- Profile
篠崎 健二(Kenji SHINOZAKI, Ph.D)国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所
高機能ガラスグループ 主任研究員
〒563-8577 大阪府池田市緑丘1-8-31 関西センター
TEL:050-3522-7072 ※2024年4月から変更されております
Reserchmap、ResearchGate、Google Scholor、ORCiD - 経歴
- 2025年3月~継続中:大阪大学 招へい准教授
- 2022年3月~2025年2月:大阪大学大学院工学研究科 ビジネスエンジニアリング専攻 准教授
- 2020年10月~継続中:産業技術総合研究所 ナノ材料研究部門、主任研究員(高機能ガラスグループ)
- 2019年10月~ 2023年3月:科学技術研究機構(JST)、さきがけ研究員(兼任)
- 2020年4月 ~ 2020年9月:産業技術総合研究所 ナノ材料研究部門、研究員(高機能ガラスグループ)
- 2016年4月 ~ 2020年3月:産業技術総合研究所 無機機能材料研究部門、研究員(高機能ガラスグループ)
- 2013年12月 ~ 2016年3月:長岡技術科学大学 大学院工学研究科 物質材料工学専攻、助教(機能ガラス工学研究室)
- 2013年9月 ~ 2013年11月:日本学術振興会特別研究員、研究員 (PD) (米国Coe大学Mario Affatigato教授の研究室に滞在)
- 学歴
- 2013年8月:長岡技術科学大学 大学院工学研究科 エネルギー・環境工学専攻 博士課程修了、博士(工学)、(指導教員: 小松高行教授) ※早期修了
- 2011年3月:長岡技術科学大学 大学院工学研究科 材料開発工学専攻 修士課程修了
- 2009年3月:長岡技術科学大学 工学部 材料開発工学課程 卒業
- 2007年3月:旭川工業高等専門学校 物質化学工学科 卒業
- 受賞歴
[2] 2023年9月1日: 榮田健人、日本セラミックス協会ガラス部会 第54回ガラス部会夏季若手セミナー 最優秀発表賞(RA学生の表彰)
[13] 2024年8月26日: ICG Gottardi Prize 2024, International Commission on Glass
[12] 2023年3月8日: The Editor-in-Chief Award of Distinguished Reviewer in 2022, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
[11] 2021年6月3日: 日本セラミックス協会国際交流奨励賞 21世紀記念 倉田 元治賞
[10] 2019年10月11日: European Advanced Energy Materials and Technology Congress 2019, IAAM award (International Association of Advanced Materials)
[9] 2018年7月27日: 日本セラミックス協会 関西支部 第 13 回学術講演会 学術講演奨励賞、「ガラス構造制御に基づく新規フッ化物ナノ結晶化ガラスの創製」(日本セラミックス協会関西支部)
[8] 2018年6月1日: 第72回日本セラミックス協会賞 進歩賞 「ガラス構造と結合性に基づき設計された新規光機能ガラス及び結晶化ガラスの創成」(日本セラミックス協会)
[7] 2018年5月15日: 日本セラミックス協会2018年年会 優秀ポスター発表賞 優秀賞 「ZnO添加が及ぼすBaF2-B2O3ガラスのガラス構造および結晶化挙動への効果とアップコンバージョン特性」(日本セラミックス協会)
[6] 2016年11月17日: the 33rd International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics, Young Ceramist Best Presentation Award、「Highly Efficient Photoluminescence and Glass Structure in RE-doped Oxyfluoroborate Glass with High Fluorine Content」(Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics)
[5] 2016年03月20日: 2016年応用物理学会春季学術講演会Poster Award、「過冷却融液の固化およびガラスの結晶化により合成した高温相β'-SrAl2O4の長残光特性とB2O3添加の効果」(応用物理学会)
[4] 2015年11月17日: 第39回応用物理学会講演奨励賞、「フツホウ酸ガラスの構造および結晶化と単結晶パターニング」(応用物理学会)
[3] 2015年01月09日: World Young Fellow Meeting Best Presentation Award, 「Crystallization of RE-doped Bismuth Germanate Glass」(日本セラミックス協会基礎科学部会)
[2] 2014年05月19日,日本セラミックス協会2014年年会優秀ポスター発表賞 優秀賞、「種々のガラス及び透明ナノ結晶化ガラスのナノインデンテーション下での変形挙動と破壊靭性」(日本セラミックス協会)
[1] 2013年8月31日: 長岡技術科学大学 学長賞
[4] 2024年9月16日: 山田大輝、日本セラミックス協会日本セラミックス協会第37回秋季シンポジウム 特定セッション「ランダム系材料の科学」優秀口頭発表賞
[3] 2024年9月6日: 山田大輝、日本セラミックス協会第55回ガラス部会夏季若手セミナー 優秀ポスター賞(RA学生の表彰)
[1] 2023年7月14日: 榮田健人、日本セラミックス協会関西支部会第17回学術講演会 最優秀学生講演賞(RA学生の表彰) - 外部資金
[15] 科研費 挑戦的研究 (開拓) 「異材界面誘起延性発現によるガラスの超高靭性化」[代表者] (2024-2028)
[14] 科研費 学術変革領域研究(B) 計画研究(A-1班) 「き裂先端での応力集中を緩和し強靭化するガラスの不均質構造設計」[代表者] (2024-2026)
[13] 科研費 学術変革領域研究(B) 総括班 「柔と剛の不均質構造が拓く超越材料設計学」[代表者] (2024-2026)
[12] 科研費 基盤研究(B) 「テルライト結晶化ガラスを用いた放射線励起時の発光過程の解明とシンチレータ開発」 [代表者: 秋田大 河野直樹講師] (2024-2027)
[11] 科研費 基盤研究(A) 「ガラス結晶化と固体イオニクス工学を融合協奏した革新的ナトリウム系全固体電池の創製」[代表者: 長岡技科大 本間剛准教授](2022-2025)
[10] 科研費 基盤研究(B) 「急冷過程でのガラスナノ結晶化を実現するガラス構造設計とそれを用いたデバイス創成」[代表者] (2022-2024)
[9] 科研費 挑戦的研究 (萌芽) 「特異応力場の時空間的分散構造による超高強度ガラスの創成」[代表者] (2021-2023)
[8] 科研費 基盤研究(B) 「有機無機ペロブスカイトナノ粒子を利用した新規放射線誘起蛍光体の開発」 [代表者: 秋田大 河野直樹講師] (2021-2023)
[7] JST さきがけ 「ナノスケールの組成ゆらぎ設計による超低脆性ガラスの創製」 [代表者](2019-2022)
[6] NEDO エネルギー・環境新技術先導プログラム [代表者:産総研 赤井副部門長] (2019-2020)
[5] 科研費 基盤研究(B) 「先鋭化ガラス先端の増強電場を利用した非真空イオン注入および細胞代謝活性評価」 [代表者: 名工大 大幸裕介准教授] (2019-2021)
[4] 科研費 基盤研究(B) 「光マネジメント科学の学理構築:包括的理解に基づく材料とナノ構造の最適化」 [代表者: 京大 村井俊介助教] (2019-2021)
[3] 科研費 若手研究 「ガラスのミクロ偏析誘起による超高速核形成と結晶化」 [代表者](2019-2020)
[2] 科研費 若手研究(B) 「ガラス構造と内部応力を利用した結晶化ガラスエンジニアリングの構築」 [代表者](2016-2017)
[1] 科研費 基盤研究(B) 「レーザー誘起空間制御結晶化に先導された新結晶成長工学の構築」 [代表者: 長岡技科大 小松高行教授] (2014)
- 所属学会
- ・日本セラミックス協会
・粉体粉末冶金学会 - 外部貢献
2024年8月~継続中: ニューガラスフォーラム ニューガラス大学院 講師「ガラスの機械的性質」
2024年6月~継続中: 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology including Glass & Optical Materials Division Meeting (GOMD 2025) セッションオーガナイザー
2024年6月~継続中: The 17th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids セッションオーガナイザー
2023年1月~継続中: 日本セラミックス協会秋季シンポジウム 特定セッション「ランダム系材料の科学―構造と相関する機能・物性―」 セッションオーガナイザー
2017年4月~継続中: 日本セラミックス協会ガラス部会フォトニクス分科会 役員 (2020年:分科会主査)
2023年4月~2024年12月: Advanced Materials Research Grand Meeting MRM2023 セッションオーガナイザー
2021年4月~2023年3月: 応用物理学会 放射線分科会 幹事
2021年12月~2022年8月: ICG congress 2022 セッションオーガナイザー
2021年9月~2022年3月: 応用物理学会春季学術講演会 シンポジウムオーガナイザー
2018年1月~2021年9月: 日本セラミックス協会秋季シンポジウム 特定セッション「ランダム系材料の科学―構造と相関する機能・物性―」 セッションオーガナイザー (連絡担当)
2018年4月~2021年3月: 日本セラミックス協会研究会 「フォトニクスのための材料研究会」 世話人
2019年6月~2021年3月: 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術予測センター(NISTEP) 専門調査員
2020年3月~2020年12月: Glass Meeting 2020 Program Chair.
2016年4月~2020年3月: 応用物理学会学術講演会 13.8. 光物性・発光デバイス プログラム編集委員
2017年10月~2019年9月: 一般社団法人ニューガラスフォーラム 若手懇談会 役員
2017年: 12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 12), including Glass & Optical Materials Division Meeting (GOMD 2017) 、セッションオーガナイザー - 資格等
2級知的財産管理技能士 - 研究実績
[査読付き原著論文] (年度毎集計)
[122] N. Kawano, K. Shinozaki, D. Nakauchi, T. Kato, K. Okazaki, K. Ichiba, A. Nishikawa, K. Miyazaki, T. Yanagida
"Near-infrared scintillation properties of Er3+-activated potassium lanthanum gallate glasses"
Ceram. Int. (2025) accepted
[121] T. Suzuki, M. Shuntaro, N. Kawano, D. Nakauchi, K. Ichiba, K. Okazaki, T. Kato, Y. Takebuchi, F. Kagaya, K. Shinozaki, T. Yanagida
"Photoluminescence and scintillation properties of Eu3+-doped BaCl2–BaO–TeO2 glasses"
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (2025) accepted
[120] S. Muneta, N. Kawano, D. Nakauchi, T. Kato, K. Okazaki, K. Ichiba, T. Kunikata, A. Nishikawa, K. Miyazaki, F. Kayaga, K. Shinozaki, T. Yanagida
"Evaluation of radiation response properties of Eu2O3–doped Bi2O3–ZnO–TeO2 glass and glass ceramics"
Sensor and Materials, (2025) accepted.
[119] Yuuki Kitagawa, Hitomi Nakamura, Kenji Shinozaki
"Concentration quenching behavior of Stokes and upconversion luminescence for Pr3+-doped Y3Al5O12 "
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2024 (in press)
[118] Lyubomir Aleksandrov, Margarita Milanova, Aneliya Yordanova, Reni Iordanova, Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu
"Novel Eu3+-Doped Glasses in the MoO3-WO3-La2O3-B2O3 System: Preparation, Structure and Photoluminescent Properties"
Molecules, 19, 4687 (2024)
[117] Yuuki Kitagawa, Kenji Shinozaki
"Near-infrared luminescence shift in Ni2+-doped double perovskite phosphors"
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1007,176451 (2024)
[116]N. Kawano, K. Shinozaki, D. Nakauchi, T. Kato, Y. Takebuchi, H. Fukushima. T. Yanagida
"Luminescence properties of Tb3+-activated K2O–La2O3–Ga2O3 glasses"
Optical Materials X 23 100344 (2024)
[115] Kenji Shinozaki, Yuuki Kitagawa, Go Okada, Daisuke Nakauchi, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida
"High quantum yield luminescence and scintillation properties of high-Ce-doped MgF2-Al2O3-B2O3 glasses and their glass structure"
Journal of Luminescence (2024) in press.
[114] N. Kawano, K. Shinozaki, D. Nakauchi, T. Kato, Y. Takebuchi, H. Fukushima. T. Yanagida
"Luminescence properties of Tb3+-activated K2O–La2O3–Ga2O3 glasses"
Optical Materials X (2024) in press.
[113] Hiroya Monma, Kenji Shinozaki*
"Enhancement of Fracture Toughness of Sol-Gel Silica Glass Coating by Small Amount of Silver Particle"
Ceramics International (accepted).
[112] Kento Sakaeda, Kenji Shinozaki*, Mitsunori Kitta, Yuuki Kitagawa, Sohei Sukenaga, Tsuyoshi Honma,
"Structure and crystallization behavior of Na2O–ZrO2–SiO2–P2O5 glass for solid-state electrolyte separation"
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids , 638, 123070 (2024).
[111] W. Shi, D. Noda, I. Yamada, K. Shinozaki, M. Tagaya,
"Color-Tunable Photoluminescence of Hydroxyapatite Particles by Thermochemical Reactions of Organic Acids"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ,128 (22), 9281-9293 (2024).
[110] H. Nakamura, Z. Liu, K. Shinozaki*, K. Nomura, T. Akai, K. Kadono,
"Atomic-level investigation of structure and formation process of Y3Al5O12 with super-high content of Ce emitting anomalous orange-red emissions"
Ceramics International, 50 (16), 28498-28504 (2024).
[109] Kenji Shinozaki, Naoki Kawano, Aiga Yamada, Satoshi Ichikawa, Takuya Fujima,
"Fabrication of a robust organic–inorganic perovskite nanoparticle dispersion layer on a glass surface"
Ceramics International, 50 (9), 14113-14117 (2023).
[108] S. Muneta, N. Kawano, D. Nakauchi, T. Kato, D. Shiratori, H. Fukushima, Y. Takebuchi, K. Shinozaki, T. Yanagida
"Preparation and scintillation properties of the Eu2O3-doped TeO2–Nb2O5–SrO glasses"
Optical Materials, 146, 114574 (2023).
[107] Z. C. Li, J. H. Li, C. Y. Chen, S. Li, J. F. S. Christensen, D. C. Zhou, L. R. Jensen, J. C. Ni, X. S. Qiao, J. C. Du, M. M. Smedskjaer, K. Shinozaki, Y. F. Zhang, J. B. Qiu, J. J. Ren, Y. Z. Yue
Realizing Superior Luminescence in Oxyfluoride Glass-Ceramics by Enhancing Nano-Micro Phase Separation"
Advanced Optical Materials, 12(7), 2301999 (2023).
[106] Mitsunori Kitta, Kento Sakaeda, Kenji Shinozaki,
"Preparation of water–impermeable NASICON solid electrolyte separators for aqueous/nonaqueous hybrid sodium–ion cells using alumina as a sintering aid"
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 969, 172494 (2023).
[105] Ryo Tanaka, Yuuki Kitagawa, Kenji Shinozaki*,
"Effect of adding Er3+ on the precipitated crystalline phase of SrF2–ZnO–B2O3 glass and upconversion luminescence"
Optical Materials: X, 20, 100268 (2023).
[104] D.V. Louzguine-Luzgina, K. Shinozaki,
"Metallic glass reinforcement for the enhanced mechanical performance of oxide glass"
Materials Letters, 352, 135193 (2023).
[103] Yuan Gao; Libei Liu, Shunsuke Murai, Kenji Shinozaki, Katsuhisa Tanaka,
"Enhancing up-conversion luminescence using dielectric metasurfaces: role of the quality factor of resonance at a pumping wavelength"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (39), 45960–45969 (2023).
[102] N. Kawano, K. Shinozaki, D. Nakauchi, T. Kato, Y. Takebuchi, T. Yanagida,
"Radiation response properties of organic-inorganic perovskite-type compounds in a nanoporous glass"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 63 (1), (2023).
[101] N. Kawano, K. Okazaki, Y. Takebuchi, H. Fukushima, T. Kato, D. Nakauchi, F. Kagaya, K. Shinozaki, T. Yanagida,
"Scintillation properties of Er3+-activated BaO–Nb2O5–TeO2 glasses"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics , 62 (7), (2023).
[100] Yuan Gao, Shunsuke Murai, Kenji Shinozaki, Katsuhisa Tanaka,
"Up-to-five-photon up-conversion from near-infrared to ultraviolet luminescence coupled to aluminum plasmonic lattices"
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (7), 9533–9541 (2023).
[99] R. Nakamori, N. Kawano, D. Nakauchi, T. Kato, D. Shiratori, H. Fukushima, Y. Takebuchi, K. Shinozaki, T. Yanagida,
"Scintillation characteristics of transparent Eu2O3-BaO-TeO2 glass-ceramics"
Ceramics International, 49 (10), 15884-15890 (2023).
[98] Wanyu Shi, Zizhen Liu, Iori Yamada, Daichi Noda, Takuya Kataoka, Kenji Shinozaki, Motohiro Tagaya,
"Effective Thermal Diffusion of Eu(III) and F Ions into Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles by Citric Acid Coordinative Mediation"
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6 (4), 2346–2355 (2023).
[97] Liu Lei, Kenji Shinozaki*,
"Brittle–ductile transition and toughening of silica glass via Ni nanoparticle incorporation at a small volume fraction"
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 940, 168874 (2023).
[96] N. Kawano, K. Shinozaki, D. Nakauchi, H. Kimura, G. Okada, T. Yanagida,
"Scintillation and dosimeter properties of Pr2O3-doped Ga2O3–K2O–La2O3 glasses, "
Materials Research Bulletten, 158, 112081 (2022).
[95] Kenji Shinozaki, Go Okada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida,
"Scintillation property and highly efficient photoluminescence of cerium-doped BaF2–Al2O3–B2O3 glass for thermal neutron detection"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 62, 010603 (2022).
DOI 10.35848/1347-4065/ac95e6
[94] Hansol Lee, Jinju Lee, Kenji Shinozaki, Woon Jin Chung,
"Eu3+-Tb3+-Tm3+ co-doped oxyfluoride glass with high quantum yield for a robust white LED color converter"
Optical Materials, 132, 112882 (2022).
[93] Ruilin Zheng, Jumpei Ueda, Kenji Shinozaki, Setsuhisa Tanabe,
"Reversible Phase Segregation and Amorphization of Mixed-halide Perovskite Nanocrystals in Glass Matrices"
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (33), 7809-7815 (2022).
[92] Daichi Noda, Iori Yamada, Kenji Shinozaki, Motohiro Tagaya,
"Coordination Effect of Citric Acid to Ca-deficient Hydroxyapatite on the Phase Transition"
Dalton Transactions 51, 12442-12446 (2022).
[91] R. Nakamori, N. Kawano, D. Nakauchi, T. Kato, H.Fukushima, Y. Takebuchi, K. Shinozaki, T. Yanagida,
"Photoluminescence and scintillation properties of Eu2O3–BaO–Nb2O5–TeO2 glass and glass ceramics,"
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33 (26), 20470-20478 (2022).
[90] Lei Liu, Kenji Shinozaki*,
"Microstructure and improved fracture toughness of borosilicate glass reinforced by 1 vol% Ag nanoparticles "
Ceramic International 48 (20), 30900-30904 (2022).
[89] R. Zheng, J. Ueda, J. Li, K. Shinozaki, Z. Fan, S. Horike, S. Tanabe,
"Self-straining nanocrystals strategy: temperature and pressure co-induced phase transitions of CsPbBr3 in amorphous matrices"
Advanced Optical Materials 13 (33), 7809-7815 (2022).
[88] N. Kawano, K. Shinozaki, T. Kato, D. Onoda, Y. Takebuchi, H. Fukushima, T. Yanagida,
"Scintillation characteristics of Eu2O3-doped WO3–Al2O3–TeO2 glasses",
Journal ofLuminescence 119003 (2022).
[87]Madoka ONO, Kenji Shinozaki, Junpei UEDA, Ryohei OKA, Tetsuo KISHI, Sunao KURIMURA, Yoshihiro TAKAHASHI, Tomoharu HASEGAWA, Yoshimasa MATSUSHITA, Takahiro MURATA, Yoshiki YAMAZAKI
"Ikka-ni-Ichimai (One per Household)" of the year 2022, and its related activities"
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 130 (8), 509-511 (2022).
[86] Lei Liu, Kenji Shinozaki*,
"Fabrication of Ti3C2 MXene/borosilicate glass with enhanced fracture toughness"
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 130 (8), 696-700 (2022).
[85] Lei Liu, Kenji Shinozaki*,
"Thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of soda-lime glass with interfacially connected Au layer fabricated via sputtering and spark plasma sintering"
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 10 (2), 424-429 (2022).
[84] Naoki Kawano, Kenji Shinozaki, Takumi Kato, Daichi Onoda, Yuma Takebuchi, Hiroyuki Fukushima, Takayuki Yanagida
"Radiation response properties of Eu3+-doped K2O–Ta2O5–Ga2O3 glasses"
Ceramics International 48 (7), 9353-9361 (2022).
[83] Tsuyoshi Honma, Kei Maeda, Shingo Nakane, Kenji Shinozaki,
"Unique properties and potential of glass-ceramics"
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 130 (8), 545-551 (2022).
[82] Kenji Shinozaki, Yoshiki Ishii, Sohei Sukenaga, Koji Ohara,
"Ultrafast Nanocrystallization of BaF2 in Oxyfluoride Glasses with Crystal-Like Nanostructure: Implications for Upconversion Fiber Devices"
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5 (3), 4281-4292 (2022).
[81] Ruilin Zheng, Jumpei Ueda, Kenji Shinozaki, Setsuhisa Tanabe,
"Effect of glass composition on luminescence and structure of CsPbBr3 quantum dots in an amorphous matrix"
Materials 15 (5), 1678 (2022).
[80] Ruilin Zheng, Jumpei Ueda, Kenji Shinozaki, Setsuhisa Tanabe,
"In Situ Growth Mechanism of CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, and I) Quantum Dots in an Amorphous Oxide Matrix"
Chemistry of Materials 34, 1599–1610 (2022).
[79] Ryogo Nakamori, Naoki Kawano, Akito Takaku, Daisuke Nakauchi, Hiromi Kimura, Masaki Akatsuka, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Yanagida
"Radiation response properties of Eu3+-doped K2O–Ta2O5–Ga2O3 glasses"
Ceramics International, 48 (7), 9353-9361 (2022).
[78] Lei Liu, Kenji Shinozaki*,
"Fracture toughness enhancement via sub‐micro silver‐precipitation in silica glass fabricated by spark plasma sintering"
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105(3), 1980-1991 (2022).
[77] R. Nakamori, N. Kawano, A. Takaku, D. Onoda, Y. Takebuchi, H. Fukushima, T. Kato, K. Shinozaki, T. Yanagida
Radiation response characteristics of the Pr3+-activated SrO-Al2O3-TeO2 glasses,
Sensors and Materials, 34(2), 707-715 (2022).
[76] Naoki Kawano, Kenji Shinozaki, Daisuke Nakauchi, Hiromi Kimura, Masaki Akatsuka, Takayuki Yanagida
"Optical, scintillation and thermoluminescent properties of Eu2O3-doped K2O–La2O3–Ga2O3 glasses"
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 190, 109785 (2021).
[75] Ryogo Nakamori, Naoki Kawano, Akito Takaku, Daisuke Nakauchi, Hiromi Kimura, Masaki Akatsuka, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Yanagida
"Preparation and scintillation properties of the Eu3+-activated SrO–Al2O3–TeO2 glasses"
Materials Research Bulletin 145, 111547 (2021)
[74] Fumitaka Sato, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu, Kenji Shinozaki, Toshiaki Ina, Hideo Yamauchi
"Formation of highly dispersed tin nanoparticles in amorphous silicates for sodium ion battery anode"
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 161, 110377 (2022).
[73] Akito Takaku, Naoki Kawano, Hiromi Kimura, Daisuke Nakauchi, Masaki Akatsuka, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Yanagida
"Scintillation characteristics of Nd3+-doped BaO–Al2O3–TeO2 glasses"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 61, SB1034 (2022).
[72] Yuan Gao, Baina Wang, Lei Liu, Kenji Shinozaki*,
"Near-infrared engineering for broad-band wavelength-tunable in biological window of NIR-II and -III: A solid solution phosphor of Sr1-xCaxTiO3:Ni2+"
Journal of Luminescence 238, 118235 (2021).
[71] Lei Liu, Kenji Shinozaki*,
"Interfacial Heterogeneous Precipitation of Ag Nanoparticles in Soda-lime Silicate Glass for Improved Toughness and Conductivity"
Ceramic International 47 (17), 24466-24475(2021).
[70] Lei Liu, Kenji Shinozaki*,
"Toughening silica glass by imparting ductility using a small amount of silver nanoparticles"
Materials Science and Engineering: A 817, 141372 (2021).
[69] Yuan Gao, Shunsuke Murai, Kenji Shinozaki, Katsuhisa Tanaka,
"Up-conversion Luminescence Enhanced by the Plasmonic Lattice Resonating at the Transparent Window of Water"
ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (4), 2999-3007 (2021).
[68] Iori Yamada, Daich Noda, Kenji Shinozaki, Tania Guadalupe Peñaflor Galindo, Motohiro Tagaya,
"Synthesis of Luminescent Eu(III)-doped Octacalcium Phosphate Particles Hybridized with Succinate ion and Their Reactive Behavior in Simulated Body Fluid"
Crystal Growth & Design. 21 (4), 2005-2018 (2021).
[67] Naoki Kawano, Kenji Shinozaki, Masaki Akatsuka, Hiromi Kimura, Daisuke Nakauchi, Takayuki Yanagida
"Optical and radiation response characteristics of Eu2O3-doped K2O–Bi2O3–Ga2O3 glasses"
Ceramic International 47 (8), 11596-11601(2021).
[66] A. Takaku, N. Kawano, H. Kimura, D. Nakauchi, M. Akatsuka, K. Shinozaki, T. Yanagida,
"Scintillation properties of Dy-doped TeO2–Al2O3–BaO glasses"
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 128 (12), 1024-1029 (2020).
[65] Yuan Gao, Shunsuke Murai, Kenji Shinozaki, Satoshi Ishii, Katsuhisa Tanaka,
"Aluminum for near infrared plasmonics: amplified up-conversion photoluminescence from core-shell nanoparticles on periodic lattices"
Advanced Optical Materials, 9, 2001040 (2020)
[64] Kenji Shinozaki, Sohei Sukenaga, Koji Ohara,
"Photoluminescence and Structural Similarity of Crystals with Oxide–Fluoride Stacking Structure and Oxyfluoride Glass"
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 128 (12), 1030-1037 (2020).
[63] Kenji Shinozaki, Go Okada, Kiminori Sato, Yu Ruize, Mario Affatigato
"Impact of crystallization method on the strain, defect formation, and thermoluminescence of YAG:Ce crystals "
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 849, 156600 (2020).
[62] R. Iordanova, M. Milanova, L. Aleksandrov, K. Shinozaki, T. Komatsu
"Structural study of WO3-La2O3-B2O3-Nb2O5 glasses"
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 543, 120132 (2020).
[61] Lei Xu, Song Gao, Min Chen, Yonglai Wu, Kenji Shinozaki
"Improvement in microstructure and thermo-mechanical properties of MgO-based dry vibratable material by addition of Fe"
Materials Chemistry and Physics 253, 123368 (2020).
[60] B. Ranjan, K. Shinozaki, M. Yamashita, T. Akai
"Enhanced growth of Y3Al5O12: Ce3+ nanocrystals in mesoporous SiO2 utilizing vacuum-assisted impregnation"
Processing and Application of Ceramics 14 (2), 141-145 (2020).
[59] Naoki Kawano, Kenji Shinozaki, Daisuke Nakauchi, Hiromi Kimura, Takayuki Yanagida
"Scintillation properties of organic-inorganic layered perovskite nanocrystals in glass"
Journal of Applied Physics 127, 213103 (2020).
[58] Yuan GAO, Shunsuke MURAI, Sayaka TAMURA, Koji TOMITA, Kenji Shinozaki, Katsuhisa TANAKA,
"Plasmonic Enhancement of Upconversion Photoluminescence from CaF2:Er3+,Yb3+ Nanoparticles on TiN Nanoantennas,"
Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy 67(3), 140-145 (2020).
[57] Hitomi Nakamura, Kenji Shinozaki, Toyoki Okumura, Katsuhiro Nomura, Tomoko Akai,
"Massive red shift of Ce3+ in Y3Al5O12 incorporating super-high content of Ce"
RSC Advances 10 (21), 12535-12546 (2020).
[56] Kei Kagami, Yutaka Fujimoto, Masanori Koshimizu, Takayuki Yanagida, Kenji Shinozaki, Keisuke Asai:
"Photoluminescence and scintillation properties of Al(PO3)3–CeCl3–CsCl–CsPO3 glass scintillator"
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 31, 4488–4493 (2020).
[55] Kenji Shinozaki, Naoki Kawano:
"Rapid Synthesis of Quantum-Sized Organic–Inorganic Perovskite Nanocrystals in Glass"
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-7 (2020).
[54] N. Kawano, H. Kimura, D. Nakuchi, K. Shinozaki, T. Yanagida
"Scintillation and TSL properties of Nd-doped TeO2-Al2O3-WO3 glasses"
Solid State Sciences 100, 106111 (2020).
[53] Kenji Shinozaki, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya, Tsuyoshi Honma, Koji Ohara, Hirokazu Masai, Toshiaki Ina, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Structural origin of high-density Gd2O3–MoO3–B2O3 glass and low-density β’-Gd2(MoO4)3 crystal: A study conducted using high-energy X-ray diffraction and EXAFS at high temperatures."
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 32 (5), 055705 (2019).
[52] M. Akatsuka, K. Shinozaki, D. Nakauchi, T. Kato, G. Okada, N. Kawaguchi, T. Yanagida:
"Scintillator and dosimeter properties of Ce3+ doped CaF2AlF3AlPO4 glasses."
Optical Materials 94, 86-91 (2019).
[51] Yuan Gao, Shunsuke Murai, Kenji Shinozaki, Jianbei Qiu, Katsuhisa Tanaka:
"Phase-Selective Distribution of Eu2+ and Eu3+ in Oxide and Fluoride Crystals in Glass-Ceramics for Warm White-Light-Emitting Diodes."
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 1, 961-971 (2019).
[50] Naoki Kawano, Hiromi Kimura, Atsushi Horimoto, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Yanagida:
"Photoluminescence and scintillation properties of Eu-doped TeO2-Al2O3-BaO glasses."
Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics 30,11468–11474 (2019),
[49] Daisuke Nakauchi, Kenji Shinozaki, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida:
"Photo-, radio- and thermo- luminescence properties of Eu-doped BaSi2O5 glass-ceramics."
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 185, 812-818 (2019).
[48] Hayata Samizo, Kenji Shinozaki, Takumi Kato, Go Okada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Hirokazu Masai, Takayuki Yanagida:
"X-ray induced luminescence properties of Ce-doped BaF2-Al2O3-B2O3 glasses."
Optical Materials, 90, 64-69 (2019).
[47] Takumi Kato, Shotaro Hirano, Hayata Samizo, Go Okada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Kenji Shinozaki, Hirokazu Masai, Takayuki Yanagida:
"Dosimetric, luminescence and scintillation properties of Ce-doped CaF2-Al2O3-B2O3 glasses."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 509, 60-64 (2019).
[46] Hiromi Kimura, Kenji Shinozaki, Go Okada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida:
"Scintillation properties of Ce-doped SrF2-Al2O3-B2O3 glasses."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 508, 15, 46-50 (2019).
[45] Kenji Shinozaki, Ryota Konaka, Tomoko Akai:
"Synthesis of new transparent borate-based BaF2 nanocrystallized glass by formation of nucleation sites induced by rare earth ions."
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (4), 1735-1739 (2019).
[44] Kenji Shinozaki, Sohei Sukenaga, Hiroyuki Shibata, Tomoko Akai:
"Effect of Mg2+ and Fluorine on the Network and Highly Efficient Photoluminescence of Eu3+ ion in MgF2–BaO–B2O3 Glasses."
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102 (5), 2531-2541 (2019).
[43] Kenji Shinozaki:
"Design of crystallization of oxyfluoride glasses based on the local structure of fluorine."
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 126 (9), 684-692 (2019).
[42] Go Okada, Kenji Shinozaki, Daiki Shiratori, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida:
“Radio-photoluminescence observed in Eu-doped BABF glass-ceramics.”
Ceramics International 45 (7), 9376-9380 (2019).
[41] Takuya Kataoka, Kenji Shinozaki, Shigeaki Abe, Motohiro Tagaya:
"Preparation of calcium phosphate nanoparticles hybridized with europium(III) complex for novel luminescent organic-inorganic systems."
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 122, 218-226 (2018).
[40] Kenji Shinozaki, Yutaka Fujimoto, Go Okada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida, Tomoko Akai, Masanori Koshimizu, Keisuke Asai:
“Scintillation and VUV-excited photoluminescence of europium-doped BaF2–Al2O3–B2O3 glasses.”
Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics 29, pages11824–11829 (2018).
[39] Go Okada, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Komatsu, Naoki Kawano, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida:
"Tb3+-doped BaF2-Al2O3-B2O3 glass and glass-ceramic for radiation measurements."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 501,111-115 (2018).
[38] Yasuki Yoshida, Kenji Shinozaki, Takuya Igashira, Naoki Kawano, Go Okada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida:
"Characterizations of Pr-doped Yb3Al5O12 single crystals for scintillator applications."
Solid State Sciences 78, 1-6 (2018).
[37] Keisuke Shimamura, Tsuyoshi Honma, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Simultaneous surface and bulk crystallization of Bi1.5ZnNb1.5O7 -type pyrochlores and related crystals in glasses."
International Journal of Applied Glass Science, 9 (2), 296-304 (2018).
[36] Mikiya Kotaka, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu, Kenji Shinozaki, Mario Affatigato, Ralf Müller:
“Control of self-powdering phenomenon in ferroelastic ’-Gd2(MoO4)3 crystallization in boro-tellurite glasses. “
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 501, 85-92 (2018).
[35] Hirokazu Masai, Kenji Shinozaki, Go Okada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Toshiaki Ina, Takayuki Yanagida:
"Luminescence of Ce3+ in aluminophosphate glasses prepared in air."
Journal of Luminescence 195, 413-419 (2018).
[34] Kenji Shinozaki, Ryosuke KAMAKURA, Shunsuke MURAI, Toshiyuki MIHARA, Naoyuki KITAMURA, Yuki KAWACHIYA, Katsuhisa TANAKA, Tomoko AKAI:
"Enhancement of photoluminescence of glass phosphor by nanoimprint of moth-eye structure."
Journal of Ceramic Society Japan 125 (10), 766-769 (2017).
[33] Kenji Shinozaki, Tomoko Akai:
"Highly efficient red-emitting BaMgBO3F:Eu3+ ,R+ (R: Li, Na, K, Rb) phosphor for near-UV excitation synthesized via glass precursor solid-state reaction."
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 56, 092601 (2017).
[32] Motohiro Tagaya, Kenji Shinozaki, Yuri Maruko:
“A Simple Incorporation Route of Tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum(III) into Transparent Mesoporous Silica Films and Their Photofunctions.”
Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2017 (1), 7351263 (2017).
[31] C. Yang, K. Shinozaki, T. Honma, T. Komatsu:
"Nano-crystallization and highly oriented crystal line patterning of Sm3+-doped Bi2GeO5 and Bi4Ge3O12 in bismuth germanate-based glasses."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 459, 116-122 (2017).
[30] Go Okada, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Komatsu, Safa Kasap, Takayuki Yanagida:
"Radio-photoluminescence in Sm-doped BaF2-Al2O3-B2O3 glass-ceramics. Radiation Measurements"
Radiation Measurements, 106, 73-78 (2017).
[29] S. Hasegawa, K. Shinozaki, T. Honma, V. Dimitrov, H.G. Kim, T. Komatsu:
"Dielectric properties of glass-ceramics with Ba1−xY2x/3Nb2O6 nanocrystals and laser patterning of highly oriented crystal lines."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 452, 74-81 (2016).
[28] Eva Jesenska, Tomohiko Yoshida, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Ishibashi, Lukas Beran, Martin Zahradnik, Roman Antos, Miroslav Kučera, Martin Veis:
"Optical and magneto-optical properties of Bi substituted yttrium iron garnets prepared by metal organic decomposition."
Optical Materials Express 6, 1986-1997 (2016).
[27] Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Mario Affatigato, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Long Afterglow in Hexagonal SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ Synthesized by Crystallization of Glass and Solidification of Supercooled Melts."
Journal of Luminescence 177, 286-289 (2016).
[26] Akihiko SAKAMOTO, Yusuke HIMEI, Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi HONMA, Takayuki KOMATSU:
"Unique thermal conductivity, Young’s modulus and local structure of 72SnO–28P2O5 glass."
Journal of Ceramic Society Japan 124, 606-612 (2016).
[25] Takuya Togashi, Tsuyoshi Honma, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Electrochemical performance as cathode of lithium iron silicate, borate and phosphate glasses with different Fe2+ fractions."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 436, 51-57 (2016).
[24] Lyubomir Aleksandrov, Takayuki Komatsu, Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Reni Iordanova:
"Structure of MoO3–WO3–La2O3–B2O3 glasses and crystallization of LaMo1−xWxBO6 solid solutions."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 429, 171-177 (2015).
[23] Kenji Shinozaki, Wojciech Pisarski, Mario Affatigato, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Glass structure and NIR emission of Er3+ at 1.5μm in oxyfluoride BaF2–Al2O3–B2O3 glasses."
Optical Materials 50, 238-243 (2015)
[22] K. Shinozaki, S. Abe, T. Honma, T. Komatsu:
"Self-organized homo-epitaxial growth in nonlinear optical BaAlBO3F2 crystal crossing lines patterned by laser in glass."
Optical Materials 49, 182-189 (2015)
[21] Kenji Shinozaki, Kazutaka Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu:
"TEM analysis for crystal structure of metastable BiBO3 (II) phase formed in glass by laser-induced crystallization."
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (9), 2541-2546 (2015).
[20] Taisuke Inoue, Xuyi Gao, Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu:
“Laser Patterning of Non-Linear Optical Bi2ZnB2O7 Crystal Lines in Glass."
Frontiers in Materials 19 May 2015,2 (2015).
[19] T. Komatsu, T. Honma, K. Shinozaki,
“Design Of Crystal Orientation and Morphology by Laser Patterning In Glasses”
Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 50, 367-374 (2015).
[18] Akihito Nishii, Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Morphology and orientation of β-BaB2O4 crystals patterned by laser in the inside of samarium barium borate glass."
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 221, 145–151 (2015).
[17] Minami Ninomiya, Michimasa Sasaki, Takao Tsurui, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Komatsu, Takayuki Ishibashi:
"Preparation and Characterization of Co Ferrite Thin Films on MgO (100) Substrates by Metal Organic Decomposition."
Sensors and Materials, 27, 925–931 (2015).
[16] Soushi Ikeda, Yongfu Cai, Qianwen Meng, Taichi Yokoyama, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Komatsu, Takayuki Ishibashi:
"Imaging of Localized Surface Plasmon by Apertureless Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy."
Sensors and Materials, 27, 985–991 (2015).
[15] Yukina Taki, Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Vesselin Dimitrov, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Electronic polarizability and interaction parameter of gadolinium tungsten borate glasses with high WO3 content."
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 220, 191–197 (2014).
[14] Tsuyoshi Honma, Masayoshi Okamoto, Takuya Togashi, Noriko Ito, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Electrical conductivity of Na2O–Nb2O5–P2O5 glass and fabrication of glass–ceramic composites with NASICON type Na3Zr2Si2PO12."
Solid State Ionics 269, 19-23 (2014).
[13] Tsuyoshi Honma, Atsushi Sato, Noriko Ito, Takuya Togashi, Kenji Shinozaki, Takayuki Komatsu:
“Crystallization behavior of sodium iron phosphate glass Na2-xFe1+0.5xP2O7 for sodium ion batteries."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 404, 26–31 (2014).
[12] Tatsuya Ida, Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of α-ZnWO4 nanocrystals in tungsten zinc borate glasses."
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies 2, 253-257 (2014).
[11] Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu:
"High quantum yield and low concentration quenching of Eu3+ emission in oxyfluoride glass with high BaF2 and Al2O3 contents."
Optical Materials 36, 1384-1389 (2014).
[10] Y. Taki, K. Shinozaki, T. Honma, T. Komatsu, L. Aleksandrov, R. Iordanova:
"Coexistence of nano-scale phase separation and micro-scale surface crystallization in Gd2O3–WO3–B2O3 glasses."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 381, 17–22 (2013).
[9] Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Effect of AlN addition on spatial uniform distribution of Er3+-doped CaF2 nanocrystals in oxyfluoride glass-ceramics."
Journal of Ceramic Society Japan 121 (1413), 457-459 (2013).
[8] K. Shinozaki, A. Noji, T. Honma, T. Komatsu:
"Morphology and Photoluminescence Properties of Er3+-Doped CaF2 Nanocrystals Patterned by Laser Irradiation in Oxyfluoride Glasses."
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 145, 81–87 (2013).
[7] H. Ida, K. Shinozaki, T. Honma, K. Oh-ishi, T. Komatsu:
"Synthesis and morphology of Ba1−xRE2x/3Nb2O6 nanocrystals with tungsten bronze structure in RE2O3–BaO–Nb2O5–B2O3 glasses (RE: Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er)."
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 196, 384–390 (2012).
[6] K. Shionozaki, T. Honma, T. Komatsu:
"New Oxyfluoride Glass with High Fluorine Content and Laser Patterning of Nonlinear Optical BaAlBO3F2 Single Crystal Line."
Journal of Applied Physics 112, 093506 (2012).
[5] Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Morphology and Dispersion State of Ba2TiSi2O8 Nanocrystals in Transparent Glass-Ceramics and Their Nanoindentation Behavior."
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358 (15), 1863–1869 (2012).
[4] K. Shinozaki, T. Honma, K. Oh-ishi, T. Komatsu:
"Fluorine Deficient Layer at the Surface of Transparent Glass-Ceramics with CaF2 Nanocrystals."
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 73 (5), 683–687 (2012).
[3] K. Shinozaki, T. Honma, K. Oh-ishi, T. Komatsu:
"Morphology of CaF2 Nanocrystals and Elastic Properties in Transparent Oxyfluoride Crystallized Glasses."
Optical Materials 33 (8), 1350-1356 (2011).
[2] Kenji Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Honma, Takayuki Komatsu:
"Elastic Properties and Vickers Hardness of Optically Transparent Glass-Ceramics with Fresnoite Ba2TiSi2O8 Nanocrystals."
Materials Research Bulletin 46 (6), 922-928 (2011).
[1] K. Shinozaki, T. Honma, T. Komatsu:
"Nanoindentation Analysis of Elastic/Mechanical Behaviour of Surface of Transparent Glass Ceramics with Fresnoite Ba2TiSi2O8 Nanocrystals."
IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering, 21, 012020 (2011).
[1] Hirokazu Masai, Kenji Shinozaki,
CHAPTER 11Luminescence in Glass-Based Materials by Ionizing Radiation,
Phosphors for Radiation Detectors, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022
Print ISBN:9781119583325 |Online ISBN:9781119583363 |DOI:10.1002/9781119583363
[7] 篠崎健二,
FC report, 2023夏号, 2023年7月(出版:(一社) 日本ファインセラミックス協会)
[6] 篠崎健二,
材料,71 巻,9 号,2022年9月(出版: 日本材料学会)
[5] 篠崎健二,
粉体および粉末冶金,69巻,2号,2022年2月(出版: 粉体及び粉末冶金学会)
[4] 篠崎健二,
月刊OPTRONICS,No.466 (10月号),164-168ページ,2020年10月 (出版: 株式会社オプトロニクス社)
[3] 篠崎健二,
セラミックス誌,54巻 (9月号),611-614ページ,2019年9月(出版: 日本セラミックス協会)
[2] 篠崎健二,
NEW GLASS, 34巻, 1号, 15頁 ~ 20頁, 2019年3月 (出版: (一社)ニューガラスフォーラム)
[1] 篠崎健二、本間剛、小松高行,
NEW GLASS, 30巻, 2号, 12頁 ~ 17頁, 2015年07月 (出版: (一社)ニューガラスフォーラム)
[21] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Designing heterogeneity in glasses for outstanding properties
The 28th SANKEN International Symposium: Trans-scale Science and Technology for Future Society, Hyogo (Japan), January 10, 2025, (SANKEN)
[20] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Glass Structure Design for Ultrafast Nanocrystallization: Toward Oxyfluoride Glass-Ceramics Devices"
13th International Symposium on Crystallization in Glasses and Liquids, Orleans (France), October 22, 2024, (International Comission on Glass, TC07)
[19] (受賞記念講演) Kenji Shinozaki,
"Development of novel glasses and glass-ceramics by designing nano-scale heterogeneity"
International Comission on Glass (ICG) Annual Meeting 2024, Inchon (Korea), August 24, 2024, (International Comission on Glass)
[18] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Ultrafast Nucleation via Short- to Medium-Range Structural Similarity Between Fluoride Crystal and Oxyfluoride Glasses"
International Comission on Glass (ICG) Annual Meeting 2024, Inchon (Korea), August 24, 2024, (International Comission on Glass)
[17] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Toughening of glasses via metal nanoparticle incorporation at a small volume fraction"
2024 Glass & Optical Materials Division Annual Meeting, Las Vegas (USA), May 24, 2024, (American Ceramic Society)
[16] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Development of Transparent Nanocrystallization of Oxyfluoride Glasses in Melt-quenching Process by Glass Structure Design"
E-MRS 2023 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France), June 1, 2023, (European Materials Research Society)
[15] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Development of new glass materials toward sustainable society"
3rd Indo Japan Bilateral Symposium on Futuristic Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainable Development Goals, December 7, 2022.
[14] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Toughening of Glass by Imparting Ductility by Nanometals"
Materials Science (Materials-2022), Hybrid (Boston & Online), 3rd International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, Online, April 22, 2022.
[13] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Defect induction in crystals by glass crystallization method and its application for photonics"
Advanded Material Science 2022, Online, March 21, 2022.
[12] Kenji Shinozaki, Yoshiki Ishii, Koji Ohara, Go Okada, Daisuke Nakauchi, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida
"Structural design of new fluoroborate glasses for highly efficient photoluminescence and scintillation"
The 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem), Online, December 22, 2021 (the American Chemical Society).
[11] Kenji Shinozaki, Liu Lei
Toughening of Glass by Imparting Ductility via Morphologically Designed Precipitates
Materials Research Meeting 2021 (MRM2021), Yokohama, December 15, 2021. (The Materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-Japan)).
[10] Kenji Shinozaki, Go Okada, Kiminori Sato, Mario Affatigato
"Impact of glass crystallization method on the strain, defect formation, and thermoluminescence of YAG: Ce"
14th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 14), December 15, 2021 (the American Ceramic Society).
[9]Kenji Shinozaki, Yoshiki Ishii, Sohei Sukenaga, Koji Ohara, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagid
"Nanocrystallization of fluoroborate glasses and their structure, photoluminescence, and scintillation properties"
45th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Online, January 28, 2021(the American Ceramic Society).
[8] Kenji Shinozaki
"Photoluminescence in New Oxyfluoride Glasses with Designed Fluoride Segregation"
Online Summit On Carbon materials and Nanotechnology (CMAN- 2020| Chapter 2), Online, September 29, 2020 (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics/Management International Organisation)
[7] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Highly Efficient Wavelength Conversion Glasses,"
European Advanced Energy Materials and Technology Congress, Stockholm (Sweden), October 10, 2019 (International Association of Advanced Materials).
[6] Kenji Shinozaki, Sohei Sukenaga, Hiroyuki Shibata, Koji Ohara, Go Okada, Noriaki Kawaguchi, Takayuki Yanagida,
"Photoluminescence and Scintillation in New Oxyfluoride Glasses with Designed Fluoride Segregation"
The 2nd Global Forum on Advanced Materials and Technologies for Sustainable Development (GFMAT-2) and the 4th International Conference on Innovations in Biomaterials, Biomanufacturing and Biotechnologies (Bio-4), Tronto, July 25, 2019 (the American Ceramic Society).
[5] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Impact of ZnO on Glass Structure and Crystallization of BaF2 Nanocrystals in Fluoroborate Glass,"
35th International Korea-Japan Seminar on Ceramics (KJ-Ceramics35), Gangneung-shi (Korea), Novenber 23, 2018 (the Ceramic Society of Japan).
[4] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Synthesis of New Oxyfluoride Glasses Showing Highly Efficient Photoluminescence by Fabricating Fluoride Migration,"
6th assembly of Advanced Energy Materials World Congress (AEMWC 2018), Stockholm (Sweden), November 7, 2018 (International Association of Advanced Materials).
[3] Kenji Shinozaki,
"Luminescence and Synthesis of New Transparent Fluoroborate Glass-Ceramics with Nanocrystals and Their Glass Structure,"
The 12th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components for Energy and Environmental Applications (CMCEE 2018), Singhapole, July 25, 2018 (the American Ceramic Society).
[2] Kenji Shinozaki, Tomoko Akai, Mario Affatigato, Takayuki Komatsu,
"Impact of stress formation on crystal structure and luminescence in glass-ceramics synthesized by crystallization of glass and supercooled melts,"
12th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM 12), including Glass & Optical Materials Division Meeting (GOMD 2017) , Hawaii (USA), May 25, 2017 (the American Ceramic Society)
[1] Kenji Shinozaki, Mikiya Kotaka, Tsuyoshi Honma, Mario Affatigato, Takayuki Komatsu,
"Long Afterglow in Hexagonal SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ Glass-ceramics Synthesized Using Levitation Melting Technique,"
International Symposium on the Science of Engineering Ceramics, Niigata (Japan), May 12, 2016
[18] 篠崎健二、
2022年度ガラス表面・分析研究討論会-ガラスの均一・不均一 構造解析と欠点解析-、オンライン、2023年2月17日
[17] 篠崎健二、
[16] 篠崎健二、
[15] 篠崎健二、
日本セラミックス協会ガラス部会 第53回ガラス部会夏季若手セミナー、豊橋市、2022年9月1-3日
[14] 篠崎健二、
極限的励起状態の形成と量子エネルギー変換研究グループ 第7回研究会、石川、2022年8月1-3日
[13] 篠崎健二、
FRIS/TI-FRIS Retreat 2022、東北大、2022年7月21-22日
[12] 篠崎健二、
日本セラミックス協会関西支部 第16回学術講演会、オンライン、2022年7月9日
[11] 篠崎健二、
[10] 篠崎健二、
[9] 篠崎健二、
第66 回サイアロン研究会、オンライン(NIMS主催)、2020年9月24日
[8] 篠崎健二、
新無機膜研究会第87回研究会、京都大学 (京都)、2019年2月28日
[7] 篠崎健二、
「ガラス構造と結合性に基づき設計された 新規光機能ガラス及び結晶化ガラスの創成」、
日本セラミックス協会関西支部 平成 29 年度支部大会、ホテルメルパルク大阪(大阪)、2018年4月19日
[6] 篠崎健二、
「(2017年度進歩賞受賞講演)ガラス構造と結合性に基づき設計された 新規光機能ガラス及び結晶化ガラスの創成」、
[5] 篠崎健二、
[4] 篠崎健二、
第10回 次世代先端光化学研究会、金沢工業大学(金沢)、2016年9月1日
[3] 篠崎健二、
[2] 篠崎 健二、阿部 翔太、本間 剛、小松 高行、
[1] 篠崎健二、
若手研究者のフォトニクス材料研究会2015、北海道大学(札幌)、2015年8月25日- トップへ戻る