Library POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple1
Require Import Div2 Even.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq choice fintype.
From mathcomp Require Import tuple.
Require Import ZArith_ext String_ext.
Require Import ssrnat_ext ssrZ seq_ext.
Require Import machine_int.
Import MachineInt.
Require Import C_types C_types_fp C_value C_expr C_expr_equiv C_expr_ground.
Require Import C_seplog C_tactics.
Require Import rfc5246.
Import RFC5932.
Require Import POLAR_library_functions POLAR_library_functions_triple.
Require Import POLAR_ssl_ctxt POLAR_parse_client_hello POLAR_parse_client_hello_header.
Require Import POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple2.
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope zarith_ext_scope.
Local Open Scope machine_int_scope.
Local Open Scope seq_ext_scope.
Local Open Scope C_types_scope.
Local Open Scope C_value_scope.
Local Open Scope C_expr_scope.
Local Open Scope C_assert_scope.
Local Open Scope C_cmd_scope.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq choice fintype.
From mathcomp Require Import tuple.
Require Import ZArith_ext String_ext.
Require Import ssrnat_ext ssrZ seq_ext.
Require Import machine_int.
Import MachineInt.
Require Import C_types C_types_fp C_value C_expr C_expr_equiv C_expr_ground.
Require Import C_seplog C_tactics.
Require Import rfc5246.
Import RFC5932.
Require Import POLAR_library_functions POLAR_library_functions_triple.
Require Import POLAR_ssl_ctxt POLAR_parse_client_hello POLAR_parse_client_hello_header.
Require Import POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple2.
Local Close Scope select_scope.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope zarith_ext_scope.
Local Open Scope machine_int_scope.
Local Open Scope seq_ext_scope.
Local Open Scope C_types_scope.
Local Open Scope C_value_scope.
Local Open Scope C_expr_scope.
Local Open Scope C_assert_scope.
Local Open Scope C_cmd_scope.
Section POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple.
socket input
Variable SI : seq (int 8).
Lemma POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple1 (BU RB ID : seq (int 8)) (CI : seq (int 32))
(sz_BU : size BU = '| SSL_BUFFER_LEN |)
(sz_RB : size RB = 64) (sz_ID : size ID = 32)
(HCI : ciphers_seq CI)
(majv0 minv0 mmaj0 mmin0 cipher0 length0 : int 32)
(bu rb id : (:* (ityp: uchar)).-phy)
(ses : (:* (g.-typ: ssl_session)).-phy)
(ciphers : (:* (ityp: sint)).-phy)
(vssl : int ptr_len)
(md5s sha1s : 5.-tuple (int ptr_len)) :
let init_ssl_var := `! \b __ssl \= [ phy<=ptr _ vssl ]c in
let init_bu := [ bu ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 BU in
let init_rb := [ rb ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 RB in
let init_id := [ id ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 ID in
let init_ses := ses |lV~> mk_ssl_session cipher0 length0 (ptr<=phy id) in
let init_ciphers := [ ciphers ]c |--> map phy<=si32 CI in
let init_ssl_context := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.client_hello) majv0 minv0
mmaj0 mmin0 ses bu `( 0 )_32 md5s sha1s ciphers rb in
let final_bu := Final_bu SI bu in
let final_ses := Final_ses SI CI ses id in
let final_rb := Final_rb SI RB rb in
let final_id := Final_id SI id in
let final_ssl_context := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.server_hello)
(zext 24 (SI `_ maj_ver))
(zext 24 (if (u2Z (SI `_ min_req) <=? u2Z (S621.TLSv11_min))%Z then
SI `_ min_req else S621.TLSv11_min))
(zext 24 (SI `_ maj_req)) (zext 24 (SI `_ min_req ))
ses bu `( 0 )s_32 md5s sha1s ciphers rb in
{{ init_ssl_var ** init_bu ** init_rb ** init_id ** init_ses **
init_ciphers ** init_ssl_context }}
{{ error \\// (success ** final_bu ** final_ses ** final_rb ** final_id **
final_ssl_context ** !!(PolarSSLClientHellop SI) ** init_ciphers) }}.
move=> init_ssl_var init_bu init_rb init_id init_ses init_ciphers
init_ssl_context final_bu final_ses final_rb final_id final_ssl_context.
unfold ssl_parse_client_hello, ssl_parse_client_hello1.
Lemma POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple1 (BU RB ID : seq (int 8)) (CI : seq (int 32))
(sz_BU : size BU = '| SSL_BUFFER_LEN |)
(sz_RB : size RB = 64) (sz_ID : size ID = 32)
(HCI : ciphers_seq CI)
(majv0 minv0 mmaj0 mmin0 cipher0 length0 : int 32)
(bu rb id : (:* (ityp: uchar)).-phy)
(ses : (:* (g.-typ: ssl_session)).-phy)
(ciphers : (:* (ityp: sint)).-phy)
(vssl : int ptr_len)
(md5s sha1s : 5.-tuple (int ptr_len)) :
let init_ssl_var := `! \b __ssl \= [ phy<=ptr _ vssl ]c in
let init_bu := [ bu ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 BU in
let init_rb := [ rb ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 RB in
let init_id := [ id ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 ID in
let init_ses := ses |lV~> mk_ssl_session cipher0 length0 (ptr<=phy id) in
let init_ciphers := [ ciphers ]c |--> map phy<=si32 CI in
let init_ssl_context := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.client_hello) majv0 minv0
mmaj0 mmin0 ses bu `( 0 )_32 md5s sha1s ciphers rb in
let final_bu := Final_bu SI bu in
let final_ses := Final_ses SI CI ses id in
let final_rb := Final_rb SI RB rb in
let final_id := Final_id SI id in
let final_ssl_context := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.server_hello)
(zext 24 (SI `_ maj_ver))
(zext 24 (if (u2Z (SI `_ min_req) <=? u2Z (S621.TLSv11_min))%Z then
SI `_ min_req else S621.TLSv11_min))
(zext 24 (SI `_ maj_req)) (zext 24 (SI `_ min_req ))
ses bu `( 0 )s_32 md5s sha1s ciphers rb in
{{ init_ssl_var ** init_bu ** init_rb ** init_id ** init_ses **
init_ciphers ** init_ssl_context }}
{{ error \\// (success ** final_bu ** final_ses ** final_rb ** final_id **
final_ssl_context ** !!(PolarSSLClientHellop SI) ** init_ciphers) }}.
move=> init_ssl_var init_bu init_rb init_id init_ses init_ciphers
init_ssl_context final_bu final_ses final_rb final_id final_ssl_context.
unfold ssl_parse_client_hello, ssl_parse_client_hello1.
ssl_fetch_input Logic.eq_refl ret Logic.eq_refl _ssl 5 sc;
idtac "1) ssl_fetch_input".
pose Hbu := sepex BU1, [ bu ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 BU1 **
!!(BU1 |{ 8 + '| (u2Z zero32) |, 5) = SI |{ '| (u2Z zero32) |, 5)) **
!!(BU1 |{ 8, '| (u2Z zero32) |) = BU |{ 8, '| (u2Z zero32) |)) **
!!(size BU1 = size BU).
pose size_SI := !!( 4 < size SI ).
pose Hin_left := sepex in_left, Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.client_hello) majv0
minv0 mmaj0 mmin0 ses bu in_left md5s sha1s ciphers rb **
!!(in_left = `( 0 )_ 32 `+ `( Z_of_nat 5)_32 ).
apply hoare_seq with (
init_ssl_var ** init_rb ** init_id ** init_ses ** init_ciphers **
((success ** size_SI ** Hin_left ** Hbu) \\// error)).
Hoare_frame_remove (init_ssl_var :: init_rb :: init_id :: init_ses :: init_ciphers :: nil).
by rewrite ssl_fetch_input_inde.
eapply hoare_conseq; last by apply (ssl_fetch_input_triple
5 `( 0 )_ 32 SI BU majv0 minv0 mmaj0 mmin0 bu rb ses ciphers md5s sha1s).
- apply ent_L_or; split; [apply ent_R_or_1 | by apply ent_R_or_2].
rewrite -/success; apply monotony_L.
rewrite -/size_SI; apply monotony_L.
rewrite -(add0i `( Z<=nat 5)_ 32) -/Hin_left; apply monotony_L.
by rewrite [in X in 5 - X]Z2uK.
- Ent_monotony0.
by rewrite beq_exx bbang1 coneP sbang_emp.
If \b _ret \!= 0 sc Then
idtac "2) ifte".
Hoare_ifte_bang Hret.
apply skip_hoare.
Ent_L_or 0.
- rewrite [in X in X ===> _]/success /Hret bneq_neg_eq.
by Ent_L_contradict_idx (0 :: 9 :: nil).
- Ent_R_or_1.
rewrite /error; by Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil).
Hoare_L_or 0; last first.
rewrite /error -bneq_neg_eq.
by Hoare_L_contradict (0 :: 7 :: nil).
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hret.
unfold Hbu; clear Hbu.
Hoare_L_ex 0 BU1.
set Hbu := [ bu ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 BU1.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => BU1SI.
rewrite Z2uK //= addn0 in BU1SI.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => _.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => sz_BU1.
unfold size_SI; clear size_SI.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => size_SI.
unfold Hin_left; clear Hin_left.
Hoare_L_ex 0 in_left.
set Hssl_in_left := Ssl_context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => in_left_5.
rewrite add0i in in_left_5.
clear -sz_BU sz_RB sz_ID BU1SI sz_BU1 size_SI in_left_5 HCI.
Ent_L_or 0.
- rewrite [in X in X ===> _]/success /Hret bneq_neg_eq.
by Ent_L_contradict_idx (0 :: 9 :: nil).
- Ent_R_or_1.
rewrite /error; by Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil).
Hoare_L_or 0; last first.
rewrite /error -bneq_neg_eq.
by Hoare_L_contradict (0 :: 7 :: nil).
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hret.
unfold Hbu; clear Hbu.
Hoare_L_ex 0 BU1.
set Hbu := [ bu ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 BU1.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => BU1SI.
rewrite Z2uK //= addn0 in BU1SI.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => _.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => sz_BU1.
unfold size_SI; clear size_SI.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => size_SI.
unfold Hin_left; clear Hin_left.
Hoare_L_ex 0 in_left.
set Hssl_in_left := Ssl_context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => in_left_5.
rewrite add0i in in_left_5.
clear -sz_BU sz_RB sz_ID BU1SI sz_BU1 size_SI in_left_5 HCI.
buf <-* _ssl &-> get_in_hdr;
idtac "3) lookup".
pose Hbuf := `! \b __buf \= [ bu ]c \+ [ 8 ]sc.
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf.
Hoare_frame (Hssl_in_left :: nil) (Hssl_in_left :: Hbuf :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_fldp_stren, ent_R_lookup_fldp with (pv := phy<=ptr (g.-typ: ityp uchar) (ptr<=phy bu `+ `( 8 )_ ptr_len)).
- by rewrite get_in_hdr_ssl_ctxt /phylog_conv /=.
- Ent_R_subst_con_distr.
rewrite /Hssl_in_left /Ssl_context.
do 2 Ent_R_subst_apply.
by rewrite sequiv_add_p_cst.
buf0 <-* _buf;
idtac "4) lookup".
pose Hbuf0 := `! \b __buf0 \= [ BU1 `_ 8 ]pc.
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf0.
Hoare_frame (Hbu :: Hbuf :: nil) (Hbu :: Hbuf :: Hbuf0 :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_mapstos_fit_stren with (l := map phy<=ui8 BU1) (e := [ bu ]c) (i := 8).
by rewrite size_map sz_BU1 sz_BU inj_mult Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat.
apply ent_R_lookup_mapstos_fit_trans.
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU1 sz_BU.
- Ent_R_conA'.
rewrite conC; by apply ent_R_con_T.
- Ent_R_subst_con_distr.
rewrite [nth] lock.
do 3 Ent_R_subst_apply.
apply monotony_L.
rewrite -/Hbuf -lock (nth_map zero8); last by rewrite sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by Ent_monotony0.
If \b (_buf0 \& 128 uc) \!= 0 uc Then ret <- POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_CLIENT_HELLO c; Return
idtac "5) ifte".
Hoare_ifte_bang Hbuf0_128; first by apply POLAR_ret_err.
idtac "6) ifte".
Hoare_ifte_bang Hbuf0_handshake; first by apply POLAR_ret_err.
buf1 <-* _buf \+ 1 sc;
idtac "7) lookup".
pose Hbuf1 := `! \b __buf1 \= ([ BU1 `_ 9 ]pc : exp sigma (ityp: uchar)).
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf1.
Hoare_frame (Hbu :: Hbuf :: nil) (Hbu :: Hbuf :: Hbuf1 :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_mapstos_fit_stren with (i := 9) (l := map phy<=ui8 BU1) (e := [ bu ]c).
by rewrite size_map sz_BU1 sz_BU inj_mult Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat.
apply ent_R_lookup_mapstos_fit_trans.
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU1 sz_BU.
- Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); first by apply ent_id.
Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil); last by done.
unfold Hbuf.
Ent_R_rewrite_eq_p 0.
rewrite CaddnpA // sequiv_add_e_sc_pos //; by Ent_monotony0.
- rewrite [nth] lock.
do 3 Ent_R_subst_apply.
apply monotony_L.
rewrite -lock (nth_map zero8); last by rewrite sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by Ent_monotony0.
If \b _buf1 \!= SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 c Then ret <- POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_CLIENT_HELLO c; Return
idtac "8) ifte".
Hoare_ifte_bang Hbuf1_majversion; first by apply POLAR_ret_err.
buf3 <-* _buf \+ 3 sc;
idtac "9) lookup".
pose BU19 := !!( BU1 `_ 9 = S621.SSLv30_maj).
Hoare_L_stren_by BU19 (Hbuf1 :: Hbuf1_majversion :: nil).
unfold Hbuf1, Hbuf1_majversion, BU19.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_e 0 .
Ent_R_subst_apply; Ent_L_subst_apply.
rewrite bneq_neg_eq bnegK.
apply ent_sbang_sbang.
rewrite gb_eq_e 2!ge_cst_e; by case/eqP.
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf1; Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf1_majversion.
clear Hbuf1 Hbuf1_majversion.
apply hoare_pullout_sbang => {}BU19.
pose Hbuf3 := `! \b __buf3 \= [ BU1 `_ 11 ]pc.
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf3.
Hoare_frame (Hbu :: Hbuf :: nil) (Hbu :: Hbuf :: Hbuf3 :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_mapstos_fit_stren with (i := 11) (l := map phy<=ui8 BU1) (e := [ bu ]c).
by rewrite size_map sz_BU1 sz_BU inj_mult Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat.
apply ent_R_lookup_mapstos_fit_trans.
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU1 sz_BU.
- Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); first by apply ent_id.
Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil); last by done.
unfold Hbuf.
Ent_R_rewrite_eq_p 0.
rewrite CaddnpA // sequiv_add_e_sc //; by Ent_monotony0.
- rewrite [nth] lock.
do 3 Ent_R_subst_apply.
apply monotony_L.
rewrite -lock (nth_map zero8); last by rewrite sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by Ent_monotony0.
buf4 <-* _buf \+ 4 sc;
idtac "10) lookup".
pose Hbuf4 := `! \b __buf4 \= [ BU1 `_ 12 ]pc.
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf4.
Hoare_frame (Hbu :: Hbuf :: nil) (Hbu :: Hbuf :: Hbuf4 :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_mapstos_fit_stren with (i := 12) (l := map phy<=ui8 BU1) (e := [ bu ]c).
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU1 sz_BU inj_mult Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat.
- apply ent_R_lookup_mapstos_fit_trans.
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU1 sz_BU.
- Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); first by apply ent_id.
Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil); last by done.
unfold Hbuf.
Ent_R_rewrite_eq_p 0.
rewrite CaddnpA // sequiv_add_e_sc //; by Ent_monotony0.
- Ent_R_subst_con_distr.
rewrite [nth] lock.
do 3 Ent_R_subst_apply.
apply monotony_L.
rewrite -lock (nth_map zero8); last by rewrite sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by Ent_monotony0.
n <- (int) _buf3 \[ 8 ]sc \| (int) __buf4;
idtac "11) assign".
pose Hn := `! \b __n \= ( (int) ([ BU1 `_ 11 ]pc : exp _ (ityp: uchar)) \<< [8 ]sc \|
(int) ([ BU1 `_ 12 ]pc : exp _ (ityp: uchar))).
Hoare_seq_ext Hn.
rewrite {1}(bbang_dup2 Hbuf3 Logic.eq_refl).
rewrite {1}(bbang_dup2 Hbuf4 Logic.eq_refl).
Hoare_frame (Hbuf3 :: Hbuf4 :: nil) (Hn :: nil).
apply hoare_assign_stren.
unfold Hbuf3.
Ent_R_rewrite_eq_e 0 .
unfold Hbuf4.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_e 0 .
by Ent_monotony0.
If \b _n \< 45 sc Then ret <- POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_CLIENT_HELLO c; Return
idtac "12) ifte".
Hoare_ifte_bang Hn_45; first by apply POLAR_ret_err.
If \b _n \> 512 sc Then ret <- POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_CLIENT_HELLO c; Return
idtac "13) ifte".
Hoare_ifte_bang Hn_512; first by apply POLAR_ret_err.
unfold ssl_parse_client_hello2.
ssl_fetch_input erefl ret erefl _ssl ( 5 sc \+ _n);
idtac "14) ssl_fetch_input".
pose the_n := s2Z ((zext 24 (BU1 `_ 11)) `<< 8 `|` zext 24 (BU1 `_ 12)).
pose the_n_plus5 := (5 + the_n)%Z.
pose Hbu_new := sepex BU2, [ bu ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 BU2 **
(!!(BU2 |{ 8 + 5, '| the_n |) = SI |{ 5, '| the_n |))) **
!!(BU2 |{ 8, 5) = BU1 |{ 8, 5)) ** !!(size BU2 = size BU1).
pose min_SI := !!( '| the_n_plus5 | <= size SI ).
pose Hin_left_success := sepex in_left0, Ssl_context
(zext 24 S74.client_hello) majv0 minv0 mmaj0 mmin0
ses bu in_left0 md5s sha1s ciphers rb **
!!(in_left0 = Z2u 32 the_n_plus5).
apply hoare_stren_pull_out with (a := (45 <= the_n /\ the_n <= 512)%Z).
Ent_decompose (0 :: 15 :: 16 :: nil) (0 :: nil); last by done.
unfold Hn, Hn_45, Hn_512.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_e 0 .
(do 2 Ent_L_subst_apply); Ent_R_subst_apply.
Ent_L_sbang 0 => H.
rewrite -(ground_bexp_sem (store0 sigma)) in H.
rewrite <- CgeqNlt in H.
apply bop_re_ge_Zge in H.
apply Z.ge_le in H.
rewrite 2!(ground_exp_sem (store0 sigma)) s2Z_ge_s_cst_e in H; last by done.
have {}H : (45 <= the_n)%Z.
apply: (leZ_trans H).
apply Zeq_le.
rewrite /the_n si32_of_phy_gb_or_e sint_shl_e_to_i32_ge ge_cast_sint_cst_8c phy_of_si32K concat_shl.
congr (Z<=s (_ `|` _)).
apply u2Z_inj; rewrite u2Z_castC.
congr (Z<=u (_ `<< 8)).
by apply u2Z_inj; rewrite -(@zext_zext _ _ 16 8) (@u2Z_castA 8 16 8).
Ent_L_sbang 0 => H0.
rewrite -(ground_bexp_sem (store0 sigma)) in H0.
rewrite <- CleqNgt in H0.
apply bop_re_le_Zle in H0.
rewrite 2!(ground_exp_sem (store0 sigma)) in H0.
rewrite s2Z_ge_s_cst_e in H0; last by done.
have {}H0 : (the_n <= 512)%Z.
apply: (leZ_trans _ H0).
apply Zeq_le.
rewrite /the_n si32_of_phy_gb_or_e sint_shl_e_to_i32_ge ge_cast_sint_cst_8c phy_of_si32K concat_shl.
congr (Z<=s (_ `|` _)).
apply u2Z_inj; rewrite u2Z_castC.
congr (Z<=u (_ `<< _)).
apply u2Z_inj; by rewrite -(@zext_zext _ _ 16 8) (@u2Z_castA 8 16 8).
by apply ent_R_sbang.
case=> HN1 HN2.
apply hoare_seq with (
init_ssl_var ** init_rb ** init_id ** init_ses ** init_ciphers **
Hbuf ** Hbuf0 ** Hbuf0_128 ** Hbuf0_handshake ** Hbuf3 ** Hbuf4 ** Hn ** Hn_45 ** Hn_512 **
((success ** min_SI ** Hin_left_success ** Hbu_new) \\// error)).
set C := ssl_fetch_input _ _ _ _ _.
Hoare_L_contract_bbang success.
pose Hnexp := `! \b [5 ]sc \+ __n \= [ Z<=nat ('| the_n_plus5 |) ]sc.
pose Hpre := !!(Z<=nat ('| the_n_plus5 |) < POLAR_library_functions_triple.SSL_BUFFER_LEN)%Z.
Hoare_L_stren_by (Hnexp ** Hpre) (Hn :: nil).
rewrite /Hnexp /Hpre /Hn /Hn_45 /Hn_512 Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; last by unfold the_n_plus5; lia.
Ent_R_rewrite_eq_e 0 .
do 2 Ent_R_subst_apply.
Ent_R_sbang 0.
unfold the_n_plus5.
set the_n' := _ \| _.
have : the_n' =s ([ the_n ]sc ).
move=> s.
Transparent eval. rewrite /the_n' /the_n /=. Opaque eval.
rewrite !i8_of_i32K (_ : '| Z<=u `( 8 )s_32 | = 8); last first.
by rewrite -s2Z_u2Z_pos !Z2sK.
apply mkPhy_irrelevance => //=; by rewrite Z2s_s2Z.
move=> X.
Rewrite_ground_bexp X.
Rewrite_ground_bexp @sequiv_add_e_sc_pos; last 4 first.
by vm_compute.
by apply: leZ_trans HN1.
simpl expZ; lia.
Rewrite_ground_bexp @beq_exx.
by apply: oneuc.
Ent_R_sbang 0; last by done.
rewrite /the_n_plus5 /POLAR_library_functions_triple.SSL_BUFFER_LEN; lia.
Hoare_frame_remove (Hn :: Hbuf4 :: Hbuf3 :: Hbuf0 :: Hbuf :: init_ssl_var :: init_rb :: init_id :: init_ses :: init_ciphers :: Hbuf0_128 :: Hbuf0_handshake :: Hn_45 :: Hn_512 :: nil); first by rewrite ssl_fetch_input_inde.
eapply hoare_conseq; last by apply (ssl_fetch_input_triple ('| the_n_plus5 |)
in_left SI BU1 majv0 minv0 mmaj0 mmin0 bu rb ses ciphers md5s sha1s).
- rewrite -/success -/min_SI -/error Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat; last by rewrite /the_n_plus5; lia.
rewrite -/Hin_left_success (_: '| the_n_plus5 | - '| (u2Z in_left) | = '| the_n |); last first.
rewrite in_left_5 Z2uK // Zabs_nat_Z_of_nat // /the_n_plus5 Zabs_nat_Zplus //; last by lia.
by rewrite (_ : '| 5 | = 5) // plusE addnC -addnBA ?addn0.
by rewrite -/Hbu_new in_left_5 Z2uK.
- rewrite -/Hssl_in_left -/Hbu -/Hpre -/Hnexp; by Ent_permut.
If \b _ret \!= 0 sc Then
idtac "15) ifte".
Hoare_ifte_bang Hret.
apply skip_hoare.
Ent_L_or 0.
- let l := Ent_L_Find_indices (success :: Hret :: nil) in
unfold Hret; rewrite bneq_neg_eq;
by Ent_L_contradict_idx l.
- Ent_R_or_1.
rewrite /error; by Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil).
set C := _; _.
Hoare_L_or 0; last first.
unfold error; rewrite <- bneq_neg_eq; unfold Hret.
by Hoare_L_contradict (0 :: 16 :: nil).
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hret.
unfold Hin_left_success; Hoare_L_ex 0 in_left2.
clear Hssl_in_left; set Hssl_in_left2 := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.client_hello)
majv0 minv0 mmaj0 mmin0 ses bu in_left2 md5s sha1s ciphers rb.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => Hin_left2.
unfold Hbu_new; Hoare_L_ex 0 BU2.
clear Hbu; set Hbu := [ bu ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 BU2.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => BU2SI.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => BU2BU1.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => sz_BU2.
rewrite /min_SI {min_SI}.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => min_SI.
idtac "16) lookup".
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf; clear Hbuf.
unfold C; clear C.
Ent_L_or 0.
- let l := Ent_L_Find_indices (success :: Hret :: nil) in
unfold Hret; rewrite bneq_neg_eq;
by Ent_L_contradict_idx l.
- Ent_R_or_1.
rewrite /error; by Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil).
set C := _; _.
Hoare_L_or 0; last first.
unfold error; rewrite <- bneq_neg_eq; unfold Hret.
by Hoare_L_contradict (0 :: 16 :: nil).
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hret.
unfold Hin_left_success; Hoare_L_ex 0 in_left2.
clear Hssl_in_left; set Hssl_in_left2 := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.client_hello)
majv0 minv0 mmaj0 mmin0 ses bu in_left2 md5s sha1s ciphers rb.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => Hin_left2.
unfold Hbu_new; Hoare_L_ex 0 BU2.
clear Hbu; set Hbu := [ bu ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 BU2.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => BU2SI.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => BU2BU1.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => sz_BU2.
rewrite /min_SI {min_SI}.
Hoare_L_sbang 0 => min_SI.
idtac "16) lookup".
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf; clear Hbuf.
unfold C; clear C.
buf <-* _ssl &-> in_msg;
pose Hbuf := `! \b __buf \= [ bu ]c \+ [ 13 ]sc.
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf.
Hoare_frame (Hssl_in_left2 :: nil) (Hssl_in_left2 :: Hbuf :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_fldp_stren, ent_R_lookup_fldp with (pv := phy<=ptr (g.-typ: ityp uchar) (ptr<=phy bu `+ `( 13 )_ ptr_len)).
- by rewrite get_in_msg_ssl_ctxt /phylog_conv /=.
- Ent_R_subst_con_distr.
unfold Hssl_in_left2, Ssl_context.
do 2 Ent_R_subst_apply.
by rewrite -/(Ssl_context _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) sequiv_add_p_cst // beq_pxx bbang1 conPe.
n0 <-* _ssl &-> in_left;
idtac "17) lookup".
pose Hn0 := `! \b __n0 \= [ phy<=si32 in_left2 ]c.
Hoare_seq_ext Hn0.
Hoare_frame (Hssl_in_left2 :: nil) (Hssl_in_left2 :: Hn0 :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_fldp_stren, ent_R_lookup_fldp with (pv := phy<=si32 in_left2).
- by rewrite get_in_left_ssl_ctxt /phylog_conv /=.
- Ent_R_subst_con_distr.
unfold Hssl_in_left2, Ssl_context.
do 2 Ent_R_subst_apply.
by Ent_monotony0.
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hn_45; Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hn_512.
n_old <- _n;
idtac "17bis) assign".
pose Hn_old := `! \b __n_old \= [ the_n ]sc.
Hoare_seq_ext Hn_old.
rewrite {1}(bbang_dup2 Hn Logic.eq_refl).
Hoare_frame (Hn :: nil) (Hn_old :: nil).
apply hoare_assign_stren.
unfold Hn, Hn_old.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_e 0 .
unfold the_n.
apply ent_R_sbang.
rewrite gb_eq_e ge_cst_e.
rewrite si32_of_phy_gb_or_e ge_cast_sint_cst_8c [in X in _ `|` X = _] phy_of_si32K.
rewrite sint_shl_e_to_i32_ge phy_of_si32K Z2s_s2Z.
congr (_ `|` _).
rewrite concat_shl.
apply u2Z_inj; rewrite u2Z_castC.
congr (Z<=u (_ `<< _)).
apply u2Z_inj.
by rewrite !u2Z_zext (u2Z_zext 24).
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hn.
n <- _n0 \- 5 sc;
idtac "18) assign".
clear Hn; set Hn := `! \b __n \= __n0 \- [ 5 ]sc.
Hoare_seq_ext Hn.
Hoare_frame (@Nil assert) (Hn :: nil).
apply hoare_assign_stren.
by Ent_monotony0.
md5_update Logic.eq_refl (_ssl .=> get_fin_md5) _buf _n;
idtac "19) md51_update".
match goal with
| |- {{ ?P }} _ {{ _ }} => apply hoare_seq with P
sha1_update Logic.eq_refl (_ssl .=> get_fin_sha1) _buf _n;
idtac "20) sha1_update".
match goal with
| |- {{ ?P }} _ {{ _ }} => apply hoare_seq with P
buf0 <-* _buf;
idtac "21) lookup".
pose BU18 := !!( BU1 `_ 8 `& Z2u 8 128 = Z2u 8 0 /\ BU1 `_ 8 = S621.handshake ).
Hoare_L_stren_by BU18 (Hbuf0 :: Hbuf0_128 :: Hbuf0_handshake :: nil).
rewrite /Hbuf0 /Hbuf0_128 /Hbuf0_handshake /BU18.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_e 0 .
Ent_R_subst_apply; do 2 Ent_L_subst_apply.
rewrite bneq_neg_eq bneq_neg_eq bnegK bnegK bbang_and.
set btmp := \b _.
rewrite (@ground_bbang_sbang btmp Logic.eq_refl).
apply ent_sbang_sbang.
rewrite and_gb.
rewrite 2!gb_eq_e and_8c 2!ge_cst_e.
case/eqP => ->.
rewrite 2!ge_cst_e.
case/eqP => ->.
by rewrite /S621.handshake -Z2uE.
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf0 ;
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf0_128 ;
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf0_handshake.
clear Hbuf0 Hbuf0_128 Hbuf0_handshake.
apply hoare_pullout_sbang => {}BU18.
pose Hbuf0 := `! \b __buf0 \= ([ BU2 `_ 13 ]pc : exp sigma (ityp: uchar)).
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf0.
Hoare_frame (Hbu :: Hbuf :: nil) (Hbu :: Hbuf :: Hbuf0 :: nil).
eapply hoare_lookup_mapstos_fit_stren with (i := 13) (l := map phy<=ui8 BU2).
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU inj_mult Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat.
- apply ent_R_lookup_mapstos_fit_trans.
+ by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
+ rewrite /Hbu /Hbuf conC.
by apply ent_R_con_T.
+ rewrite /Hbuf [nth] lock.
do 3 Ent_R_subst_apply.
apply monotony_L.
rewrite -lock (nth_map zero8); last by rewrite sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by Ent_monotony0.
idtac "22) ifte".
Hoare_ifte_bang Hbuf0_clienthello; first by apply POLAR_ret_err.
pose BU2_13 := !!( BU2 `_ 13 = S74.client_hello ).
Hoare_L_stren_by BU2_13 (Hbuf0 :: Hbuf0_clienthello :: nil).
rewrite /Hbuf0 /Hbuf0_clienthello /BU2_13.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_e 0 .
do 2 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
rewrite bneq_neg_eq bnegK.
set btmp := \b _.
rewrite (@ground_bbang_sbang btmp Logic.eq_refl).
apply ent_sbang_sbang.
rewrite gb_eq_e 2!ge_cst_e; case/eqP => ->.
by rewrite /S74.client_hello -Z2uE.
apply hoare_pullout_sbang => {}BU2_13.
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf0; Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf0_clienthello.
clear Hbuf0 Hbuf0_clienthello.
buf4 <-* _buf \+ 4 sc;
idtac "23) lookup".
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf4; clear Hbuf4.
pose Hbuf4 := `! \b __buf4 \= ([ BU2 `_ 17 ]pc : exp sigma (ityp: uchar)).
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf4.
Hoare_frame (Hbu :: Hbuf :: nil) (Hbu :: Hbuf :: Hbuf4 :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_mapstos_fit_stren with (i := 17) (l := map phy<=ui8 BU2) (e := [ bu ]c).
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU inj_mult Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat.
- apply ent_R_lookup_mapstos_fit_trans.
+ by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
+ Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); first by apply ent_id.
Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil); last by done.
unfold Hbuf.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_p 0 .
rewrite CaddnpA // sequiv_add_e_sc_pos //; by Ent_monotony0.
- rewrite /Hbuf [nth] lock.
do 3 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
apply monotony_L.
rewrite -lock (nth_map zero8); last by rewrite sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by Ent_monotony0.
If \b _buf4 \!= SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 c Then ret <- POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_CLIENT_HELLO c; Return
idtac "24) ifte".
Hoare_ifte_bang Hbuf4_majversion; first by apply POLAR_ret_err.
_ssl &-> major_ver *<- (int) ( SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 c);
idtac "25) mutation".
pose Hssl_majver := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.client_hello)
(si32<=phy (safe_cast_phy SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 sint erefl))
minv0 mmaj0 mmin0 ses bu in_left2 md5s sha1s ciphers rb.
Hoare_seq_replace1 Hssl_in_left2 Hssl_majver.
Hoare_frame (Hssl_in_left2 :: nil) (Hssl_majver :: nil).
eapply hoare_weak; last by apply hoare_mutation_fldp_local_forward.
move => s h.
move/(_ (mkSintLog (si32<=phy ([ (int) ([ SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 ]c) ]_s)))).
rewrite /phylog_conv [in X in ((X -> _ ) -> _)]/= si32_of_phyK eqxx.
move/(_ erefl).
by rewrite set_major_ver_ssl_ctxt.
buf5 <-* _buf \+ 5 sc;
idtac "26) lookup".
pose Hbuf5 := `! \b __buf5 \= ([ BU2 `_ 18 ]pc : exp sigma (ityp: uchar)).
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf5.
Hoare_frame (Hbu :: Hbuf :: nil) (Hbu :: Hbuf :: Hbuf5 :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_mapstos_fit_stren with (i := 18) (l := map phy<=ui8 BU2) (e := [ bu ]c).
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU inj_mult Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat.
- apply ent_R_lookup_mapstos_fit_trans.
+ by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
+ Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); first by apply ent_id.
Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil); last by done.
unfold Hbuf.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_p 0 .
by rewrite CaddnpA // sequiv_add_e_sc // beq_pxx bbang1.
+ rewrite /Hbuf [nth] lock.
do 3 Ent_R_subst_apply.
apply monotony_L.
rewrite -lock (nth_map zero8); last by rewrite sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by Ent_monotony0.
_ssl &-> minor_ver *<- (int) (_buf5 \<=e SSL_MINOR_VERSION_2 c \? _buf5 \:
idtac "27) mutation".
pose minver_exp := [ BU2 `_ 18 ]pc \<= [SSL_MINOR_VERSION_2 ]c \?
[ BU2 `_ 18 ]pc \: [SSL_MINOR_VERSION_2 ]c : exp sigma _.
pose minver_u := si32<=phy (safe_cast_phy (ground_exp minver_exp erefl) sint erefl).
clear Hssl_in_left2.
pose Hssl_minver := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.client_hello)
(si32<=phy (safe_cast_phy SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 sint erefl))
minver_u mmaj0 mmin0 ses bu in_left2 md5s sha1s ciphers rb.
Hoare_seq_replace1 Hssl_majver Hssl_minver.
Hoare_L_dup (Hbuf5 :: nil).
Hoare_frame (Hssl_majver :: Hbuf5 :: nil) (Hssl_minver :: nil).
apply hoare_mutation_fldp_subst_ityp with (str := _buf5) (Hstr := erefl) (e := [ BU2`_18 ]pc).
- Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); by [apply ent_R_T | apply ent_id].
- rewrite /=.
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf5.
set tmp := safe_cast _ _ _ _ _.
eapply hoare_weak; last first.
have He2 : @vars _ sigma _ tmp = nil by done.
apply hoare_mutation_fldp_local_forward_ground_le with (val := mkSintLog (si32<=phy (ground_exp tmp erefl))) (He2 := He2).
by rewrite /phylog_conv /= si32_of_phyK.
by rewrite set_minor_ver_ssl_ctxt.
clear Hssl_majver.
_ssl &-> max_major_ver *<- (int) _buf4;
idtac "28) mutation".
pose Hssl_reqmaj := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.client_hello)
(si32<=phy (safe_cast_phy SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 sint erefl))
minver_u (zext 24 (BU2 `_ 17)) mmin0 ses bu in_left2 md5s sha1s ciphers rb.
Hoare_seq_replace1 Hssl_minver Hssl_reqmaj.
Hoare_L_dup (Hbuf4 :: nil).
Hoare_frame (Hssl_minver :: Hbuf4 :: nil) (Hssl_reqmaj :: nil).
apply hoare_mutation_fldp_subst_ityp with (str := _buf4) (Hstr := erefl) (e := [ BU2`_17 ]pc).
- Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); [done | by apply ent_id].
- rewrite /=.
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf4.
set tmp := safe_cast _ _ _ _ _.
eapply hoare_weak; last first.
have He2 : @vars _ sigma _ tmp = nil by done.
apply hoare_mutation_fldp_local_forward_ground_le with (val := mkSintLog (si32<=phy (ground_exp tmp erefl))) (He2 := He2).
by rewrite /phylog_conv /= si32_of_phyK.
by rewrite set_max_major_ver_sl_ctxt /tmp (@ge_cast_sint_cst_8c g sigma (BU2 `_ 17)) phy_of_si32K.
pose BU2_17 := !!( BU2 `_ 17 = S621.SSLv30_maj ).
Hoare_L_stren_by BU2_17 (Hbuf4 :: Hbuf4_majversion :: nil).
rewrite /Hbuf4 /Hbuf4_majversion /BU2_17.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_e 0 .
do 2 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
rewrite bneg_neq_eq.
set btmp := \b _.
rewrite (@ground_bbang_sbang btmp Logic.eq_refl).
apply ent_sbang_sbang.
by rewrite gb_eq_e 2!ge_cst_e; case/eqP.
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf4 ; Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf4_majversion.
rewrite {Hbuf4 Hbuf4_majversion}.
apply hoare_pullout_sbang => {}BU2_17.
clear Hssl_minver.
_ssl &-> max_minor_ver *<- (int) _buf5;
idtac "29) mutation".
pose Hssl_reqmin := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.client_hello)
(si32<=phy (safe_cast_phy SSL_MAJOR_VERSION_3 sint erefl)) minver_u
(zext 24 (BU2 `_ 17)) (zext 24 (BU2 `_ 18)) ses bu in_left2 md5s sha1s ciphers rb.
Hoare_seq_replace1 Hssl_reqmaj Hssl_reqmin.
Hoare_L_dup (Hbuf5 :: nil).
Hoare_frame (Hssl_reqmaj :: Hbuf5 :: nil) (Hssl_reqmin :: nil).
apply hoare_mutation_fldp_subst_ityp with (str := _buf5) (Hstr := Logic.eq_refl) (e := [ BU2 `_ 18 ]pc).
- Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); by [apply ent_R_T | apply ent_id].
- rewrite /=.
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf5.
set tmp := safe_cast _ _ _ _ _.
eapply hoare_weak; last first.
have He2 : @vars _ sigma _ tmp = nil by done.
apply hoare_mutation_fldp_local_forward_ground_le with (val := mkSintLog (si32<=phy (ground_exp tmp erefl))) (He2 := He2).
by rewrite /phylog_conv /= si32_of_phyK.
by rewrite set_max_minor_ver_ssl_ctxt /tmp (@ge_cast_sint_cst_8c g sigma (BU2 `_ 18)) phy_of_si32K.
clear Hssl_reqmaj.
it <-* _ssl &-> randbytes;
idtac "30) lookup".
pose Hit := `! \b __it \= [ rb ]c.
Hoare_seq_ext Hit.
Hoare_frame (Hssl_reqmin :: nil) (Hssl_reqmin :: Hit :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_fldp_stren, ent_R_lookup_fldp with (pv := rb).
- by rewrite get_randbytes_ssl_ctxt /phylog_conv /= ptr_of_phyK.
- Ent_R_subst_con_distr.
rewrite /Hssl_reqmin /Ssl_context.
do 2 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
by Ent_monotony0.
memcpy it erefl _it (_buf \+ 6 sc) 32 uc;
idtac "31) memcpy".
Hoare_seq_replace1 init_rb final_rb.
rewrite /Hbu -(cat_take_drop 19 BU2) map_cat.
Rewrite_Precond @mapstos_fit_cat.
rewrite -map_cat cat_take_drop size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 inj_mult sz_BU sizeof_ityp; by vm_compute.
Rewrite_Postcond @mapstos_fit_con.
rewrite -map_cat cat_take_drop size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 inj_mult sz_BU sizeof_ityp; by vm_compute.
set Hbu1 := [ bu ]c |---> _.
rewrite size_map size_take sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU /= -(cat_take_drop '|tls_max S7412.Random| (drop 19 BU2)) map_cat.
Rewrite_Precond @mapstos_fit_cat.
rewrite -map_cat cat_take_drop size_map size_drop sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU sizeof_ityp; by vm_compute.
rewrite size_map size_take size_drop sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU [Z.of_nat _]/=.
Rewrite_Postcond @mapstos_fit_con.
rewrite -map_cat cat_take_drop size_map size_drop sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU sizeof_ityp; by vm_compute.
rewrite size_map size_take size_drop sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU [Z.of_nat _]/=.
rewrite (_ : Z.abs_nat (tls_max S7412.Random) = 32); last by done.
set Hbu2 := [ bu ]c \+ _ |---> _.
set Hbu3 := [ bu ]c \+ _ \+ _ |---> _.
rewrite /init_rb -(cat_take_drop '|tls_max S7412.Random| RB) map_cat.
Rewrite_Precond @mapstos_fit_cat.
rewrite -map_cat size_map cat_take_drop sz_RB; by vm_compute.
rewrite size_map size_take sz_RB [Z_of_nat _]/= (_ : '| (tls_max S7412.Random) | = 32); last by done.
set init_rb1 := [ rb ]c |---> _.
set init_rb2 := [ rb ]c \+ [ 32 ]sc |---> _.
rewrite /final_rb /Final_rb map_cat.
Rewrite_Postcond @mapstos_fit_con.
rewrite size_cat 2!size_map sizeof_ityp size_drop sz_RB [tls_max _]/= (_ : Z.abs_nat 32 = 32) //.
apply (@leZ_ltZ_trans (Z.of_nat ((32 + (64 - 32)) * sizeof_integral uchar))).
apply inj_le; apply/leP.
rewrite leq_mul2r; apply/orP; right.
rewrite leq_add2r; by apply size_slice_leq.
by vm_compute.
rewrite (_ : '| (tls_max S7412.Random) | = 32); last by done.
rewrite size_map size_slice_exact; last first.
apply leq_trans with ('| the_n_plus5 |); last by assumption.
rewrite (_: rand + 32 = Z.abs_nat 43) //.
unfold the_n_plus5; lia.
set final_rb1 := [ rb ]c |---> _.
set final_rb2 := [ rb ]c \+ [ 32 ]sc |---> _.
Hoare_frame (Hbuf :: Hit :: Hbu2 :: init_rb1 :: nil)
(Hbuf :: Hit :: Hbu2 :: final_rb1 :: nil).
by rewrite memcpy_input_inde.
rewrite /Hit /Hbuf /Hbu2 /init_rb1 /final_rb1.
have -> : SI |{ rand, 32) = take 32 (drop 19 BU2).
rewrite (_: rand = 11) // (_: take 32 (drop 19 BU2) = BU2 |{ 19, 32)) //.
rewrite {1}(_: 11 = 5 + 6) // {2}(_: 19 = 13 + 6) //.
apply slice_shift with (sz := '| the_n |); first by done.
have Hthe_n2 : '| 45 | <= '| the_n | by apply/leP/Zabs_nat_le; lia.
rewrite (_: Z.abs_nat 45 = 45) in Hthe_n2; last by done.
by apply ltn_trans with 44.
apply hoare_stren with (`! \b __buf \= [ bu ]c \+ [ 13 ]sc ** `! \b __it \= [ rb ]c **
__buf \+ [ 6 ]sc |---> map phy<=ui8 (take 32 (drop 19 BU2)) **
__it |---> map phy<=ui8 (take 32 RB)).
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_p 0 .
do 3 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
do 4 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_p 0 .
do 2 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
do 4 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (2 :: nil).
- by rewrite CaddnpA // sequiv_add_e_sc_pos.
- by rewrite 2! bbang_eqpxx 2!coneP.
apply hoare_weak with (`! \b __buf \= [ bu ]c \+ [ 13 ]sc **
`! \b __it \= [ rb ]c ** __buf \+ [ 6 ]sc |---> map phy<=ui8 (BU2 |{ 19 , 32 )) **
__it |---> map phy<=ui8 (BU2 |{ 19 , 32 ))).
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_p 0 .
do 3 Ent_L_subst_apply.
do 4 Ent_R_subst_apply.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_p 0. do 2 Ent_L_subst_apply.
do 4 Ent_R_subst_apply.
Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (2 :: nil).
by rewrite CaddnpA // sequiv_add_e_sc_pos.
by rewrite 2! bbang_eqpxx 2!coneP.
Hoare_frame_idx_tmp (2 :: 3 :: nil) (2 :: 3 :: nil); first by rewrite memcpy_input_inde.
apply memcpy_triple_cst_e => //.
by rewrite size_map size_take size_drop sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by rewrite size_map size_take sz_RB.
buf1 <-* _buf \+ 1 sc;
idtac "32) lookup".
pose Hbuf1 := `! \b __buf1 \= ([ BU2 `_ 14 ]pc : exp sigma (ityp: uchar)).
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf1.
unfold final_rb, Final_rb.
Hoare_frame (Hbu :: Hbuf :: nil) (Hbu :: Hbuf :: Hbuf1 :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_mapstos_fit_stren with (i := 14) (l := map phy<=ui8 BU2) (e := [ bu ]c).
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU inj_mult Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat.
- apply ent_R_lookup_mapstos_fit_trans.
+ by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
+ Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); first by apply ent_id.
Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil); last by done.
unfold Hbuf.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_p 0 .
by rewrite CaddnpA // sequiv_add_e_sc // beq_pxx bbang1.
- rewrite [nth] lock.
do 3 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
apply monotony_L.
rewrite -lock (nth_map zero8); last by rewrite sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by Ent_monotony0.
If \b _buf1 \!= 0 uc Then ret <- POLARSSL_ERR_SSL_BAD_HS_CLIENT_HELLO c; Return
idtac "33) ifte".
Hoare_ifte_bang Hbuf1_0; first by apply POLAR_ret_err.
pose BU2_14 := !!( BU2 `_ 14 = zero8 ).
Hoare_L_stren_by BU2_14 (Hbuf1 :: Hbuf1_0 :: nil).
unfold Hbuf1, Hbuf1_0, BU2_14.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_e 0 .
do 2 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
rewrite bneq_neg_eq bnegK.
set tmp := \b _.
rewrite (@ground_bbang_sbang tmp Logic.eq_refl).
apply ent_sbang_sbang.
rewrite gb_eq_e 2!ge_cst_e; by case/eqP.
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf1 ; Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf1_0.
rewrite {Hbuf1 Hbuf1_0}.
unfold BU2_14; apply hoare_pullout_sbang => {}BU2_14.
buf2 <-* _buf \+ 2 sc;
idtac "34) lookup".
pose Hbuf2 := `! \b __buf2 \= ([ BU2 `_ 15 ]pc : exp sigma (ityp: uchar)).
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf2.
unfold final_rb, Final_rb.
Hoare_frame (Hbu :: Hbuf :: nil) (Hbu :: Hbuf :: Hbuf2 :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_mapstos_fit_stren with (i := 15) (l := map phy<=ui8 BU2) (e := [ bu ]c).
+ by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU inj_mult Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat.
+ apply ent_R_lookup_mapstos_fit_trans.
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
- Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); first by apply ent_id.
Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil); last by done.
unfold Hbuf.
Ent_R_rewrite_eq_p 0 .
by rewrite CaddnpA // sequiv_add_e_sc // bbang_eqpxx.
- rewrite [nth] lock.
do 3 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
apply monotony_L.
rewrite -lock (nth_map zero8); last by rewrite sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by Ent_monotony0.
buf3 <-* _buf \+ 3 sc;
idtac "35) lookup".
Hoare_L_contract_bbang Hbuf3; clear Hbuf3.
pose Hbuf3 := `! \b __buf3 \= ([ BU2 `_ 16 ]pc : exp sigma (ityp: uchar)).
Hoare_seq_ext Hbuf3.
Hoare_frame (Hbu :: Hbuf :: nil) (Hbu :: Hbuf :: Hbuf3 :: nil).
apply hoare_lookup_mapstos_fit_stren with (i := 16) (l := map phy<=ui8 BU2) (e := [ bu ]c).
- by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU inj_mult Z_of_nat_Zabs_nat.
- apply ent_R_lookup_mapstos_fit_trans.
+ by rewrite size_map sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
+ Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (1 :: nil); first by apply ent_id.
Ent_decompose (0 :: nil) (0 :: nil); last by done.
unfold Hbuf.
Ent_LR_rewrite_eq_p 0 .
by rewrite CaddnpA // sequiv_add_e_sc // bbang_eqpxx.
- rewrite [nth] lock.
do 3 Ent_LR_subst_apply.
apply monotony_L.
rewrite -lock (nth_map zero8); last by rewrite sz_BU2 sz_BU1 sz_BU.
by Ent_monotony0.
idtac "before apply POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple2".
apply POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple2 with (BU := BU) (in_left := in_left) (BU1 := BU1) => //=.
Lemma POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple (BU RB ID : seq (int 8)) (CI : seq (int 32))
(sz_BU : size BU = '| SSL_BUFFER_LEN |)
(sz_RB : size RB = 64) (sz_ID : size ID = 32)
(HCI : ciphers_seq CI)
(majv0 minv0 mmaj0 mmin0 cipher0 length0 : int 32)
(bu rb id : (:* (ityp: uchar)).-phy)
(ses : (:* (g.-typ: ssl_session)).-phy)
(ciphers : (:* (ityp: sint)).-phy)
(vssl : int ptr_len)
(md5s sha1s : 5.-tuple (int ptr_len)) :
let init_ssl_var := `! \b __ssl \= [ phy<=ptr _ vssl ]c in
let init_bu := [ bu ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 BU in
let init_rb := [ rb ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 RB in
let init_id := [ id ]c |---> map phy<=ui8 ID in
let init_ses := ses |lV~> mk_ssl_session cipher0 length0 (ptr<=phy id) in
let init_ciphers := [ ciphers ]c |--> map phy<=si32 CI in
let init_ssl_context := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.client_hello) majv0 minv0
mmaj0 mmin0 ses bu `( 0 )_32 md5s sha1s ciphers rb in
let final_bu := Final_bu SI bu in
let final_ses := Final_ses SI CI ses id in
let final_rb := Final_rb SI RB rb in
let final_id := Final_id SI id in
let final_ssl_context := Ssl_context (zext 24 S74.server_hello)
(zext 24 (SI `_ maj_ver))
(zext 24 (if (u2Z (SI `_ min_req) <=? u2Z (S621.TLSv11_min))%Z then
SI `_ min_req else S621.TLSv11_min))
(zext 24 (SI `_ maj_req)) (zext 24 (SI `_ min_req ))
ses bu `( 0 )s_32 md5s sha1s ciphers rb in
PolarSSLAssumptions SI ->
{{ init_ssl_var ** init_bu ** init_rb ** init_id ** init_ses **
init_ciphers ** init_ssl_context }}
{{ error \\// (success ** !!((RecordHandshakeClientHello_decode SI).1)) **
final_bu ** final_rb ** final_id ** final_ses **
init_ciphers ** final_ssl_context }}.
move=> init_ssl_var init_bu init_rb init_id init_ses init_ciphers
init_ssl_context final_bu final_ses final_rb final_id final_ssl_context PolarAssume.
eapply hoare_weak; last by apply POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple1.
rewrite -/final_ssl_context.
apply ent_L_or; split; first by apply ent_R_or_1.
apply ent_R_or_2.
rewrite -/final_bu -/final_ses -/final_rb -/final_id -/init_ciphers.
apply ent_sbang_sbang => H; move: H PolarAssume.
by apply PolarSSLClientHellop_decode.
End POLAR_parse_client_hello_triple.