湊 翔平(Shohei Minato)
〒305-8567 茨城県つくば市梅園1-1-1 中央事業所7群
TEL:029-861-3511 (代表)
TEL:029-861-3511 (代表)
- 2012年3月 博士(工学) (京都大学)
- 2012年3月 京都大学大学院 工学研究科 博士後期課程 社会基盤工学専攻 単位取得
- 2007年3月 京都大学工学部 卒業
- 2023年4月 ~ 産業技術総合研究所 主任研究員
- 2012年6月 ~2023年3月 デルフト工科大学(オランダ) 研究員
- 2017年6月 ~2023年3月 応用地質株式会社 研究員
- 2012年4月 ~2012年5月 京都大学 研究員
- Kawasaki, Y., S. Minato, and R. Ghose, 2024, Subsoil density field reconstruction through 3-D FWI: a systematic comparison between vertical- and horizontal-force seismic sources, Geophysical Journal International, 236, 727-747.
- Minato, S. and R. Ghose, 2021, A novel principle to localize the sensitivity of waveform tomography using wave interferences at the observation boundary, Sci Rep 11, 22073
- Minato, S., K. Wapenaar, and R. Ghose, 2020, Elastic least-squares migration for quantitative reflection imaging of fracture compliances, Geophysics, 85, S327-S342.
- Hunziker, J., A. Greenwood, S. Minato, N. D. Barbosa, E. Caspari, and K. Holliger, 2020, Bayesian full-waveform inversion of tube waves to estimate fracture aperture and compliance, Solid Earth, 11(2), 657-668.
- Minato, S., R. Ghose, and G. Osukuku, 2018, Experimental verification of spatially varying fracture-compliance estimates obtained from amplitude variation with offset inversion coupled with linear slip theory, Geophysics, 83, WA1-WA8.
- Minato, S., R. Ghose, T. Tsuji, M. Ikeda, and K. Onishi, 2017, Hydraulic properties of closely spaced dipping open fractures intersecting a fluid-filled borehole derived from tube wave generation and scattering, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, 8003-8020.
- Tsuji, T., S. Minato, R. Kamei, T. Tsuru, and G. Kimura, 2017, 3D geometry of a plate boundary fault related to the 2016 Off-Mie earthquake in the Nankai subduction zone, Japan, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 478, 234 – 244.
- Suzaki, A., S. Minato, R. Ghose, C. Konishi, and N. Sakai, 2017, Modelling time-lapse shear-wave velocity changes in an unsaturated soil embankment due to water infiltration and drainage, First Break, 35(8), 81-90.
- Minato, S. and R. Ghose, 2017, Low-frequency guided waves in a fluid-filled borehole: Simultaneous effects of generation and scattering due to multiple fractures, Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 104902.
- Minato, S. and R. Ghose, 2016, Enhanced characterization of fracture compliance heterogeneity using multiple reflections and data-driven Green's function retrieval, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, 2813-2836.
- Minato, S. and R. Ghose, 2016, AVO inversion for a non-welded interface: estimating compliances of a fluid-filled fracture, Geophysical Journal International, 206, 56-62.
- Nishitsuji, Y., S. Minato, B. Boullenger, M. Gomez, K. Wapenaar, and D. Draganov, 2016, Crustal-scale reflection imaging and interpretation by passive seismic interferometry using local earthquakes, Interpretation, 4 (3), S29-SJ53.
- Minato, S. and R. Ghose, 2015, Nonlinear imaging condition and the effect of source illumination: Imaging fractures as nonwelded interfaces, Geophysics, 80, A25-A30.
- Minato, S. and R. Ghose, 2014, Imaging and characterization of a subhorizontal non-welded interface from point source elastic scattering response, Geophysical Journal International, 197, 1090-1095.
- Minato, S. and R. Ghose, 2014, Power spectral density of the heterogeneous fracture compliance from scattered elastic wavefield, Geophysics, 79(2), D67-D79.
- Minato, S. and R. Ghose, 2013, Inverse scattering solution for the spatially heterogeneous compliance of a single fracture, Geophysical Journal International, 195, 1878-1891.
- Minato, S., T. Matsuoka and T. Tsuji, 2013, Singular-value decomposition analysis of source illumination in seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution, Geophysics, 78(3),Q25–Q34.
- Minato, S., T. Tsuji, S. Ohmi, and T. Matsuoka, 2012, Monitoring seismic velocity change caused by the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake using ambient noise records, Geophysical Research Letters, 39(9), L09309.
- Minato, S., T. Tsuji, T. Matsuoka, and K. Obana, 2012, Crosscorrelation of earthquake data using stationary phase evaluation: Insight into reflection structures of oceanic crust surface in the Nankai Trough, International Journal of Geophysics, 2012, Article ID 101545, 8pages.
- Minato, S., T. Tsuji, T. Matsuoka, N. Nishizaka, and M. Ikeda, 2012, Global optimization by simulated annealing for common reflection surface stacking, and its application to low-fold marine data in Southwest Japan, Exploration Geophysics, 43(2), 59–69.
- Minato, S., T. Matsuoka, T. Tsuji, D. Draganov, J. Hunziker, and K. Wapenaar, 2011, Seismic interferometry using multidimensional deconvolution and crosscorrelation for crosswell seismic reflection data without borehole sources, Geophysics, 76, SA19–SA34.
- Minato, S., T. Tsuji, T. Noguchi, K. Shiraishi, T. Matsuoka, Y. Fukao, and G. Moore, 2009, Estimation of detailed temperature distribution of sea water using seismic oceanography [in Japanese], BUTSURI-TANSA, 62, 509–520.