Masuda's Homepage

last updated 2025.3.3
List of Reviews

Books and Reviews (64)
Last Update:March/3/2025

・"Development of stress monitoring sensor"
Yoshitake Masuda, Pil Gyu Choi
Medical Science Digest, 50(14), 6-9(766-769) (2024)(in Japanese)

・"Liquid Phase Synthesis of SnO2 Nanosheet Dendritic Structure Film and Its Application to Stress Care Gas Sensor"
Yoshitake Masuda, Pil Gyu Choi
Chemical Sensors, 39(1), 2-9 (2023)(in Japanese)

・"Synthesis of Functional Nano-structured Thin Films via Aqueous Solution Process"
Yoshitake Masuda
Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 57(1), 25-29 (2022)(in Japanese)
Open access

・"Liquid phase synthesis of ceramics nanostructures"
Yoshitake Masuda
J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy, 69(1), 22-26 (2022)(in Japanese)
DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.69.22

・"Synthesis of Tin Oxide Nanosheet with Liquid Phase Crystal Growth for Gas Sensing"
 Pil Gyu Choi, Yoshitake Masuda
 J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy, 67, 271-277 (2020) (in Japanese)
 DOI: 10.2497/jjspm.67.271

・"Development of metal oxide nanostructures"
 Yoshitake Masuda
 Kouzan, 775, 7-18 (2019) (in Japanese)

・"Development of odor monitoring technology for living space"
 Yoshitake Masuda, Toshio Itoh
 Environment and Measurement Technology, 46 (9), 3-7 (2019) (in Japanese)

・"Development of Cramics Nano-structures with Liquid Phase Crystal Growth"
 Yoshitake Masuda
 J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy, 65(10), 616-623 (2018) (in Japanese)

・"Development of Nano-structured Thin Films based on Soft Chemistry"
 Yoshitake Masuda, Naoto Shirahata
 Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 53(10), 743-747 (2018) (in Japanese)

・"Nature-Guided Ceramics Processing"
 Yoshitake Masuda, Noriko Saito, Naoto Shirahata, Kunihito Koumoto
 Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 49(5), 356-360 (2014) (in Japanese)

・"Supra-materials Nanoarchitectonics 1st Edition"
Chapter 3. Biomimetic Morphology Control of Metal Oxides and Their Site-Selective Immobilization Masuda Yoshitake Editors: Katsuhiko Ariga Masakazu Aono eBook ISBN: 9780323378307, Hardcover ISBN: 9780323378291 Elsevier, 26th October 2016

・"Nature-Guided Ceramics Processing"
 Yoshitake Masuda, Noriko Saito, Naoto Shirahata and Kunihito Koumoto
 Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 49(5), 356-360 (2014) (in Japanese)

・"Aqueous Coatings"
 Yoshitake Masuda
 Journal of the Japan Welding Society, 83(2), 100-103 (2014) (in Japanese)

・"Advanced Researches on Self-organization Phenomena"
 Yoshitake Masuda
 Future Research and Development Themes utilizing Technological Seeds, Chapter 9-8,

・"Synthesis of Anisotropic Crystal Films Using Aqueous Solution Processes and Their Applications"
 Yoshitake Masuda
 Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn, 47(12), 929-934 (2012) (in Japanese)

・"Structure Control and Development of Novel Materials based on Self-assembly"
 Yoshitake Masuda
 Chemical Equipment, 54(5), 33-41 (2012) (in Japanese)

・"Fabrication of Metal Oxide Nanomaterials with Smart Process"
 Yoshitake Masuda
 J. Smart Processing, 1(4), 155-160 (2012)

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Nanofabrication of Metal Oxide Patterns Using Self-Assembled Monolayers"
 Nanofabrication, Book edited by: Yoshitake Masuda ,ISBN 978-953-307-912-7, Publisher: Intech, Publishing date: December 2011.
 [PDF] (60.42MB)
 The chapter has been accessed 4000 times as of Aug 2013.

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Nanofabrication of Metal Oxide Nanostructures in Aqueous Solutions"
 Nanofabrication, Book edited by: Yoshitake Masuda ,ISBN 978-953-307-912-7, Publisher: Intech, Publishing date: December 2011.
 [PDF] (60.42MB)
 The chapter has been accessed 4000 times as of Dec 2013.

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Nanofabrication of Particle Assemblies and Colloidal Crystal Patterns"
 Nanofabrication, Book edited by: Yoshitake Masuda ,ISBN 978-953-307-912-7, Publisher: Intech, Publishing date: December 2011.
 [PDF] (60.42MB)
 The chapter has been accessed 4000 times as of Sep 2014.

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Morphology Control of Metal Oxide Nanocrystals"
 Nanocrystal, Book edited by: Yoshitake Masuda ,ISBN 978-953-307-199-2, Publisher: Intech, Publishing date: June 2011.
 [PDF] (70.22MB)
 The chapter has been accessed 7000 times as of June 2013.

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Self-assembly and Patterning of Nanocrystals"
 Nanocrystal, Book edited by: Yoshitake Masuda ,ISBN 978-953-307-199-2, Publisher: Intech, Publishing date: June 2011.
 [PDF] (70.22MB)

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Nano/Micro-Patterning of Metal Oxide Nanocrystals"
 Nanocrystal, Book edited by: Yoshitake Masuda ,ISBN 978-953-307-199-2, Publisher: Intech, Publishing date: June 2011.
 [PDF] (70.22MB)

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Self-assembled Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nano-Materials from Aqueous Solution "
 Colloid & Interface Communication, 36(2), 20-25 (2011) (in Japanese)

・Takahiro Ishizaki, Katsuya Teshima, SunHyung Lee, Yoshitake Masuda, Nagahiro Saito, and Osamu Takai
 "Biomimetic Nanotechnology"
 Biomimetic and Bioinspired Nanomaterials, Book edited by: Challa S. S. R. Kumar, ISBN 978-3-527-32167-4, Publisher: Wiley, Publishing date: 2010.

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Morphology control, self-assembly and site-selective deposition of metal oxide nanocrystals"
 Nanocrystals, Book edited by: Yoshitake Masuda, ISBN 978-953-307-126-8, Publisher: Sciyo, Publishing date: October 2010.
 [PDF] (10.1MB)
 The chapter has been accessed 6000 times as of May 2013.

・Yoshitake Masuda
 " Synthesis of Ceramic Nano-Materials using Aqueous Solution Process"
 Ceramic Data Book 2010, 38(92), 130-135 (2010) (in Japanese)

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Self-assembly, Morphology Control and Patterning of Nanocrystals"
 Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 45(2), 80-87 (2010) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Liquid Phase Morphology Control of Semiconductor Metal Oxides Nanostructures"
 Encyclopedia of Semiconductor Nanotechnology
 American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA, (2010)

・Dewei Chu, Yoshitake Masuda, Kazumi Kato
 "Doping in oxide semiconductor nanoparticles via solution process"
 Encyclopedia of Semiconductor Nanotechnology, Vol (2), Chap: 14, P. 1-37,
 American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA, (2011)

・Yoshitake Masuda
  "Liquid Phase Patterning and Morphology Control of Metal Oxides and Colloidal Nanocrystals"
  Metal Oxide Nanostructures and Their Applications
 American Scientific Publishers, Stevenson Ranch, CA, (2010)

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Liquid phase morphology control of anisotropic metal oxide"
  Bio-Inspired Materials Synthesis
 Research Signpost (2010)
 Editor: Prof. Yanfeng Gao

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Liquid phase patterning of metal oxides"
 Bio-Inspired Materials Synthesis
 Research Signpost (2010)
 Editor: Prof. Yanfeng Gao

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Self-assembly patterning of colloidal crystals"
 Bio-Inspired Materials Synthesis
 Research Signpost (2010)
 Editor: Prof. Yanfeng Gao
 Reserach was selected for a cover picture.

・Yoshitake Masuda and Kunihito Koumoto
 "Self-assembly Patterning of Particles"
 Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2010)
 American Scientific Publishers

・Kunihito Koumoto, Noriko Saito, Yanfeng Gao, Yoshitake Masuda
 "Nano-micro Patterning of Inorganic Thin Films"
 Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2010)
 American Scientific Publishers

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Liquid Phase Mor phology Contr ol of Metal Oxides"
 Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 44(8), 606-612 (2009) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Self-assembly Fabrication of Ceramics",
 Book "Fabrication of Ultimate Forms", Chapter 2.4, page 97-109, (May, 2009) Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Ltd. (in Japanese)

・"Liquid Phase Patterning and Morphology Control of Metal Oxides and Colloidal Nanocrystals"
 Metal Oxide Nanostructures and Their Applications, Volume 1, 59-107, (2010)
 Yoshitake Masuda
 American Scientific Publishers

・Yoshitake Masuda
 Self-assembly and Patterning
 Nature-Guided Materials Processing, Sankyo Publishing CO.,LTD. (2007) (in Japanese).

・Yanfeng Gao, Yoshitake Masuda and Kunihito Koumoto
 Bioinspired Process
 Technologies and Applications of Environmentally-friendly Ceramics, CMC Publishing CO.,LTD. (2007) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda
 Self-assembly Process
 Technologies and Applications of Environmentally-friendly Ceramics, CMC Publishing CO.,LTD. (2007) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda
 Patterning of Particles
 Development and Processing Technology of New Function Corpuscle Materials, 198-209, CMC Publishing CO.,LTD. (2006) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda, Kunihito Koumoto
 Self-assembly Patterning of Ionrganic Materials and Particles
 Assembled and Organized Films of Functional Materials and Their Applications, 103-118, CMC Publishing CO.,LTD. (2006) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda
 Assembly and Patterning of Particles
 Nanoparticle Technology Handbook, The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun,Ltd., Chapter 4.6.2, 239-244 (2006) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda
 Self-assembly Patterning of Nano/micro-particles
 J. Soc. Powder Technol., Japan, 43, 362-371 (2006) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda
 Particle Assembly and Liquid Phase Patterning of Ceramics and Metals Using Self-Assembly Processes
 The Bulletin of the Nano Science and Technology, 4(2), 59-66 (2006) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Self assembly Patterning of Nano microparticles Using Functional Templates"
 Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 41(5), 346-351(2006) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda
 "Self-assembly patterning of nanoparticles and their novel functions"
 Materials Science and Technology, Kinzoku, 76(3), 284-292(32-40) (2006) (in Japanese).
 The review was selected for cover figure.

・Yoshitake Masuda, Kunihito Koumoto
 "Self-assembly Patterning of Nano particles"
 Ultrafine Patterning Technology, Science&Technology Co.,Ltd. , chapter 26, 180-188 (2006) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda, Kunihito Koumoto
 "Nano/micro Patterning "
 Chemistry and Chemical Industry, 58(10), 1189-1192 (2005) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda
 Self-Assembly and Micropatterning of Spherical-Particle Assemblies
 Annual Report of The Murata Science Foundation, 19, 345-355 (2005)

・Challenges for Realization of Environmentally Friendly Material Processes through Biomimetics
 Yoshitake Masuda
 Metamorphosis, volume 10, 26-27 (2005) (in English) Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

・"Press e" Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering Press, 17, 20-12 (2005)
 "Particle Assembly and its Patterning using Two-solution Method"
 Yoshitake Masuda

・Yoshitake Masuda
 Metamorphosis, volume 10, 26-27 (2004) (in Japanese) Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

・Fabrication of Micro-structures and Their Applications, Super Hydrophobic Surface, Super Hydrophilic Surface, 3D Micro-structures, Micro Chemical Sensing
 2-2. Patterning of Functional Particles s, Fabrication of 3D Assembly and Their Applications
 May, 2003
 TIC Publication, 27300 Yen

・Shingo Hirano, Shinya Isobe, Toshihiko Tani, Yoshitake Masuda, Kunihito Koumoto,
 New Developments of High Temperature Thermoelectric Materials
 Ceramic Data Book 2002, 30(84), 80-82 (2002) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda, Noriko Saito, Kunihito Koumoto,
 "Fabrication of Micro Devices using Self-Assembled Molecules as Templates"
 Bull. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 37(8), 615-620 (2002) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda, Kaoru Tachibana, Minoru Itoh, Kunihito Koumoto,
 "Micropatterning and Three-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals of Functional Particles"
 Materials Integration, 14(8), 37-44 (2001) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda, Kunihito Koumoto,
 "Novel Fnctions of Inorganic Fine Particles and Their Assembling Techniques"
 J. Soc. Inorg. Mater. Jpn.(Muki Materiaru), 7(284), 4-12 (2000) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda, Kunihito Koumoto,
 "Low Temprature Fabrications of Functional Ceramics Learned from Nature"
 Chemistry and education, 48(9), 556-559 (2000) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda, Kunihito Koumoto,
 "Patterning of Thin Films and Particles using Self-assembled Monolayers as Templates",
 Ceramics Data Book 2000, 28(82), 47-49 (2000) (in Japanese).
・H. Kagi, I. Tsuchida, Y. Masuda, M. Okuda, K. Katsura and M. Wakatsuki
 B-C-N graphitic material and its transient heating products at 15 GPa.
 In High Pressure Science and Technology ( edited by W. A. Trzeciakowski, World Scientific, 1996 ) 258-260.

・Yoshitake Masuda,
 "High Pressure Phase of Graphite-like BC2N"
 Chemistry and Chemical Industry, 49(1), 53 (1996) (in Japanese).

・Yoshitake Masuda, Hiroyuki Kagi,
 "Novel Graphite -BCx-"
 Matematics for University, 11, 70-74 (1995) (in Japanese).