (at level 70,
format "'[' 'dselectb(' b '\)' lst ']' '//'") : select_scope.
Notation "'dselect(' z '\:' t '\:' H '\)' lst" := (dselect_m.sel_enum z t H lst (refl_equal _)) (at level 70,
format "'[' 'dselect(' z '\:' t '\:' H '\)' lst ']' '//'") : select_scope.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Module S461.
Definition apple : byte := `( 0 )c_8. Definition orange := `( 1 )c_8. Definition banana := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition VariantTag := \enum 1 \{ apple :: orange :: banana :: nil \}.
Definition variable_string_type := opaque `< 0 \.. 10 `> 1.
Definition fixed_string_type := opaque \[ 10 \].
Import S44.
Definition V1 :=
struct{ ("number", uint16) ;
("string", variable_string_type) }.
Definition V2 :=
struct{ ("number", uint32) ;
("string", fixed_string_type) }.
We know that n is really an element of VariantTag because of Hn.
NB: This is the encoding of the typed data, not the type only.
NB: the select is defined with enum types, but in S7412 it will be used w.r.t. to a boolean.
struct { select (VariantTag) { case apple: V1; case orange: case bananana: V2; } variant_body; } VariantRecord;
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Definition VariantStructure n (Hn : decodep VariantTag n) := struct{
("variant_body", unpack (select(_ \: _ \: Hn \) \{
(u2Zc apple, pack V1) ;
(u2Zc orange, pack V2) ;
(u2Zc banana, pack V2) \})) }.
Local Close Scope select_scope.
End S461.
Module S48.
Import S44.
Definition Example1 :=
struct{ ("f1", uint8) ;
("f2", uint8) }.
End S48.
Import S44.
Definition Example1 :=
struct{ ("f1", uint8) ;
("f2", uint8) }.
End S48.
Module S71.
Definition change_cipher_spec : byte := `( 1 )c_8.
Definition type_type := \enum 1 \{ change_cipher_spec :: nil \} 255.
Definition ChangeCipherSpec := struct{
("type", type_type)
End S71.
Definition change_cipher_spec : byte := `( 1 )c_8.
Definition type_type := \enum 1 \{ change_cipher_spec :: nil \} 255.
Definition ChangeCipherSpec := struct{
("type", type_type)
End S71.
Module S72.
Definition warning := `( 1 )c_8. Definition fatal := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition AlertLevel := \enum 1 \{ warning :: fatal :: nil \} 255.
Definition close_notify := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition unexpected_message := `( 10 )c_8.
Definition bad_record_mac := `( 20 )c_8.
Definition decryption_failed_RESERVED := `( 21 )c_8.
Definition record_overflow := `( 22 )c_8.
Definition decompression_failure := `( 30 )c_8.
Definition handshake_failure := `( 40 )c_8.
Definition no_certificate_RESERVED := `( 41 )c_8.
Definition bad_certificate := `( 42 )c_8.
Definition unsupported_certificate := `( 43 )c_8.
Definition certificate_revoked := `( 44 )c_8.
Definition certificate_expired := `( 45 )c_8.
Definition certificate_unknown := `( 46 )c_8.
Definition illegal_parameter := `( 47 )c_8.
Definition unknown_ca := `( 48 )c_8.
Definition access_denied := `( 49 )c_8.
Definition decode_error := `( 50 )c_8.
Definition decrypt_error := `( 51 )c_8.
Definition export_restriction_RESERVED := `( 60 )c_8.
Definition protocol_version := `( 70 )c_8.
Definition insufficient_security := `( 71 )c_8.
Definition internal_error := `( 80 )c_8.
Definition user_canceled := `( 90 )c_8.
Definition no_renogociation := `( 100 )c_8.
Definition unsupported_extension := `( 110 )c_8.
Definition AlertDescription := \enum 1 \{
close_notify :: unexpected_message :: bad_record_mac :: decryption_failed_RESERVED ::
record_overflow :: decompression_failure :: handshake_failure :: no_certificate_RESERVED ::
bad_certificate :: unsupported_certificate :: certificate_revoked :: certificate_expired ::
certificate_unknown :: illegal_parameter :: unknown_ca :: access_denied :: decode_error ::
decrypt_error :: export_restriction_RESERVED :: protocol_version :: insufficient_security ::
internal_error :: user_canceled :: no_renogociation :: unsupported_extension :: nil\} 255.
Definition Alert :=
struct{ ("level", AlertLevel) ;
("description", AlertDescription) }.
End S72.
Definition warning := `( 1 )c_8. Definition fatal := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition AlertLevel := \enum 1 \{ warning :: fatal :: nil \} 255.
Definition close_notify := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition unexpected_message := `( 10 )c_8.
Definition bad_record_mac := `( 20 )c_8.
Definition decryption_failed_RESERVED := `( 21 )c_8.
Definition record_overflow := `( 22 )c_8.
Definition decompression_failure := `( 30 )c_8.
Definition handshake_failure := `( 40 )c_8.
Definition no_certificate_RESERVED := `( 41 )c_8.
Definition bad_certificate := `( 42 )c_8.
Definition unsupported_certificate := `( 43 )c_8.
Definition certificate_revoked := `( 44 )c_8.
Definition certificate_expired := `( 45 )c_8.
Definition certificate_unknown := `( 46 )c_8.
Definition illegal_parameter := `( 47 )c_8.
Definition unknown_ca := `( 48 )c_8.
Definition access_denied := `( 49 )c_8.
Definition decode_error := `( 50 )c_8.
Definition decrypt_error := `( 51 )c_8.
Definition export_restriction_RESERVED := `( 60 )c_8.
Definition protocol_version := `( 70 )c_8.
Definition insufficient_security := `( 71 )c_8.
Definition internal_error := `( 80 )c_8.
Definition user_canceled := `( 90 )c_8.
Definition no_renogociation := `( 100 )c_8.
Definition unsupported_extension := `( 110 )c_8.
Definition AlertDescription := \enum 1 \{
close_notify :: unexpected_message :: bad_record_mac :: decryption_failed_RESERVED ::
record_overflow :: decompression_failure :: handshake_failure :: no_certificate_RESERVED ::
bad_certificate :: unsupported_certificate :: certificate_revoked :: certificate_expired ::
certificate_unknown :: illegal_parameter :: unknown_ca :: access_denied :: decode_error ::
decrypt_error :: export_restriction_RESERVED :: protocol_version :: insufficient_security ::
internal_error :: user_canceled :: no_renogociation :: unsupported_extension :: nil\} 255.
Definition Alert :=
struct{ ("level", AlertLevel) ;
("description", AlertDescription) }.
End S72.
Module S74141.
Definition none := `( 0 )c_8. Definition md5 := `( 1 )c_8. Definition sha1 := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition sha224 := `( 3 )c_8. Definition sha256 := `( 4 )c_8. Definition sha384 := `( 5 )c_8.
Definition sha512 := `( 6 )c_8.
Definition HashAlgorithm := \enum 1
\{ none :: md5 :: sha1 :: sha224 :: sha256 :: sha384 :: sha512 :: nil \} 255.
Definition anonymous := `( 0 )c_8. Definition rsa := `( 1 )c_8.
Definition dsa := `( 2 )c_8. Definition ecdsa := `( 3 )c_8.
Definition SignatureAlgorithm := \enum 1
\{ [:: anonymous ; rsa ; dsa ; ecdsa] \} 255.
Definition SignatureAndHashAlgorithm :=
struct{ ("hash", HashAlgorithm) ;
("signature", SignatureAlgorithm) }.
Definition supported_signature_algorithms :=
SignatureAndHashAlgorithm `< 2 \.. (2 ^ 16 - 2) `> 2.
End S74141.
Definition none := `( 0 )c_8. Definition md5 := `( 1 )c_8. Definition sha1 := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition sha224 := `( 3 )c_8. Definition sha256 := `( 4 )c_8. Definition sha384 := `( 5 )c_8.
Definition sha512 := `( 6 )c_8.
Definition HashAlgorithm := \enum 1
\{ none :: md5 :: sha1 :: sha224 :: sha256 :: sha384 :: sha512 :: nil \} 255.
Definition anonymous := `( 0 )c_8. Definition rsa := `( 1 )c_8.
Definition dsa := `( 2 )c_8. Definition ecdsa := `( 3 )c_8.
Definition SignatureAlgorithm := \enum 1
\{ [:: anonymous ; rsa ; dsa ; ecdsa] \} 255.
Definition SignatureAndHashAlgorithm :=
struct{ ("hash", HashAlgorithm) ;
("signature", SignatureAlgorithm) }.
Definition supported_signature_algorithms :=
SignatureAndHashAlgorithm `< 2 \.. (2 ^ 16 - 2) `> 2.
End S74141.
Module S47.
Import S74141.
Definition DigitallySigned :=
struct{ ("algorithm", SignatureAndHashAlgorithm) ;
("signature", opaque `< 2 \.. (2 ^ 16 - 1) `> 2) }.
End S47.
Import S74141.
Definition DigitallySigned :=
struct{ ("algorithm", SignatureAndHashAlgorithm) ;
("signature", opaque `< 2 \.. (2 ^ 16 - 1) `> 2) }.
End S47.
Module S61.
Definition server := `( 0 )c_8. Definition client := `( 1 )c_8.
Definition ConnectionEnd := \enum 1 \{ server :: client :: nil \}.
Definition tls_prf_sha256 := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition PRFAlgorithm := \enum 1 \{ tls_prf_sha256 :: nil \}.
Definition null_bca := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition rc4 := `( 1 )c_8. Definition threedes := `( 2 )c_8. Definition aes := `( 3 )c_8.
Definition BulkCipherAlgorithm := \enum 1 \{ null_bca :: rc4 :: threedes :: aes :: nil \}.
Definition stream := `( 0 )c_8. Definition block := `( 1 )c_8. Definition aead := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition CipherType := \enum 1 \{ stream :: block :: aead :: nil \}.
Definition null_ma := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition hmac_md5 := `( 1 )c_8. Definition hmac_sha1 := `( 2 )c_8. Definition hmac_sha256 := `( 3 )c_8.
Definition hmac_sha384 := `( 4 )c_8. Definition hmac_sha512 := `( 5 )c_8.
Definition MACAlgorithm := \enum 1 \{ null_ma :: hmac_md5 :: hmac_sha1 :: hmac_sha256 ::
hmac_sha384 :: hmac_sha512 :: nil \}.
Definition null := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition CompressionMethod := \enum 1 \{ [:: null] \} 255.
Import S44.
Definition SecurityParameters :=
struct{ ("entity", ConnectionEnd) ;
("prf_algorithm", PRFAlgorithm) ;
("bulk_cipher_algorithm", BulkCipherAlgorithm) ;
("cipher_type", CipherType) ;
("enc_key_length", uint8) ;
("block_length", uint8) ;
("fixed_iv_length", uint8) ;
("record_iv_length", uint8) ;
("mac_algorithm", MACAlgorithm) ;
("mac_length", uint8) ;
("mak_key_length", uint8) ;
("compression_algorithm", CompressionMethod) ;
("master_secret", opaque \[ 48 \]) ;
("client_random", opaque \[ 32 \]) ;
("server_random", opaque \[ 32 \]) }.
End S61.
Definition server := `( 0 )c_8. Definition client := `( 1 )c_8.
Definition ConnectionEnd := \enum 1 \{ server :: client :: nil \}.
Definition tls_prf_sha256 := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition PRFAlgorithm := \enum 1 \{ tls_prf_sha256 :: nil \}.
Definition null_bca := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition rc4 := `( 1 )c_8. Definition threedes := `( 2 )c_8. Definition aes := `( 3 )c_8.
Definition BulkCipherAlgorithm := \enum 1 \{ null_bca :: rc4 :: threedes :: aes :: nil \}.
Definition stream := `( 0 )c_8. Definition block := `( 1 )c_8. Definition aead := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition CipherType := \enum 1 \{ stream :: block :: aead :: nil \}.
Definition null_ma := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition hmac_md5 := `( 1 )c_8. Definition hmac_sha1 := `( 2 )c_8. Definition hmac_sha256 := `( 3 )c_8.
Definition hmac_sha384 := `( 4 )c_8. Definition hmac_sha512 := `( 5 )c_8.
Definition MACAlgorithm := \enum 1 \{ null_ma :: hmac_md5 :: hmac_sha1 :: hmac_sha256 ::
hmac_sha384 :: hmac_sha512 :: nil \}.
Definition null := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition CompressionMethod := \enum 1 \{ [:: null] \} 255.
Import S44.
Definition SecurityParameters :=
struct{ ("entity", ConnectionEnd) ;
("prf_algorithm", PRFAlgorithm) ;
("bulk_cipher_algorithm", BulkCipherAlgorithm) ;
("cipher_type", CipherType) ;
("enc_key_length", uint8) ;
("block_length", uint8) ;
("fixed_iv_length", uint8) ;
("record_iv_length", uint8) ;
("mac_algorithm", MACAlgorithm) ;
("mac_length", uint8) ;
("mak_key_length", uint8) ;
("compression_algorithm", CompressionMethod) ;
("master_secret", opaque \[ 48 \]) ;
("client_random", opaque \[ 32 \]) ;
("server_random", opaque \[ 32 \]) }.
End S61.
Module S621.
Import S44.
Definition ProtocolVersion :=
struct{ ("major", uint8) ; ("minor", uint8) }.
Definition change_cipher_spec := `( 20 )c_8.
Definition alert := `( 21 )c_8.
Definition handshake := `( 22 )c_8.
Definition application_data := `( 23 )c_8.
Definition ContentType := \enum 1 \{ change_cipher_spec :: alert :: handshake :: application_data :: nil \} 255.
Import S44.
Definition ProtocolVersion :=
struct{ ("major", uint8) ; ("minor", uint8) }.
Definition change_cipher_spec := `( 20 )c_8.
Definition alert := `( 21 )c_8.
Definition handshake := `( 22 )c_8.
Definition application_data := `( 23 )c_8.
Definition ContentType := \enum 1 \{ change_cipher_spec :: alert :: handshake :: application_data :: nil \} 255.
remark p.20:
Definition length_maxp (x : seq byte) := (S41.bytes2nat x <= 2 ^ 14)%nat.
Definition SSLv30_maj := `( 3 )_ 8.
Definition SSLv30_min := `( 0 )_ 8.
Definition TLSv10_maj := SSLv30_maj.
Definition TLSv10_min := `( 1 )_8.
Definition TLSv11_maj := SSLv30_maj.
Definition TLSv11_min := `( 2 )_8.
Definition TLSv12_maj := SSLv30_maj.
Definition TLSv12_min := `( 3 )_8.
Definition is_maj x := x \in [:: SSLv30_maj; TLSv10_maj; TLSv11_maj; TLSv12_maj].
Definition is_min x := x \in [:: SSLv30_min; TLSv10_min; TLSv11_min; TLSv12_min].
Definition proverp s := is_maj s `_ O && is_min s `_ 1.
Structure TLSPlainText := {
type : packet (decodep ContentType) ;
version : packet (fun x => decodep ProtocolVersion x && proverp x) ;
length : packet (fun x => decodep uint16 x && length_maxp x) ;
fragment : packet (decodep (opaque \[[ S41.bytes2Z length \]]))
Definition TLSPlainText_header_decode l : bool * seq byte :=
let (a1, l1) := decode ContentType l in
let (a2, l2) := let (a2', l2) := decode ProtocolVersion l1 in
(a2' && proverp (take '|(fixed_sz ProtocolVersion)| l1), l2) in
let (a3, l3) := let (a3', l3) := decode uint16 l2 in
(a3' && length_maxp (take '|(fixed_sz uint16)| l2), l3) in
([&& a1, a2 & a3], l3).
Definition TLSPlainText_hd :=
fixed_sz ProtocolVersion + fixed_sz ContentType + fixed_sz uint16.
End S621.
Definition SSLv30_maj := `( 3 )_ 8.
Definition SSLv30_min := `( 0 )_ 8.
Definition TLSv10_maj := SSLv30_maj.
Definition TLSv10_min := `( 1 )_8.
Definition TLSv11_maj := SSLv30_maj.
Definition TLSv11_min := `( 2 )_8.
Definition TLSv12_maj := SSLv30_maj.
Definition TLSv12_min := `( 3 )_8.
Definition is_maj x := x \in [:: SSLv30_maj; TLSv10_maj; TLSv11_maj; TLSv12_maj].
Definition is_min x := x \in [:: SSLv30_min; TLSv10_min; TLSv11_min; TLSv12_min].
Definition proverp s := is_maj s `_ O && is_min s `_ 1.
Structure TLSPlainText := {
type : packet (decodep ContentType) ;
version : packet (fun x => decodep ProtocolVersion x && proverp x) ;
length : packet (fun x => decodep uint16 x && length_maxp x) ;
fragment : packet (decodep (opaque \[[ S41.bytes2Z length \]]))
Definition TLSPlainText_header_decode l : bool * seq byte :=
let (a1, l1) := decode ContentType l in
let (a2, l2) := let (a2', l2) := decode ProtocolVersion l1 in
(a2' && proverp (take '|(fixed_sz ProtocolVersion)| l1), l2) in
let (a3, l3) := let (a3', l3) := decode uint16 l2 in
(a3' && length_maxp (take '|(fixed_sz uint16)| l2), l3) in
([&& a1, a2 & a3], l3).
Definition TLSPlainText_hd :=
fixed_sz ProtocolVersion + fixed_sz ContentType + fixed_sz uint16.
End S621.
Module S622.
Import S621 S44.
Import S621 S44.
remark p. 21:
Definition length_max := (2 ^ 14 + 1024)%nat.
Structure TLSCompressed_packet := {
type : packet (decodep ContentType) ;
length : packet (fun x => decodep uint16 x && (S41.bytes2nat x <= length_max)%nat) ;
fragment : packet (decodep (opaque \[[ (S41.bytes2Z length) \]]))
End S622.
Structure TLSCompressed_packet := {
type : packet (decodep ContentType) ;
length : packet (fun x => decodep uint16 x && (S41.bytes2nat x <= length_max)%nat) ;
fragment : packet (decodep (opaque \[[ (S41.bytes2Z length) \]]))
End S622.
Module S6231.
Definition GenericStreamCipher TLSCompressed_length mac_length :=
struct{ ("content", opaque \[[ TLSCompressed_length \]]) ;
("MAC", opaque \[[ mac_length \]]) }.
End S6231.
Definition GenericStreamCipher TLSCompressed_length mac_length :=
struct{ ("content", opaque \[[ TLSCompressed_length \]]) ;
("MAC", opaque \[[ mac_length \]]) }.
End S6231.
Module S6232.
Import S44.
Definition GenericBlockCipher record_iv_length TLSCompressed_length mac_length padding_length :=
struct{ ("IV", opaque \[[ record_iv_length \]]) ;
("blockciphered", struct{ ("content", opaque \[[ TLSCompressed_length \]]) ;
("MAC", opaque \[[ mac_length \]]) ;
("padding", uint8 \[[ padding_length \]]) ;
("padding_length", uint8) }) }.
End S6232.
Import S44.
Definition GenericBlockCipher record_iv_length TLSCompressed_length mac_length padding_length :=
struct{ ("IV", opaque \[[ record_iv_length \]]) ;
("blockciphered", struct{ ("content", opaque \[[ TLSCompressed_length \]]) ;
("MAC", opaque \[[ mac_length \]]) ;
("padding", uint8 \[[ padding_length \]]) ;
("padding_length", uint8) }) }.
End S6232.
Module S6233.
Definition GenericAEADCipher record_iv_length TLSCompressed_length :=
struct{ ("nonce_explicit", opaque \[[ record_iv_length \]]) ;
("aead-ciphered", struct{ ("content", opaque \[[ TLSCompressed_length \]]) } ) }.
End S6233.
Definition GenericAEADCipher record_iv_length TLSCompressed_length :=
struct{ ("nonce_explicit", opaque \[[ record_iv_length \]]) ;
("aead-ciphered", struct{ ("content", opaque \[[ TLSCompressed_length \]]) } ) }.
End S6233.
Module S623.
Import S621 S44 S61 S6231 S6232 S6233.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Definition TLSCipherText n (Hn : decodep CipherType n) TLSCompressed_length mac_length record_iv_length padding_length := struct{
("type", ContentType) ;
("version", ProtocolVersion) ;
("length", uint16) ;
("fragment", unpack (select( _ \: _ \: Hn \) \{
(u2Zc stream, pack (GenericStreamCipher TLSCompressed_length mac_length)) ;
(u2Zc block, pack (GenericBlockCipher record_iv_length TLSCompressed_length mac_length padding_length)) ;
(u2Zc aead, pack (GenericAEADCipher record_iv_length TLSCompressed_length))
Local Close Scope select_scope.
End S623.
Import S621 S44 S61 S6231 S6232 S6233.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Definition TLSCipherText n (Hn : decodep CipherType n) TLSCompressed_length mac_length record_iv_length padding_length := struct{
("type", ContentType) ;
("version", ProtocolVersion) ;
("length", uint16) ;
("fragment", unpack (select( _ \: _ \: Hn \) \{
(u2Zc stream, pack (GenericStreamCipher TLSCompressed_length mac_length)) ;
(u2Zc block, pack (GenericBlockCipher record_iv_length TLSCompressed_length mac_length padding_length)) ;
(u2Zc aead, pack (GenericAEADCipher record_iv_length TLSCompressed_length))
Local Close Scope select_scope.
End S623.
Module S7411.
Definition HelloRequest := struct{}.
Definition HelloRequestp := decodep HelloRequest.
Definition HelloRequest_packet := packet HelloRequestp.
End S7411.
Definition HelloRequest := struct{}.
Definition HelloRequestp := decodep HelloRequest.
Definition HelloRequest_packet := packet HelloRequestp.
End S7411.
Module S7414.
Definition signature_algorithms := `( 13 )c_8.
Definition ExtensionType :=
\enum 2 \{ [:: signature_algorithms] \} 65535.
Definition signature_algorithms := `( 13 )c_8.
Definition ExtensionType :=
\enum 2 \{ [:: signature_algorithms] \} 65535.
The RFC actually defines:
Definition extension_data_type := opaque \< 0 \.. (2^16 - 1) \> 2.but this is not compatible with "extensions_type" in
Definition extension_data_type :=
opaque `< 0 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 - 2 `> 2.
Definition Extension :=
struct{ ("extension_type", ExtensionType) ;
("extension_data", extension_data_type) }.
End S7414.
opaque `< 0 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 - 2 `> 2.
Definition Extension :=
struct{ ("extension_type", ExtensionType) ;
("extension_data", extension_data_type) }.
End S7414.
Module S7412.
Import S44.
Definition Random :=
struct{ ("gmt_unix_time", uint32) ;
("random_bytes", opaque \[ 28 \])}.
Definition SessionID := opaque `< 0 \.. 32 `> 1.
Definition CipherSuite := uint8 \[ 2 \].
Notation "'NewCipherSuite' l" := (Build_packet (decodep S7412.CipherSuite) l (Logic.eq_refl _)) (at level 9).
Definition CipherSuitePacket := packet (decodep S7412.CipherSuite).
Import S44.
Definition Random :=
struct{ ("gmt_unix_time", uint32) ;
("random_bytes", opaque \[ 28 \])}.
Definition SessionID := opaque `< 0 \.. 32 `> 1.
Definition CipherSuite := uint8 \[ 2 \].
Notation "'NewCipherSuite' l" := (Build_packet (decodep S7412.CipherSuite) l (Logic.eq_refl _)) (at level 9).
Definition CipherSuitePacket := packet (decodep S7412.CipherSuite).
NB: CompressionMethod already defined in Sect. 6.1
Definition cipher_suites_type := CipherSuite `< 2 \.. (2 ^ 16 - 2) `> 2.
Import S61.
Definition compression_methods_type := CompressionMethod `< 1 \.. (2 ^ 8 - 1) `> 1.
Import S7414.
Definition extensions_type := Extension `< 0 \.. (2 ^ 16 - 1) `> 2.
Eval compute in (fixed_sz SessionID +
fixed_sz cipher_suites_type +
fixed_sz compression_methods_type).
Import S621.
Eval compute in (fixed_sz ProtocolVersion).
Eval compute in (fixed_sz Random).
Definition Hello_sz sid :=
fixed_sz ProtocolVersion + fixed_sz Random +
fixed_sz SessionID + Z<=nat sid.
Definition ClientHello_sz sid cys cpm :=
Hello_sz sid +
fixed_sz cipher_suites_type + Z<=nat cys +
fixed_sz compression_methods_type + Z<=nat cpm.
Definition client_extensions_present m sid cys cpm :=
ClientHello_sz sid cys cpm <? Z<=nat m.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Import S61.
Definition compression_methods_type := CompressionMethod `< 1 \.. (2 ^ 8 - 1) `> 1.
Import S7414.
Definition extensions_type := Extension `< 0 \.. (2 ^ 16 - 1) `> 2.
Eval compute in (fixed_sz SessionID +
fixed_sz cipher_suites_type +
fixed_sz compression_methods_type).
Import S621.
Eval compute in (fixed_sz ProtocolVersion).
Eval compute in (fixed_sz Random).
Definition Hello_sz sid :=
fixed_sz ProtocolVersion + fixed_sz Random +
fixed_sz SessionID + Z<=nat sid.
Definition ClientHello_sz sid cys cpm :=
Hello_sz sid +
fixed_sz cipher_suites_type + Z<=nat cys +
fixed_sz compression_methods_type + Z<=nat cpm.
Definition client_extensions_present m sid cys cpm :=
ClientHello_sz sid cys cpm <? Z<=nat m.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
ClientHello parametrized by the length encoded in the outer Handshake packet (type uint24)
Structure ClientHello_packet {m} (H : decodep uint24 m) := {
client_version : packet (fun x => decodep ProtocolVersion x && proverp x) ;
random : packet (decodep Random) ;
session_id : packet (decodep SessionID) ;
cipher_suites : packet (decodep cipher_suites_type) ;
compression_methods : packet (decodep compression_methods_type) ;
extensions : packet (
dselectb( client_extensions_present (nat<=i8 m)
(var_sz session_id)
(var_sz cipher_suites)
(var_sz compression_methods) \) \{
(false, decodep struct{}) ;
(true, decodep extensions_type) \}) }.
Arguments client_version [m H] _.
Arguments random [m H] _.
Arguments session_id [m H] _.
Arguments cipher_suites [m H] _.
Arguments compression_methods [m H] _.
Arguments extensions [m H] _.
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Definition ClientHello_decode m l : bool * seq byte :=
if ~~ decodep uint24 m then (false, l) else
let (a1, l1) := let (a1', l1) := decode ProtocolVersion l in
(a1' && proverp (take ('|(fixed_sz ProtocolVersion)|) l), l1) in
let (a2, l2) := decode Random l1 in
let (a3, l3) := decode SessionID l2 in
let (a4, l4) := decode cipher_suites_type l3 in
let (a5, l5) := decode compression_methods_type l4 in
if client_extensions_present (nat<=i8 m)
(size l2 - size l3 - '|(fixed_sz SessionID)|)
(size l3 - size l4 - '|(fixed_sz cipher_suites_type)|)
(size l4 - size l5 - '|(fixed_sz compression_methods_type)|) then
let (a6, l6) := decode extensions_type l5 in
([&& a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 & a6], l6)
([&& a1, a2, a3, a4 & a5], l5).
Definition ClientHellop m l : bool :=
let (a, l') := ClientHello_decode m l in (a && (size l' == O)).
Lemma ClientHello_packet_ClientHellop m (Hm : decodep uint24 m) : forall (buf : ClientHello_packet Hm),
ClientHellop m
(client_version buf ++ random buf ++ session_id buf ++
cipher_suites buf ++ compression_methods buf ++ extensions buf).
case=> /=.
move=> [client_version0 H1] [random0 H2] [session_id0 H3] [cipher_suites0 H4]
[compression_methods0 H5] [extensions0 H6] /=.
rewrite /ClientHellop /ClientHello_decode.
case :ifP => [Hn' | _].
by rewrite Hm in Hn'.
move: H1.
rewrite {1}/decodep.
move Hdec_ver : (decode _ _) => dec_ver.
destruct dec_ver as [ret buf].
destruct ret => //= _.
destruct buf => //= _.
rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_ver).
rewrite /=.
set tmp := take _ _.
have -> : proverp tmp = proverp client_version0.
rewrite /tmp.
by destruct client_version0 as [|h [|]].
move=> -> /=.
move: H2.
rewrite {1}/decodep.
move Hdec_ran : (decode _ _) => dec_ran.
destruct dec_ran as [ret buf].
destruct ret => //= _.
destruct buf => //= _.
rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_ran).
move Hdec_sid : (decode SessionID session_id0) => dec_sid.
destruct dec_sid as [ret buf].
rewrite /=.
destruct ret in Hdec_sid; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_sid in H3.
destruct buf in Hdec_sid; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_sid in H3.
rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_sid).
move Hdec_cyp : (decode cipher_suites_type cipher_suites0) => dec_cyp.
destruct dec_cyp as [ret buf].
destruct ret in Hdec_cyp; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_cyp in H4.
destruct buf in Hdec_cyp; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_cyp in H4.
rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_cyp).
move Hdec_cmp : (decode compression_methods_type compression_methods0) => dec_cmp.
destruct dec_cmp as [ret buf].
destruct ret in Hdec_cmp; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_cmp in H5.
destruct buf in Hdec_cmp; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_cmp in H5.
rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_cmp).
move: H6 => /=.
move Htest : (client_extensions_present _ _ _ _) => [] /=.
- move=> H7.
case: ifP.
+ move=> H8.
rewrite -(cats0 extensions0).
move: H7.
rewrite {1}/decodep.
move Hdec_ext : (decode _ _) => dec_ext.
destruct dec_ext as [ret buf].
destruct ret => //= _.
destruct buf => //= _.
rewrite /= in Htest.
by rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_ext).
+ move=> H8.
have X1 : (size
(session_id0 ++
cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ extensions0) -
(cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ extensions0))%nat = size session_id0.
by rewrite !size_cat /= -addnBA // subnn addn0.
rewrite X1 in H8.
have X2 : (size (cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ extensions0) -
(compression_methods0 ++ extensions0))%nat = size cipher_suites0.
by rewrite size_cat -addnBA // subnn addn0.
rewrite X2 in H8.
have X3 : (size (compression_methods0 ++ extensions0) -
size extensions0)%nat = size compression_methods0.
by rewrite size_cat -addnBA // subnn addn0.
rewrite X3 in H8.
move: Htest H8.
by move=> ->.
- move=> H7.
destruct extensions0 => //=.
move: Htest.
have -> : (size
(session_id0 ++ cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ nil) -
size (cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ nil))%nat = size session_id0.
by rewrite size_cat -addnBA // subnn addn0.
have -> : (size (cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ nil) -
size (compression_methods0 ++ nil))%nat = size cipher_suites0.
by rewrite size_cat -addnBA // subnn addn0.
rewrite subn0 cats0.
by move=> ->.
End S7412.
client_version : packet (fun x => decodep ProtocolVersion x && proverp x) ;
random : packet (decodep Random) ;
session_id : packet (decodep SessionID) ;
cipher_suites : packet (decodep cipher_suites_type) ;
compression_methods : packet (decodep compression_methods_type) ;
extensions : packet (
dselectb( client_extensions_present (nat<=i8 m)
(var_sz session_id)
(var_sz cipher_suites)
(var_sz compression_methods) \) \{
(false, decodep struct{}) ;
(true, decodep extensions_type) \}) }.
Arguments client_version [m H] _.
Arguments random [m H] _.
Arguments session_id [m H] _.
Arguments cipher_suites [m H] _.
Arguments compression_methods [m H] _.
Arguments extensions [m H] _.
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Definition ClientHello_decode m l : bool * seq byte :=
if ~~ decodep uint24 m then (false, l) else
let (a1, l1) := let (a1', l1) := decode ProtocolVersion l in
(a1' && proverp (take ('|(fixed_sz ProtocolVersion)|) l), l1) in
let (a2, l2) := decode Random l1 in
let (a3, l3) := decode SessionID l2 in
let (a4, l4) := decode cipher_suites_type l3 in
let (a5, l5) := decode compression_methods_type l4 in
if client_extensions_present (nat<=i8 m)
(size l2 - size l3 - '|(fixed_sz SessionID)|)
(size l3 - size l4 - '|(fixed_sz cipher_suites_type)|)
(size l4 - size l5 - '|(fixed_sz compression_methods_type)|) then
let (a6, l6) := decode extensions_type l5 in
([&& a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 & a6], l6)
([&& a1, a2, a3, a4 & a5], l5).
Definition ClientHellop m l : bool :=
let (a, l') := ClientHello_decode m l in (a && (size l' == O)).
Lemma ClientHello_packet_ClientHellop m (Hm : decodep uint24 m) : forall (buf : ClientHello_packet Hm),
ClientHellop m
(client_version buf ++ random buf ++ session_id buf ++
cipher_suites buf ++ compression_methods buf ++ extensions buf).
case=> /=.
move=> [client_version0 H1] [random0 H2] [session_id0 H3] [cipher_suites0 H4]
[compression_methods0 H5] [extensions0 H6] /=.
rewrite /ClientHellop /ClientHello_decode.
case :ifP => [Hn' | _].
by rewrite Hm in Hn'.
move: H1.
rewrite {1}/decodep.
move Hdec_ver : (decode _ _) => dec_ver.
destruct dec_ver as [ret buf].
destruct ret => //= _.
destruct buf => //= _.
rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_ver).
rewrite /=.
set tmp := take _ _.
have -> : proverp tmp = proverp client_version0.
rewrite /tmp.
by destruct client_version0 as [|h [|]].
move=> -> /=.
move: H2.
rewrite {1}/decodep.
move Hdec_ran : (decode _ _) => dec_ran.
destruct dec_ran as [ret buf].
destruct ret => //= _.
destruct buf => //= _.
rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_ran).
move Hdec_sid : (decode SessionID session_id0) => dec_sid.
destruct dec_sid as [ret buf].
rewrite /=.
destruct ret in Hdec_sid; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_sid in H3.
destruct buf in Hdec_sid; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_sid in H3.
rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_sid).
move Hdec_cyp : (decode cipher_suites_type cipher_suites0) => dec_cyp.
destruct dec_cyp as [ret buf].
destruct ret in Hdec_cyp; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_cyp in H4.
destruct buf in Hdec_cyp; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_cyp in H4.
rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_cyp).
move Hdec_cmp : (decode compression_methods_type compression_methods0) => dec_cmp.
destruct dec_cmp as [ret buf].
destruct ret in Hdec_cmp; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_cmp in H5.
destruct buf in Hdec_cmp; last first.
clear H6.
by rewrite /decodep Hdec_cmp in H5.
rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_cmp).
move: H6 => /=.
move Htest : (client_extensions_present _ _ _ _) => [] /=.
- move=> H7.
case: ifP.
+ move=> H8.
rewrite -(cats0 extensions0).
move: H7.
rewrite {1}/decodep.
move Hdec_ext : (decode _ _) => dec_ext.
destruct dec_ext as [ret buf].
destruct ret => //= _.
destruct buf => //= _.
rewrite /= in Htest.
by rewrite (decode_app _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdec_ext).
+ move=> H8.
have X1 : (size
(session_id0 ++
cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ extensions0) -
(cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ extensions0))%nat = size session_id0.
by rewrite !size_cat /= -addnBA // subnn addn0.
rewrite X1 in H8.
have X2 : (size (cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ extensions0) -
(compression_methods0 ++ extensions0))%nat = size cipher_suites0.
by rewrite size_cat -addnBA // subnn addn0.
rewrite X2 in H8.
have X3 : (size (compression_methods0 ++ extensions0) -
size extensions0)%nat = size compression_methods0.
by rewrite size_cat -addnBA // subnn addn0.
rewrite X3 in H8.
move: Htest H8.
by move=> ->.
- move=> H7.
destruct extensions0 => //=.
move: Htest.
have -> : (size
(session_id0 ++ cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ nil) -
size (cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ nil))%nat = size session_id0.
by rewrite size_cat -addnBA // subnn addn0.
have -> : (size (cipher_suites0 ++ compression_methods0 ++ nil) -
size (compression_methods0 ++ nil))%nat = size cipher_suites0.
by rewrite size_cat -addnBA // subnn addn0.
rewrite subn0 cats0.
by move=> ->.
End S7412.
Module S7413.
Import S621 S7412 S61 S44.
Definition ServerHello_sz (sid : nat) :=
Hello_sz sid + fixed_sz CipherSuite + fixed_sz CompressionMethod.
Definition server_extensions_present n (fld1 : nat) :=
ServerHello_sz fld1 <? Z<=nat n.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Structure ServerHello_packet {n} (Hn : decodep uint24 n) := {
server_version : packet (decodep ProtocolVersion) ;
random : packet (decodep Random) ;
session_id : packet (decodep SessionID) ;
cipher_suite : packet (decodep CipherSuite) ;
compression_method : packet (decodep CompressionMethod) ;
extensions : packet (dselectb( (server_extensions_present (nat<=i8 n) (size session_id)) \) \{
(false, decodep struct{} ) ;
(true, decodep extensions_type)
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Axiom ServerHellop : forall {n}, decodep uint24 n -> seq byte -> bool.
End S7413.
Import S621 S7412 S61 S44.
Definition ServerHello_sz (sid : nat) :=
Hello_sz sid + fixed_sz CipherSuite + fixed_sz CompressionMethod.
Definition server_extensions_present n (fld1 : nat) :=
ServerHello_sz fld1 <? Z<=nat n.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Structure ServerHello_packet {n} (Hn : decodep uint24 n) := {
server_version : packet (decodep ProtocolVersion) ;
random : packet (decodep Random) ;
session_id : packet (decodep SessionID) ;
cipher_suite : packet (decodep CipherSuite) ;
compression_method : packet (decodep CompressionMethod) ;
extensions : packet (dselectb( (server_extensions_present (nat<=i8 n) (size session_id)) \) \{
(false, decodep struct{} ) ;
(true, decodep extensions_type)
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Axiom ServerHellop : forall {n}, decodep uint24 n -> seq byte -> bool.
End S7413.
Module S742.
Definition ASN1Cert := opaque `< 1 \.. 2^24 - 1 `> 3.
Definition certificate_list_type := ASN1Cert `< 0 \.. 2^24 - 1 `> 3.
Definition Certificate := struct{
("certificate_list", certificate_list_type)
Definition Certificatep := decodep Certificate.
End S742.
Definition ASN1Cert := opaque `< 1 \.. 2^24 - 1 `> 3.
Definition certificate_list_type := ASN1Cert `< 0 \.. 2^24 - 1 `> 3.
Definition Certificate := struct{
("certificate_list", certificate_list_type)
Definition Certificatep := decodep Certificate.
End S742.
Module S743.
Definition dhe_dss := `( 0 )c_8. Definition dhe_rsa := `( 1 )c_8. Definition dh_anon := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition rsa := `( 3 )c_8. Definition dh_dss := `( 4 )c_8. Definition dh_rsa := `( 5 )c_8.
Definition KeyExchangeAlgorithm := \enum 1 \{ dhe_dss :: dhe_rsa :: dh_anon ::
rsa :: dh_dss :: dh_rsa :: nil \}.
Definition dh_p_type := opaque `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2.
Definition dh_g_type := opaque `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2.
Definition dh_Ys := opaque `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2.
Definition ServerDHParams :=
struct{ ("dh_p", dh_p_type) ;
("dh_g", dh_g_type) ;
("dh_Ys", dh_Ys) }.
Definition dhe_dss_rsa_type := struct{
("params", ServerDHParams) ;
("signed_params", struct{
("client_random", opaque \[ 32 \]) ;
("server_random", opaque \[ 32 \]) ;
("params", ServerDHParams)
}) }.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Definition ServerKeyExchange {n} (Hn : decodep KeyExchangeAlgorithm n) := struct{
("params", unpack (select( _ \: _ \: Hn\) \{
(u2Zc dhe_dss, pack dhe_dss_rsa_type) ;
(u2Zc dhe_rsa, pack dhe_dss_rsa_type) ;
(u2Zc dh_anon, pack ServerDHParams) ;
(u2Zc rsa, pack struct{}) ;
(u2Zc dh_dss, pack struct{}) ;
(u2Zc dh_rsa, pack struct{})
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Definition ServerKeyExchangep {n} (Hn : decodep KeyExchangeAlgorithm n) :=
decodep (ServerKeyExchange Hn).
End S743.
Definition dhe_dss := `( 0 )c_8. Definition dhe_rsa := `( 1 )c_8. Definition dh_anon := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition rsa := `( 3 )c_8. Definition dh_dss := `( 4 )c_8. Definition dh_rsa := `( 5 )c_8.
Definition KeyExchangeAlgorithm := \enum 1 \{ dhe_dss :: dhe_rsa :: dh_anon ::
rsa :: dh_dss :: dh_rsa :: nil \}.
Definition dh_p_type := opaque `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2.
Definition dh_g_type := opaque `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2.
Definition dh_Ys := opaque `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2.
Definition ServerDHParams :=
struct{ ("dh_p", dh_p_type) ;
("dh_g", dh_g_type) ;
("dh_Ys", dh_Ys) }.
Definition dhe_dss_rsa_type := struct{
("params", ServerDHParams) ;
("signed_params", struct{
("client_random", opaque \[ 32 \]) ;
("server_random", opaque \[ 32 \]) ;
("params", ServerDHParams)
}) }.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Definition ServerKeyExchange {n} (Hn : decodep KeyExchangeAlgorithm n) := struct{
("params", unpack (select( _ \: _ \: Hn\) \{
(u2Zc dhe_dss, pack dhe_dss_rsa_type) ;
(u2Zc dhe_rsa, pack dhe_dss_rsa_type) ;
(u2Zc dh_anon, pack ServerDHParams) ;
(u2Zc rsa, pack struct{}) ;
(u2Zc dh_dss, pack struct{}) ;
(u2Zc dh_rsa, pack struct{})
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Definition ServerKeyExchangep {n} (Hn : decodep KeyExchangeAlgorithm n) :=
decodep (ServerKeyExchange Hn).
End S743.
Module S744.
Import S74141.
Definition DistinguishedName := opaque `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2.
Definition rsa_sign := `( 1 )c_8. Definition dss_sign := `( 2 )c_8. Definition rsa_fixed_dh := `( 3 )c_8.
Definition dss_fixed_dh := `( 4 )c_8. Definition rsa_ephemeral_dh_RESERVED := `( 5 )c_8.
Definition dss_ephemeral_dh_RESERVED := `( 6 )c_8. Definition fortezza_dms_RESERVED := `( 20 )c_8.
Definition ClientCertificateType := \enum 1 \{ rsa_sign :: dss_sign :: rsa_fixed_dh ::
dss_fixed_dh :: rsa_ephemeral_dh_RESERVED :: dss_ephemeral_dh_RESERVED ::
fortezza_dms_RESERVED :: nil \} 255.
Definition CertificateRequest := struct{
("certificate_types", ClientCertificateType `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 8 - 1 `> 1) ;
("supported_signature_algorithms", SignatureAndHashAlgorithm `< 0 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2) ;
("certificate_authorities", DistinguishedName `< 0 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2)
Definition CertificateRequestp := decodep CertificateRequest.
End S744.
Import S74141.
Definition DistinguishedName := opaque `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2.
Definition rsa_sign := `( 1 )c_8. Definition dss_sign := `( 2 )c_8. Definition rsa_fixed_dh := `( 3 )c_8.
Definition dss_fixed_dh := `( 4 )c_8. Definition rsa_ephemeral_dh_RESERVED := `( 5 )c_8.
Definition dss_ephemeral_dh_RESERVED := `( 6 )c_8. Definition fortezza_dms_RESERVED := `( 20 )c_8.
Definition ClientCertificateType := \enum 1 \{ rsa_sign :: dss_sign :: rsa_fixed_dh ::
dss_fixed_dh :: rsa_ephemeral_dh_RESERVED :: dss_ephemeral_dh_RESERVED ::
fortezza_dms_RESERVED :: nil \} 255.
Definition CertificateRequest := struct{
("certificate_types", ClientCertificateType `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 8 - 1 `> 1) ;
("supported_signature_algorithms", SignatureAndHashAlgorithm `< 0 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2) ;
("certificate_authorities", DistinguishedName `< 0 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2)
Definition CertificateRequestp := decodep CertificateRequest.
End S744.
Module S745.
Definition ServerHelloDone := struct{}.
Definition ServerHelloDonep := decodep ServerHelloDone.
End S745.
Definition ServerHelloDone := struct{}.
Definition ServerHelloDonep := decodep ServerHelloDone.
End S745.
Module S7471.
Import S621.
Definition PreMasterSecret := struct{
("client_version", ProtocolVersion) ;
("random", opaque \[ 46 \]) }.
Definition EncryptedPreMasterSecret := struct{
("pre_master_secret", PreMasterSecret) }.
End S7471.
Module S7472.
Definition implicit := `( 0 )c_8. Definition explicit := `( 1 )c_8.
Definition PublicValueEncoding := \enum 1 \{ implicit :: explicit :: nil \}.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Definition ClientDiffieHellmanPublic {n} (Hn : decodep PublicValueEncoding n) := struct{
("dh_public", unpack (select( _ \: _ \: Hn \) \{
(u2Zc implicit, pack struct{}) ;
(u2Zc explicit, pack (opaque `< 1 \.. 2 ^ 16 - 1 `> 2))
Local Close Scope select_scope.
End S7472.
Module S747.
Import S743 S7471 S7472.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Definition ClientKeyExchange {n} (Hn : decodep KeyExchangeAlgorithm n) {m} (Hm : decodep PublicValueEncoding m) :=
("exchange_keys", unpack (select( _ \: _ \: Hn\) \{
(u2Zc dhe_dss, pack (ClientDiffieHellmanPublic Hm)) ;
(u2Zc dhe_rsa, pack (ClientDiffieHellmanPublic Hm)) ;
(u2Zc dh_anon, pack (ClientDiffieHellmanPublic Hm)) ;
(u2Zc rsa, pack EncryptedPreMasterSecret) ;
(u2Zc dh_dss, pack (ClientDiffieHellmanPublic Hm)) ;
(u2Zc dh_rsa, pack (ClientDiffieHellmanPublic Hm))
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Definition ClientKeyExchangep {n} (Hn : decodep KeyExchangeAlgorithm n) {m} (Hm : decodep PublicValueEncoding m) :=
decodep (ClientKeyExchange Hn Hm).
End S747.
Module S748.
Definition CertificateVerify (handshake_messages_length : Z) := struct{
("handshake_messages", opaque \[[ handshake_messages_length \]])
Definition CertificateVerifyp (handshake_messages_length : Z) :=
decodep (CertificateVerify handshake_messages_length).
End S748.
Definition CertificateVerify (handshake_messages_length : Z) := struct{
("handshake_messages", opaque \[[ handshake_messages_length \]])
Definition CertificateVerifyp (handshake_messages_length : Z) :=
decodep (CertificateVerify handshake_messages_length).
End S748.
Module S749.
Definition verify_data_lengthp x := 12 <= x.
Definition verify_data_type (verify_data_length : Z) :=
opaque \[[ verify_data_length \]].
Definition Finished (verify_data_length : Z) := struct{ ("verify_data", verify_data_type verify_data_length) }.
Definition Finishedp (verify_data_length : Z) := decodep (Finished verify_data_length).
Definition Finished_packet (x : Z) := packet (Finishedp x).
End S749.
Definition verify_data_lengthp x := 12 <= x.
Definition verify_data_type (verify_data_length : Z) :=
opaque \[[ verify_data_length \]].
Definition Finished (verify_data_length : Z) := struct{ ("verify_data", verify_data_type verify_data_length) }.
Definition Finishedp (verify_data_length : Z) := decodep (Finished verify_data_length).
Definition Finished_packet (x : Z) := packet (Finishedp x).
End S749.
Module S74.
Definition hello_request := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition client_hello := `( 1 )c_8.
Definition server_hello := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition certificate := `( 11 )c_8.
Definition server_key_exchange := `( 12 )c_8.
Definition certificate_request := `( 13 )c_8.
Definition server_hello_done := `( 14 )c_8.
Definition certificate_verify := `( 15 )c_8.
Definition client_key_exchange := `( 16 )c_8.
Definition finished := `( 20 )c_8.
Definition HandshakeType := \enum 1 \{ hello_request :: client_hello ::
server_hello :: certificate :: server_key_exchange :: certificate_request ::
server_hello_done :: certificate_verify :: client_key_exchange ::
finished :: nil \} 255.
Import S44 S7411 S7412 S7413 S742 S743 S744 S745 S747 S748 S749 S7472.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Definition Handshake_packet_helper {n} (Hn : decodep KeyExchangeAlgorithm n)
{m} (Hm : decodep PublicValueEncoding m) (verify_data_length handshake_messages_length : Z)
(length : packet (decodep uint24)) (msg_type : packet (decodep HandshakeType)) (x : seq byte) :=
(dselect( _ \: _ \: decodable _ msg_type \) \{
(u2Zc hello_request, HelloRequestp) ;
(u2Zc client_hello, ClientHellop length ) ;
(u2Zc server_hello, ServerHellop (decodable _ length)) ;
(u2Zc certificate, Certificatep) ;
(u2Zc server_key_exchange, ServerKeyExchangep Hn) ;
(u2Zc certificate_request, CertificateRequestp) ;
(u2Zc server_hello_done, ServerHelloDonep) ;
(u2Zc certificate_verify, CertificateVerifyp handshake_messages_length) ;
(u2Zc client_key_exchange, ClientKeyExchangep Hn Hm) ;
(u2Zc finished, Finishedp handshake_messages_length)
\}) x && (size x == nat<=i8 n).
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Structure Handshake_packet {n} (Hn : decodep KeyExchangeAlgorithm n) {m} (Hm : decodep PublicValueEncoding m)
(verify_data_length handshake_messages_length : Z) := {
msg_type : packet (decodep HandshakeType) ;
length : packet (decodep uint24) ;
body : packet (Handshake_packet_helper Hn Hm verify_data_length handshake_messages_length
length msg_type)
Definition Handshake_header_decode l : bool * seq byte * seq byte :=
let (a1, l1) := decode HandshakeType l in
let (a2, l2) := decode uint24 l1 in
(a1 && a2, take ('|(fixed_sz uint24)|) l1, l2).
Definition Handshake_hd := fixed_sz HandshakeType + fixed_sz uint24.
End S74.
Module A5.
Import S7412.
Definition hello_request := `( 0 )c_8.
Definition client_hello := `( 1 )c_8.
Definition server_hello := `( 2 )c_8.
Definition certificate := `( 11 )c_8.
Definition server_key_exchange := `( 12 )c_8.
Definition certificate_request := `( 13 )c_8.
Definition server_hello_done := `( 14 )c_8.
Definition certificate_verify := `( 15 )c_8.
Definition client_key_exchange := `( 16 )c_8.
Definition finished := `( 20 )c_8.
Definition HandshakeType := \enum 1 \{ hello_request :: client_hello ::
server_hello :: certificate :: server_key_exchange :: certificate_request ::
server_hello_done :: certificate_verify :: client_key_exchange ::
finished :: nil \} 255.
Import S44 S7411 S7412 S7413 S742 S743 S744 S745 S747 S748 S749 S7472.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Definition Handshake_packet_helper {n} (Hn : decodep KeyExchangeAlgorithm n)
{m} (Hm : decodep PublicValueEncoding m) (verify_data_length handshake_messages_length : Z)
(length : packet (decodep uint24)) (msg_type : packet (decodep HandshakeType)) (x : seq byte) :=
(dselect( _ \: _ \: decodable _ msg_type \) \{
(u2Zc hello_request, HelloRequestp) ;
(u2Zc client_hello, ClientHellop length ) ;
(u2Zc server_hello, ServerHellop (decodable _ length)) ;
(u2Zc certificate, Certificatep) ;
(u2Zc server_key_exchange, ServerKeyExchangep Hn) ;
(u2Zc certificate_request, CertificateRequestp) ;
(u2Zc server_hello_done, ServerHelloDonep) ;
(u2Zc certificate_verify, CertificateVerifyp handshake_messages_length) ;
(u2Zc client_key_exchange, ClientKeyExchangep Hn Hm) ;
(u2Zc finished, Finishedp handshake_messages_length)
\}) x && (size x == nat<=i8 n).
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Structure Handshake_packet {n} (Hn : decodep KeyExchangeAlgorithm n) {m} (Hm : decodep PublicValueEncoding m)
(verify_data_length handshake_messages_length : Z) := {
msg_type : packet (decodep HandshakeType) ;
length : packet (decodep uint24) ;
body : packet (Handshake_packet_helper Hn Hm verify_data_length handshake_messages_length
length msg_type)
Definition Handshake_header_decode l : bool * seq byte * seq byte :=
let (a1, l1) := decode HandshakeType l in
let (a2, l2) := decode uint24 l1 in
(a1 && a2, take ('|(fixed_sz uint24)|) l1, l2).
Definition Handshake_hd := fixed_sz HandshakeType + fixed_sz uint24.
End S74.
Module A5.
Import S7412.
CipherSuite TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL = { 0x00,0x00 };
Definition TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL : CipherSuitePacket := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"00"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"01"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"02"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3B"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"04"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"05"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"0A"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"2F"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"35"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3C"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3D"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"0D"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"10"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"13"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"16"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"30"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"31"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"32"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"33"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"36"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"37"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"38"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"39"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3E"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3F"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"40"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"67"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"68"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"69"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"6A"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"6B"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"18"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"1B"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"34"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3A"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"6C"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"6D"].
End A5.
End RFC5246.
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"01"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"02"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3B"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"04"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"05"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"0A"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"2F"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"35"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3C"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3D"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"0D"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"10"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"13"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"16"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"30"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"31"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"32"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"33"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"36"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"37"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"38"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"39"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3E"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3F"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"40"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"67"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"68"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"69"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"6A"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"6B"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"18"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"1B"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"34"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"3A"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"6C"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"6D"].
End A5.
End RFC5246.
Camellia Cipher Suites for TLS
Module RFC5932.
Import RFC5246.
Export RFC5246.
Import S7412.
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"41"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"42"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"43"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"44"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"45"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"46"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"84"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"85"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"86"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"87"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"88"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"89"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"BA"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"BB"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"BC"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"BD"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"BE"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"BF"].
Definition TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"C0"].
Definition TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"C1"].
Definition TLS_DH_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"C2"].
Definition TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"C3"].
Definition TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"C4"].
Definition TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA256 := NewCipherSuite [:: \0x"00" ; \0x"C5"].
End RFC5932.
Technical Lemmas
Module RFC5246_Prop.
Import RFC5246.
Lemma decode_SessionID : forall s h, nat<=u h = size s ->
decode S7412.SessionID (h :: s) = (true, nil).
move=> s h hs.
rewrite /decode /= take0 drop0.
have Htmp : (nat<=u h = nat<=i8 (h :: nil))%nat.
by rewrite /(nat<=i8) /MachineIntByte_m.bytes2nat /bSum_c /= -u2ZE -/(nat<=u h) hs.
rewrite -{}Htmp {}hs leqnn take_size drop_size.
set f := fun _ _ => _.
suff : foldl f (true, s) (nseq (size s) tt) = (true, nil) by move=> ->.
by elim: s.
Lemma decode_cipher_suites_type : forall s h1 h2,
nat<=i8 (h1 :: h2 :: nil) = size s -> ~~ odd (size s) ->
decode S7412.cipher_suites_type (h1 :: h2 :: s) = (true, nil).
move=> s h1 h2 hs Hodd.
have {Hodd}[k Hk] : exists k, size s = k.*2.
exists (size s)./2.
rewrite -{1}(odd_double_half (size s)).
by destruct (odd (size s)).
rewrite /decode /= take0 drop0 hs leqnn take_size drop_size {hs}.
set f := fun _ _ => _.
suff : foldl f (true, s) (nseq (size s) tt) = (true, nil) by move=> ->.
have : foldl f (true, s) (nseq k tt) = (true, nil).
elim: k s Hk => [| k IHk [|s1 [|s2 s3]]] //.
by destruct s.
rewrite doubleS [size _]/=.
case=> H.
rewrite /f [Z<=nat]lock /= -lock drop0 ifT; last first.
by apply/leZP; rewrite 2!Z_S; lia.
by apply IHk.
rewrite Hk.
move Htmp : k.*2 => k'.
have {Htmp}k'k : (k <= k')%nat by rewrite -Htmp -{1}(muln1 k) -muln2; apply leq_mul.
elim: k' k k'k s Hk => [| k' IHk' [|k] // kk' s]; first by case.
destruct s => //; by apply IHk'.
destruct s as [|s1 [|s2 s3]] => //.
rewrite doubleS [size _]/=.
case => Hs.
rewrite /f [Z<=nat]lock /= -lock ifT; last first.
apply/leZP; rewrite 2!Z_S; lia.
rewrite drop0; by apply IHk'.
Lemma decode_compression_methods_type : forall h n, n = nat<=u h ->
decode S7412.compression_methods_type (h :: nseq n `( 0 )_8) = (true, nil).
move=> h n nh.
rewrite /decode /= take0 drop0 size_nseq.
have Htmp : (nat<=u h = nat<=i8 (h :: nil))%nat.
by rewrite /(nat<=i8) /MachineIntByte_m.bytes2nat /bSum_c /= -u2ZE.
rewrite -{}Htmp -nh leqnn drop_nseq // subnn /=.
set f := fun _ _ => _.
rewrite {1}(_ : n = size (nseq n `( 0 )_8)); last by rewrite size_nseq.
rewrite take_size {nh}.
move Hs : (nseq _ _) => s.
suff : foldl f (true, s) (nseq n tt) = (true, nil) by rewrite -{}Hs; move=> ->.
elim: s n Hs => [|hd tl IH [|n0] //= [H1 H2]].
by case.
rewrite drop0 take0 inE -H1 /S41.bytes2Z /= /MachineIntByte_m.bytes2Z /bSum_c /= -u2ZE Z2uK // eqxx.
by apply IH.
Lemma size_CipherSuitePacket (p : S7412.CipherSuitePacket) : size p = 2%nat.
destruct p as [ [| b [|b0 [|b1 body0]]] decodable0] => //=.
rewrite /decodep /= /decode /= in decodable0.
by case: ifP decodable0.
End RFC5246_Prop.
Module test.
Import RFC5932.
Goal (decode opaque (nseq 1 `( 100 )c_8)) = (true, nil).
Proof. by rewrite /decode /=. Qed.
Goal (decode (opaque \[ 3 \]) (nseq 3 `( 100 )c_8)) = (true, nil).
Proof. by rewrite /decode /=. Qed.
Goal decodep S45.Color (S45.white :: nil) = true.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Goal decodep S45.Color (`( 4 )c_8 :: nil) = false.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Local Open Scope select_scope.
Goal (select( ( :: nil) \: S461.VariantTag \: Logic.eq_refl \) \{
(u2Zc, pack S461.V1) ;
(u2Zc, pack S461.V2) ;
(u2Zc S461.banana, pack S461.V2)
\} ) = pack S461.V1.
Proof. done. Qed.
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Goal decode S7412.SessionID (`( 3 )c_8 :: nseq 4 `( 100 )c_8) = (true, `( 100 )c_8 :: nil).
Proof. done. Qed.
Goal decodep S7412.SessionID (`( 3 )c_8:: nseq 3 `( 100 )c_8) = true.
Proof. done. Qed.
Goal decode S7412.cipher_suites_type (map (fun x => `( x )c_8) (0 :: 4 :: 1::2 :: 3::4 :: nil)) = (true, nil).
Proof. by rewrite /decode /=. Qed.
Goal \0x "2A"%string = `( 42 )c_8.
apply u2Z_inj.
by rewrite /MachineIntByte_m.hex2t /= -!Z2uE (@u2Z_concat 4) /= !u2ZE !Z2uE.
Goal \0x "F3"%string = `( 243 )c_8.
apply u2Z_inj.
by rewrite /MachineIntByte_m.hex2t /= -!Z2uE (@u2Z_concat 4) /= !u2ZE !Z2uE.
End test.