Library C_types_fp
Require Import Coq.Program.Wf FunctionalExtensionality.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype seq ssrnat.
From mathcomp Require Import div path tuple.
Require Import Init_ext String_ext Max_ext.
Require Import seq_ext ssrnat_ext tuple_ext path_ext.
Require order finmap.
Require Import C_types.
Local Close Scope Z_scope.
Section dmap_sect.
Variable A : eqType.
Variable B : Type.
Variable k : seq A.
Variable f : forall (x : A), x \in k -> B.
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Program Fixpoint dmap (l : seq A) (Hl : {subset l <= k}) {struct l} : seq B :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| h :: t => (f h (Hl h (mem_head h t))) :: dmap t _
Next Obligation.
intros l lk h t Hl.
rewrite -Hl.
Next Obligation.
intros l lk h t Hl x x_t.
apply lk.
rewrite -Hl.
apply mem_tail.
exact x_t.
End dmap_sect.
Arguments dmap [A] [B] _ _ _ _.
Section dmapP_sect.
Variable A : eqType.
Variable B : Type.
Variable P : A -> bool.
Variable f : forall (x : A), P x -> B.
Program Fixpoint dmapP (l : seq A) (Hl : forall x, x \in l -> P x) {struct l} : seq B :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| h :: t => (f h (Hl h (mem_head h t))) :: dmapP t _
Next Obligation.
by apply (Hl x (mem_tail h H)).
Variable f' : A -> B.
Hypothesis ff' : forall x (Px : P x), f x Px = f' x.
Lemma dmapP_map (l l': seq A) (Hl : forall x, x \in l -> P x) :
l = l' -> dmapP l Hl = map f' l'.
move <-.
elim: l Hl => //= hd tl Hind Hl.
by rewrite ff' Hind.
End dmapP_sect.
Arguments dmapP [A] [B] _ _ _ _.
Arguments dmapP_map [A] [B] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Section dmap_dmapP.
Variable A : eqType.
Variable B : Type.
Variable k : seq A.
Variable f : forall (x : A), x \in k -> B.
Lemma dmap_dmapP : forall l H1,
dmap k f l H1 = dmapP (fun x => x \in k) f l H1.
elim => //= h t IH H1.
congr cons.
congr (f h (H1 _ _)).
by apply eq_irrelevance.
by rewrite IH.
End dmap_dmapP.
Section dmapP_prop_sect.
Variable A : eqType.
Variables B C : Type.
Variable PA : A -> bool.
Variable f : forall (x : A), PA x -> B.
Variable PA' : A -> bool.
Variable f' : forall (x : A), PA' x -> B.
Hypothesis ff' : forall x PAx PA'x, f x PAx = f' x PA'x.
Lemma dmapP_ext (l l': seq A) : l = l' ->
forall (Hl: forall x, x \in l -> PA x) (Hl' : forall x, x \in l' -> PA' x) ,
dmapP PA f l Hl = dmapP PA' f' l' Hl'.
move <-.
elim: l => //= h t Hind Hl Hl'.
congr cons.
by apply ff'.
by apply Hind.
Variable PB : B -> Prop.
Variable PC : C -> Prop.
Variable PC' : C -> Prop.
Hypothesis PC_PC' : forall x, PC x -> PC' x.
Lemma foldl_dmapP_pred
(PBf : forall x PAx, PB (f x PAx))
(f_foldl : C -> B -> C)
(Hffoldl : forall b (Hb: PB b) c (Hc: PC' c), PC (f_foldl c b)) :
(l: seq A) (Hl0 : l <> nil) (Hl : forall x, x \in l -> PA x)
(acc : C) (PC'acc : PC' acc),
PC (foldl f_foldl acc (dmapP PA f l Hl)).
elim => //= hd tl.
case: (tl =P nil).
- move => -> Hind Hl1 Hl2 acc Hacc => /=.
by apply Hffoldl.
- move => Hneq Hind Hl1 Hl2 acc Hacc.
by apply (Hind Hneq), PC_PC', Hffoldl.
End dmapP_prop_sect.
Arguments dmapP_ext [A] [B] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Arguments foldl_dmapP_pred [A B C] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Section Fix_spec.
Variables Arg Res : Type.
Variable metric : Arg -> nat.
Hypothesis well_founded_metric : well_founded (fun a a' => metric a < metric a').
Variable frec0 : forall a : Arg, (forall a', metric a' < metric a -> Res) -> Res.
Definition frec := Fix well_founded_metric (fun _ => Res) frec0.
Lemma frec_unfold a : frec a = frec0 a (fun a' _ => frec a').
rewrite /frec Init.Wf.Fix_eq; first by reflexivity.
move=> a' f g fg.
congr frec0.
apply functional_extensionality_dep => a0.
by apply functional_extensionality.
Program Fixpoint frec_ind (P : Res -> Prop)
(IH : forall a f', (forall a0 a0a, P (f' a0 a0a)) -> P (frec0 a f'))
a {measure (metric a)} : P (frec a) := _.
Next Obligation.
rewrite frec_unfold.
apply IH => a0 /ltP; move: a0.
by apply frec_ind.
Variable C : Type.
Variable input : Arg -> C.
Lemma A1 : forall (a : Arg)
(f : forall a' : Arg, metric a' < metric a -> Res),
(forall (a1 : Arg) (H1 : metric a1 < metric a)
(a2 : Arg) (H2 : metric a2 < metric a),
input a1 = input a2 -> metric a2 < metric a1 -> f a1 H1 = f a2 H2) ->
forall a' : Arg,
metric a' < metric a ->
input a = input a' ->
forall x : Arg,
metric x < metric a' -> (metric x < metric a') = (metric x < metric a).
move => a f Hind a' Hmetric Hinput x Hx.
by rewrite Hx (ltn_trans Hx Hmetric).
Lemma A2 : (forall (a : Arg) (f : forall a' : Arg, metric a' < metric a -> Res)
(H : forall (a1 : Arg) (H1 : metric a1 < metric a)
(a2 : Arg) (H2 : metric a2 < metric a),
input a1 = input a2 -> metric a2 < metric a1 -> f a1 H1 = f a2 H2)
(a' : Arg) (H0 : metric a' < metric a) (H1 : input a = input a'),
frec0 a f =
frec0 a'
(fun (x : Arg) (x0 : metric x < metric a') =>
f x
(eq_rect (metric x < metric a') (eq^~ true) x0
(metric x < metric a)
(A1 a f H a' H0 H1 x x0)))) ->
forall a a' : Arg,
input a = input a' ->
metric a' < metric a ->
((forall (a0 : Arg) (f' : forall a'0 : Arg, metric a'0 < metric a0 -> Res)
(H : forall (a1 : Arg) (H1 : metric a1 < metric a0)
(a2 : Arg) (H2 : metric a2 < metric a0),
input a1 = input a2 -> metric a2 < metric a1 -> f' a1 H1 = f' a2 H2)
(a'0 : Arg) (H0 : metric a'0 < metric a0) (H1 : input a0 = input a'0),
frec0 a0 f' =
frec0 a'0
(fun (x : Arg) (x0 : metric x < metric a'0) =>
f' x
(eq_rect (metric x < metric a'0) (eq^~ true) x0
(metric x < metric a0)
(A1 a0 f' H a'0 H0 H1 x x0)))) ->
forall a0 a'0 : Arg,
input a0 = input a'0 ->
metric a'0 < metric a0 ->
(metric a0 < metric a)%coq_nat -> frec a0 = frec a'0) ->
frec a = frec a'.
move => Hind a a' Hinput Hmetric Hfix.
rewrite frec_unfold.
have H : (forall a1 : Arg,
metric a1 < metric a ->
forall a2 : Arg,
metric a2 < metric a -> input a1 = input a2 -> metric a2 < metric a1 -> frec a1 = frec a2).
move => a1 Ha1 a2 Ha2 Ha12 Hl12.
apply Hfix => //.
by apply/ltP.
move: {H}(Hind a ((fun (a'0 : Arg) (_ : metric a'0 < metric a) => frec a'0)) H a' Hmetric Hinput) => ->.
apply frec_unfold.
Program Fixpoint frec_ext
(Hind :
forall a
(f: forall (a': Arg) (H: metric a' < metric a), Res)
(K : forall a1 H1 a2 H2, input a1 = input a2 -> metric a2 < metric a1 -> f a1 H1 = f a2 H2),
forall a' (H: metric a' < metric a) (H1 : input a = input a'), frec0 a f = frec0 a'
(fun (x : Arg) (x0 : metric x < metric a') =>
f x
(eq_rect (metric x < metric a') (eq^~ true) x0
(metric x < metric a)
(A1 a f K a' H H1 x x0)))
a a' (Heq: input a = input a') (Hlt: metric a' < metric a) {measure (metric a)} :
frec a = frec a' := A2 Hind a a' Heq Hlt frec_ext.
End Fix_spec.
Local Open Scope C_types_scope.
Section generic_traversal.
Variable g : wfctxt.
Record config {Res Accu : Type} := mkConfig {
f_ityp : integral -> Res ;
f_ptyp : typ -> Res ;
f_styp_iter : Accu -> string * g.-typ * Res -> Accu ;
f_styp_fin : tag * g.-typ -> (Accu -> Accu) -> Res ;
f_atyp : nat -> tag * g.-typ -> Res -> Res }.
Record Trace : Type := mkTrace {
trace_size : nat ;
trace :> PathNested.t g trace_size }.
Definition next_path_styp {n} (p : PathNested.t g n)
tg (Htg : cover g (styp tg))
str (Hin : (str, g (styp tg) Htg) \in get_fields g (tlast p)) :
{p_tg : PathNested.t g n.+1 | tlast p_tg = tg}.
set p_tg := trcons p tg.
have Hp1 : (thead p_tg \in Ctxt.dom g) /\ path (nested g) (thead p_tg) (behead p_tg).
- rewrite /p_tg thead_trcons; exact (PathNested.Hp1 _ _ p).
- rewrite /p_tg thead_trcons behead_trcons rcons_path; apply/andP; split.
+ clear -p; exact (PathNested.Hp _ _ p).
+ rewrite /nested.
have : tlast p \in Ctxt.dom g by move: Hin; apply get_fields_in_dom.
case/Ctxt.in_dom_get_Some => flds Hflds.
rewrite Hflds.
exists (str, styp tg).
* rewrite (get_fields_mkCenv g _ flds Hflds (get_fields g (tlast p)) Logic.eq_refl) in Hin.
by apply (in_mkCenv _ _ _ Hin).
* by rewrite /= eqxx.
exists (PathNested.mkt _ _ _ (proj1 Hp1) (proj2 Hp1)).
by rewrite /= /p_tg tlast_trcons.
Definition next_path_atyp {n} (p : PathNested.t g n)
(tg : tag) sz Hsz (Hs : cover g (atyp sz Hsz tg))
str (Hin : (str, g (atyp sz Hsz tg) Hs) \in get_fields g (tlast p)) :
{p0 : PathNested.t g n.+1 | tlast p0 = tg}.
set p1 := trcons p tg.
have Hp1 : (thead p1 \in Ctxt.dom g) /\ path (nested g) (thead p1) (behead p1).
- by rewrite -thead_tbelast /p1 thead_tbelast thead_trcons; exact (PathNested.Hp1 _ _ p).
- rewrite /p1 thead_trcons behead_trcons rcons_path; apply/andP; split.
+ exact (PathNested.Hp _ _ p).
+ rewrite /nested.
case: (Ctxt.in_dom_get_Some g (tlast (A:=tag_eqType) p)).
* by move: Hin; apply get_fields_in_dom.
* move => x Hx.
rewrite Hx.
exists (str, atyp sz Hsz tg).
- move: Hin.
rewrite (get_fields_mkCenv _ _ _ Hx (get_fields g (tlast p)) Logic.eq_refl).
by apply in_mkCenv.
- by simpl.
exists (PathNested.mkt _ _ _ (proj1 Hp1) (proj2 Hp1)) => //=;
by rewrite /p1 //= /p1 tlast_trcons.
Variables Res Accu : Type.
Variable c : @config Res Accu.
Definition remains t := size (Ctxt.dom g) - trace_size t.
Lemma well_founded_remains : well_founded (fun a a' : Trace => remains a < remains a').
apply Wf_nat.well_founded_lt_compat with remains => x y xy.
by apply/leP.
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Program Definition styp_frec0 (t : Trace)
(f : forall t', remains t' < remains t -> Res) : Res :=
match t with
| mkTrace n p =>
let tg := tlast p in
let env := get_fields g tg in
let l := dmap env
(fun x Hx => (x,
match Ctyp.ty _ x.2 with
| ityp i => c.(f_ityp) i
| ptyp p => c.(f_ptyp) p
| styp tg' => f (mkTrace n.+1 _) _
| atyp sz Hsz tg' =>
c.(f_atyp) sz (tg', g (styp tg') _) (f (mkTrace n.+1 _) _)
end)) env (id (fun x (Hx : x \in env) => Hx)) in
c.(f_styp_fin) (tg, g (styp tg) _) (fun accu => foldl c.(f_styp_iter) accu l)
Next Obligation.
move=> tr Htr n p p_tr tg env str_cov str_cov_in_env sval_str_cov2 tg' Heq1 /=.
rewrite /env {env} in str_cov_in_env.
rewrite /sval_str_cov2 {sval_str_cov2} in Heq1.
destruct str_cov as [str [t cov_t]].
rewrite /= in Heq1 *.
rewrite /tg in str_cov_in_env.
subst t.
apply (next_path_styp p tg' cov_t str str_cov_in_env).
Next Obligation.
move=> tr Htr n p p_tr tg env str_cov str_cov_in_env sval_str_cov2 tg' Heq1 /=.
rewrite /env in str_cov_in_env *.
rewrite /sval_str_cov2 in Heq1 *.
destruct str_cov as [str [t cov_t]].
simpl in *.
subst t.
destruct p as [p Hp].
simpl in *.
destruct tr as [tr1 tr2].
rewrite /remains /= ltn_sub2l //.
by apply uniq_path_size_complete_ub.
case: p_tr => Hn _; by rewrite Hn.
Next Obligation.
move=> t Ht n p pt tg env str_cov str_cov_in_env sval_str_cov2 sz Hsz tg' He1 /=.
rewrite /sval_str_cov2 in He1.
destruct str_cov as [str [ty cov_ty]].
simpl in *.
clear str_cov_in_env.
by rewrite -He1 in cov_ty.
Next Obligation.
move=> tr Htr n p p_tr tg env str_cov str_cov_in_env sval_str_cov2 sz Hsz tg' Heq1 /=.
rewrite /env in str_cov_in_env.
rewrite /sval_str_cov2 in Heq1.
destruct str_cov as [str [t cov_t]].
simpl in *.
subst t.
rewrite /tg in str_cov_in_env.
apply (next_path_atyp p tg' sz Hsz cov_t str str_cov_in_env).
Next Obligation.
move=> tr Htr n p p_tr tg env str_cov str_cov_in_env sval_str_cov2 sz Hsz tg' Heq1 /=.
rewrite /env in str_cov_in_env *.
rewrite /sval_str_cov2 in Heq1 *.
destruct str_cov as [str [t cov_t]].
simpl in *.
subst t.
simpl in *.
destruct tr as [tr1 tr2].
rewrite /remains /= ltn_sub2l //.
by apply uniq_path_size_complete_ub.
case: p_tr => Hn _; by rewrite Hn.
Next Obligation.
move=> tr f n p p_tr tg env l.
clear l.
have : tg \in PathNested.p _ _ p.
destruct p as [p H1 H2] => /=.
by rewrite /tg /tlast (last_nth (thead p)) [in X in _ \in X](tuple_eta p) mem_nth.
move/in_path_in_dom => tg_p.
by apply in_dom_cover.
Definition styp_frec := Fix well_founded_remains (fun _ => Res) styp_frec0.
Program Definition typ_traversal (ty : g.-typ) : Res :=
match Ctyp.ty _ ty with
| ityp i => c.(f_ityp) i
| ptyp p => c.(f_ptyp) p
| styp tg => styp_frec (mkTrace 0 _)
| atyp sz _ tg => c.(f_atyp) sz (tg, g (styp tg) _) (styp_frec (mkTrace 0 _))
Next Obligation.
move=> ty fil_ty tg tg_ty /=.
set p := [tuple tg].
have Hp : (thead p \in Ctxt.dom g) /\ path (nested g) (thead p) (behead p).
- rewrite /p theadE.
move/incP': (Ctyp.Hty _ ty); apply.
by rewrite -/fil_ty -tg_ty /= mem_seq1.
- reflexivity.
exists (PathNested.mkt _ _ _ (proj1 Hp) (proj2 Hp)) => //=; exact (proj1 Hp).
Next Obligation.
case=> //= t cov_t sz Hsz tg tg_t.
by subst t.
Next Obligation.
move=> ty fil_ty sz Hsz tg tg_ty /=.
set p := [tuple tg].
have Hp : (thead p \in Ctxt.dom g) /\ path (nested g) (thead p) (behead p).
- rewrite /p theadE.
move/incP': (Ctyp.Hty _ ty); apply.
by rewrite -/fil_ty -tg_ty /= mem_seq1.
- reflexivity.
exists (PathNested.mkt _ _ _ (proj1 Hp) (proj2 Hp)) => //=; exact (proj1 Hp).
Program Definition typ_traversal_unfold_statement := forall ty, typ_traversal ty =
match Ctyp.ty _ ty with
| ityp i => c.(f_ityp) i
| ptyp p => c.(f_ptyp) p
| styp tg => c.(f_styp_fin) (tg, g (styp tg) _)
(fun accu => foldl c.(f_styp_iter) accu
(map (fun x => (x, typ_traversal x.2)) (get_fields g tg)))
| atyp sz Hsz tg => c.(f_atyp) sz (tg, g (styp tg) _) (c.(f_styp_fin) (tg, g (styp tg) _)
(fun accu => foldl c.(f_styp_iter) accu
(map (fun x => (x, typ_traversal x.2)) (get_fields g tg))))
Next Obligation.
move=> ty fil_ty tg ->; apply (Ctyp.Hty _ ty).
Next Obligation.
case=> //= t cov_t sz Hsz tg Htg; by rewrite -Htg in cov_t.
Next Obligation.
case=> //= t cov_t sz Hsz tg Htg; by rewrite -Htg in cov_t.
Obligation Tactic := Tactics.program_simpl.
Lemma styp_frec0_ext (a : Trace)
(f : forall a' : Trace, remains a' < remains a -> Res)
(H : forall (a1 : Trace) (H1 : remains a1 < remains a)
(a2 : Trace) (H2 : remains a2 < remains a),
tlast a1 = tlast a2 ->
remains a2 < remains a1 -> f a1 H1 = f a2 H2)
(a' : Trace) (H0 : remains a' < remains a)
(H1 : tlast a = tlast a') :
styp_frec0 a f =
styp_frec0 a'
(fun (x : Trace) (x0 : remains x < remains a') =>
f x
(eq_rect (remains x < remains a') (eq^~ true) x0
(remains x < remains a)
(A1 Trace Res remains _ (fun x => tlast x) a f H a' H0 H1 x x0))).
destruct a as [n p].
destruct a' as [n' p'].
rewrite /= in H1 *.
move: (styp_frec0_obligation_6 _ _ _ _) => H1'.
move: (styp_frec0_obligation_6 _ _ _ _) => H2'.
congr (f_styp_fin c (_ , _)) => //.
move: H1' H2' => /= H1'.
rewrite -H1 => H2'.
by apply eq_irrelevance.
apply functional_extensionality => accu.
congr foldl.
rewrite !dmap_dmapP.
apply dmapP_ext; last by rewrite H1.
move => x Hx Hx'.
congr pair.
case: x Hx Hx' => x [t Ht] Hx Hx'.
rewrite /fst /snd.
case: t Ht Hx Hx' => [i | t | tg' | sz Hsz tg'] x3 Hx Hx'.
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- apply H => //=.
clear -H1.
by rewrite 2!tlast_trcons.
rewrite /remains !subnS prednK; last first.
rewrite subn_gt0.
apply uniq_path_size_complete_ub.
exact p'.
by rewrite -ltnS prednK // (leq_ltn_trans _ H0).
- rewrite /=.
congr (f_atyp _ _ _ _).
apply H => //=.
clear -H1.
by rewrite 2!tlast_trcons.
rewrite /remains !subnS prednK; last first.
rewrite subn_gt0.
apply uniq_path_size_complete_ub.
exact p'.
by rewrite -ltnS prednK // (leq_ltn_trans _ H0).
Lemma pair_eq : forall (A B : Type) (x1 x2: A) (y1 y2: B),
x1 = x2 -> y1 = y2 -> (x1, y1) = (x2, y2).
Proof. by move => ? ? ? ? ? ? -> ->. Qed.
Lemma typ_traversal_unfold : typ_traversal_unfold_statement.
rewrite /typ_traversal_unfold_statement.
rewrite /typ_traversal /=.
case => //= [t p | sz i t p].
- rewrite /styp_frec.
rewrite -/(frec Trace Res remains well_founded_remains styp_frec0).
rewrite {1}frec_unfold /=.
congr (f_styp_fin c _ _).
congr (_, _ _ _).
by apply eq_irrelevance.
apply functional_extensionality => accu.
congr foldl.
set l1 := get_fields _ _.
rewrite !dmap_dmapP.
apply dmapP_map with (l := l1).
* move => [x1 [x2 x3]] Hx.
rewrite /fst /snd.
apply pair_eq; first by reflexivity.
case: x2 x3 Hx => //= [tg x3 Hx| sz Hsz tg x3 Hx].
- symmetry.
apply (frec_ext _ Res remains _ styp_frec0 _ (fun x => tlast x)) => //.
+ by apply styp_frec0_ext.
+ rewrite /remains /= subn0 subn1 -ltnS (@ltn_predK 0) // -has_predT.
apply/hasP. exists tg => //.
by move: x3 {Hx}; rewrite /cover; move/incP'; apply; rewrite mem_head.
- congr f_atyp.
apply/esym/(frec_ext _ Res remains _ styp_frec0 _ (fun x => tlast x)) => //.
+ by apply styp_frec0_ext.
+ rewrite /remains /= subn0 subn1 -ltnS (@ltn_predK 0) // -has_predT.
apply/hasP. exists tg => //.
by move: x3 {Hx}; rewrite /cover; move/incP'; apply; rewrite mem_head.
* reflexivity.
- congr f_atyp.
rewrite /styp_frec.
rewrite -/(frec Trace Res remains well_founded_remains styp_frec0).
rewrite {1}frec_unfold /=.
congr f_styp_fin.
congr (_, _ _ _).
by apply eq_irrelevance.
apply functional_extensionality => accu.
congr foldl.
set l1 := get_fields _ _.
rewrite !dmap_dmapP.
apply dmapP_map with (l := l1).
* move => [x1 [x2 x3]] Hx.
rewrite /fst /snd.
apply pair_eq; first by done.
case: x2 x3 Hx => //= [tg x3 Hx| sz' Hsz' tg x3 Hx].
- apply/esym/(frec_ext _ Res remains _ styp_frec0 _ (fun x => tlast x)) => //.
+ by apply styp_frec0_ext.
+ rewrite /remains /= subn0 subn1 -ltnS (@ltn_predK 0) // -has_predT.
apply/hasP. exists tg => //.
by move: x3 {Hx}; rewrite /cover; move/incP'; apply; rewrite mem_head.
- congr f_atyp.
apply/esym/(frec_ext _ Res remains _ styp_frec0 _ (fun x => tlast x)) => //.
+ by apply styp_frec0_ext.
+ rewrite /remains /= subn0 subn1 -ltnS (@ltn_predK 0) // -has_predT.
apply/hasP. exists tg => //.
by move: x3 {Hx}; rewrite /cover; move/incP'; apply; rewrite mem_head.
* reflexivity.
Variable PRes : Res -> Prop.
Variable PAcc1 : Accu -> Prop.
Variable PAcc2 : Accu -> Prop.
Hypothesis PAcc12 : forall a : Accu, PAcc1 a -> PAcc2 a.
Hypothesis Hityp : forall (i : integral), PRes (c.(f_ityp) i).
Hypothesis Hptyp : forall (t : typ), PRes (c.(f_ptyp) t).
Hypothesis Hiter :
forall ty (r : Res) (Ha : PRes r) b (Hb : PAcc2 b), PAcc1 (c.(f_styp_iter) b (ty, r)).
Hypothesis Hfin : forall a_trans tg_ty,
(forall a : Accu, PAcc2 a -> PAcc1 (a_trans a)) -> PRes (c.(f_styp_fin) tg_ty a_trans).
Hypothesis Hatyp :
forall sz (Hsz : sz > 0) ty a (Ha : PRes a), PRes (c.(f_atyp) sz ty a).
Lemma styp_frec_ind n p : PRes (styp_frec (mkTrace n p)).
rewrite /styp_frec.
fold (frec Trace Res remains well_founded_remains styp_frec0).
apply frec_ind => a f' H.
destruct a as [a1 a2] => /=.
apply Hfin.
rewrite !dmap_dmapP.
apply (foldl_dmapP_pred _ _ (fun x => PRes x.2) _ _ PAcc12) => //=.
+ move => [name [t Ht]] Hx.
case: t Ht Hx => //= sz Hsz t Ht Hx.
by apply Hatyp.
+ case => *.
by apply Hiter.
+ have i : cover g (styp (last (thead a2) (behead a2))).
apply in_dom_cover.
apply in_path_in_dom with a1 a2.
destruct a2 => /=.
rewrite (last_nth (thead p0)).
rewrite size_tuple /=.
rewrite [in X in _ \in X](tuple_eta p0).
apply mem_nth => /=.
by rewrite size_behead size_tuple.
by apply wfctxt_get_fields_not_empty with ( g _ i).
Lemma typ_traversal_ind : forall t, PRes (typ_traversal t).
move => [] []; rewrite /typ_traversal //=.
- move => tg p.
by apply styp_frec_ind.
- move => sz Hsz tg p.
apply Hatyp => //.
by apply styp_frec_ind.
End generic_traversal.
Arguments mkConfig _ [Res Accu].
Arguments typ_traversal _ [Res Accu].
Arguments typ_traversal_ind _ [Res Accu].
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype seq ssrnat.
From mathcomp Require Import div path tuple.
Require Import Init_ext String_ext Max_ext.
Require Import seq_ext ssrnat_ext tuple_ext path_ext.
Require order finmap.
Require Import C_types.
Local Close Scope Z_scope.
Section dmap_sect.
Variable A : eqType.
Variable B : Type.
Variable k : seq A.
Variable f : forall (x : A), x \in k -> B.
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Program Fixpoint dmap (l : seq A) (Hl : {subset l <= k}) {struct l} : seq B :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| h :: t => (f h (Hl h (mem_head h t))) :: dmap t _
Next Obligation.
intros l lk h t Hl.
rewrite -Hl.
Next Obligation.
intros l lk h t Hl x x_t.
apply lk.
rewrite -Hl.
apply mem_tail.
exact x_t.
End dmap_sect.
Arguments dmap [A] [B] _ _ _ _.
Section dmapP_sect.
Variable A : eqType.
Variable B : Type.
Variable P : A -> bool.
Variable f : forall (x : A), P x -> B.
Program Fixpoint dmapP (l : seq A) (Hl : forall x, x \in l -> P x) {struct l} : seq B :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| h :: t => (f h (Hl h (mem_head h t))) :: dmapP t _
Next Obligation.
by apply (Hl x (mem_tail h H)).
Variable f' : A -> B.
Hypothesis ff' : forall x (Px : P x), f x Px = f' x.
Lemma dmapP_map (l l': seq A) (Hl : forall x, x \in l -> P x) :
l = l' -> dmapP l Hl = map f' l'.
move <-.
elim: l Hl => //= hd tl Hind Hl.
by rewrite ff' Hind.
End dmapP_sect.
Arguments dmapP [A] [B] _ _ _ _.
Arguments dmapP_map [A] [B] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Section dmap_dmapP.
Variable A : eqType.
Variable B : Type.
Variable k : seq A.
Variable f : forall (x : A), x \in k -> B.
Lemma dmap_dmapP : forall l H1,
dmap k f l H1 = dmapP (fun x => x \in k) f l H1.
elim => //= h t IH H1.
congr cons.
congr (f h (H1 _ _)).
by apply eq_irrelevance.
by rewrite IH.
End dmap_dmapP.
Section dmapP_prop_sect.
Variable A : eqType.
Variables B C : Type.
Variable PA : A -> bool.
Variable f : forall (x : A), PA x -> B.
Variable PA' : A -> bool.
Variable f' : forall (x : A), PA' x -> B.
Hypothesis ff' : forall x PAx PA'x, f x PAx = f' x PA'x.
Lemma dmapP_ext (l l': seq A) : l = l' ->
forall (Hl: forall x, x \in l -> PA x) (Hl' : forall x, x \in l' -> PA' x) ,
dmapP PA f l Hl = dmapP PA' f' l' Hl'.
move <-.
elim: l => //= h t Hind Hl Hl'.
congr cons.
by apply ff'.
by apply Hind.
Variable PB : B -> Prop.
Variable PC : C -> Prop.
Variable PC' : C -> Prop.
Hypothesis PC_PC' : forall x, PC x -> PC' x.
Lemma foldl_dmapP_pred
(PBf : forall x PAx, PB (f x PAx))
(f_foldl : C -> B -> C)
(Hffoldl : forall b (Hb: PB b) c (Hc: PC' c), PC (f_foldl c b)) :
(l: seq A) (Hl0 : l <> nil) (Hl : forall x, x \in l -> PA x)
(acc : C) (PC'acc : PC' acc),
PC (foldl f_foldl acc (dmapP PA f l Hl)).
elim => //= hd tl.
case: (tl =P nil).
- move => -> Hind Hl1 Hl2 acc Hacc => /=.
by apply Hffoldl.
- move => Hneq Hind Hl1 Hl2 acc Hacc.
by apply (Hind Hneq), PC_PC', Hffoldl.
End dmapP_prop_sect.
Arguments dmapP_ext [A] [B] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Arguments foldl_dmapP_pred [A B C] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Section Fix_spec.
Variables Arg Res : Type.
Variable metric : Arg -> nat.
Hypothesis well_founded_metric : well_founded (fun a a' => metric a < metric a').
Variable frec0 : forall a : Arg, (forall a', metric a' < metric a -> Res) -> Res.
Definition frec := Fix well_founded_metric (fun _ => Res) frec0.
Lemma frec_unfold a : frec a = frec0 a (fun a' _ => frec a').
rewrite /frec Init.Wf.Fix_eq; first by reflexivity.
move=> a' f g fg.
congr frec0.
apply functional_extensionality_dep => a0.
by apply functional_extensionality.
Program Fixpoint frec_ind (P : Res -> Prop)
(IH : forall a f', (forall a0 a0a, P (f' a0 a0a)) -> P (frec0 a f'))
a {measure (metric a)} : P (frec a) := _.
Next Obligation.
rewrite frec_unfold.
apply IH => a0 /ltP; move: a0.
by apply frec_ind.
Variable C : Type.
Variable input : Arg -> C.
Lemma A1 : forall (a : Arg)
(f : forall a' : Arg, metric a' < metric a -> Res),
(forall (a1 : Arg) (H1 : metric a1 < metric a)
(a2 : Arg) (H2 : metric a2 < metric a),
input a1 = input a2 -> metric a2 < metric a1 -> f a1 H1 = f a2 H2) ->
forall a' : Arg,
metric a' < metric a ->
input a = input a' ->
forall x : Arg,
metric x < metric a' -> (metric x < metric a') = (metric x < metric a).
move => a f Hind a' Hmetric Hinput x Hx.
by rewrite Hx (ltn_trans Hx Hmetric).
Lemma A2 : (forall (a : Arg) (f : forall a' : Arg, metric a' < metric a -> Res)
(H : forall (a1 : Arg) (H1 : metric a1 < metric a)
(a2 : Arg) (H2 : metric a2 < metric a),
input a1 = input a2 -> metric a2 < metric a1 -> f a1 H1 = f a2 H2)
(a' : Arg) (H0 : metric a' < metric a) (H1 : input a = input a'),
frec0 a f =
frec0 a'
(fun (x : Arg) (x0 : metric x < metric a') =>
f x
(eq_rect (metric x < metric a') (eq^~ true) x0
(metric x < metric a)
(A1 a f H a' H0 H1 x x0)))) ->
forall a a' : Arg,
input a = input a' ->
metric a' < metric a ->
((forall (a0 : Arg) (f' : forall a'0 : Arg, metric a'0 < metric a0 -> Res)
(H : forall (a1 : Arg) (H1 : metric a1 < metric a0)
(a2 : Arg) (H2 : metric a2 < metric a0),
input a1 = input a2 -> metric a2 < metric a1 -> f' a1 H1 = f' a2 H2)
(a'0 : Arg) (H0 : metric a'0 < metric a0) (H1 : input a0 = input a'0),
frec0 a0 f' =
frec0 a'0
(fun (x : Arg) (x0 : metric x < metric a'0) =>
f' x
(eq_rect (metric x < metric a'0) (eq^~ true) x0
(metric x < metric a0)
(A1 a0 f' H a'0 H0 H1 x x0)))) ->
forall a0 a'0 : Arg,
input a0 = input a'0 ->
metric a'0 < metric a0 ->
(metric a0 < metric a)%coq_nat -> frec a0 = frec a'0) ->
frec a = frec a'.
move => Hind a a' Hinput Hmetric Hfix.
rewrite frec_unfold.
have H : (forall a1 : Arg,
metric a1 < metric a ->
forall a2 : Arg,
metric a2 < metric a -> input a1 = input a2 -> metric a2 < metric a1 -> frec a1 = frec a2).
move => a1 Ha1 a2 Ha2 Ha12 Hl12.
apply Hfix => //.
by apply/ltP.
move: {H}(Hind a ((fun (a'0 : Arg) (_ : metric a'0 < metric a) => frec a'0)) H a' Hmetric Hinput) => ->.
apply frec_unfold.
Program Fixpoint frec_ext
(Hind :
forall a
(f: forall (a': Arg) (H: metric a' < metric a), Res)
(K : forall a1 H1 a2 H2, input a1 = input a2 -> metric a2 < metric a1 -> f a1 H1 = f a2 H2),
forall a' (H: metric a' < metric a) (H1 : input a = input a'), frec0 a f = frec0 a'
(fun (x : Arg) (x0 : metric x < metric a') =>
f x
(eq_rect (metric x < metric a') (eq^~ true) x0
(metric x < metric a)
(A1 a f K a' H H1 x x0)))
a a' (Heq: input a = input a') (Hlt: metric a' < metric a) {measure (metric a)} :
frec a = frec a' := A2 Hind a a' Heq Hlt frec_ext.
End Fix_spec.
Local Open Scope C_types_scope.
Section generic_traversal.
Variable g : wfctxt.
Record config {Res Accu : Type} := mkConfig {
f_ityp : integral -> Res ;
f_ptyp : typ -> Res ;
f_styp_iter : Accu -> string * g.-typ * Res -> Accu ;
f_styp_fin : tag * g.-typ -> (Accu -> Accu) -> Res ;
f_atyp : nat -> tag * g.-typ -> Res -> Res }.
Record Trace : Type := mkTrace {
trace_size : nat ;
trace :> PathNested.t g trace_size }.
Definition next_path_styp {n} (p : PathNested.t g n)
tg (Htg : cover g (styp tg))
str (Hin : (str, g (styp tg) Htg) \in get_fields g (tlast p)) :
{p_tg : PathNested.t g n.+1 | tlast p_tg = tg}.
set p_tg := trcons p tg.
have Hp1 : (thead p_tg \in Ctxt.dom g) /\ path (nested g) (thead p_tg) (behead p_tg).
- rewrite /p_tg thead_trcons; exact (PathNested.Hp1 _ _ p).
- rewrite /p_tg thead_trcons behead_trcons rcons_path; apply/andP; split.
+ clear -p; exact (PathNested.Hp _ _ p).
+ rewrite /nested.
have : tlast p \in Ctxt.dom g by move: Hin; apply get_fields_in_dom.
case/Ctxt.in_dom_get_Some => flds Hflds.
rewrite Hflds.
exists (str, styp tg).
* rewrite (get_fields_mkCenv g _ flds Hflds (get_fields g (tlast p)) Logic.eq_refl) in Hin.
by apply (in_mkCenv _ _ _ Hin).
* by rewrite /= eqxx.
exists (PathNested.mkt _ _ _ (proj1 Hp1) (proj2 Hp1)).
by rewrite /= /p_tg tlast_trcons.
Definition next_path_atyp {n} (p : PathNested.t g n)
(tg : tag) sz Hsz (Hs : cover g (atyp sz Hsz tg))
str (Hin : (str, g (atyp sz Hsz tg) Hs) \in get_fields g (tlast p)) :
{p0 : PathNested.t g n.+1 | tlast p0 = tg}.
set p1 := trcons p tg.
have Hp1 : (thead p1 \in Ctxt.dom g) /\ path (nested g) (thead p1) (behead p1).
- by rewrite -thead_tbelast /p1 thead_tbelast thead_trcons; exact (PathNested.Hp1 _ _ p).
- rewrite /p1 thead_trcons behead_trcons rcons_path; apply/andP; split.
+ exact (PathNested.Hp _ _ p).
+ rewrite /nested.
case: (Ctxt.in_dom_get_Some g (tlast (A:=tag_eqType) p)).
* by move: Hin; apply get_fields_in_dom.
* move => x Hx.
rewrite Hx.
exists (str, atyp sz Hsz tg).
- move: Hin.
rewrite (get_fields_mkCenv _ _ _ Hx (get_fields g (tlast p)) Logic.eq_refl).
by apply in_mkCenv.
- by simpl.
exists (PathNested.mkt _ _ _ (proj1 Hp1) (proj2 Hp1)) => //=;
by rewrite /p1 //= /p1 tlast_trcons.
Variables Res Accu : Type.
Variable c : @config Res Accu.
Definition remains t := size (Ctxt.dom g) - trace_size t.
Lemma well_founded_remains : well_founded (fun a a' : Trace => remains a < remains a').
apply Wf_nat.well_founded_lt_compat with remains => x y xy.
by apply/leP.
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Program Definition styp_frec0 (t : Trace)
(f : forall t', remains t' < remains t -> Res) : Res :=
match t with
| mkTrace n p =>
let tg := tlast p in
let env := get_fields g tg in
let l := dmap env
(fun x Hx => (x,
match Ctyp.ty _ x.2 with
| ityp i => c.(f_ityp) i
| ptyp p => c.(f_ptyp) p
| styp tg' => f (mkTrace n.+1 _) _
| atyp sz Hsz tg' =>
c.(f_atyp) sz (tg', g (styp tg') _) (f (mkTrace n.+1 _) _)
end)) env (id (fun x (Hx : x \in env) => Hx)) in
c.(f_styp_fin) (tg, g (styp tg) _) (fun accu => foldl c.(f_styp_iter) accu l)
Next Obligation.
move=> tr Htr n p p_tr tg env str_cov str_cov_in_env sval_str_cov2 tg' Heq1 /=.
rewrite /env {env} in str_cov_in_env.
rewrite /sval_str_cov2 {sval_str_cov2} in Heq1.
destruct str_cov as [str [t cov_t]].
rewrite /= in Heq1 *.
rewrite /tg in str_cov_in_env.
subst t.
apply (next_path_styp p tg' cov_t str str_cov_in_env).
Next Obligation.
move=> tr Htr n p p_tr tg env str_cov str_cov_in_env sval_str_cov2 tg' Heq1 /=.
rewrite /env in str_cov_in_env *.
rewrite /sval_str_cov2 in Heq1 *.
destruct str_cov as [str [t cov_t]].
simpl in *.
subst t.
destruct p as [p Hp].
simpl in *.
destruct tr as [tr1 tr2].
rewrite /remains /= ltn_sub2l //.
by apply uniq_path_size_complete_ub.
case: p_tr => Hn _; by rewrite Hn.
Next Obligation.
move=> t Ht n p pt tg env str_cov str_cov_in_env sval_str_cov2 sz Hsz tg' He1 /=.
rewrite /sval_str_cov2 in He1.
destruct str_cov as [str [ty cov_ty]].
simpl in *.
clear str_cov_in_env.
by rewrite -He1 in cov_ty.
Next Obligation.
move=> tr Htr n p p_tr tg env str_cov str_cov_in_env sval_str_cov2 sz Hsz tg' Heq1 /=.
rewrite /env in str_cov_in_env.
rewrite /sval_str_cov2 in Heq1.
destruct str_cov as [str [t cov_t]].
simpl in *.
subst t.
rewrite /tg in str_cov_in_env.
apply (next_path_atyp p tg' sz Hsz cov_t str str_cov_in_env).
Next Obligation.
move=> tr Htr n p p_tr tg env str_cov str_cov_in_env sval_str_cov2 sz Hsz tg' Heq1 /=.
rewrite /env in str_cov_in_env *.
rewrite /sval_str_cov2 in Heq1 *.
destruct str_cov as [str [t cov_t]].
simpl in *.
subst t.
simpl in *.
destruct tr as [tr1 tr2].
rewrite /remains /= ltn_sub2l //.
by apply uniq_path_size_complete_ub.
case: p_tr => Hn _; by rewrite Hn.
Next Obligation.
move=> tr f n p p_tr tg env l.
clear l.
have : tg \in PathNested.p _ _ p.
destruct p as [p H1 H2] => /=.
by rewrite /tg /tlast (last_nth (thead p)) [in X in _ \in X](tuple_eta p) mem_nth.
move/in_path_in_dom => tg_p.
by apply in_dom_cover.
Definition styp_frec := Fix well_founded_remains (fun _ => Res) styp_frec0.
Program Definition typ_traversal (ty : g.-typ) : Res :=
match Ctyp.ty _ ty with
| ityp i => c.(f_ityp) i
| ptyp p => c.(f_ptyp) p
| styp tg => styp_frec (mkTrace 0 _)
| atyp sz _ tg => c.(f_atyp) sz (tg, g (styp tg) _) (styp_frec (mkTrace 0 _))
Next Obligation.
move=> ty fil_ty tg tg_ty /=.
set p := [tuple tg].
have Hp : (thead p \in Ctxt.dom g) /\ path (nested g) (thead p) (behead p).
- rewrite /p theadE.
move/incP': (Ctyp.Hty _ ty); apply.
by rewrite -/fil_ty -tg_ty /= mem_seq1.
- reflexivity.
exists (PathNested.mkt _ _ _ (proj1 Hp) (proj2 Hp)) => //=; exact (proj1 Hp).
Next Obligation.
case=> //= t cov_t sz Hsz tg tg_t.
by subst t.
Next Obligation.
move=> ty fil_ty sz Hsz tg tg_ty /=.
set p := [tuple tg].
have Hp : (thead p \in Ctxt.dom g) /\ path (nested g) (thead p) (behead p).
- rewrite /p theadE.
move/incP': (Ctyp.Hty _ ty); apply.
by rewrite -/fil_ty -tg_ty /= mem_seq1.
- reflexivity.
exists (PathNested.mkt _ _ _ (proj1 Hp) (proj2 Hp)) => //=; exact (proj1 Hp).
Program Definition typ_traversal_unfold_statement := forall ty, typ_traversal ty =
match Ctyp.ty _ ty with
| ityp i => c.(f_ityp) i
| ptyp p => c.(f_ptyp) p
| styp tg => c.(f_styp_fin) (tg, g (styp tg) _)
(fun accu => foldl c.(f_styp_iter) accu
(map (fun x => (x, typ_traversal x.2)) (get_fields g tg)))
| atyp sz Hsz tg => c.(f_atyp) sz (tg, g (styp tg) _) (c.(f_styp_fin) (tg, g (styp tg) _)
(fun accu => foldl c.(f_styp_iter) accu
(map (fun x => (x, typ_traversal x.2)) (get_fields g tg))))
Next Obligation.
move=> ty fil_ty tg ->; apply (Ctyp.Hty _ ty).
Next Obligation.
case=> //= t cov_t sz Hsz tg Htg; by rewrite -Htg in cov_t.
Next Obligation.
case=> //= t cov_t sz Hsz tg Htg; by rewrite -Htg in cov_t.
Obligation Tactic := Tactics.program_simpl.
Lemma styp_frec0_ext (a : Trace)
(f : forall a' : Trace, remains a' < remains a -> Res)
(H : forall (a1 : Trace) (H1 : remains a1 < remains a)
(a2 : Trace) (H2 : remains a2 < remains a),
tlast a1 = tlast a2 ->
remains a2 < remains a1 -> f a1 H1 = f a2 H2)
(a' : Trace) (H0 : remains a' < remains a)
(H1 : tlast a = tlast a') :
styp_frec0 a f =
styp_frec0 a'
(fun (x : Trace) (x0 : remains x < remains a') =>
f x
(eq_rect (remains x < remains a') (eq^~ true) x0
(remains x < remains a)
(A1 Trace Res remains _ (fun x => tlast x) a f H a' H0 H1 x x0))).
destruct a as [n p].
destruct a' as [n' p'].
rewrite /= in H1 *.
move: (styp_frec0_obligation_6 _ _ _ _) => H1'.
move: (styp_frec0_obligation_6 _ _ _ _) => H2'.
congr (f_styp_fin c (_ , _)) => //.
move: H1' H2' => /= H1'.
rewrite -H1 => H2'.
by apply eq_irrelevance.
apply functional_extensionality => accu.
congr foldl.
rewrite !dmap_dmapP.
apply dmapP_ext; last by rewrite H1.
move => x Hx Hx'.
congr pair.
case: x Hx Hx' => x [t Ht] Hx Hx'.
rewrite /fst /snd.
case: t Ht Hx Hx' => [i | t | tg' | sz Hsz tg'] x3 Hx Hx'.
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- apply H => //=.
clear -H1.
by rewrite 2!tlast_trcons.
rewrite /remains !subnS prednK; last first.
rewrite subn_gt0.
apply uniq_path_size_complete_ub.
exact p'.
by rewrite -ltnS prednK // (leq_ltn_trans _ H0).
- rewrite /=.
congr (f_atyp _ _ _ _).
apply H => //=.
clear -H1.
by rewrite 2!tlast_trcons.
rewrite /remains !subnS prednK; last first.
rewrite subn_gt0.
apply uniq_path_size_complete_ub.
exact p'.
by rewrite -ltnS prednK // (leq_ltn_trans _ H0).
Lemma pair_eq : forall (A B : Type) (x1 x2: A) (y1 y2: B),
x1 = x2 -> y1 = y2 -> (x1, y1) = (x2, y2).
Proof. by move => ? ? ? ? ? ? -> ->. Qed.
Lemma typ_traversal_unfold : typ_traversal_unfold_statement.
rewrite /typ_traversal_unfold_statement.
rewrite /typ_traversal /=.
case => //= [t p | sz i t p].
- rewrite /styp_frec.
rewrite -/(frec Trace Res remains well_founded_remains styp_frec0).
rewrite {1}frec_unfold /=.
congr (f_styp_fin c _ _).
congr (_, _ _ _).
by apply eq_irrelevance.
apply functional_extensionality => accu.
congr foldl.
set l1 := get_fields _ _.
rewrite !dmap_dmapP.
apply dmapP_map with (l := l1).
* move => [x1 [x2 x3]] Hx.
rewrite /fst /snd.
apply pair_eq; first by reflexivity.
case: x2 x3 Hx => //= [tg x3 Hx| sz Hsz tg x3 Hx].
- symmetry.
apply (frec_ext _ Res remains _ styp_frec0 _ (fun x => tlast x)) => //.
+ by apply styp_frec0_ext.
+ rewrite /remains /= subn0 subn1 -ltnS (@ltn_predK 0) // -has_predT.
apply/hasP. exists tg => //.
by move: x3 {Hx}; rewrite /cover; move/incP'; apply; rewrite mem_head.
- congr f_atyp.
apply/esym/(frec_ext _ Res remains _ styp_frec0 _ (fun x => tlast x)) => //.
+ by apply styp_frec0_ext.
+ rewrite /remains /= subn0 subn1 -ltnS (@ltn_predK 0) // -has_predT.
apply/hasP. exists tg => //.
by move: x3 {Hx}; rewrite /cover; move/incP'; apply; rewrite mem_head.
* reflexivity.
- congr f_atyp.
rewrite /styp_frec.
rewrite -/(frec Trace Res remains well_founded_remains styp_frec0).
rewrite {1}frec_unfold /=.
congr f_styp_fin.
congr (_, _ _ _).
by apply eq_irrelevance.
apply functional_extensionality => accu.
congr foldl.
set l1 := get_fields _ _.
rewrite !dmap_dmapP.
apply dmapP_map with (l := l1).
* move => [x1 [x2 x3]] Hx.
rewrite /fst /snd.
apply pair_eq; first by done.
case: x2 x3 Hx => //= [tg x3 Hx| sz' Hsz' tg x3 Hx].
- apply/esym/(frec_ext _ Res remains _ styp_frec0 _ (fun x => tlast x)) => //.
+ by apply styp_frec0_ext.
+ rewrite /remains /= subn0 subn1 -ltnS (@ltn_predK 0) // -has_predT.
apply/hasP. exists tg => //.
by move: x3 {Hx}; rewrite /cover; move/incP'; apply; rewrite mem_head.
- congr f_atyp.
apply/esym/(frec_ext _ Res remains _ styp_frec0 _ (fun x => tlast x)) => //.
+ by apply styp_frec0_ext.
+ rewrite /remains /= subn0 subn1 -ltnS (@ltn_predK 0) // -has_predT.
apply/hasP. exists tg => //.
by move: x3 {Hx}; rewrite /cover; move/incP'; apply; rewrite mem_head.
* reflexivity.
Variable PRes : Res -> Prop.
Variable PAcc1 : Accu -> Prop.
Variable PAcc2 : Accu -> Prop.
Hypothesis PAcc12 : forall a : Accu, PAcc1 a -> PAcc2 a.
Hypothesis Hityp : forall (i : integral), PRes (c.(f_ityp) i).
Hypothesis Hptyp : forall (t : typ), PRes (c.(f_ptyp) t).
Hypothesis Hiter :
forall ty (r : Res) (Ha : PRes r) b (Hb : PAcc2 b), PAcc1 (c.(f_styp_iter) b (ty, r)).
Hypothesis Hfin : forall a_trans tg_ty,
(forall a : Accu, PAcc2 a -> PAcc1 (a_trans a)) -> PRes (c.(f_styp_fin) tg_ty a_trans).
Hypothesis Hatyp :
forall sz (Hsz : sz > 0) ty a (Ha : PRes a), PRes (c.(f_atyp) sz ty a).
Lemma styp_frec_ind n p : PRes (styp_frec (mkTrace n p)).
rewrite /styp_frec.
fold (frec Trace Res remains well_founded_remains styp_frec0).
apply frec_ind => a f' H.
destruct a as [a1 a2] => /=.
apply Hfin.
rewrite !dmap_dmapP.
apply (foldl_dmapP_pred _ _ (fun x => PRes x.2) _ _ PAcc12) => //=.
+ move => [name [t Ht]] Hx.
case: t Ht Hx => //= sz Hsz t Ht Hx.
by apply Hatyp.
+ case => *.
by apply Hiter.
+ have i : cover g (styp (last (thead a2) (behead a2))).
apply in_dom_cover.
apply in_path_in_dom with a1 a2.
destruct a2 => /=.
rewrite (last_nth (thead p0)).
rewrite size_tuple /=.
rewrite [in X in _ \in X](tuple_eta p0).
apply mem_nth => /=.
by rewrite size_behead size_tuple.
by apply wfctxt_get_fields_not_empty with ( g _ i).
Lemma typ_traversal_ind : forall t, PRes (typ_traversal t).
move => [] []; rewrite /typ_traversal //=.
- move => tg p.
by apply styp_frec_ind.
- move => sz Hsz tg p.
apply Hatyp => //.
by apply styp_frec_ind.
End generic_traversal.
Arguments mkConfig _ [Res Accu].
Arguments typ_traversal _ [Res Accu].
Arguments typ_traversal_ind _ [Res Accu].
Definition align_ptr := 4.
Definition align_integral t :=
match t with uint => 4 | sint => 4 |
uchar => 1 | schar => 1 | ulong => 8 end.
Definition align_config g := mkConfig g
(fun _ => align_ptr)
(fun a x => maxn x.2 a) (fun _ x => x 1)
(fun _ _ x => x).
Definition align {g} := typ_traversal g (align_config g).
Lemma align_ind (P : nat -> Prop)
(Hityp : forall t, P (align_integral t))
(Hptyp : P (align_ptr))
(Hacc : P 1)
(Hiter : forall a (Ha : P a) b (Hb : P b), P (maxn a b)) :
forall {g} (ty : g.-typ), P (align ty).
move => g ty.
rewrite /align.
by apply typ_traversal_ind with P P => //= b _; apply.
Lemma align_gt0 {g} (t : g.-typ) : 0 < align t.
apply align_ind => //.
- by case.
- move => a Ha b Hb.
rewrite /maxn; by case: ifP.
Lemma align_discrete_values {g} (t : g.-typ) :
align t \in 1 :: 4 :: 8 :: align_ptr :: nil.
apply align_ind => //=.
- by case.
- move => a Ha; apply/allP.
move: a Ha; by apply/allP.
Lemma align_styp {g} : forall (t : g.-typ) tg (H : Ctyp.ty _ t = styp tg),
align t = foldl maxn 1 (map (fun x => align x.2) (get_fields g tg)).
rewrite /align => ty tg H.
rewrite typ_traversal_unfold => //=.
destruct ty => //=.
destruct ty => //=.
simpl in H.
injection H => Heq; subst tg.
rewrite !foldl_map //=.
set l1 := get_fields _ _.
apply foldl_congr_f => n p.
apply maxnC.
Lemma align_styp_min {g} (t : g.-typ) tg (H : Ctyp.ty _ t = styp tg) t' :
t' \in unzip2 (get_fields g tg) -> align t' <= align t.
move/mapP => [] x Hx ->.
rewrite (align_styp t tg H).
apply in_foldl_maxn.
by apply/mapP; exists x.
Lemma align_styp_div {g} (t : g.-typ) tg (H : Ctyp.ty _ t = styp tg) t' :
t' \in unzip2 (get_fields g tg) -> align t' %| align t.
move => //= Hin.
move: (align_styp_min _ _ H _ Hin) => {Hin}.
move: (align t') (align_discrete_values t').
move: (align t) (align_discrete_values t).
by apply/allP.
Lemma align_atyp_styp {g} sz i tg H1 H2:
align ( g (atyp sz i tg) H1) = align ( g (styp tg) H2).
rewrite /align /typ_traversal /=.
congr (styp_frec _ _ _ _ (mkTrace _ _ _)).
suff -> : H2 = H1 by done.
by apply eq_irrelevance.
Lemma align_get_fields : forall g (ty : g.-typ) tg (H : Ctyp.ty _ ty = styp tg) str_dummy ty_dummy,
(str_dummy, ty_dummy) \in get_fields g tg ->
forall i, (i < size (get_fields g tg))%nat ->
align (nth (str_dummy, ty_dummy) (get_fields g tg) i).2 %| align ty.
move => g ty tg H str_dummy ty_dummy Hin i Hi.
apply (align_styp_div _ _ H _).
set x := (nth _ _ _).
apply/mapP; exists x => //=.
by apply mem_nth.
Definition sizeof_ptr : nat := 4.
Definition ptr_len := sizeof_ptr * 8.
Definition sizeof_integral t :=
match t with uint => 4 | sint => 4
| uchar => 1 | schar => 1 | ulong => 8 end.
Definition sizeof_config g := mkConfig g
(fun _ => sizeof_ptr)
(fun a x => a + padd a (align x.1.2) + x.2)
(fun ty a => a 0 + padd (a 0) (align ty.2))
(fun s _ r => muln s r).
Definition sizeof {g} := typ_traversal g (sizeof_config g).
Section sizeof_properties.
Variable g : wfctxt.
Lemma sizeof_ityp : forall t, sizeof (g.-ityp: t) = sizeof_integral t.
Proof. by case. Qed.
Lemma sizeof_ptyp : forall t : g.-typ, sizeof (:* t) = sizeof_ptr.
Proof. by case. Qed.
Lemma sizeof_foldl t tg (H : Ctyp.ty _ t = styp tg) :
let c := sizeof_config g in
sizeof t = (f_styp_fin g c) (tg, t)
(fun acc => foldl (f_styp_iter g c) acc
(map (fun x => (x, sizeof x.2)) (get_fields g tg))).
move=> c.
rewrite /sizeof typ_traversal_unfold /=.
destruct t as [t Ht] => //=.
destruct t => //=.
move: H => /= H; case: H (H) => H; subst => _.
Lemma sizeof_ind (P : nat -> Prop) (PAcc : nat -> Prop)
(HP : forall x, P x -> PAcc x)
(Hityp : forall i, P (sizeof_integral i))
(Hptyp : P sizeof_ptr)
(Hacc : PAcc 0)
(Hiter : forall (ty : string * g.-typ) n (Pn : P n) b (Hb : PAcc b),
P (b + padd b (align ty.2) + n))
(Hfin : forall (n : nat) (Pn : P n) (ty : tag * g.-typ), P (n + padd n (align ty.2)))
(Hatyp : forall sz (Hsz : sz > 0) (n : nat) (Pn : P n), P (sz * n))
(ty : g.-typ) : P (sizeof ty).
rewrite /sizeof.
apply (typ_traversal_ind g (sizeof_config g) P P PAcc) => //.
- move => b ty' H; by apply Hfin, H.
- move => sz H /= _ a H0; by apply Hatyp.
Lemma sizeof_gt0 : forall t : g.-typ, 0 < sizeof t.
apply (sizeof_ind (fun x => 0 < x) (fun x => 0 <= x) )=> //=.
- by case.
- move => ty a Ha b Hb; by rewrite addnC ltn_addr.
- move => b Hb ty; by rewrite ltn_addr.
- move => sz Hsz a Ha; rewrite muln_gt0; by apply/andP.
Lemma align_sizeof (t : g.-typ) : align t %| sizeof t.
rewrite /sizeof typ_traversal_unfold //=.
destruct t as [t Ht]; destruct t => //.
- rewrite /=.
set tmp := typ_traversal_unfold_statement_obligation_1 _ _ _ _.
have -> : tmp = Ht by apply eq_irrelevance.
by apply padd_isdiv, align_gt0.
- apply dvdn_mull.
set tmp := foldl _ _ _.
set a1 := align _.
set a2 := align _.
suff -> : a1 = a2 by apply padd_isdiv, align_gt0.
by apply align_atyp_styp.
End sizeof_properties.
Arguments align_sizeof [g] _.
Section foldl_sizeof.
Variables g : wfctxt.
Let f := fun a (h : string * g.-typ) => a + padd a (align h.2) + sizeof h.2.
Lemma ltn_foldl_foldl_aux : forall l i, i < size l -> forall a,
foldl f a (take i l) +
padd (foldl f a (take i l)) (align (nth (""%string, g.-ityp: uint) l i).2) <
foldl f a l.
elim=> // h t IH [_ a| i] /=.
- apply leq_trans with (a + padd a (align h.2) + sizeof h.2).
rewrite -[X in X < _]addn0 ltn_add2l //.
by apply sizeof_gt0.
apply foldl_leq_monotonic => x str_t.
by rewrite /f -addnA leq_addr.
- rewrite ltnS => it a.
by apply IH.
Lemma ltn_foldl_foldl : forall l i, i < size l -> forall b, b \in l ->
forall a (t' : g.-typ),
foldl f a (take (seq.index b l) l) +
padd (foldl f a (take (seq.index b l) l)) (align (nth b l (seq.index b l)).2) <
foldl f a l + padd (foldl f a l) (align t').
case=> // hd tl i Hi def Hdef a ty.
apply ltn_leq_trans with (foldl f a (hd :: tl)).
- have -> : nth def (hd :: tl) (seq.index def (hd :: tl)) =
nth (""%string, g.-ityp: uint) (hd :: tl) (seq.index def (hd :: tl)).
apply set_nth_default.
by rewrite index_mem.
set j := seq.index def (hd :: tl).
apply ltn_foldl_foldl_aux.
by rewrite index_mem.
- by rewrite leq_addr.
Lemma foldl_padd_size_aligned : forall (l : g.-env) a,
(forall x, x \in l -> align x.2 %| a) ->
forall a', foldl f (a + a') l = a + foldl f a' l.
elim => //=.
move => hd tl Hind a Halign a'.
have Halign_hd: align hd.2 %| a by apply Halign; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; left.
have Halign_tl: forall x, x \in tl -> align x.2 %| a by move => x Hx; apply Halign; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
case: (tl =P nil) => //= [Heq | Hneq].
- subst tl => //=.
rewrite /f padd_add =>//; by nat_norm.
- rewrite -Hind => //=.
rewrite /f padd_add =>//; by nat_norm.
Lemma sizeof_leq_foldl : forall l (t' : g.-typ) str (t : g.-typ), (str, t) \in l ->
forall a, a + sizeof t <= foldl f a l + padd (foldl f a l) (align t').
elim => // hd tl IH t' str t Hin a.
move: Hin; rewrite in_cons; case/orP => [/eqP Hin | Hin].
subst hd.
rewrite /=.
apply leq_trans with (a + padd a (align t) + sizeof t).
by rewrite -addnA (addnC (padd _ _)) addnA leq_addr.
apply leq_trans with (foldl f (a + padd a (align t) + sizeof t) tl).
apply foldl_leq_monotonic => acc str_t.
by rewrite /f -addnA leq_addr.
by rewrite leq_addr.
rewrite /=.
apply leq_trans with (f a hd + sizeof t).
by rewrite leq_add2r /f -addnA leq_addr.
by apply IH with str.
Lemma leq_foldl_foldl : forall l i, i < size l ->
forall str (t : g.-typ) , (str, t) \in l ->
forall a tg (t' : g.-typ) (_ : Ctyp.ty _ t' = styp tg),
foldl f a (take (seq.index (str, t) l) l) +
padd (foldl f a (take (seq.index (str, t) l) l))
(align (nth (str, t) l (seq.index (str, t) l)).2) +
sizeof t <= foldl f a l.
elim=> // h t IH [_ str ty Hin a tg t' tg_t' |i ].
- move: Hin; rewrite in_cons; case/orP => [/eqP | /= ] Hin.
subst h.
rewrite /= eqxx /=.
apply foldl_leq_monotonic => acc str_t.
by rewrite /f -addnA leq_addr.
case: ifP => [/eqP ? | hb] /=.
subst h.
rewrite /=.
apply foldl_leq_monotonic => acc str_t.
by rewrite /f -addnA leq_addr.
apply IH with O tg t' => //.
by destruct t.
- rewrite /= ltnS => Hi str ty Hin a tg t' H.
move: Hin; rewrite in_cons; case/orP => [ /eqP | ] Hin.
subst h.
rewrite eqxx /=.
apply foldl_leq_monotonic => acc str_t.
by rewrite /f -addnA leq_addr.
case: ifP => [ /eqP ? | Hh /=].
subst h.
rewrite /=.
apply foldl_leq_monotonic => acc str_t.
by rewrite /f -addnA leq_addr.
by apply IH with i tg t'.
End foldl_sizeof.
field address
Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Program Fixpoint field_address {g} a str (t : g.-typ) (l : g.-env) (_ : (str, t) \in l) :=
match l with
| nil => @False_rect nat _
| hd :: tl =>
match eq_comparable (str, t) hd with
| left H => a
| right H =>
let new_a := sizeof hd.2 + padd (a + sizeof hd.2) (align (head (str, t) tl).2) in
field_address (a + new_a) str t tl _
Next Obligation.
move => g _ str t l Hl Hl2.
by rewrite -Hl2 in Hl.
Next Obligation.
move=> g _ str t l Hl hd tl l_cons /= H _.
rewrite -l_cons in_cons in Hl.
case/orP : Hl; last by done.
by move/eqP.
Lemma field_address_eq_foldl {g} s (t : g.-typ) : forall l a Hin,
align (head (s, t) l).2 %| a ->
field_address a s t l Hin =
let f := fun a (h : string * g.-typ) => a + padd a (align h.2) + sizeof h.2 in
let a' := foldl f a (take (seq.index (s, t) l) l) in
a' + padd a' (align (nth (s, t) l (seq.index (s, t) l)).2).
elim => // hd tl Hind a Hin Halign /=.
set x := eq_comparable _ _.
case: x => [Heq | Hneq].
- subst; rewrite eq_refl //= padd_0 //= ?addn0 //; apply align_gt0.
- set ob := eq_ind_r _ _ _.
set ob' := ob _; generalize ob'; clear ob ob'; move => ob.
set a' := a + _.
have Halign': align (head (s, t) tl).2 %| a' by rewrite /a' addnA; apply padd_isdiv; apply align_gt0.
have ->: hd == (s, t) = false.
move: Hneq => /eqP Hneqb.
rewrite eq_sym; by apply/negbTE.
rewrite (Hind _ ob Halign') => //= {Hind}.
rewrite (padd_0 _ _ _ Halign); last by apply align_gt0.
rewrite addn0.
set padd_sizeof := fun acc elt => acc + padd acc (align elt.2) + sizeof elt.2.
set Align := align (nth (s, t) tl (seq.index (s, t) tl)).2.
set Take := take _ _.
set a'' := a + _.
clear Hin.
destruct tl; simpl in *; first by rewrite in_nil in ob.
clear Hneq.
case: (p =P (s, t)) => [Heq | Hneq].
+ move: Heq => /eqP Heqb.
rewrite /Align /Take; clear Align Take; rewrite Heqb //=.
rewrite (padd_0 _ _ _ Halign'); last by apply align_gt0.
by rewrite addn0 /a'' /a' addnA.
+ rewrite /Align /Take; clear Align Take; have ->: p == (s, t) = false.
move: Hneq => /eqP Hneqb.
by apply/negbTE.
rewrite /padd_sizeof {padd_sizeof} //=.
set padd_sizeof := fun acc elt => acc + padd acc (align elt.2) + sizeof elt.2.
rewrite !(padd_0 _ _ _ Halign'); last by apply align_gt0.
rewrite addn0.
set Take := take _ _.
set Align := align (nth (s, t) tl (seq.index (s, t) tl)).2.
move: Halign'.
rewrite /a' /a'' {a' a''}.
by nat_norm.
Fixpoint fields_size_fp {g} a (l : g.-env) (ty: g.-typ) :=
match l with
| nil => a
| hd :: tl =>
let new_a := sizeof hd.2 + padd (a + sizeof hd.2) (align (head (""%string, ty) tl).2) in
fields_size_fp (a + new_a) tl ty
Lemma fields_size_field_address {g} str (t : g.-typ) :
forall l1 l2 a Hin, ~ (str, t) \in l1 ->
field_address a str t (l1 ++ (str, t) :: l2) Hin = fields_size_fp a l1 t.
elim => [l2 addr Hin _ | hd tl Hind l2 addr Hin Hnotin] /=.
- set x := eq_comparable _ _.
by case: x.
- set x := eq_comparable _ _.
case: x => [Heq | Hneq].
+ rewrite Heq in Hnotin.
apply Hnotin; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; by left.
+ set ob := eq_ind_r _ _ _.
set ob2 := ob _; move: ob2; clear ob; move => ob.
rewrite Hind; last first.
move => Hin'; apply Hnotin.
rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; by right.
congr (fields_size_fp (_ + (_ + padd _ _))).
by destruct tl.
Lemma field_address_eq {g} a n t (l : g.-env) H : field_address a n t ((n, t) :: l) H = a.
Proof. by rewrite /= eq_comparable_eq. Qed.
Lemma field_address_ge {g} str (t : g.-typ) : forall l a Hin,
a <= field_address a str t l Hin.
elim => // hd tl Hind a Hin /=.
set x := eq_comparable _ _.
case: x => [H | Hneq']; first by apply leqnn.
set ob := eq_ind_r _ _ _; move: ob => ob.
set a' := a + _.
apply leq_trans with a'.
by apply leq_addr.
by apply Hind.
Obligation Tactic := Tactics.program_simpl.
Program Definition field_address_slide1_statement :=
forall g a str t str' t' (l : g.-env) H
(K : (str, t) <> (str', t')),
field_address a str t ((str', t')::l) H =
field_address (a + sizeof t' + padd (a + sizeof t') (align (head (str, t) l).2))
str t l _ .
Next Obligation.
move: H; rewrite inE; move/orP => []; last by done.
by move/eqP.
Lemma field_address_slide1 : field_address_slide1_statement.
rewrite /field_address_slide1_statement.
move=> g a str ty str' ty' l Hin Hneq /=.
set x := eq_comparable _ _.
case: x => [H | Hneq'].
- exfalso.
by rewrite H in Hneq.
- set x := eq_ind_r _ _ _.
set y := field_address_slide1_statement_obligation_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
rewrite !addnA.
suff : x Hin = y by move=> ->.
by apply/eq_irrelevance.
Lemma field_address_slide {g} : forall l a b str (ty : g.-typ) H ,
(forall i, i < size l -> forall str_dummy ty_dummy, (str_dummy, ty_dummy) \in l ->
align (nth (str_dummy, ty_dummy) l i).2 %| a) ->
field_address (a + b) str ty l H = a + field_address b str ty l H.
elim=> //; case=> str' t' tl IH a b str t H Hali.
case: (eq_comparable str str') => [ | Hneq].
- move=> ?; subst str'.
case : (eq_comparable t t') => [ | Hneq].
+ move=> ?; subst t'.
by rewrite 2!field_address_eq.
+ rewrite field_address_slide1; first by case=> ?; subst.
move=> Hneq'.
rewrite field_address_slide1 -!addnA IH; last first.
move=> i Hi str_dummy ty_dummy Hl.
move: (Hali i.+1) => /=.
rewrite ltnS.
move/(_ Hi) => {}Hali.
apply Hali.
by rewrite in_cons Hl orbC.
rewrite padd_add //.
move: (Hali 1); apply.
* rewrite /=.
destruct tl => //=.
rewrite inE in H.
by move/eqP in H.
* by rewrite in_cons.
- rewrite field_address_slide1; first by case=> ?; subst.
move=> Hneq'.
rewrite field_address_slide1 -!addnA IH; last first.
move=> i Hi str_dummy ty_dummy Hl.
move: (Hali i.+1) => /=.
rewrite ltnS.
move/(_ Hi) => {}Hali.
apply Hali.
by rewrite in_cons Hl orbC.
rewrite padd_add //.
move: (Hali 1%nat); apply.
* rewrite /=.
destruct tl => //=.
rewrite inE in H.
by move/eqP in H.
* by rewrite in_cons.
Lemma field_address_slide0 {g} l a str (t : g.-typ) H :
(forall i, i < size l ->
forall str0 t0, (str0, t0) \in l ->
align (nth (str0, t0) l i).2 %| a) ->
field_address a str t l H = a + field_address 0 str t l H.
Proof. move=> Hi; by rewrite -{1}(addn0 a) field_address_slide. Qed.
Lemma lt_field_address0_sizeof {g} : forall l (t' : g.-typ) tg
(t'tg : Ctyp.ty _ t' = styp tg) str (t : g.-typ) Hin,
l = get_fields g tg ->
field_address 0 str t l Hin < sizeof t'.
elim=> // h t IH ty' tg ty'_tg str ty Hin Hl.
rewrite (field_address_eq_foldl _ _ _ _ Hin); last by apply dvdn0.
rewrite /= (sizeof_foldl g ty' tg ty'_tg) /= foldl_map /=.
rewrite in_cons in Hin.
case/orP : Hin => Hin.
move/eqP in Hin; subst h.
rewrite eqxx /= padd0n addn0 addn_gt0 foldl_ltn_monotonic //.
- move=> acc x.
rewrite -[in X in leq X _](addn0 acc) -addnA ltn_add2l.
by rewrite addn_gt0 sizeof_gt0 orbC.
- by rewrite -Hl.
case: ifP => //.
move/eqP => ?; subst h.
rewrite /= padd0n addn0 addn_gt0 foldl_ltn_monotonic //.
- move=> acc x.
rewrite -[in X in leq X _](addn0 acc) -addnA ltn_add2l.
by rewrite addn_gt0 sizeof_gt0 orbC.
- by rewrite -Hl.
move/eqP => H.
rewrite -Hl /= padd0n addn0 add0n.
refine (ltn_foldl_foldl _ _ (seq.index (str, ty) t) _ (str, ty) Hin _ ty') => //.
by rewrite index_mem.
Section leq_field_address.
Context {g : wfctxt}.
Let f := fun a (h : string * g.-typ) => a + padd a (align h.2) + sizeof h.2.
Lemma leq_field_address_foldl : forall l (t' : g.-typ) tg
(t'tg : Ctyp.ty _ t' = styp tg) str (t : g.-typ) Hin,
l = get_fields g tg ->
forall a, align (head (str, t) l).2 %| a ->
field_address a str t l Hin + sizeof t <= foldl f a l.
case=> // h t t' tg t'_tg str ty Hin Hl a Halign.
rewrite (field_address_eq_foldl _ _ _ _ Hin) //=.
move: Hin; rewrite in_cons; case/orP => [/eqP|] Hin.
subst h.
rewrite eqxx /=.
apply foldl_leq_monotonic => acc Hacc.
by rewrite /f -addnA leq_addr.
case: ifP => [/eqP ? | ].
- subst h.
apply foldl_leq_monotonic => acc Hacc.
by rewrite /f -addnA leq_addr.
- move/eqP => H /=.
apply: (leq_foldl_foldl _ _ (seq.index (str, ty) t) _ _ _ _ _ tg t') => //.
by rewrite index_mem.
Lemma leq_field_address0_foldl l (t' : g.-typ) tg
(t'_tg : Ctyp.ty _ t' = styp tg) str (t : g.-typ) Hin :
l = get_fields g tg ->
field_address 0 str t l Hin + sizeof t <= foldl f 0 l.
Proof. move=> Hl. by apply leq_field_address_foldl with t' tg. Qed.
End leq_field_address.
Lemma leq_field_address0_sizeof {g} l (t': g.-typ) tg
(t'tg : Ctyp.ty _ t' = styp tg) str (t : g.-typ) Hin :
l = get_fields g tg ->
field_address 0 str t l Hin + sizeof t <= sizeof t'.
move=> Hl.
rewrite /= (sizeof_foldl g _ _ t'tg) /= foldl_map /=.
eapply leq_trans; last by apply leq_addr.
subst l.
by eapply leq_field_address0_foldl; eauto.