Library multi_negate_triple
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool seq.
Require Import ZArith_ext seq_ext uniq_tac machine_int multi_int.
Import MachineInt.
Require Import mips_seplog mips_contrib mips_tactics.
Import expr_m.
Import assert_m.
Require Import multi_negate_prg.
Local Open Scope mips_expr_scope.
Local Open Scope mips_assert_scope.
Local Open Scope mips_hoare_scope.
Local Open Scope uniq_scope.
Lemma multi_negate_triple_new a a0 slen ptr A' : uniq(a, a0, r0) -> forall va,
{{ fun s h => [a]_s = va /\
(var_e a |--> slen :: ptr :: nil ** int_e ptr |--> A') s h }}
multi_negate a a0
{{ fun s h => [a]_s = va /\
(var_e a |--> cplt2 slen :: ptr :: nil ** int_e ptr |--> A') s h }}.
move=> Hregs va; rewrite /multi_negate.
Require Import ZArith_ext seq_ext uniq_tac machine_int multi_int.
Import MachineInt.
Require Import mips_seplog mips_contrib mips_tactics.
Import expr_m.
Import assert_m.
Require Import multi_negate_prg.
Local Open Scope mips_expr_scope.
Local Open Scope mips_assert_scope.
Local Open Scope mips_hoare_scope.
Local Open Scope uniq_scope.
Lemma multi_negate_triple_new a a0 slen ptr A' : uniq(a, a0, r0) -> forall va,
{{ fun s h => [a]_s = va /\
(var_e a |--> slen :: ptr :: nil ** int_e ptr |--> A') s h }}
multi_negate a a0
{{ fun s h => [a]_s = va /\
(var_e a |--> cplt2 slen :: ptr :: nil ** int_e ptr |--> A') s h }}.
move=> Hregs va; rewrite /multi_negate.
lw a0 zero16 a
apply hoare_lw_back_alt'' with (fun s h => [a]_s = va /\
(var_e a |--> slen :: ptr :: nil ** int_e ptr |--> A') s h /\
[a0]_s = slen).
rewrite /while.entails => s h [Ha Hmem].
exists slen; split.
- rewrite /= !assert_m.conAE in Hmem.
case: Hmem => h1 [h2 [h1_d_h2 [h1_U_h2 [Hh1 Hh2]]]].
Compose_sepcon h1 h2; last by done.
move: Hh1; apply assert_m.mapsto_ext => //=.
by rewrite sext_0 addi0.
- rewrite /mips_contrib.update_store_lw.
repeat Reg_upd.
repeat (split=> //).
move: Hmem; apply assert_m.monotony => //= h'.
apply assert_m.monotony => // h''.
apply assert_m.mapsto_ext => //=; by Reg_upd.
apply assert_m.monotony => // h'''; last by Reg_upd.
apply assert_m.mapsto_ext => //=; by Reg_upd.
by apply assert_m.mapstos_ext.
subu a0 r0 a0
apply mips_contrib.hoare_subu with (fun s h => [a]_s = va /\
(var_e a |--> slen :: ptr :: nil ** int_e ptr |--> A') s h /\
[a0 ]_ s = cplt2 slen).
rewrite /while.entails => s h [Ha [Hmem Ha0]].
rewrite /mips_seplog.wp_subu.
repeat Reg_upd.
repeat (split=> //).
- move: Hmem. apply assert_m.monotony => // h'.
+ apply assert_m.monotony => // h''.
* apply assert_m.mapsto_ext=> //=; by Reg_upd.
* apply assert_m.monotony => //= h'''; last by Reg_upd.
apply assert_m.mapsto_ext => //=; by Reg_upd.
+ by apply assert_m.mapstos_ext.
- by rewrite add0i Ha0.
sw a0 zero16 a
apply mips_contrib.hoare_sw_back'.
rewrite /while.entails => s h [Ha [Hmem Ha0]].
exists (int_e slen).
rewrite /= !assert_m.conAE in Hmem.
case: Hmem => h1 [h2 [h1_d_h2 [h1_U_h2 [Hh1 Hh2]]]].
Compose_sepcon h1 h2.
- move: Hh1; apply assert_m.mapsto_ext => //=.
by rewrite sext_0 addi0.
- rewrite /assert_m.imp => h' [h2_d_h' Hh'] h'' Hh''.
split; first by assumption.
rewrite /= !assert_m.conAE.
Compose_sepcon h' h2; last by exact Hh2.
move: Hh'; apply mapsto_ext.
+ by rewrite /= sext_0 addi0.
+ by rewrite /= Ha0.
Lemma multi_negate_triple a a0 slen ptr A' : uniq(a, a0, r0) ->
{{ var_e a |--> slen :: ptr :: nil ** int_e ptr |--> A' }}
multi_negate a a0
{{ var_e a |--> cplt2 slen :: ptr :: nil ** int_e ptr |--> A' }}.
move=> Hregs; rewrite /multi_negate.
lw a0 zero16 a
apply hoare_lw_back_alt'' with (fun s h =>
(var_e a |--> slen :: ptr :: nil ** int_e ptr |--> A') s h /\
[a0]_s = slen).
rewrite /while.entails => s h Hmem.
exists slen; split.
- rewrite /= !assert_m.conAE in Hmem.
case: Hmem => h1 [h2 [h1_d_h2 [h1_U_h2 [Hh1 Hh2]]]].
Compose_sepcon h1 h2; last by done.
move: Hh1; apply assert_m.mapsto_ext => //=.
by rewrite sext_0 addi0.
- rewrite /mips_contrib.update_store_lw.
repeat Reg_upd.
repeat (split=> //).
move: Hmem; apply assert_m.monotony => //= h'.
+ apply assert_m.monotony => // h''.
* apply assert_m.mapsto_ext => //=; by Reg_upd.
* apply assert_m.monotony => // h'''; last by Reg_upd.
apply assert_m.mapsto_ext => //=; by Reg_upd.
+ by apply assert_m.mapstos_ext.
subu a0 r0 a0
apply mips_contrib.hoare_subu with (fun s h =>
(var_e a |--> slen :: ptr :: nil ** int_e ptr |--> A') s h /\
[a0 ]_ s = cplt2 slen).
rewrite /while.entails => s h [Hmem Ha0].
rewrite /mips_seplog.wp_subu.
repeat Reg_upd.
repeat (split=> //).
- move: Hmem. apply assert_m.monotony => // h'.
+ apply assert_m.monotony => // h''.
* apply assert_m.mapsto_ext=> //=; by Reg_upd.
* apply assert_m.monotony => //= h'''; last by Reg_upd.
apply assert_m.mapsto_ext => //=; by Reg_upd.
+ by apply assert_m.mapstos_ext.
- by rewrite add0i Ha0.
sw a0 zero16 a
apply mips_contrib.hoare_sw_back'.
rewrite /while.entails => s h [Hmem Ha0].
exists (int_e slen).
rewrite /= !assert_m.conAE in Hmem.
case: Hmem => h1 [h2 [h1_d_h2 [h1_U_h2 [Hh1 Hh2]]]].
Compose_sepcon h1 h2.
- move: Hh1; apply assert_m.mapsto_ext => //=.
by rewrite sext_0 addi0.
- rewrite /assert_m.imp.
move=> h' [h2_d_h' Hh'] h'' Hh''.
rewrite /= !assert_m.conAE.
Compose_sepcon h' h2; last by exact Hh2.
move: Hh'; apply mapsto_ext.
+ by rewrite /= sext_0 addi0.
+ by rewrite /= Ha0.