Library expr_b_dp
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
Require Import Max Lia.
Require Import ssrZ ZArith_ext seq_ext ssrnat_ext.
Require Import seplog integral_type.
Require Import Max Lia.
Require Import ssrZ ZArith_ext seq_ext ssrnat_ext.
Require Import seplog integral_type.
The goal of this decision procedure:
prove that for every environment a system of arithmetic constraints is true
We try to eliminate all the variables, such that to evaluate the system
we do not need an environment (and thus this evaluation is the same for
every environment)
Note: in fact we negate the formula of the system and find if
for every environment its evaluation is false
( comes from the fact that ~ forall x, P x <-> exists x, ~ P x )
Local Close Scope Z_scope.
Local Close Scope positive_scope.
Module Import seplog_Z_m := Seplog ZIT.
Import seplog_Z_m.assert_m.expr_m.
Import seplog_Z_m.assert_m.
Local Open Scope heap_scope.
Local Open Scope seplog_expr_scope.
Definition andb_option (a b : option bool) :=
match a with
| None => None
| Some a' => match b with
| None => None
| Some b' => Some (andb a' b')
Definition orb_option (a b : option bool) :=
match a with
| None => None
| Some a' => match b with
| None => None
| Some b' => Some (orb a' b')
We put a formula of expr_b into the disjunctive normal form
(... /\ ...) \/ (... /\ ...)
This is perform in three steps:
1) we propagate negation to final constructor
2) we translate the expr_b formula into a orlist (data-structure
representing a disjunctive normal form), and we replace final
(possibly negative) constructor by counter part of form >=
step 1: propagation of negation
Fixpoint neg_propagate (b : expr_b) (n : bool) : expr_b :=
match b with
| neg_b b1 => neg_propagate b1 (negb n)
| b1 \&& b2 =>
if n then
(neg_propagate b1 true) \|| (neg_propagate b2 true)
(neg_propagate b1 false) \&& (neg_propagate b2 false)
| b1 \|| b2 =>
if n then
(neg_propagate b1 true) \&& (neg_propagate b2 true)
(neg_propagate b1 false) \|| (neg_propagate b2 false)
| _ => if n then neg_b b else b
match b with
| neg_b b1 => neg_propagate b1 (negb n)
| b1 \&& b2 =>
if n then
(neg_propagate b1 true) \|| (neg_propagate b2 true)
(neg_propagate b1 false) \&& (neg_propagate b2 false)
| b1 \|| b2 =>
if n then
(neg_propagate b1 true) \&& (neg_propagate b2 true)
(neg_propagate b1 false) \|| (neg_propagate b2 false)
| _ => if n then neg_b b else b
Propagation of negation preserves the semantics of a formula
Lemma neg_propagate_preserve : forall b n s,
[ neg_propagate b n ]b_ s = [ if n then (neg_b b) else b ]b_ s.
induction b; simpl; intros; auto.
- rewrite IHb.
destruct n; simpl; auto.
by rewrite negbK.
- destruct b1.
+ destruct n; simpl; rewrite IHb1; rewrite IHb2; simpl; auto.
by rewrite negb_and.
+ destruct n; simpl; rewrite IHb1; rewrite IHb2; simpl; auto.
by rewrite negb_or.
[ neg_propagate b n ]b_ s = [ if n then (neg_b b) else b ]b_ s.
induction b; simpl; intros; auto.
- rewrite IHb.
destruct n; simpl; auto.
by rewrite negbK.
- destruct b1.
+ destruct n; simpl; rewrite IHb1; rewrite IHb2; simpl; auto.
by rewrite negb_and.
+ destruct n; simpl; rewrite IHb1; rewrite IHb2; simpl; auto.
by rewrite negb_or.
we now prove the correctness of the function bneg_propagate. We
first build the predicate is_bneg_propagate, which asserts that no
connectives is under a negation
Inductive is_neg_propagate : expr_b -> Prop :=
| true_b_is_neg_propagate: is_neg_propagate true_b
| eq_b_is_neg_propagate: forall e1 e2, is_neg_propagate (e1 \= e2)
| neq_b_is_neg_propagate: forall e1 e2, is_neg_propagate (e1 \!= e2)
| ge_b_is_neg_propagate: forall e1 e2, is_neg_propagate (e1 \>= e2)
| gt_b_is_neg_propagate: forall e1 e2, is_neg_propagate (e1 \> e2)
| neg_b_is_neg_propagate: forall e, Expr_B_size e = 1 -> is_neg_propagate (neg_b e)
| and_b_is_neg_propagate: forall e1 e2,
is_neg_propagate e1 -> is_neg_propagate e2 ->
is_neg_propagate (e1 \&& e2)
| or_is_neg_propagate: forall e1 e2,
is_neg_propagate e1 -> is_neg_propagate e2 ->
is_neg_propagate (e1 \|| e2).
Lemma neg_propagate_correct : forall b n, is_neg_propagate (neg_propagate b n).
induction b; simpl; intros.
- destruct n; constructor; auto.
- destruct b; destruct n; constructor; auto.
- apply IHb.
- destruct b1.
+ destruct n; constructor; intuition.
+ destruct n; constructor; intuition.
step 2: put in normal disjunctive form
definitions of arithmetic constraints and normal forms
Definition constraint := expr.
Definition constraint_sem (c : constraint) : expr_b := (nat_e 0) \>= c.
andlists representent conjunctions of constraints
Definition andlist := list constraint.
Fixpoint andlist_sem (l : andlist) : expr_b :=
match l with
| nil => true_b
| hd :: tl => (constraint_sem hd) \&& (andlist_sem tl)
Definition andlist_plus (c1 c2 : andlist) : andlist := c1 ++ c2.
Lemma andlist_plus_sem : forall l1 l2 s,
[ andlist_sem (andlist_plus l1 l2) ]b_ s =
[ (andlist_sem l1) \&& (andlist_sem l2) ]b_ s.
induction l1; simpl; intros; auto.
by rewrite IHl1 andbA.
Fixpoint andlist_sem (l : andlist) : expr_b :=
match l with
| nil => true_b
| hd :: tl => (constraint_sem hd) \&& (andlist_sem tl)
Definition andlist_plus (c1 c2 : andlist) : andlist := c1 ++ c2.
Lemma andlist_plus_sem : forall l1 l2 s,
[ andlist_sem (andlist_plus l1 l2) ]b_ s =
[ (andlist_sem l1) \&& (andlist_sem l2) ]b_ s.
induction l1; simpl; intros; auto.
by rewrite IHl1 andbA.
an orlist is a disjunction of andlists
Definition orlist := list andlist.
Fixpoint orlist_sem (l : orlist) : expr_b :=
match l with
| nil => \~ true_b
| hd :: tl => (andlist_sem hd) \|| (orlist_sem tl)
Definition orlist_plus (d1 d2 : orlist) : orlist := d1 ++ d2.
Lemma orlist_plus_sem : forall b1 b2 s,
[ orlist_sem (orlist_plus b1 b2) ]b_s =
[ orlist_sem b1 ]b_s || [ orlist_sem b2 ]b_s.
Proof. elim=> //= hd tl IH b2 s; by rewrite IH orbA. Qed.
Fixpoint andlist_mult_orlist (c : andlist) (d : orlist) {struct d} : orlist :=
match d with
| nil => nil
| hd :: tl => orlist_plus ((andlist_plus c hd) :: nil) (andlist_mult_orlist c tl)
Lemma andlist_mult_orlist_sem: forall b2 b1 s,
[ orlist_sem (andlist_mult_orlist b1 b2) ]b_s =
[ andlist_sem b1 ]b_s && [ orlist_sem b2 ]b_s.
induction b2; simpl; intros; auto.
- by rewrite andbC.
- by rewrite IHb2 andb_orr andlist_plus_sem.
Fixpoint orlist_mult_orlist (d1 d2 : orlist) {struct d1} : orlist :=
match d1 with
| nil => nil
| hd :: tl => orlist_plus (andlist_mult_orlist hd d2) (orlist_mult_orlist tl d2)
Lemma orlist_mult_orlist_sem: forall b1 b2 s,
[ orlist_sem (orlist_mult_orlist b1 b2) ]b_ s =
[ orlist_sem b1 ]b_s && [ orlist_sem b2 ]b_s.
induction b1; simpl; intros; auto.
by rewrite orlist_plus_sem IHb1 andb_orl andlist_mult_orlist_sem.
Fixpoint orlist_sem (l : orlist) : expr_b :=
match l with
| nil => \~ true_b
| hd :: tl => (andlist_sem hd) \|| (orlist_sem tl)
Definition orlist_plus (d1 d2 : orlist) : orlist := d1 ++ d2.
Lemma orlist_plus_sem : forall b1 b2 s,
[ orlist_sem (orlist_plus b1 b2) ]b_s =
[ orlist_sem b1 ]b_s || [ orlist_sem b2 ]b_s.
Proof. elim=> //= hd tl IH b2 s; by rewrite IH orbA. Qed.
Fixpoint andlist_mult_orlist (c : andlist) (d : orlist) {struct d} : orlist :=
match d with
| nil => nil
| hd :: tl => orlist_plus ((andlist_plus c hd) :: nil) (andlist_mult_orlist c tl)
Lemma andlist_mult_orlist_sem: forall b2 b1 s,
[ orlist_sem (andlist_mult_orlist b1 b2) ]b_s =
[ andlist_sem b1 ]b_s && [ orlist_sem b2 ]b_s.
induction b2; simpl; intros; auto.
- by rewrite andbC.
- by rewrite IHb2 andb_orr andlist_plus_sem.
Fixpoint orlist_mult_orlist (d1 d2 : orlist) {struct d1} : orlist :=
match d1 with
| nil => nil
| hd :: tl => orlist_plus (andlist_mult_orlist hd d2) (orlist_mult_orlist tl d2)
Lemma orlist_mult_orlist_sem: forall b1 b2 s,
[ orlist_sem (orlist_mult_orlist b1 b2) ]b_ s =
[ orlist_sem b1 ]b_s && [ orlist_sem b2 ]b_s.
induction b1; simpl; intros; auto.
by rewrite orlist_plus_sem IHb1 andb_orl andlist_mult_orlist_sem.
the main function of step 2
Fixpoint disj_nf (b : expr_b) : orlist :=
match b with
| e1 \&& e2 =>
orlist_mult_orlist (disj_nf e1) (disj_nf e2)
| e1 \|| e2 =>
orlist_plus (disj_nf e1) (disj_nf e2)
| neg_b b1 =>
match b1 with
| true_b => (nat_e 1 :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \= e2 => ((e1 \+ nat_e 1 \- e2) :: nil) :: ((e2 \+ nat_e 1 \- e1) :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \!= e2 => ((e1 \- e2) :: (e2 \- e1) :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \>= e2 => ((e1 \+ nat_e 1 \- e2) :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \> e2 => ((e1 \- e2) :: nil) :: nil
| _ => nil
| true_b => (nat_e 0 :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \= e2 => ((e1 \- e2) :: (e2 \- e1)::nil) :: nil
| e1 \!= e2 => ((e1 \+ nat_e 1 \- e2) :: nil) :: ((e2 \+ nat_e 1 \- e1)::nil) :: nil
| e1 \>= e2 => ((e2 \- e1) :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \>e2 => ((e2 \+ nat_e 1 \- e1)::nil) :: nil
match b with
| e1 \&& e2 =>
orlist_mult_orlist (disj_nf e1) (disj_nf e2)
| e1 \|| e2 =>
orlist_plus (disj_nf e1) (disj_nf e2)
| neg_b b1 =>
match b1 with
| true_b => (nat_e 1 :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \= e2 => ((e1 \+ nat_e 1 \- e2) :: nil) :: ((e2 \+ nat_e 1 \- e1) :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \!= e2 => ((e1 \- e2) :: (e2 \- e1) :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \>= e2 => ((e1 \+ nat_e 1 \- e2) :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \> e2 => ((e1 \- e2) :: nil) :: nil
| _ => nil
| true_b => (nat_e 0 :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \= e2 => ((e1 \- e2) :: (e2 \- e1)::nil) :: nil
| e1 \!= e2 => ((e1 \+ nat_e 1 \- e2) :: nil) :: ((e2 \+ nat_e 1 \- e1)::nil) :: nil
| e1 \>= e2 => ((e2 \- e1) :: nil) :: nil
| e1 \>e2 => ((e2 \+ nat_e 1 \- e1)::nil) :: nil
disj_nf preserves the semantics of neg_propagated formula
Lemma disj_nf_preserve : forall b, is_neg_propagate b ->
forall s, [ orlist_sem (disj_nf b) ]b_ s = [ b ]b_ s.
induction b; simpl; intros; auto.
- destruct b => //=.
+ open_integral_type_goal => /=.
rewrite andbT orbF.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _ - _)%Z => [/geZP H0|] /=.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _ - _)%Z => [/geZP H1|] /=.
apply/esym/eqP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H1.
apply/esym/eqP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H0.
apply/esym/eqP; lia.
+ open_integral_type_goal => /=.
rewrite 2!andbT orbF.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _ - _)%Z => [/geZP H0|] /=.
apply/esym/eqP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H0.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _ - _)%Z => [/geZP H1|] /=.
apply/esym/eqP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H1.
apply/esym/eqP; lia.
+ open_integral_type_goal.
rewrite andbT orbF.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _ - _)%Z => [/geZP H0|] /=.
case/boolP : (_ >=? _)%Z => [/geZP H1|] //=.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H1; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H0.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge'; apply/ltZP; lia.
+ repeat open_integral_type_goal.
rewrite andbT orbF.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _ - _)%Z => [/geZP H0|] /=.
apply/esym/gtZP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H0.
rewrite Z.gtb_ltb ltZNge' negbK; apply/leZP; lia.
- destruct b; simpl; auto.
+ destruct b => //=.
* open_integral_type_goal.
rewrite 2!andbT orbF.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _)%Z => [/geZP H0|] /=.
apply/esym/eqP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H0.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _)%Z => [/geZP H1|] /=.
apply/esym/eqP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H1.
apply/esym/eqP; lia.
* open_integral_type_goal.
rewrite andbT orbF.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _)%Z => [/geZP H0|] /=.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _)%Z => [/geZP H1|] /=.
rewrite negbK; apply/esym/eqP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H1.
rewrite negbK; apply/esym/eqP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H0.
rewrite negbK; apply/esym/eqP; lia.
* open_integral_type_goal.
rewrite andbT orbF.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _)%Z => [/geZP H0|] /=.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge'; apply/esym/ltZP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H0.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge'; apply/esym/ltZP; lia.
* open_integral_type_goal.
rewrite andbT orbF.
case/boolP : (0 >=? _)%Z => [/geZP H0|] /=.
rewrite Z.gtb_ltb ltZNge' negbK; apply/esym/leZP; lia.
rewrite Z.geb_leb -ltZNge' => /ltZP H0.
rewrite Z.gtb_ltb ltZNge' negbK; apply/esym/leZP; lia.
+ inversion_clear H; simpl in H0; generalize (expr_b_min_size b); intros; assert (False); [ssromega | contradiction].
inversion_clear H; simpl in H0;
generalize (expr_b_min_size b2); generalize (expr_b_min_size b3); intros; assert (False); [ssromega | contradiction].
- inversion_clear H.
+ by rewrite -(IHb1 H0) -(IHb2 H1) orlist_mult_orlist_sem.
+ by rewrite -(IHb1 H0) -(IHb2 H1) orlist_plus_sem.
We compose both step in one
Definition expr_b2constraints (b : expr_b) : orlist := disj_nf (neg_propagate b false).
Lemma expr_b2constraints_correct: forall b s,
[ orlist_sem (expr_b2constraints b) ]b_ s = [ b ]b_ s.
rewrite /expr_b2constraints disj_nf_preserve.
by rewrite neg_propagate_preserve.
by apply neg_propagate_correct.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma expr_b2constraints_correct: forall b s,
[ orlist_sem (expr_b2constraints b) ]b_ s = [ b ]b_ s.
rewrite /expr_b2constraints disj_nf_preserve.
by rewrite neg_propagate_preserve.
by apply neg_propagate_correct.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
return Some z where z is the value of the expression if this expression is variable-free, None o.w.
Fixpoint expr_compute (e : expr) : option Z :=
match e with
| var_e x => None
| cst_e x => Some x
| e1 \+ e2 => match expr_compute e1 with
| None => None
| Some e1' =>
match expr_compute e2 with
| None => None
| Some e2' => Some (ZIT.add e1' e2')
| e1 \- e2 => match expr_compute e1 with
| None => None
| Some e1' =>
match expr_compute e2 with
| None => None
| Some e2' => Some (ZIT.sub e1' e2')
| e1 \* e2 => match expr_compute e1 with
| None =>
match expr_compute e2 with
| None => None
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then Some 0 else None
| Some e1' =>
if e1' == 0 then Some 0 else
match expr_compute e2 with
| None => None
| Some e2' => Some (e1' * e2')
| _ => None
match e with
| var_e x => None
| cst_e x => Some x
| e1 \+ e2 => match expr_compute e1 with
| None => None
| Some e1' =>
match expr_compute e2 with
| None => None
| Some e2' => Some (ZIT.add e1' e2')
| e1 \- e2 => match expr_compute e1 with
| None => None
| Some e1' =>
match expr_compute e2 with
| None => None
| Some e2' => Some (ZIT.sub e1' e2')
| e1 \* e2 => match expr_compute e1 with
| None =>
match expr_compute e2 with
| None => None
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then Some 0 else None
| Some e1' =>
if e1' == 0 then Some 0 else
match expr_compute e2 with
| None => None
| Some e2' => Some (e1' * e2')
| _ => None
if an arithmetic expression can be evaluated without environment, this value is correct
Lemma expr_compute_correct : forall e z, expr_compute e = Some z ->
forall s, [ e ]e_s = z.
induction e => //; intros; simpl in H; simpl.
- by case: H.
- destruct b => //.
+ destruct (expr_compute e1) => //.
destruct (expr_compute e2) => //.
case: H => H.
subst z.
by rewrite (IHe1 z0) // (IHe2 z1).
+ destruct (expr_compute e1) => //.
destruct (expr_compute e2) => //.
case: H => H.
subst z.
by rewrite (IHe1 z0) // (IHe2 z1).
+ destruct (expr_compute e1) => //.
* destruct (expr_compute e2) => //.
- case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP H0 | H0].
rewrite H0 eqxx in H; case: H => <-.
by rewrite (IHe1 z0) // (IHe2 z1) // H0.
rewrite (negbTE H0) in H; case: H => <-.
by rewrite (IHe1 z0) // (IHe2 z1).
- case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP H0 | H0].
rewrite H0 eqxx in H; case: H => <-.
by rewrite (IHe1 z0) // H0.
by rewrite (negbTE H0) in H.
* destruct (expr_compute e2) => //.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP H0 | H0].
rewrite H0 eqxx in H; case: H => <-.
rewrite (IHe2 z0) // H0 /=.
by rewrite mulZ0.
by rewrite (negbTE H0) in H.
Fixpoint simpl_expr' (e : expr) : expr :=
match e with
| var_e v => var_e v
| cst_e z => cst_e z
| e1 \+ e2 =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1) with
| None =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => e
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then e1 else e1 \+ cst_e e2'
| Some e1' =>
if e1' == 0 then
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => e2
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then cst_e 0 else cst_e e2'
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => cst_e e1' \+ e2
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then cst_e e1' else cst_e (e1' + e2')
| e1 \- e2 =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1) with
| None =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => e
| Some e2' =>
if e2' == 0 then e1 else e1 \- cst_e e2'
| Some e1' =>
if e1' == 0 then
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => (cst_e 0 \- e2)
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then cst_e 0 else cst_e ( - e2')
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => cst_e e1' \- e2
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then cst_e e1' else cst_e (e1' - e2')
| e1 \* e2 =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1) with
| None =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => e
| Some e2' =>
if e2' == 0 then cst_e 0 else
if e2' == 1 then e1 else e1 \* (cst_e e2')
| Some e1' =>
if e1' == 0 then
cst_e 0
if e1' == 1 then
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => e2
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then cst_e 0 else cst_e e2'
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => (cst_e e1') \* e2
| Some e2' =>
if e2' == 0 then cst_e 0 else
if e2' == 1 then cst_e e1' else cst_e (e1' * e2')
| _ => e
Lemma simpl_expr'_correct: forall e s, [ e ]e_s = [ simpl_expr' e ]e_s.
induction e; simpl; auto.
destruct b => //.
- move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e1)) => H s.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1)).
+ move: {H}(H z (refl_equal _) s) => H.
rewrite -IHe1 in H.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H0.
* move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H1.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
- move: {H1}(H1 z0 (refl_equal _) s) => H1.
rewrite -IHe2 in H1.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP |] H2.
+ by rewrite /= H H1 H0 H2.
+ by rewrite H H1 H0.
- by rewrite {H1} H H0.
* move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H1.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
move: {H1}(H1 z0 (refl_equal _) s) => H1.
rewrite -IHe2 in H1.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP |] H2.
by rewrite H H1 /= H2 /ZIT.add addZC.
by rewrite H H1.
by simpl; rewrite /ZIT.add H.
+ move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H0.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)) => //.
move: {H0}(H0 z (refl_equal _) s) => H0.
rewrite -IHe2 in H0.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H1.
- by rewrite H0 /= H1 /ZIT.add addZC.
- by rewrite H0.
- move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e1)) => H s.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1)).
move: {H}(H z (refl_equal _) s) => H.
rewrite -IHe1 in H.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H0.
move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H1.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
move: {H1}(H1 z0 (refl_equal _) s) => H1.
rewrite -IHe2 in H1.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP |] H2.
by rewrite H H1 H0 H2.
by rewrite H H1 H0.
by rewrite {H1} H H0.
move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H1.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
move: {H1}(H1 z0 (refl_equal _) s) => H1.
rewrite -IHe2 in H1.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP |] H2.
rewrite H H1 H2 /=.
open_integral_type_goal; by rewrite subZ0.
by rewrite H H1.
by rewrite -H.
move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H0.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)) => //.
move: {H0}(H0 z (refl_equal _) s) => H0.
rewrite -IHe2 in H0.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP|] H1.
rewrite H0 H1 /=.
open_integral_type_goal; by rewrite subZ0.
by rewrite H0.
- move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e1)) => H s.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1)).
+ move: {H}(H z (refl_equal _) s) => H.
rewrite -IHe1 in H.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H0.
* subst z; by rewrite H0.
* case/boolP : (z == 1) => [/eqP |] H1.
- subst z.
rewrite H1.
move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H2.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
+ move: {H2}(H2 z (refl_equal _) s) => H2.
rewrite -IHe2 in H2.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H3.
* subst z; by rewrite H3.
* rewrite H2 [binop_e_interp _]/=.
by rewrite mul1Z.
+ rewrite [binop_e_interp _]/=.
by rewrite mul1Z.
- move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H2.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
+ move: {H2}(H2 z0 (refl_equal _) s) => H2.
rewrite -IHe2 in H2.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP | ] H3.
* subst z0.
rewrite H3 H [binop_e_interp _]/=.
by rewrite mulZ0.
* case/boolP : (z0 == 1) => [/eqP |] H4.
- subst z0.
rewrite H4 H [binop_e_interp _]/=.
by rewrite mulZ1.
- by rewrite /= H H2.
+ by rewrite {H2} H.
+ move: {H}(expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)) => //.
move: {H}(H z (refl_equal _) s) => H.
rewrite -IHe2 in H.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H0.
subst z.
* rewrite H0 [binop_e_interp _]/=.
open_integral_type_goal; by rewrite mulZ0.
* case/boolP : (z == 1) => [/eqP |] H1.
- subst z.
rewrite H1 [binop_e_interp _]/=.
by rewrite mulZ1.
- by rewrite H.
Fixpoint simpl_expr_fp (e : expr) (n : nat) {struct n} : expr :=
match n with
| O => e
| S n' =>
match e with
| var_e v => var_e v
| cst_e z => cst_e z
| e1 \+ e2 => simpl_expr' ((simpl_expr_fp e1 n') \+ (simpl_expr_fp e2 n'))
| e1 \- e2 => simpl_expr' ((simpl_expr_fp e1 n') \- (simpl_expr_fp e2 n'))
| e1 \* e2 => simpl_expr' ((simpl_expr_fp e1 n') \* (simpl_expr_fp e2 n'))
| _ => e
Lemma simpl_expr_fp_correct: forall n e s, [ e ]e_ s = [ simpl_expr_fp e n ]e_s.
elim=> // n IH [] //.
case=> // e1 e2 s; by rewrite -simpl_expr'_correct /= -!IH.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Fixpoint expr_depth (e : expr) : nat :=
match e with
| e1 \+ e2 => 1 + max (expr_depth e1) (expr_depth e2)
| e1 \- e2 => 1 + max (expr_depth e1) (expr_depth e2)
| e1 \* e2 => 1 + max (expr_depth e1) (expr_depth e2)
| _ => 1
Local Close Scope nat_scope.
Definition simpl_expr (e : expr) : expr := simpl_expr_fp e (expr_depth e).
Lemma simpl_expr_correct : forall e s, [ e ]e_ s = [ simpl_expr e ]e_ s.
Proof. move=> e s; by apply simpl_expr_fp_correct. Qed.
Fixpoint expr_fact' (e : expr) (v : nat) { struct e } : (expr * expr) :=
match e with
| var_e x => if x == v then (nat_e 1, nat_e 0) else (nat_e 0, var_e x)
| cst_e x => (nat_e 0, cst_e x)
| e1 \+ e2 => match expr_fact' e1 v with
| (e11, e12) => match expr_fact' e2 v with
| (e21, e22) => (e11 \+ e21, e12 \+ e22)
| e1 \- e2 => match expr_fact' e1 v with
| (e11, e12) => match expr_fact' e2 v with
| (e21, e22) => (e11 \- e21, e12 \- e22)
| e1 \* e2 => match expr_fact' e1 v with
| (e11, e12) => match expr_fact' e2 v with
| (e21, e22) =>
(((e12 \* e21) \+ (e11 \* e22))
(var_e v \* (e11 \* e21)),
e12 \* e22)
| e1 ./e e2 => (nat_e 0, e1 ./e e2)
| e1 \% e2 => (nat_e 0, e1 \% e2)
| uop_e valabs_e e' => (nat_e 0, uop_e valabs_e e')
| uop_e negate_e e' => match expr_fact' e' v with
| (e'1, e'2) => (nat_e O \- e'1, cst_e 0 \- e'2)
Lemma expr_fact'_correct : forall e v e1 e2, expr_fact' e v = (e1, e2) ->
forall s, [ e ]e_ s = [ (var_e v \* e1) \+ e2 ]e_ s.
elim => /=.
- move=> v v0 e1 e2 H s; case H0 : (v == v0).
+ rewrite H0 in H.
case: H => X Y; subst e1 e2.
rewrite /= (eqP H0).
by rewrite mulZ1 addZ0.
+ intros; rewrite H0 in H.
case: H => X Y; subst e1 e2.
by rewrite mulZ0.
- intros; injection H; intros; subst e1 e2.
open_integral_type_goal => /=; ring.
- destruct b => //.
+ move=> e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2; intros; move: {IHe1}(IHe1 v) => H0.
move: {IHe2}(IHe2 v) => H1.
destruct (expr_fact' e1 v); destruct (expr_fact' e2 v); case: H => X Y; subst e0 e3.
rewrite (H0 e e4) // (H1 e5 e6) //.
repeat open_integral_type_goal => /=.
by ring_simplify.
+ move=> e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2; intros; move: {IHe1}(IHe1 v) => H0.
move: {IHe2}(IHe2 v) => H1.
destruct (expr_fact' e1 v); destruct (expr_fact' e2 v); case: H => X Y; subst e0 e3.
rewrite (H0 e e4) // (H1 e5 e6) //.
repeat open_integral_type_goal => /=.
by ring_simplify.
+ move=> e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2; intros; move: {IHe1}(IHe1 v) => H0.
move: {IHe2}(IHe2 v) => H1.
destruct (expr_fact' e1 v); destruct (expr_fact' e2 v); case: H => X Y; subst e0 e3.
rewrite (H0 e e4) // (H1 e5 e6) //.
repeat open_integral_type_goal => /=.
by ring_simplify.
+ move=> e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2 v e3 e4 [] X Y s; subst e3 e4.
repeat open_integral_type_goal => /=; by rewrite mulZ0.
+ move=> e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2 v e3 e4 [] X Y s; subst e3 e4.
repeat open_integral_type_goal => /=; by rewrite mulZ0.
+ move=> e IHe v e1 e2 [] X Y s; subst e1 e2.
rewrite /= /ZIT.abs.
by rewrite mulZ0.
+ move=> e IHe v e1 e2.
move: {IHe}(IHe v) => H.
destruct (expr_fact' e v). case=> X Y; subst e1 e2.
move=> s.
rewrite (H _ _ refl_equal) /=.
open_integral_type_goal => /=; ring.
forall s, [ e ]e_s = z.
induction e => //; intros; simpl in H; simpl.
- by case: H.
- destruct b => //.
+ destruct (expr_compute e1) => //.
destruct (expr_compute e2) => //.
case: H => H.
subst z.
by rewrite (IHe1 z0) // (IHe2 z1).
+ destruct (expr_compute e1) => //.
destruct (expr_compute e2) => //.
case: H => H.
subst z.
by rewrite (IHe1 z0) // (IHe2 z1).
+ destruct (expr_compute e1) => //.
* destruct (expr_compute e2) => //.
- case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP H0 | H0].
rewrite H0 eqxx in H; case: H => <-.
by rewrite (IHe1 z0) // (IHe2 z1) // H0.
rewrite (negbTE H0) in H; case: H => <-.
by rewrite (IHe1 z0) // (IHe2 z1).
- case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP H0 | H0].
rewrite H0 eqxx in H; case: H => <-.
by rewrite (IHe1 z0) // H0.
by rewrite (negbTE H0) in H.
* destruct (expr_compute e2) => //.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP H0 | H0].
rewrite H0 eqxx in H; case: H => <-.
rewrite (IHe2 z0) // H0 /=.
by rewrite mulZ0.
by rewrite (negbTE H0) in H.
Fixpoint simpl_expr' (e : expr) : expr :=
match e with
| var_e v => var_e v
| cst_e z => cst_e z
| e1 \+ e2 =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1) with
| None =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => e
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then e1 else e1 \+ cst_e e2'
| Some e1' =>
if e1' == 0 then
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => e2
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then cst_e 0 else cst_e e2'
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => cst_e e1' \+ e2
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then cst_e e1' else cst_e (e1' + e2')
| e1 \- e2 =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1) with
| None =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => e
| Some e2' =>
if e2' == 0 then e1 else e1 \- cst_e e2'
| Some e1' =>
if e1' == 0 then
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => (cst_e 0 \- e2)
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then cst_e 0 else cst_e ( - e2')
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => cst_e e1' \- e2
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then cst_e e1' else cst_e (e1' - e2')
| e1 \* e2 =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1) with
| None =>
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => e
| Some e2' =>
if e2' == 0 then cst_e 0 else
if e2' == 1 then e1 else e1 \* (cst_e e2')
| Some e1' =>
if e1' == 0 then
cst_e 0
if e1' == 1 then
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => e2
| Some e2' => if e2' == 0 then cst_e 0 else cst_e e2'
match expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2) with
| None => (cst_e e1') \* e2
| Some e2' =>
if e2' == 0 then cst_e 0 else
if e2' == 1 then cst_e e1' else cst_e (e1' * e2')
| _ => e
Lemma simpl_expr'_correct: forall e s, [ e ]e_s = [ simpl_expr' e ]e_s.
induction e; simpl; auto.
destruct b => //.
- move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e1)) => H s.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1)).
+ move: {H}(H z (refl_equal _) s) => H.
rewrite -IHe1 in H.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H0.
* move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H1.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
- move: {H1}(H1 z0 (refl_equal _) s) => H1.
rewrite -IHe2 in H1.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP |] H2.
+ by rewrite /= H H1 H0 H2.
+ by rewrite H H1 H0.
- by rewrite {H1} H H0.
* move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H1.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
move: {H1}(H1 z0 (refl_equal _) s) => H1.
rewrite -IHe2 in H1.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP |] H2.
by rewrite H H1 /= H2 /ZIT.add addZC.
by rewrite H H1.
by simpl; rewrite /ZIT.add H.
+ move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H0.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)) => //.
move: {H0}(H0 z (refl_equal _) s) => H0.
rewrite -IHe2 in H0.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H1.
- by rewrite H0 /= H1 /ZIT.add addZC.
- by rewrite H0.
- move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e1)) => H s.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1)).
move: {H}(H z (refl_equal _) s) => H.
rewrite -IHe1 in H.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H0.
move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H1.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
move: {H1}(H1 z0 (refl_equal _) s) => H1.
rewrite -IHe2 in H1.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP |] H2.
by rewrite H H1 H0 H2.
by rewrite H H1 H0.
by rewrite {H1} H H0.
move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H1.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
move: {H1}(H1 z0 (refl_equal _) s) => H1.
rewrite -IHe2 in H1.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP |] H2.
rewrite H H1 H2 /=.
open_integral_type_goal; by rewrite subZ0.
by rewrite H H1.
by rewrite -H.
move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H0.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)) => //.
move: {H0}(H0 z (refl_equal _) s) => H0.
rewrite -IHe2 in H0.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP|] H1.
rewrite H0 H1 /=.
open_integral_type_goal; by rewrite subZ0.
by rewrite H0.
- move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e1)) => H s.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e1)).
+ move: {H}(H z (refl_equal _) s) => H.
rewrite -IHe1 in H.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H0.
* subst z; by rewrite H0.
* case/boolP : (z == 1) => [/eqP |] H1.
- subst z.
rewrite H1.
move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H2.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
+ move: {H2}(H2 z (refl_equal _) s) => H2.
rewrite -IHe2 in H2.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H3.
* subst z; by rewrite H3.
* rewrite H2 [binop_e_interp _]/=.
by rewrite mul1Z.
+ rewrite [binop_e_interp _]/=.
by rewrite mul1Z.
- move: (expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H2.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)).
+ move: {H2}(H2 z0 (refl_equal _) s) => H2.
rewrite -IHe2 in H2.
case/boolP : (z0 == 0) => [/eqP | ] H3.
* subst z0.
rewrite H3 H [binop_e_interp _]/=.
by rewrite mulZ0.
* case/boolP : (z0 == 1) => [/eqP |] H4.
- subst z0.
rewrite H4 H [binop_e_interp _]/=.
by rewrite mulZ1.
- by rewrite /= H H2.
+ by rewrite {H2} H.
+ move: {H}(expr_compute_correct (simpl_expr' e2)) => H.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_expr' e2)) => //.
move: {H}(H z (refl_equal _) s) => H.
rewrite -IHe2 in H.
case/boolP : (z == 0) => [/eqP |] H0.
subst z.
* rewrite H0 [binop_e_interp _]/=.
open_integral_type_goal; by rewrite mulZ0.
* case/boolP : (z == 1) => [/eqP |] H1.
- subst z.
rewrite H1 [binop_e_interp _]/=.
by rewrite mulZ1.
- by rewrite H.
Fixpoint simpl_expr_fp (e : expr) (n : nat) {struct n} : expr :=
match n with
| O => e
| S n' =>
match e with
| var_e v => var_e v
| cst_e z => cst_e z
| e1 \+ e2 => simpl_expr' ((simpl_expr_fp e1 n') \+ (simpl_expr_fp e2 n'))
| e1 \- e2 => simpl_expr' ((simpl_expr_fp e1 n') \- (simpl_expr_fp e2 n'))
| e1 \* e2 => simpl_expr' ((simpl_expr_fp e1 n') \* (simpl_expr_fp e2 n'))
| _ => e
Lemma simpl_expr_fp_correct: forall n e s, [ e ]e_ s = [ simpl_expr_fp e n ]e_s.
elim=> // n IH [] //.
case=> // e1 e2 s; by rewrite -simpl_expr'_correct /= -!IH.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Fixpoint expr_depth (e : expr) : nat :=
match e with
| e1 \+ e2 => 1 + max (expr_depth e1) (expr_depth e2)
| e1 \- e2 => 1 + max (expr_depth e1) (expr_depth e2)
| e1 \* e2 => 1 + max (expr_depth e1) (expr_depth e2)
| _ => 1
Local Close Scope nat_scope.
Definition simpl_expr (e : expr) : expr := simpl_expr_fp e (expr_depth e).
Lemma simpl_expr_correct : forall e s, [ e ]e_ s = [ simpl_expr e ]e_ s.
Proof. move=> e s; by apply simpl_expr_fp_correct. Qed.
Fixpoint expr_fact' (e : expr) (v : nat) { struct e } : (expr * expr) :=
match e with
| var_e x => if x == v then (nat_e 1, nat_e 0) else (nat_e 0, var_e x)
| cst_e x => (nat_e 0, cst_e x)
| e1 \+ e2 => match expr_fact' e1 v with
| (e11, e12) => match expr_fact' e2 v with
| (e21, e22) => (e11 \+ e21, e12 \+ e22)
| e1 \- e2 => match expr_fact' e1 v with
| (e11, e12) => match expr_fact' e2 v with
| (e21, e22) => (e11 \- e21, e12 \- e22)
| e1 \* e2 => match expr_fact' e1 v with
| (e11, e12) => match expr_fact' e2 v with
| (e21, e22) =>
(((e12 \* e21) \+ (e11 \* e22))
(var_e v \* (e11 \* e21)),
e12 \* e22)
| e1 ./e e2 => (nat_e 0, e1 ./e e2)
| e1 \% e2 => (nat_e 0, e1 \% e2)
| uop_e valabs_e e' => (nat_e 0, uop_e valabs_e e')
| uop_e negate_e e' => match expr_fact' e' v with
| (e'1, e'2) => (nat_e O \- e'1, cst_e 0 \- e'2)
Lemma expr_fact'_correct : forall e v e1 e2, expr_fact' e v = (e1, e2) ->
forall s, [ e ]e_ s = [ (var_e v \* e1) \+ e2 ]e_ s.
elim => /=.
- move=> v v0 e1 e2 H s; case H0 : (v == v0).
+ rewrite H0 in H.
case: H => X Y; subst e1 e2.
rewrite /= (eqP H0).
by rewrite mulZ1 addZ0.
+ intros; rewrite H0 in H.
case: H => X Y; subst e1 e2.
by rewrite mulZ0.
- intros; injection H; intros; subst e1 e2.
open_integral_type_goal => /=; ring.
- destruct b => //.
+ move=> e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2; intros; move: {IHe1}(IHe1 v) => H0.
move: {IHe2}(IHe2 v) => H1.
destruct (expr_fact' e1 v); destruct (expr_fact' e2 v); case: H => X Y; subst e0 e3.
rewrite (H0 e e4) // (H1 e5 e6) //.
repeat open_integral_type_goal => /=.
by ring_simplify.
+ move=> e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2; intros; move: {IHe1}(IHe1 v) => H0.
move: {IHe2}(IHe2 v) => H1.
destruct (expr_fact' e1 v); destruct (expr_fact' e2 v); case: H => X Y; subst e0 e3.
rewrite (H0 e e4) // (H1 e5 e6) //.
repeat open_integral_type_goal => /=.
by ring_simplify.
+ move=> e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2; intros; move: {IHe1}(IHe1 v) => H0.
move: {IHe2}(IHe2 v) => H1.
destruct (expr_fact' e1 v); destruct (expr_fact' e2 v); case: H => X Y; subst e0 e3.
rewrite (H0 e e4) // (H1 e5 e6) //.
repeat open_integral_type_goal => /=.
by ring_simplify.
+ move=> e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2 v e3 e4 [] X Y s; subst e3 e4.
repeat open_integral_type_goal => /=; by rewrite mulZ0.
+ move=> e1 IHe1 e2 IHe2 v e3 e4 [] X Y s; subst e3 e4.
repeat open_integral_type_goal => /=; by rewrite mulZ0.
+ move=> e IHe v e1 e2 [] X Y s; subst e1 e2.
rewrite /= /ZIT.abs.
by rewrite mulZ0.
+ move=> e IHe v e1 e2.
move: {IHe}(IHe v) => H.
destruct (expr_fact' e v). case=> X Y; subst e1 e2.
move=> s.
rewrite (H _ _ refl_equal) /=.
open_integral_type_goal => /=; ring.
Simplify a constraint for a given list a variables
Simplify means that it tries to replace coefficient of
variables by a value (evaluation without environment)
Fixpoint simpl_varlist_constraint (c : constraint) (v : list nat) {struct v} : constraint :=
match v with
| nil => simpl_expr c
| hd :: tl =>
match expr_fact' c hd with
| (e1, e2) =>
simpl_expr ((simpl_expr (var_e hd \* (simpl_varlist_constraint e1 tl)))
(simpl_expr (simpl_varlist_constraint e2 tl)))
match v with
| nil => simpl_expr c
| hd :: tl =>
match expr_fact' c hd with
| (e1, e2) =>
simpl_expr ((simpl_expr (var_e hd \* (simpl_varlist_constraint e1 tl)))
(simpl_expr (simpl_varlist_constraint e2 tl)))
an arithmetic expression and its simplification evaluate
similarly for every environment
Lemma simpl_varlist_constraint_correct: forall v c c',
simpl_varlist_constraint c v = c' -> (forall s, [ c ]e_ s = [ c' ]e_ s).
induction v.
- simpl.
by rewrite simpl_expr_correct H.
- simpl; intros.
move: (expr_fact'_correct c a) => H0.
destruct (expr_fact' c a).
rewrite (H0 _ _ (refl_equal _) s) /=.
rewrite -H -!simpl_expr_correct.
simpl eval.
rewrite -!simpl_expr_correct /=.
move: (IHv e0 (simpl_varlist_constraint e0 v));
move: (IHv e (simpl_varlist_constraint e v)) => H1 H2.
by rewrite -H2 // -H1.
Definition simpl_constraint (c : constraint) : constraint :=
simpl_varlist_constraint c (vars_set c).
Lemma simpl_constraint_correct: forall c s, [ c ]e_ s = [ simpl_constraint c ]e_s.
unfold simpl_constraint.
eapply simpl_varlist_constraint_correct; reflexivity.
Fixpoint simpl_expr_b (b : expr_b) : expr_b :=
match b with
| bop_b b e1 e2 => bop_b b (simpl_constraint e1) (simpl_constraint e2)
| bop_b2 b e1 e2 => bop_b2 b (simpl_expr_b e1) (simpl_expr_b e2)
| neg_b e => neg_b (simpl_expr_b e)
| _ => b
Lemma simpl_expr_b_correct: forall b s, eval_b b s = eval_b (simpl_expr_b b) s.
induction b; simpl; auto; intros.
destruct b => //=.
- by rewrite -!simpl_constraint_correct.
- by rewrite -!simpl_constraint_correct.
- by rewrite -!simpl_constraint_correct.
- by rewrite -!simpl_constraint_correct.
- by rewrite -IHb.
- by rewrite -IHb1 -IHb2.
simpl_varlist_constraint c v = c' -> (forall s, [ c ]e_ s = [ c' ]e_ s).
induction v.
- simpl.
by rewrite simpl_expr_correct H.
- simpl; intros.
move: (expr_fact'_correct c a) => H0.
destruct (expr_fact' c a).
rewrite (H0 _ _ (refl_equal _) s) /=.
rewrite -H -!simpl_expr_correct.
simpl eval.
rewrite -!simpl_expr_correct /=.
move: (IHv e0 (simpl_varlist_constraint e0 v));
move: (IHv e (simpl_varlist_constraint e v)) => H1 H2.
by rewrite -H2 // -H1.
Definition simpl_constraint (c : constraint) : constraint :=
simpl_varlist_constraint c (vars_set c).
Lemma simpl_constraint_correct: forall c s, [ c ]e_ s = [ simpl_constraint c ]e_s.
unfold simpl_constraint.
eapply simpl_varlist_constraint_correct; reflexivity.
Fixpoint simpl_expr_b (b : expr_b) : expr_b :=
match b with
| bop_b b e1 e2 => bop_b b (simpl_constraint e1) (simpl_constraint e2)
| bop_b2 b e1 e2 => bop_b2 b (simpl_expr_b e1) (simpl_expr_b e2)
| neg_b e => neg_b (simpl_expr_b e)
| _ => b
Lemma simpl_expr_b_correct: forall b s, eval_b b s = eval_b (simpl_expr_b b) s.
induction b; simpl; auto; intros.
destruct b => //=.
- by rewrite -!simpl_constraint_correct.
- by rewrite -!simpl_constraint_correct.
- by rewrite -!simpl_constraint_correct.
- by rewrite -!simpl_constraint_correct.
- by rewrite -IHb.
- by rewrite -IHb1 -IHb2.
simplification of every constraints of an andlist
Fixpoint simpl_andlist (l : andlist) : andlist :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| hd :: tl => simpl_constraint hd :: simpl_andlist tl
match l with
| nil => nil
| hd :: tl => simpl_constraint hd :: simpl_andlist tl
simplification preserves evaluation
Lemma simpl_andlist_correct: forall l s,
eval_b (andlist_sem l) s = eval_b (andlist_sem (simpl_andlist l)) s.
induction l; auto.
simpl andlist_sem.
apply expr_b_reflect; split; intros.
- have {H}[H H1] : [ constraint_sem a ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem l ]b_s.
split; omegab.
have [H2 H3] : [ constraint_sem (simpl_constraint a) ]b_s /\
[ andlist_sem (simpl_andlist l) ]b_s.
rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct //.
by rewrite -IHl.
- have {H}[H H1] : [ constraint_sem (simpl_constraint a) ]b_s /\
[ andlist_sem (simpl_andlist l) ]b_s.
split; omegab.
rewrite -IHl in H1.
have H0 : [ constraint_sem a ]b_s.
by rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct in H.
Fixpoint simpl_orlist (l : orlist) : orlist :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| hd :: tl => simpl_andlist hd :: simpl_orlist tl
Lemma simpl_orlist_correct: forall l s,
eval_b (orlist_sem l) s = eval_b (orlist_sem (simpl_orlist l)) s.
induction l; auto.
simpl orlist_sem.
apply expr_b_reflect; split; intros.
have [H1 | H1] : ([ andlist_sem a ]b_s \/ [ orlist_sem l ]b_s).
inversion_clear H.
left; omegab.
right; omegab.
rewrite simpl_andlist_correct in H1; omegab.
rewrite IHl in H1; omegab.
have [H1 | H1] : ([ andlist_sem (simpl_andlist a) ]b_s \/
[ orlist_sem (simpl_orlist l) ]b_s).
inversion_clear H.
left; omegab.
right; omegab.
rewrite -simpl_andlist_correct in H1; omegab.
rewrite -IHl in H1; omegab.
Definition expr_fact (e : expr) (v : nat) : expr * expr :=
match expr_fact' e v with
| (e1, e2) => (simpl_constraint e1, simpl_constraint e2)
Lemma expr_fact_correct : forall c v e1 e2, expr_fact c v = (e1, e2) ->
forall s, [ c ]e_ s = [ (var_e v \* e1) \+ e2 ]e_ s.
move=> c v e1 e2.
rewrite /expr_fact => H s.
move: (expr_fact'_correct c v) => H0.
destruct (expr_fact' c v).
case : H => ? ?; subst e1 e2.
by rewrite /= -!simpl_constraint_correct (H0 e e0).
eval_b (andlist_sem l) s = eval_b (andlist_sem (simpl_andlist l)) s.
induction l; auto.
simpl andlist_sem.
apply expr_b_reflect; split; intros.
- have {H}[H H1] : [ constraint_sem a ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem l ]b_s.
split; omegab.
have [H2 H3] : [ constraint_sem (simpl_constraint a) ]b_s /\
[ andlist_sem (simpl_andlist l) ]b_s.
rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct //.
by rewrite -IHl.
- have {H}[H H1] : [ constraint_sem (simpl_constraint a) ]b_s /\
[ andlist_sem (simpl_andlist l) ]b_s.
split; omegab.
rewrite -IHl in H1.
have H0 : [ constraint_sem a ]b_s.
by rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct in H.
Fixpoint simpl_orlist (l : orlist) : orlist :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| hd :: tl => simpl_andlist hd :: simpl_orlist tl
Lemma simpl_orlist_correct: forall l s,
eval_b (orlist_sem l) s = eval_b (orlist_sem (simpl_orlist l)) s.
induction l; auto.
simpl orlist_sem.
apply expr_b_reflect; split; intros.
have [H1 | H1] : ([ andlist_sem a ]b_s \/ [ orlist_sem l ]b_s).
inversion_clear H.
left; omegab.
right; omegab.
rewrite simpl_andlist_correct in H1; omegab.
rewrite IHl in H1; omegab.
have [H1 | H1] : ([ andlist_sem (simpl_andlist a) ]b_s \/
[ orlist_sem (simpl_orlist l) ]b_s).
inversion_clear H.
left; omegab.
right; omegab.
rewrite -simpl_andlist_correct in H1; omegab.
rewrite -IHl in H1; omegab.
Definition expr_fact (e : expr) (v : nat) : expr * expr :=
match expr_fact' e v with
| (e1, e2) => (simpl_constraint e1, simpl_constraint e2)
Lemma expr_fact_correct : forall c v e1 e2, expr_fact c v = (e1, e2) ->
forall s, [ c ]e_ s = [ (var_e v \* e1) \+ e2 ]e_ s.
move=> c v e1 e2.
rewrite /expr_fact => H s.
move: (expr_fact'_correct c v) => H0.
destruct (expr_fact' c v).
case : H => ? ?; subst e1 e2.
by rewrite /= -!simpl_constraint_correct (H0 e e0).
Variable elimination:
c1 and c2 are two constraints containing the variable v.
By computing the coefficients of v we can compute if the variables can be eliminated
(for details on the elimination mechanism see the following lemma)
Definition elim_var_constraint (c1 c2 : constraint) (v : nat) : constraint :=
match expr_fact c1 v with
| (e11, e12) =>
match expr_fact c2 v with
| (e21, e22) =>
match expr_compute (simpl_constraint e11) with
| None => simpl_constraint c2
| Some e11' =>
match expr_compute (simpl_constraint e21) with
| None => simpl_constraint c2
| Some e21' =>
if Zlt_bool e11' 0 && Zlt_bool 0 e21' then
simpl_constraint ((e21 \* e12) \- (e11 \* e22))
(if Zlt_bool 0 e11' && Zlt_bool e21' 0 then
simpl_constraint ((e11 \* e22) \- (e21 \* e12))
simpl_constraint c2)
Lemma fourier_motzkin_for_integers: forall a1 b1 a2 b2 x,
a1 < 0 -> 0 < a2 ->
0 >= x * a1 + b1 -> 0 >= x * a2 + b2 ->
a1 * b2 >= a2 * b1.
have H3 : b1 <= - (x * a1) by intuition.
have H4 : (x * a2) <= - b2 by intuition.
have H5 : b1 * a2 <= - (x * a1) * a2 by intuition.
have H6 : (x * a2) * -a1 <= - b2 * - a1 by intuition.
have H7 : x * a2 * - a1 = -(x * a1) * a2 by ring.
rewrite H7{H7} in H6.
have H7 : b1 * a2 <= - b2 * - a1 by intuition.
have H8 : -b2 * - a1 = a1 * b2 by ring.
rewrite H8{H8} in H7.
by rewrite (_ : a2 * b1 = b1 * a2); intuition.
Eval compute in (expr_fact (((var_e 1%nat \* cst_e 2) \+ cst_e 1) \- (var_e 0%nat \* cst_e 2)) O).
Eval compute in (expr_fact ((var_e 0%nat \* cst_e 2)\- ((var_e 1%nat \* cst_e 2) \+ cst_e 1)) O).
Eval compute in (elim_var_constraint
(((var_e 1%nat \* cst_e 2) \+ cst_e 1) \- (var_e 0%nat \* cst_e 2))
((var_e 0%nat \* cst_e 2)\- ((var_e 1%nat \* cst_e 2) \+ cst_e 1))
match expr_fact c1 v with
| (e11, e12) =>
match expr_fact c2 v with
| (e21, e22) =>
match expr_compute (simpl_constraint e11) with
| None => simpl_constraint c2
| Some e11' =>
match expr_compute (simpl_constraint e21) with
| None => simpl_constraint c2
| Some e21' =>
if Zlt_bool e11' 0 && Zlt_bool 0 e21' then
simpl_constraint ((e21 \* e12) \- (e11 \* e22))
(if Zlt_bool 0 e11' && Zlt_bool e21' 0 then
simpl_constraint ((e11 \* e22) \- (e21 \* e12))
simpl_constraint c2)
Lemma fourier_motzkin_for_integers: forall a1 b1 a2 b2 x,
a1 < 0 -> 0 < a2 ->
0 >= x * a1 + b1 -> 0 >= x * a2 + b2 ->
a1 * b2 >= a2 * b1.
have H3 : b1 <= - (x * a1) by intuition.
have H4 : (x * a2) <= - b2 by intuition.
have H5 : b1 * a2 <= - (x * a1) * a2 by intuition.
have H6 : (x * a2) * -a1 <= - b2 * - a1 by intuition.
have H7 : x * a2 * - a1 = -(x * a1) * a2 by ring.
rewrite H7{H7} in H6.
have H7 : b1 * a2 <= - b2 * - a1 by intuition.
have H8 : -b2 * - a1 = a1 * b2 by ring.
rewrite H8{H8} in H7.
by rewrite (_ : a2 * b1 = b1 * a2); intuition.
Eval compute in (expr_fact (((var_e 1%nat \* cst_e 2) \+ cst_e 1) \- (var_e 0%nat \* cst_e 2)) O).
Eval compute in (expr_fact ((var_e 0%nat \* cst_e 2)\- ((var_e 1%nat \* cst_e 2) \+ cst_e 1)) O).
Eval compute in (elim_var_constraint
(((var_e 1%nat \* cst_e 2) \+ cst_e 1) \- (var_e 0%nat \* cst_e 2))
((var_e 0%nat \* cst_e 2)\- ((var_e 1%nat \* cst_e 2) \+ cst_e 1))
The two constraints allowing the variables elimination implies the constraint resulting from elimination
Lemma elim_var_constraint_correct : forall c1 c2 v s,
[ (constraint_sem c1) \&& (constraint_sem c2) ]b_s ->
[ constraint_sem (elim_var_constraint c1 c2 v) ]b_s.
move=> c1 c2 v s H.
generalize ((proj1 (expr_bP _ _)) H); intro X; simpl in X.
unfold elim_var_constraint.
generalize (expr_fact_correct c1 v) => H0.
generalize (expr_fact_correct c2 v) => H1.
destruct (expr_fact c1 v); destruct (expr_fact c2 v).
move: {H0}(H0 _ _ (refl_equal (e, e0)) s) => H0.
move: {H1}(H1 _ _ (refl_equal (e1, e2)) s) => H1.
simpl in H0; simpl in H1.
generalize (expr_compute_correct (simpl_constraint e)) => H2.
generalize (expr_compute_correct (simpl_constraint e1)) => H3.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_constraint e)); destruct (expr_compute (simpl_constraint e1)).
- move: {H2}(H2 _ (refl_equal (Some z)) s) => H2.
move: {H3}(H3 _ (refl_equal (Some z0)) s) => H3.
rewrite -simpl_constraint_correct in H2.
rewrite -simpl_constraint_correct in H3.
generalize (Zlt_cases z 0) => H4.
generalize (Zlt_cases 0 z0) => H5.
destruct (Zlt_bool z 0); destruct (Zlt_bool 0 z0).
- simpl.
apply ZIT.geP.
rewrite -simpl_constraint_correct /=.
have H6 : [ e ]e_ s * [ e2 ]e_ s >= [ e1 ]e_ s * [ e0 ]e_ s.
repeat open_integral_type_hyp.
apply fourier_motzkin_for_integers with (store.get v s).
by rewrite H2.
by rewrite H3.
rewrite -H0; by case: X.
rewrite -H1; by case: X.
- rewrite /=.
apply ZIT.geP.
have -> : 0 <? z = false by apply/ltZP; lia.
rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct; tauto.
- rewrite /=.
apply ZIT.geP.
have -> : z0 <? 0 = false by apply/ltZP; lia.
rewrite andbC /= -simpl_constraint_correct; tauto.
- rewrite /=.
generalize (Zlt_cases 0 z) => H6.
generalize (Zlt_cases z0 0) => H7.
destruct (Zlt_bool 0 z); destruct (Zlt_bool z0 0).
+ simpl.
rewrite -simpl_constraint_correct.
have H8 : eval e1 s * eval e0 s >= eval e s * eval e2 s.
apply fourier_motzkin_for_integers with (store.get v s).
by rewrite H3.
by rewrite H2.
repeat open_integral_type_hyp.
rewrite -H1; tauto.
repeat open_integral_type_hyp.
rewrite -H0;tauto.
rewrite /=.
+ rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
+ rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
+ rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
- rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
- rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
- rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
[ (constraint_sem c1) \&& (constraint_sem c2) ]b_s ->
[ constraint_sem (elim_var_constraint c1 c2 v) ]b_s.
move=> c1 c2 v s H.
generalize ((proj1 (expr_bP _ _)) H); intro X; simpl in X.
unfold elim_var_constraint.
generalize (expr_fact_correct c1 v) => H0.
generalize (expr_fact_correct c2 v) => H1.
destruct (expr_fact c1 v); destruct (expr_fact c2 v).
move: {H0}(H0 _ _ (refl_equal (e, e0)) s) => H0.
move: {H1}(H1 _ _ (refl_equal (e1, e2)) s) => H1.
simpl in H0; simpl in H1.
generalize (expr_compute_correct (simpl_constraint e)) => H2.
generalize (expr_compute_correct (simpl_constraint e1)) => H3.
destruct (expr_compute (simpl_constraint e)); destruct (expr_compute (simpl_constraint e1)).
- move: {H2}(H2 _ (refl_equal (Some z)) s) => H2.
move: {H3}(H3 _ (refl_equal (Some z0)) s) => H3.
rewrite -simpl_constraint_correct in H2.
rewrite -simpl_constraint_correct in H3.
generalize (Zlt_cases z 0) => H4.
generalize (Zlt_cases 0 z0) => H5.
destruct (Zlt_bool z 0); destruct (Zlt_bool 0 z0).
- simpl.
apply ZIT.geP.
rewrite -simpl_constraint_correct /=.
have H6 : [ e ]e_ s * [ e2 ]e_ s >= [ e1 ]e_ s * [ e0 ]e_ s.
repeat open_integral_type_hyp.
apply fourier_motzkin_for_integers with (store.get v s).
by rewrite H2.
by rewrite H3.
rewrite -H0; by case: X.
rewrite -H1; by case: X.
- rewrite /=.
apply ZIT.geP.
have -> : 0 <? z = false by apply/ltZP; lia.
rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct; tauto.
- rewrite /=.
apply ZIT.geP.
have -> : z0 <? 0 = false by apply/ltZP; lia.
rewrite andbC /= -simpl_constraint_correct; tauto.
- rewrite /=.
generalize (Zlt_cases 0 z) => H6.
generalize (Zlt_cases z0 0) => H7.
destruct (Zlt_bool 0 z); destruct (Zlt_bool z0 0).
+ simpl.
rewrite -simpl_constraint_correct.
have H8 : eval e1 s * eval e0 s >= eval e s * eval e2 s.
apply fourier_motzkin_for_integers with (store.get v s).
by rewrite H3.
by rewrite H2.
repeat open_integral_type_hyp.
rewrite -H1; tauto.
repeat open_integral_type_hyp.
rewrite -H0;tauto.
rewrite /=.
+ rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
+ rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
+ rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
- rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
- rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
- rewrite /= -simpl_constraint_correct.
apply/geZP; tauto.
Given a constraint c, a list a constraint l and a variable v,
we build the list l' of constraints such that it contains
i) all the constraints of l where v does not appear
ii) all the constraints of l where v appears but cannot be eliminated using c
iii) all constraints of l where v appears and have been eliminated using c
Fixpoint elim_var_andlist' (c: constraint) (l l':andlist) (v: nat) {struct l} : andlist :=
match l with
| nil => l'
| hd :: tl =>
if v \in vars_set (simpl_constraint hd) then
elim_var_andlist' c tl (elim_var_constraint c hd v :: l') v
elim_var_andlist' c tl l' v
Lemma elim_var_andlist'_correct : forall l l' c v s,
[ andlist_sem (c :: l ++ l') ]b_s ->
[ andlist_sem (elim_var_andlist' c l l' v) ]b_s.
induction l.
- simpl andlist_sem.
by intros; omegab.
- simpl andlist_sem; simpl andlist_sem in IHl.
move=> l' c v s H.
case: ifPn => // H_.
+ have [H1 [H0 H3]] : [ constraint_sem c ]b_s /\
[ constraint_sem a ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem (l ++ l') ]b_s .
split; first by omegab.
by split; omegab.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem in H3.
apply IHl.
have [H4 H5] : [ constraint_sem c ]b_s /\
[ andlist_sem (l ++ elim_var_constraint c a v :: l') ]b_s.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem.
have [H2 H4] : [ andlist_sem l ]b_s /\
[ andlist_sem (elim_var_constraint c a v :: l') ]b_s.
simpl andlist_sem.
have [H2 H4] : [ constraint_sem (elim_var_constraint c a v) ]b_s /\
[ andlist_sem l' ]b_s.
split; last by omegab.
apply elim_var_constraint_correct; by omegab.
split; by omegab.
split; by omegab.
by omegab.
+ apply IHl.
by omegab.
For a given variable v, find the next constraint containing v, and
use it to eliminate v on the rest of the list
Fixpoint elim_var_andlist (l l' : andlist) (v : nat) {struct l} : andlist :=
match l with
| nil => l'
| hd :: tl => if v \in vars_set (simpl_constraint hd) then
elim_var_andlist tl (l' ++ (elim_var_andlist' hd tl nil v)) v
elim_var_andlist tl (hd :: l') v
Lemma elim_var_andlist_correct: forall l l' v s, [ andlist_sem (andlist_plus l l') ]b_s ->
[ andlist_sem (elim_var_andlist l l' v) ]b_s.
induction l.
- simpl andlist_sem.
by intuition.
- simpl andlist_sem.
move=> l' v s H.
case: ifPn => H_.
+ apply IHl.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem.
have [H1 H2] : [ andlist_sem l ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem (l' ++ elim_var_andlist' a l nil v) ]b_s.
have [H1 H2] : [ constraint_sem a ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem (l ++ l') ]b_s by split; omegab.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem in H2.
by omegab.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem in H2.
have [H0 H4] : [ andlist_sem l' ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem (elim_var_andlist' a l nil v) ]b_s.
by omegab.
apply elim_var_andlist'_correct.
rewrite [andlist_sem _]/= cats0.
by omegab.
by omegab.
by omegab.
+ apply IHl.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem.
simpl andlist_sem.
have [H1 H2] : ([ constraint_sem a ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem (l ++ l') ]b_s ) by split; omegab.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem in H2.
by omegab.
match l with
| nil => l'
| hd :: tl => if v \in vars_set (simpl_constraint hd) then
elim_var_andlist tl (l' ++ (elim_var_andlist' hd tl nil v)) v
elim_var_andlist tl (hd :: l') v
Lemma elim_var_andlist_correct: forall l l' v s, [ andlist_sem (andlist_plus l l') ]b_s ->
[ andlist_sem (elim_var_andlist l l' v) ]b_s.
induction l.
- simpl andlist_sem.
by intuition.
- simpl andlist_sem.
move=> l' v s H.
case: ifPn => H_.
+ apply IHl.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem.
have [H1 H2] : [ andlist_sem l ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem (l' ++ elim_var_andlist' a l nil v) ]b_s.
have [H1 H2] : [ constraint_sem a ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem (l ++ l') ]b_s by split; omegab.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem in H2.
by omegab.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem in H2.
have [H0 H4] : [ andlist_sem l' ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem (elim_var_andlist' a l nil v) ]b_s.
by omegab.
apply elim_var_andlist'_correct.
rewrite [andlist_sem _]/= cats0.
by omegab.
by omegab.
by omegab.
+ apply IHl.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem.
simpl andlist_sem.
have [H1 H2] : ([ constraint_sem a ]b_s /\ [ andlist_sem (l ++ l') ]b_s ) by split; omegab.
rewrite andlist_plus_sem in H2.
by omegab.
elimination of the variable v in the orlist
Fixpoint elim_var_orlist (l : orlist) (v : nat) {struct l} : orlist :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| hd::tl => elim_var_andlist hd nil v :: elim_var_orlist tl v
Lemma elim_var_orlist_correct: forall l v s,
eval_b (orlist_sem l) s -> eval_b (orlist_sem (elim_var_orlist l v)) s.
induction l.
- simpl; by intuition.
- simpl orlist_sem.
have H0 : [ andlist_sem a ]b_s \/ [ orlist_sem l ]b_s.
inversion_clear H.
left; omegab.
right; omegab.
rewrite simpl_orlist_correct in H0.
have H1 : [ andlist_sem (elim_var_andlist a nil v) ]b_s \/ [ orlist_sem (elim_var_orlist l v) ]b_s.
inversion_clear H0.
+ left.
apply elim_var_andlist_correct.
by rewrite /andlist_plus cats0.
+ right.
apply IHl.
by rewrite -simpl_orlist_correct in H1.
inversion_clear H1; omegab.
match l with
| nil => nil
| hd::tl => elim_var_andlist hd nil v :: elim_var_orlist tl v
Lemma elim_var_orlist_correct: forall l v s,
eval_b (orlist_sem l) s -> eval_b (orlist_sem (elim_var_orlist l v)) s.
induction l.
- simpl; by intuition.
- simpl orlist_sem.
have H0 : [ andlist_sem a ]b_s \/ [ orlist_sem l ]b_s.
inversion_clear H.
left; omegab.
right; omegab.
rewrite simpl_orlist_correct in H0.
have H1 : [ andlist_sem (elim_var_andlist a nil v) ]b_s \/ [ orlist_sem (elim_var_orlist l v) ]b_s.
inversion_clear H0.
+ left.
apply elim_var_andlist_correct.
by rewrite /andlist_plus cats0.
+ right.
apply IHl.
by rewrite -simpl_orlist_correct in H1.
inversion_clear H1; omegab.
Elimination of a list of variables
Fixpoint elim_varlist_orlist (l : orlist) (v : list nat) {struct v} : orlist :=
match v with
| nil => simpl_orlist l
| hd :: tl => elim_varlist_orlist (elim_var_orlist l hd) tl
Lemma elim_varlist_orlist_correct: forall v l s, eval_b (orlist_sem l) s ->
eval_b (orlist_sem (elim_varlist_orlist l v)) s.
induction v.
- simpl.
by rewrite -simpl_orlist_correct.
- simpl elim_varlist_orlist.
apply IHv.
by apply elim_var_orlist_correct.
match v with
| nil => simpl_orlist l
| hd :: tl => elim_varlist_orlist (elim_var_orlist l hd) tl
Lemma elim_varlist_orlist_correct: forall v l s, eval_b (orlist_sem l) s ->
eval_b (orlist_sem (elim_varlist_orlist l v)) s.
induction v.
- simpl.
by rewrite -simpl_orlist_correct.
- simpl elim_varlist_orlist.
apply IHv.
by apply elim_var_orlist_correct.
boolean evaluation of a constraint without environment
Definition eval_constraint (c : constraint) : option bool :=
match expr_compute c with
| Some z => Some (Zge_bool 0 z)
| _ => None
match expr_compute c with
| Some z => Some (Zge_bool 0 z)
| _ => None
if possible, evaluation is valid for every environment
Lemma eval_constraint2constraint_sem: forall c b,
eval_constraint c = Some b ->
forall s, eval_b (constraint_sem c) s = b.
generalize (expr_compute_correct c) => H0.
unfold eval_constraint in H.
destruct (expr_compute c) => //.
case: H => X; subst b.
by rewrite (H0 z).
eval_constraint c = Some b ->
forall s, eval_b (constraint_sem c) s = b.
generalize (expr_compute_correct c) => H0.
unfold eval_constraint in H.
destruct (expr_compute c) => //.
case: H => X; subst b.
by rewrite (H0 z).
evaluation of a not empty andlist without environment
Fixpoint eval_andlist' (a : andlist) : option bool :=
match a with
| nil => Some true
| hd :: tl => match eval_constraint hd with
| Some false => Some false
| o => match eval_andlist' tl with
| None => None
| Some false => Some false
| Some true => andb_option o (Some true)
match a with
| nil => Some true
| hd :: tl => match eval_constraint hd with
| Some false => Some false
| o => match eval_andlist' tl with
| None => None
| Some false => Some false
| Some true => andb_option o (Some true)
if evaluation was possible, it holds for every environment
Lemma eval_andlist'2andlist_sem: forall a b,
eval_andlist' a = Some b ->
forall s, eval_b (andlist_sem a) s = b.
induction a.
- simpl.
by case: H.
- simpl eval_andlist'.
move=> b H s.
generalize (eval_constraint2constraint_sem a) => H0.
destruct (eval_constraint a).
+ simpl in H0.
rewrite /= (H0 b0) //.
destruct b0.
* simpl.
destruct (eval_andlist' a0) => //.
rewrite (IHa b0) //.
destruct b0; simpl in H; by case: H.
* simpl; injection H; auto.
+ simpl.
destruct (eval_andlist' a0) => //.
rewrite (IHa b0) //.
destruct b0 => //.
rewrite andbF.
by case: H.
eval_andlist' a = Some b ->
forall s, eval_b (andlist_sem a) s = b.
induction a.
- simpl.
by case: H.
- simpl eval_andlist'.
move=> b H s.
generalize (eval_constraint2constraint_sem a) => H0.
destruct (eval_constraint a).
+ simpl in H0.
rewrite /= (H0 b0) //.
destruct b0.
* simpl.
destruct (eval_andlist' a0) => //.
rewrite (IHa b0) //.
destruct b0; simpl in H; by case: H.
* simpl; injection H; auto.
+ simpl.
destruct (eval_andlist' a0) => //.
rewrite (IHa b0) //.
destruct b0 => //.
rewrite andbF.
by case: H.
Evaluation of an andlist without environment. If empty => error !Z
Definition eval_andlist (a : andlist) : option bool :=
if size a == O then
eval_andlist' a.
if size a == O then
eval_andlist' a.
if the evaluation is possible, it holds for every environment
Lemma eval_andlist2andlist_sem: forall a b, eval_andlist a = Some b ->
forall s, eval_b (andlist_sem a) s = b.
unfold eval_andlist in H.
case H0 : (size a == O).
- by rewrite H0 in H.
- rewrite H0 in H.
by apply eval_andlist'2andlist_sem.
forall s, eval_b (andlist_sem a) s = b.
unfold eval_andlist in H.
case H0 : (size a == O).
- by rewrite H0 in H.
- rewrite H0 in H.
by apply eval_andlist'2andlist_sem.
Evaluation of a non empty orlist without environment
Fixpoint eval_orlist' (o : orlist) : option bool :=
match o with
| nil => Some false
| hd :: tl => orb_option (eval_andlist hd) (eval_orlist' tl)
match o with
| nil => Some false
| hd :: tl => orb_option (eval_andlist hd) (eval_orlist' tl)
if possible, evaluation holds for every environment
Lemma eval_orlist'2orlist_sem: forall a b,
eval_orlist' a = Some b ->
forall s, eval_b (orlist_sem a) s = b.
induction a; simpl; intros.
injection H; auto.
generalize ( eval_andlist2andlist_sem a); intros.
destruct (eval_andlist a); simpl in H; try discriminate.
rewrite (H0 b0); auto.
destruct (eval_orlist' a0); simpl in H; try discriminate.
simpl in H.
rewrite (IHa b1 (refl_equal _)).
by case: H.
eval_orlist' a = Some b ->
forall s, eval_b (orlist_sem a) s = b.
induction a; simpl; intros.
injection H; auto.
generalize ( eval_andlist2andlist_sem a); intros.
destruct (eval_andlist a); simpl in H; try discriminate.
rewrite (H0 b0); auto.
destruct (eval_orlist' a0); simpl in H; try discriminate.
simpl in H.
rewrite (IHa b1 (refl_equal _)).
by case: H.
evaluation of an orlist without environement
Definition eval_orlist (a : orlist) : option bool :=
if size a == O then None else eval_orlist' a.
if size a == O then None else eval_orlist' a.
if possible, evaluation holds for every environment
Lemma eval_orlist2orlist_sem: forall a b,
eval_orlist a = Some b -> (forall s, eval_b (orlist_sem a) s = b).
unfold eval_orlist in H.
case X : (size a == O).
rewrite X in H; discriminate.
rewrite X in H.
by apply eval_orlist'2orlist_sem.
eval_orlist a = Some b -> (forall s, eval_b (orlist_sem a) s = b).
unfold eval_orlist in H.
case X : (size a == O).
rewrite X in H; discriminate.
rewrite X in H.
by apply eval_orlist'2orlist_sem.
The algorithm:
i) put the boolean expression in normal form
ii) eliminate all its variables
iii) evaluate without environment
iv) return the negation
Definition expr_b_dp (b : expr_b) : bool :=
match eval_orlist (elim_varlist_orlist
(simpl_orlist (expr_b2constraints (simpl_expr_b (\~ b))))
(vars_b_set (simpl_expr_b b))) with
| None => false
| Some res => negb res
match eval_orlist (elim_varlist_orlist
(simpl_orlist (expr_b2constraints (simpl_expr_b (\~ b))))
(vars_b_set (simpl_expr_b b))) with
| None => false
| Some res => negb res
if the function result is true then the original expression is true for every environment
Lemma expr_b_dp_correct: forall b, expr_b_dp b -> forall s, [ b ]b_s.
case/boolP : ([ b ]b_s) => // H1.
have {H1}H0 : [ \~ b ]b_s by omegab.
rewrite simpl_expr_b_correct -expr_b2constraints_correct simpl_orlist_correct in H0.
move: (elim_varlist_orlist_correct (vars_b_set (simpl_expr_b b)) _ _ H0) => H1.
move: (eval_orlist2orlist_sem (elim_varlist_orlist
(simpl_orlist (expr_b2constraints (simpl_expr_b (\~ b))))
(vars_b_set (simpl_expr_b b)))) => H2.
rewrite /expr_b_dp in H.
destruct (eval_orlist
(simpl_orlist (expr_b2constraints (simpl_expr_b (\~ b))))
(vars_b_set (simpl_expr_b b)))); last by [].
destruct b0; first by [].
by rewrite (H2 _ (refl_equal _) s) in H1.
case/boolP : ([ b ]b_s) => // H1.
have {H1}H0 : [ \~ b ]b_s by omegab.
rewrite simpl_expr_b_correct -expr_b2constraints_correct simpl_orlist_correct in H0.
move: (elim_varlist_orlist_correct (vars_b_set (simpl_expr_b b)) _ _ H0) => H1.
move: (eval_orlist2orlist_sem (elim_varlist_orlist
(simpl_orlist (expr_b2constraints (simpl_expr_b (\~ b))))
(vars_b_set (simpl_expr_b b)))) => H2.
rewrite /expr_b_dp in H.
destruct (eval_orlist
(simpl_orlist (expr_b2constraints (simpl_expr_b (\~ b))))
(vars_b_set (simpl_expr_b b)))); last by [].
destruct b0; first by [].
by rewrite (H2 _ (refl_equal _) s) in H1.
FrontEnd Tactics for the expr_b_dp function
Determine if t is a Coq positive variable
Ltac Is_pos_var p :=
match p with
| xH => false
| xI ?n => false
| xO ?n => false
| _ => true
match p with
| xH => false
| xI ?n => false
| xO ?n => false
| _ => true
Determine if t is a Coq Z variable
Ltac Is_Z_var t :=
match t with
| Z0 => false
| Zpos ?e => Is_pos_var e
| Zneg ?e => Is_pos_var e
| _ => true
match t with
| Z0 => false
| Zpos ?e => Is_pos_var e
| Zneg ?e => Is_pos_var e
| _ => true
add an element to a list only if not already present
Ltac Add_list e l :=
match l with
| e :: ?tl => l
| ?hd :: ?tl => let x := Add_list e tl in constr:(hd :: x)
| (@nil Z) => constr:(e :: nil)
match l with
| e :: ?tl => l
| ?hd :: ?tl => let x := Add_list e tl in constr:(hd :: x)
| (@nil Z) => constr:(e :: nil)
concatenate two lists without adding duplicates
Ltac Concat_list l1 l2 :=
match l1 with
| ?hd :: ?tl => let x:= Add_list hd l2 in Concat_list tl x
| nil => l2
match l1 with
| ?hd :: ?tl => let x:= Add_list hd l2 in Concat_list tl x
| nil => l2
Build the list of the Coq variable inside the term t
Such a list is used as an environment
Ltac Build_env t :=
match t with
| (?t1 + ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 - ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 * ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 = ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 -> ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 > ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 < ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 >= ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 <= ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 /\ ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 \/ ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 <> ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (~ ?t1)%Z => let x := Build_env t1 in x
| _ => let x := Is_Z_var t in
match eval compute in x with
| true => constr: (t :: nil)
| false => constr: (@nil Z)
match t with
| (?t1 + ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 - ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 * ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 = ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 -> ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 > ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 < ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 >= ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 <= ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 /\ ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 \/ ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (?t1 <> ?t2)%Z =>
let x := Build_env t1 in let y := Build_env t2 in
Concat_list x y
| (~ ?t1)%Z => let x := Build_env t1 in x
| _ => let x := Is_Z_var t in
match eval compute in x with
| true => constr: (t :: nil)
| false => constr: (@nil Z)
return the index of variable v in list l
Ltac Get_var_index v l := find_indice v l.
translate a Coq term to an arithmetic expression using a list of variables l
Ltac To_expr t l :=
match t with
| (?t1 + ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \+ y)
| (?t1 - ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \- y)
| (?t1 * ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \* y)
| _ =>
let x:= Is_Z_var t in
match eval compute in x with
| true => let y := find_indice t l in
constr: (var_e y)
| false => constr: (cst_e t)
match t with
| (?t1 + ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \+ y)
| (?t1 - ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \- y)
| (?t1 * ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \* y)
| _ =>
let x:= Is_Z_var t in
match eval compute in x with
| true => let y := find_indice t l in
constr: (var_e y)
| false => constr: (cst_e t)
Translate a Coq term to a boolean expression using a list of variables l
Ltac To_expr_b t l :=
match t with
| (?t1 = ?t2) =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \= y)
| (?t1 > ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \> y)
| (?t1 >= ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \>= y)
| (?t1 < ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (\~ (x \>= y))
| (?t1 <= ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (\~ (x \> y))
| (?t1 -> ?t2) =>
let x := To_expr_b t1 l in let y := To_expr_b t2 l in
constr:(x =b> y)
| (?t1 /\ ?t2) =>
let x := To_expr_b t1 l in let y := To_expr_b t2 l in
constr: (x \&& y)
| (?t1 \/ ?t2) =>
let x := To_expr_b t1 l in let y := To_expr_b t2 l in
constr: (x \|| y)
| (?t1 <> ?t2) =>
let x := To_expr_b t1 l in let y := To_expr_b t2 l in
constr: (x \!= y)
| (~ ?t1) =>
let x := To_expr_b t1 l in constr: (\~ x)
Fixpoint list2store (l : list Z) { struct l } : store.t :=
match l with
| nil => store.emp
| hd::tl => store.upd (length l - 1)%nat hd (list2store tl)
Require Import bipl.
Lemma lookup_list2store : forall l x, store.get x (list2store l) = nth 0%Z (rev l) x.
rewrite /var.v.
- move=> x.
rewrite store.get_emp; by destruct x.
- move=> /= a l H x.
rewrite subSS subn0.
have [H0 | H0] : (x = size l \/ x <> size l)%nat by lia.
+ subst x.
by rewrite store.get_upd' nth_rev // subSS subnn.
+ rewrite store.get_upd //; last by apply/eqP.
rewrite H.
have [H1 | H1] : (x < size l \/ x > size l)%nat.
apply not_eq in H0.
case: H0 => H0; ssromega.
* by rewrite rev_cons -cats1 nth_cat size_rev H1.
* rewrite nth_default; last by rewrite size_rev ltnW.
by rewrite nth_default // size_rev.
Ltac Expr_b_dp_reflect :=
match goal with
| |- ?G =>
let l := (Build_env G) in
let x := (To_expr_b G l) in
let s := constr:(list2store (rev l)) in
cut (eval_b x s = true)
Ltac expr_b_dp_decision :=
match t with
| (?t1 = ?t2) =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \= y)
| (?t1 > ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \> y)
| (?t1 >= ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (x \>= y)
| (?t1 < ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (\~ (x \>= y))
| (?t1 <= ?t2)%Z =>
let x := To_expr t1 l in let y := To_expr t2 l in
constr: (\~ (x \> y))
| (?t1 -> ?t2) =>
let x := To_expr_b t1 l in let y := To_expr_b t2 l in
constr:(x =b> y)
| (?t1 /\ ?t2) =>
let x := To_expr_b t1 l in let y := To_expr_b t2 l in
constr: (x \&& y)
| (?t1 \/ ?t2) =>
let x := To_expr_b t1 l in let y := To_expr_b t2 l in
constr: (x \|| y)
| (?t1 <> ?t2) =>
let x := To_expr_b t1 l in let y := To_expr_b t2 l in
constr: (x \!= y)
| (~ ?t1) =>
let x := To_expr_b t1 l in constr: (\~ x)
Fixpoint list2store (l : list Z) { struct l } : store.t :=
match l with
| nil => store.emp
| hd::tl => store.upd (length l - 1)%nat hd (list2store tl)
Require Import bipl.
Lemma lookup_list2store : forall l x, store.get x (list2store l) = nth 0%Z (rev l) x.
rewrite /var.v.
- move=> x.
rewrite store.get_emp; by destruct x.
- move=> /= a l H x.
rewrite subSS subn0.
have [H0 | H0] : (x = size l \/ x <> size l)%nat by lia.
+ subst x.
by rewrite store.get_upd' nth_rev // subSS subnn.
+ rewrite store.get_upd //; last by apply/eqP.
rewrite H.
have [H1 | H1] : (x < size l \/ x > size l)%nat.
apply not_eq in H0.
case: H0 => H0; ssromega.
* by rewrite rev_cons -cats1 nth_cat size_rev H1.
* rewrite nth_default; last by rewrite size_rev ltnW.
by rewrite nth_default // size_rev.
Ltac Expr_b_dp_reflect :=
match goal with
| |- ?G =>
let l := (Build_env G) in
let x := (To_expr_b G l) in
let s := constr:(list2store (rev l)) in
cut (eval_b x s = true)
Ltac expr_b_dp_decision :=
Introduction of all relevant hypothesis
match goal with
| |- ?G =>
let l := (Build_env G) in
let x := (To_expr_b G l) in
let s := constr:(list2store (rev l)) in
cut (eval_b x s = true) ;
let h:= fresh in
intro h;
let y := fresh in
generalize (proj1 (expr_bP x s) h); clear h; intro y; simpl in y;
repeat (rewrite lookup_list2store in y); simpl in y; firstorder
(apply expr_b_dp_correct; vm_compute; apply refl_equal)
Ltac Reflection_is_correct :=
match goal with
| [ |- [ ?e ]b_ ?s = true -> ?P ] =>
let h:= fresh in
intro h;
let y := fresh in
generalize (proj1 (expr_bP e s) h); clear h; intro y; simpl in y;
repeat (rewrite lookup_list2store in y); simpl in y; firstorder; try lia
Ltac Apply_dp := apply expr_b_dp_correct; vm_compute; reflexivity.
Lemma btest1 : forall x y : Z, x = y -> x = y.
move=> x y.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest2 : forall x y z res,
(res = x /\ x >= y /\ x >= z) -> (res >= x /\ res >= y /\ res >= z).
do 4 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest3 : forall x y z res, (res = x /\ x >= y /\ x >= z) -> res >= x.
do 4 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest4 : forall x y z res, (res = x /\ x >= y /\ x >= z) -> res >= x.
do 4 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest5 : forall x y, x = 1 -> y = 1 -> x = y.
do 2 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest6 : forall z, z > 0 -> 2 * z + 1 > z.
intro z.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest7 : forall a b, (a < b \/ b < a) -> a <> b.
intros a b.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest8 : forall a b c, (a > b /\ a < b) -> a=c.
intros a b c.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest9 : 1 <= 1.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Definition pp (n: nat) : Z := Z_of_nat n * 66.
Lemma btest10 : forall a b c, pp a > b -> b > c -> pp a > c.
do 3 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest11 : forall a b c, a >= b -> b > c -> a > c.
do 3 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest12 : forall a b c, a < b -> b < c -> a < c.
do 3 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest13 : forall a b c, a < b -> b < c -> a < c.
do 3 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest14 : forall a b, (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + b * b + 2 * a * b.
do 2 intro.
rewrite [list2store]lock /= -lock !lookup_list2store /=.
by auto.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest15 : forall a b, (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + b * b + 2 * a * b.
intros a b.
move/expr_bP ;
rewrite [list2store]lock /= -lock !lookup_list2store /=.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest16 : forall m n, 1 + 2 * m <> 2 * n.
do 2 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
apply expr_b_dp_correct.
Lemma btest17 : forall x y, 0 < x /\ y < x -> y + 1 < 2 * x.
intros x y.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
| |- ?G =>
let l := (Build_env G) in
let x := (To_expr_b G l) in
let s := constr:(list2store (rev l)) in
cut (eval_b x s = true) ;
let h:= fresh in
intro h;
let y := fresh in
generalize (proj1 (expr_bP x s) h); clear h; intro y; simpl in y;
repeat (rewrite lookup_list2store in y); simpl in y; firstorder
(apply expr_b_dp_correct; vm_compute; apply refl_equal)
Ltac Reflection_is_correct :=
match goal with
| [ |- [ ?e ]b_ ?s = true -> ?P ] =>
let h:= fresh in
intro h;
let y := fresh in
generalize (proj1 (expr_bP e s) h); clear h; intro y; simpl in y;
repeat (rewrite lookup_list2store in y); simpl in y; firstorder; try lia
Ltac Apply_dp := apply expr_b_dp_correct; vm_compute; reflexivity.
Lemma btest1 : forall x y : Z, x = y -> x = y.
move=> x y.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest2 : forall x y z res,
(res = x /\ x >= y /\ x >= z) -> (res >= x /\ res >= y /\ res >= z).
do 4 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest3 : forall x y z res, (res = x /\ x >= y /\ x >= z) -> res >= x.
do 4 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest4 : forall x y z res, (res = x /\ x >= y /\ x >= z) -> res >= x.
do 4 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest5 : forall x y, x = 1 -> y = 1 -> x = y.
do 2 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest6 : forall z, z > 0 -> 2 * z + 1 > z.
intro z.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest7 : forall a b, (a < b \/ b < a) -> a <> b.
intros a b.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest8 : forall a b c, (a > b /\ a < b) -> a=c.
intros a b c.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest9 : 1 <= 1.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Definition pp (n: nat) : Z := Z_of_nat n * 66.
Lemma btest10 : forall a b c, pp a > b -> b > c -> pp a > c.
do 3 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest11 : forall a b c, a >= b -> b > c -> a > c.
do 3 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest12 : forall a b c, a < b -> b < c -> a < c.
do 3 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest13 : forall a b c, a < b -> b < c -> a < c.
do 3 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest14 : forall a b, (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + b * b + 2 * a * b.
do 2 intro.
rewrite [list2store]lock /= -lock !lookup_list2store /=.
by auto.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest15 : forall a b, (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + b * b + 2 * a * b.
intros a b.
move/expr_bP ;
rewrite [list2store]lock /= -lock !lookup_list2store /=.
by Apply_dp.
Lemma btest16 : forall m n, 1 + 2 * m <> 2 * n.
do 2 intro.
by Reflection_is_correct.
apply expr_b_dp_correct.
Lemma btest17 : forall x y, 0 < x /\ y < x -> y + 1 < 2 * x.
intros x y.
by Reflection_is_correct.
by Apply_dp.