


1) “Prerequisites of materials for recording in wavelength domain”
N. Murase
SPIE Photonics West 2003,アメリカ、カリフォルニア、2003/01/29
2) “Brilliantly shining semiconductor nanocrystal dispersed glass for UV-LED excitation”
N. Murase, C. L. Li
The Third International Meeting on Information Display,韓国、テグ、2003/07/10
3) ” Glass Phosphor Embedding Semiconductor Nanocrystals for a Flat Panel Display”
N. Murase, C. L. Li
The 10th International Display Workshops,福岡、福岡国際会議場、2003/12/05
4) “Highly photoluminescent multilayer QD-glass films prepared by LbL self-assembly”
N. Murase,
Atomic Layer Deposition 2006,韓国、ソウル、2006/07/25
5) “Highly Luminescent Water-Soluble InP Nanocrystals with Thick ZnS Shell Prepared via Reactive Phase Transfer and Photochemical Processing”
N. Murase, C. L. Li, M. Ando
International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2009),シンガポール、サンテック、2009/06/29
6) “Assembled quantum dots in silica glass with bright photoluminescence “
N. Murase,
The international conference on nanophotonics 2010,茨城県つくば市、2010/06/01
7) “Emitting quantum dots-silica glass nanocomposites as a new class of luminescent material”
N. Murase, P. Yang, C. L. Li, M. Ando
17th International Symposium on Non Oxide and New Optical Glasses,中国、寧波、2010/06/15
8) ” SiO2 Beads with Quantum Dots: Synthesis and Bioapplications”
Yang Ping、N. Murase、Zhang Aiyu、Yongqiang Cao、Yuanna Zhu、Ruixia Shi,
1st International Congress on Advanced Materials 2011,中国、済南、2011/05/16
9) ” Silica-Encapsulated Highly Emitting Quantum Dots and Potential Biomedical Applications”
N. Murase
2nd Molecular Materials Meeting (M3),シンガポール、バイオポリス、2012/01/10
10) “Silica-Shell Coated Quantum Dots: Synthesis and Characterization”
N. Murase
4th International Conference on Luminescene and its Application (ICLA-2012),
11) “Semiconductor nanophosphors: Preparation, Characterization, and Potential Biomedical Applications”
N. Murase
The First Taishan Academic Forum in Advanced Materials,中国、済南、2012/03/04
12) “Quantum Dot Formulations for Energy and Electron Transfer”
Biju Vasudevan Pillai、N. Murase、M. Hamada、JONES Scott Philip、Edakkattuparambil Sidharthan Shibu,
RCAS-TNNA Symposium on Recent Development in Nanomaterials: Structure, dynamics and applications, 台湾、アカデミアシニカ、2012/10/05
13) “Nanomaterials Formulations for Photoinduced Electron Transfer”
Biju Vasudevan Pillai、M. Hamada, N. Murase、Edakkattuparambil Sidharthan Shibu,Japan-India Bilateral Seminar on Supramolecular Nanomaterials for Energy Innovation, 香川県高松市、アルファあなぶきホール、2012/10/16
14) “Highly Luminescent and Robust Quantum Dots Encapsulated into SilicaCapsules for Biomedical Applications”
N. Murase, C. L. Li
International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2013),シンガポール、サンテック、2013/07/01
15) “Plasmon-induced ultrafast electronic dynamics in dye molecules”,
T. Itoh, Y.Yamamoto, H. Tamaru, Biju Vasudevan Pillai、Norio Murase, Yukihiro Ozaki,
International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS),神戸コンベンションセンター、2013/08/29
16) “Fabrication of Inorganic Composite of Metal, Magnetic and Semiconductor Nanocrystals for Biomedical Applications”
Norio Murase,
International Conference on Spectroscopy & Applications,ベトナム、ダナン、2013/11/26
