
Essential Material of the March, 31, 2000 Eruption of Usu Volcano
   A. Tomiya, I. Miyagi, H. Hoshizumi, Y. Kawanabe, H. Sato 
     and Geological Research Group for the Usu Eruption

*Tomiya, A (tomiya@gsj.go.jp)
*Miyagi, I (imiyagi@gsj.go.jp)
*Hoshizumi, H (hoshizum@gsj.go.jp)
*Kawanabe, Y (yagi@gsj.go.jp)
*Sato H (hsatoh@gsj.go.jp)

(*) Geological Survey of Japan, 1-1-3, Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
305-8567, Japan

The March, 31 eruption is the first and the largest explosion in the 2000 eruptive activity of Usu volcano. It is regarded as a phreato-magmatic eruption, however, its climactic stage may be nearly a magmatic eruption. This eruption produced small amount of pumice, "Us-2000pm", and at least tens of thousand tons of volcanic ash. In the ash, we found two types of volcanic glass; one is microlite-rich glass "Us-2000g", and the other is microlite-free clear glass "Us-2000t". About a half of the ash is Us-2000g, whereas Us-2000t is few percent. Among these products, we determined which is the essential materials of this eruption. [pumice] Us-2000pm is similar to Us-1977 (the pumice of the 1977-78 eruption) in appearance, however, our analyses shows that magnetite composition of Us-2000pm is different from that of Us-1977. Therefore, it is not recycled pumice of Us-1977, but essential material of the eruption. [ash] Us-2000t is identified as recycled Toya pyroclastic flow deposits (ca. 100ka) because of similar glass composition. Us-2000g is undistinguishable with Us-1977 in glass composition and oxygen isotope ratio. However, magnetite composition of Us-2000g is different from Us-1977 and the same as Us-2000pm. Therefore, Us-2000g is essential material as well as Us-2000pm. Accordingly, about a half of the products of the 31 March eruption is essential. We also discuss the eruption processes deduced from geological, petrographical and geochemical data. Deduced from similarilty in bulk rock composition and petrographical characters between Us-2000pm and Us-1977, unimodal magnetite composition of Us-2000pm/g (no evidence for magma mixing), and existence of 'relict' phenocrysts which was also contained in Us-1977, we propose that the Us-2000 magma is the residual magma of the 1977 eruption. We also estimated the fragmentation depth of the magma by means of water content in the matrix glass of Us-2000g analysed by SIMS. The measured water content of 2.5 plus-minus 0.5 wt.% is corresponding to about 1.5-3.5km deep, if we suppose water saturation and lithostatic pressure at the fragmentation. This is considerably deeper than the estimated aquifer. Thus, we propose that the Us-2000 magma was highly vesiculated and possibly fragmented below the aquifer.

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Akihiko TOMIYA or Isoji MIYAGI